At 2012-07-26 14:43, Frederik Ramm wrote:

On 26.07.2012 19:10, Johan Jönsson wrote:
Sometimes there is a discussion on how to tag differnt kind of awards and

It is possible that the organisation publishing the ratings has some sort of copyright or database right to them. For example I don't think it will be legal to copy TripAdvisor ratings into OSM.

This may be an FAQ, but if a shop posts their awards in public view, don't we have fair use to note it in our data, much like a photographer has a right to photograph, or a news reporter has a right to report, something in public view?

What about if the shop advertises on their own or another website, or in a magazine, with that award displayed?

Lastly, what about health-department grades, created and (usually) published by public agencies - something I'd like to import and update locally at least? I "know" that if it's data created by a US Federal agency, it's public domain, but what about US state and local governments (does the same law -- use of public funds = public domain -- apply)?

Alan Mintz <>

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