Hello Swappers,
Shipping is from; eBay id gabrielxdiamond Gabriel Diamond Seattle, WA
PayPal to <metam...@gmail.com> is preferred.
Bundle discounts available. Shipping USPS Flat Rate Priority.
International shipping add $5 handling charge.
Thank you for looking!

I have 2 x 1GB DDR PC3200 400MHz 184 Pin DIMMs.
These are matching pairs of sticks pulled from a Power Mac G5 2.0 DP
$30 shipped in conus

3 Kingston x 512MB SDRAM Memory Modules 1.5GB
KVR133X64C3/512 -PC133 -Non-ECC -SDRAM -168-pin $24

3 x  512 MB SDRAM Memory Module = 1.5GB
133MHz SDRAM - 168-pin $21

1 Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 3.5 Hard Drive Capacity :  250 GB Hard
Drive Interface Type :  UltraATA/100  8 MB Storage Controller Type :
ATA-100 HardDrivePart:  ST3250820A $45

1 IBM Deskstar 120GB IDE  120GXP 7200RPM 2MB 07N8086
IC35L120AVVA07-0   $25

1 Maxtor 120gb 3.5 inch ide 7200 k desktop hard drive - 6Y120P0 $20

1 Genuine APPLE USB Wired Optical Mighty Mouse A1152 $15

1 Quicksilver PSU apple P/N: 614-0146 w/ mounting bracket and screws

1 Apple SuperDrive 104 DVD-RW Drive w/ mounting screws $12

1 Quicksilver processor fan assembly with a Thermaltake fan in the
cowl $5

1 Quicksilver processor fan assembly with a Sunon fan in the cowl $5

1 Quicksilver Case fan and mounting bracket $7

1 Quicksilver Front Panel board $5

1 Quicksilver Speaker Assembly $5

1 Quicksilver LED power button board $5

1 Quicksilver Modem filter and 56k Modem $5

1 Quicksilver 800mhz motherboard $9
1 Quicksilver 800mhz processor [820-1344-A] and heat sink assembly $9

1 Samsung SD-616 DVD-Master 16E DVD ROM Drive w/ mounting screws $9

1 Airport Extreme Card [825-6235-A] $18

1 ATI 7500 32mb AGP ADC/VGA graphics card $18

1 RagePro128 VGA only graphics card $5

1 Hitachi Travelstar 2.5 in 40gb laptop hd $12

1 Apple Wireless Mouse model A1015 $9

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