I am wondering if anyone have considered the laws of some countries, at
least Sweden, that states that maps and other forms of landscape
information should be reviewed before published. This of defense
considerations. Probably there is some limitation of the jurisdiction
that makes Swedish laws void for OSM.

I am asking because I´m downloading part of the OSM-data to my
computer. Thereby setting up a database of swedish landscape information
in Sweden, so the laws must apply to me. I have sent in an application
for a permit to keep the database and later on (when I got the
conversions working properly) will make some maps of the neighbourhood
for wikipedia.

If you already have a permit for the whole data-base, I wouldn´t have
to seek one myself.

The applicable law is:
Lag (1993:1742) om skydd för landskapsinformation
and regulation: 
Förordning (1993:1745) om skydd för landskapsinformation

Keep on the good work
/Johan Jönsson

The swedish authority Lantmäteriet have started a nice project
Geodata.se in accordance with the European INSPIRE directive, hopefully
that will be of benefit for us later on.

  Johan Jönsson

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