[L-I] another russian world war two song-"the sacred war".

2001-02-19 Thread MarxistMark



   this has been quoted as the most famous of the 
russian songs sang during the war.

 cheers m

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[L-I] Dry Rot- The Far Right Targets the Left

2001-02-19 Thread Macdonald Stainsby

DRY ROT -- The Far Right Targets The Left.
By Will Offley

Canadian Dimension, January/February 2001
Volume 35, Number 1

Like most huge events in history, the fall of the Berlin Wall shook our
world.  In doing so it also changed the ground rules of politics.

Whether you call it paradigm shift or merely the temporary triumph of
neo-liberalism, the dust from the Wall's collapse has clouded our vision
for nearly a decade.  Without exception, currents of the left around the
world have found themselves disoriented and scrambling to create a new
vision and a new political framework within which to organize and to
fight.  This has not only been true for the traditional Communist Parties,
but for the non-Stalinist and anti-Stalinist left as well.

The left has not yet been able to reconstitute a coherent vision of the
new world we want to see issue from the ashes of the old, nor have we
articulated the strategy or programme or organizations necessary to make
that happen.  As a result, radical left politics have remained largely
confined to "anti" politics for a decade or more: anticorporate,
anti-globalization, anticapitalist.  We have remained locked down behind
the relatively easy bulwark of what we're against, rather than venturing
out into the exposed and more dangerous terrain of defining what we're
for.  In addition, in some sectors there have been marked tendencies to
view the capitalist system through the lens of conspiracism and
irrationality, where plots and conspiracies replace class interests and
mass politics as the motor forces of human society.

This weakening of its culture, institutions and politics have rendered
some sectors of the broad left vulnerable to the conscious and organized
predation being carried out in Canada by a specific current of the far
right. In the U.S. this dates back as far as the Gulf War, where
neo-fascist currents like the Larouche organization and Spotlight sought
to attach themselves to the movement against the war.

Is the Canadian left immune from this sort of targeting?  No.

Is the situation any different now, a decade later?  Yes and no.

Yes, because Seattle has led to Washington, and from there to Philadelphia
and L.A. and Windsor and Prague.  Quebec will be next, and it won't be the
end.  The rise of the struggle in the streets against globalization marks
the end of ten years of demoralization and confusion.

There is a new dynamism and a new optimism, and if the path ahead is only
partially visible, at least we're collectively underway again.

However, one has only to look at Seattle to see that the growth of far
right currents within and alongside the left and progressive movements has
increased visibly over the decade.  There are also indicators that point
to a change =96 during the Gulf War, the far right was active on the
fringes, but by Seattle it seemed to be active at the very centre of
things.  While the young militants faced down the cops and the gas in
downtown Seattle, on a leadership level elements of that movement were
being increasingly compromised politically by a de facto convergence
between Ralph Nader and the most important far-right leader in the United
States, the semi-fascist Pat Buchanan.  Five months later during the April
16th mobilizations in Washington, Buchanan shared a stage with Teamster
leader Jimmy Hoffa Jr. as an invited guest of the AFL-CIO.

Antiglobalist politics are not the exclusive preserve of the left.
Though it springs from different roots, Buchanan's opposition to
globalization and free trade is as genuine as ours.  He just takes it in a
direction diametrically opposed to everything else we stand for =96
protectionism, racism, exclusion.  Not only that, there have been plenty
of examples this century to show the far right can be anti-corporate too.

Throughout the 1920's Hitler's Nazi Party contained a minority current led
by Gregor and Otto Strasser that was inalterably opposed to the German
trusts... as well as the Jews, the Communists, Social Democrats, gays and
lesbians, unions, etc.

Nor is the far right confined solely to the hardcore neo-Nazism of the
Heritage Front or the Northern Hammerskins.  It's relatively easy to ward
off the interventions of groups that put swastikas on their literature.
It's considerably more difficult when the politics of the groups in
question are cloaked in progressive rhetoric and hidden behind coded
language. Between Wolfgang Droege and Stockwell Day there is a whole swamp
of currents and organizations =96 conspiracist, anti-Semitic, some with
hidden fascist agendas, some totalitarian, some merely far right.

Some of these are targeting the left.  There is reason to be concerned.


Although they're based at different ends of the country, they seem to be
made for each other.

The Radical is a monthly tabloid published in Quesnel, B.C. since June
1998 by Arthur Topham, a self-described anarchist who regards himself as
"a natural, sovereign and unique critter who doesn't need an

[L-I] Speeches on Russian-American future relations (1)

2001-02-19 Thread Macdonald Stainsby

SOURCE: FEDERAL NEWS SERVICE (http://www.fednews.ru/)


 Collins:  Thank you, Professor Yasin, and I thank all of the
organizers of this conference.
 I think it touches a very important element in the US-Russia
relationship which I think really is a complex and comprehensive
and often complicated relationship.  But that element is the
economic relations between the United States and the Russian
Federation -- a segment of our relationship which I believe,
despite the efforts of a decade of considerable dedication and
considerable creativity, still remains far from the kind of support
for a stable and normal relationship between our countries that it
should become.  And I believe that -- myself and my colleagues here
at the Embassy are persuaded that the economic relationship is
something which must receive priority attention over the coming
several years.
 Now, fortunately, I think, in our judgment, conditions exist
today that have not existed for some time that provide reason to
think that the growth and development of the economic relationship,
in a serious and constructive way, is a real and distinct
opportunity.  And a critical element is for the private sectors and
our governments to work together to realize its potential.  I would
simply point to two reasons for this judgment.
 First, the Russian economy has done far better in the last
year or the last year and a half than almost anyone would have
predicted two years ago.  It seems to us that a foundation is in
place for solid change to attract investment, to build a normal
business relationship, and to create the conditions for Russians
and Americans together to do constructive, profitable business
between us is beginning to take shape (sic).  Nevertheless, it's
going to take a fair amount -- indeed, a lot -- of work on the part
of both of our countries to see that those trends continue.  We
cannot take for granted that high oil prices or the particularly
good growth rates of this past year will just continue
automatically, and it's very important, in our judgment, to take
advantage of the opportunities these particular events and these
particular circumstances provide.
 The second opportunity which I believe is profoundly important
for Russia's emergence as a major partner for the United States and
for many other countries of the world is Russia's determined effort
to join the World Trade Organization.  It's the judgment, in many
ways, of my colleagues and myself that, in the decade of the '90s,
whatever the shortcomings and whatever the successes, there was one
basic achievement, and that is that Russia found the means to
achieve macroeconomic stability.  But the next stage really comes
with what may, in fact, be a much harder and longer process:  How
do you now integrate and develop the business at the micro-level
that will make the relations between Russia and the rest of its
partners outside a profitable and constructive one that will
benefit all?
 We believe the key to that process is going to lie in the
acceptance of the World Trade Organization by Russia and its entry
into that organization, because that should produce the reforms and
the changes that will make Russia increasingly more competitive and
increasingly more attractive. I believe I can say with confidence
that the American government will support Russia's effort to enter
the World Trade Organization, and we are hopeful that that will
become a priority and remain a priority, as it is today, for the
government of President Putin and the Russian Federation.
 So I look forward to the conference, and I thank all of you
for taking the time to participate.  Thank you very much.


 Moderator: I would like to give the floor over to State Duma
deputy chairman Irina Khakamada.

 Khakamada: I would like to welcome the participants and make
a brief report that will consist of two parts. The first part
analyzes the political situation and current relations between
Russia and the United States of America. The second part is devoted
to the new stage of Russia's economic development and the creation
of a new, more favorable investment environment in the country.
 Some time ago Russia and the US announced that they were
building a strategic partnership. I think that the current stage of
our relations may be characterized as some cooling. I think this
may be connected with objective problems which Russia is
experiencing in its partnership with the US.
 First of all, there are great disproportions in the
development of our countries. Second, Russia's socio-economic and
political structure does not meet partnership requirements. Third,
there is too much opti

[L-I] Speeches on Russian-American future relations (2)

2001-02-19 Thread Macdonald Stainsby

(Continued from part 1)

 First of all, this concerns the reduction of licensed types of
activities. Second -- legal regulation of all administrative
checks, regulation of these checks and their distribution among
agencies. Third comes the law on uniform registration of all legal
entities on the principle of application through a single window.
Fourth -- a simplified system of registering rights to real estate
and land for urban construction. There must be a simplified
procedure to get permits to carry out investment projects, these
permits being issued through a single window. We also need a huge
number of various amendments to make all these laws work. 
 This package is a very serious one. In reality it means the
removal of a part of bureaucratic barriers between business and the
corresponding level of state regulation. These laws should expect
tough sailing through government and parliament. 
 The third direction is corporate culture and corporate
regulation. It is common knowledge that in Russia market
capitalization is becoming some sort of a new fashion in the
behavior of companies but not yet a rule of the game. That is why
the Duma is now discussing a tremendous number of amendments to the
law on joint stock companies, the law on the use of inside
information, the so-called law on affiliated persons, which is also 
initiated by the right-wingers in parliament. The government also
is working hard to create a corporate code, a code of corporate
behavior to ensure a new culture in the fulfillment of contracts.
These are to be voluntary rules with a subsequent increased
responsibility for their observance. 
 And, of course, the creation of general conditions for
investments. We are now discussing new problems pertaining to the
law on production sharing agreements. There are attempts of just a
more formal approach to this problem -- just to increase quotas.
But at the same time everybody understands very well that even
under the old quota all the three agreements were signed. The
problem, therefore, is not in determining quotas but in creating
conditions for the quick fulfillment of contracts. All this now
being discussed in the Duma.
 I believe the government is moving slowly with the
introduction of Western accounting standards. These are elementary
technical things which we have been discussing for 10 years now.
Still, even the new simplified standards bear the stamp of Russian
specificity. There is no desire to move to purely Western,
transparent, normal and unified rules of the game. How can this be
explained? I believe this question should be posed to the
government. But that would be a serious incentive to investors. 
 And the protection of the rights of minority shareholders. The
Duma adopted amendments to the law on joint stock company. The
Federation Council turned them down. The problem of overcoming this
veto will be discussed next week. I believe that there is
absolutely correct criticism concerning the structure of government
and the level of manageability. I mean the entire administrative
system in Russia. I believe that in the next three-four years we
will witness in Russia attempts to create conditions to change the
Constitution, to change the territorial and administrative
arrangement of Russia. You see, the seven federal districts are not
yet as effective as one would have wanted them to be. Primorye
Territory has demonstrated this. Despite the existence of both
federal governors and ministers and local authorities nothing still
 The second problem is to change the structure of government.
The matter is not in personalities. The question is in determining
the political component of economic reforms. To this day neither
Putin nor the Prime Minister have said what they intend to build in
Russia, have not said what their basic values are and what a
political system they would like to see in Russia as a result of
their efforts and the passage of some number of years. Before we
have clarity on this it is impossible to form a professional
government. We lack a professional with tremendous political
weight, be it the president or the prime minister, who would ensure
the uniform ideology of the economic reforms.
 Before we solve this main problem it would be possible to
solve at least the smaller problem of changing the structure of the
government to make it more manageable and effective. This is the
second direction in the field of administrative reforms that will
be pursued shortly, I believe. These are the conditions, both
political and economic, that I believe are necessary for further
cooperation between Russia and the United States of America.
 Thank you.


 Yasin: Thank you, Irina Matsuovna. I would now like to say a
few words in conclusion of our session. First of all, I would like
to subscribe to many things said by Mr. Aksakov and Madam
Khakamada. But I would also want to state

[L-I] Algunas noticias de interés

2001-02-19 Thread Gorojovsky
El 19 Feb 01, a las 18:40, Agencia NOVA Noticias dijo:

NOVA 8.958  

LA PLATA, Febrero 19 (Agencia NOVA) La Delegación Provincia de Buenos Aires de  la Cámara de la Construcción dijo que la empresa Aguas Argentinas convoca  licitaciones en territorio bonaerense que carecen de transparencia" y que  excluyen a las firmas afiliadas a esa entidad.  La denuncia fue confirmada  a esta Agencia por el propio titular de la Delegación, Ingeniero Andrés  Domínguez, que señaló que "nos parece mentira que se pueda proceder con esta  falta de transparencia por que nuestra cámara no ha tomado conocimiento de  algunas licitaciones que se han realizado".  "Por averiguaciones propias y  de algunos municipios hemos podido confirmar que se ocultan datos sobre  licitaciones y a las pocas horas se abren los sobres con los invitados que a  ellos (por Aguas Argentinas)les parecían", afirmó Domínguez.  Al mismo  tiempo, Domínguez agregó que "los argentinos estamos hartos de la falta de  transparencia y nosotros no vamos a tolerar eso en ningún lugar porque  pretendemos una competencia digna y pura".  El directivo , sin hacer  nombres, habló de "intemediarios" que "provocan que los costos de esas  licitaciones sean realmente altos y eso se traduce en aumentos de tarifas a  usuarios o sea que no sólo afecta a las empresas que realmente hacen el trabajo  y cobran muy por debajo de esos costos". 

NOVA 8.964  
LA PLATA, Febrero 19 (Agencia NOVA) La Secretaría de Estado anunciaría  posiblemente el jueves próximo la reglamentación de la Ley de Mediería, con el  objetivo de afianzar la relación laboral de los trabajadores que hoy no tienen  sustento adecuado.  El jueves, productores frutihortícolas de la provincia - encabezados por entidades que nuclean a trabajadores de nuestra región- dirigentes e instituciones de todo el país, la ministra de Trabajo Patricia  Bullrich, se reunirán en la sede central de la cartera laboral, donde la  Secretaría de Estado anunciará probablemente en conferencia de Prensa la  reglamentación de la Ley de Mediería.  Según dijo el diputado Jorge Orozco,  la situación de los trabajadores de la producción lo llevó a interceder,  además, en el conflicto que actualmente mantienen productores de cebolla de  Patagones, Villariño y Bahía Blanca (8000 familias bonaerenses), "que por  problemas arancelarios y de un doble control fitosanitario, se ven  imposibilitados de exportar dicho producto a Brasil.  Y luego agregó que  a raíz del alto costo que generan esas medidas, se conforma un precio con el  cual es muy difícil competir en un país que hoy no logra autoabastecerse y que  es un excelente mercado para nosotros". 

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[L-I] Re: noticias

2001-02-19 Thread Gorojovsky
El 19 Feb 01, a las 13:36, Agencia NOVA Noticias dijo:

NOV 8.946  
CAPITAL FEDERAL, Febrero 19 (Agencia NOVA) La misma encuesta que puso de  manifiesto un incremento de la imagen positiva del gobernador bonaerense,  Carlos Ruckauf, refleja un apoyo a la gestión del presidente Fernando de la Rúa  sólo del 25 por ciento, no obstante lo cual refleja un rechazo superior al 60  por ciento al paro dispuesto por la CGT oficial para el 1 de marzo. La medición  realizada por la consultora Analogías entre el 22 y el 28 de enero pasado  indica que el 53,3 por ciento de la gente cree que el presidente De la Rúa “NO”  está haciendo un buen trabajo como jefe de Estado, al tiempo que sólo el 25,1  por ciento sostiene que “SI” está haciendo una buena gestión. Del mismo modo,  la encuesta puso de manifiesto que el 65,7 por ciento de los consultados cree  que De la Rúa “NO” trabaja duro para mejorar las condiciones de los pobres”,  mientras que sólo el 18,8 por ciento cree lo contrario. A su vez, el 61,5 por  ciento se inclinó por opinar que De la Rúa “NO” trabaja duro para parar la  delincuencia, siendo positiva sólo en un 23,2 por ciento la imagen del gobierno  en ese sentido. Por otra parte, el 63,1 por ciento no cree que el gobierno  nacional trabaje duro para crear empleo, el 22,3 sostiene que sí lo hace y un  14,1 por ciento asegura que “más o menos”. Respecto de la relación con el  espectro de fuerzas políticas y sindicales, la medición puso de manifiesto que  la mayoría de la gente, un 38,3 por ciento, no cree que De la Rúa esté peleando  mucho con el PJ, aunque el 39 por ciento sostiene que tiene una mala relación  con los gremios y el 36 sostiene que esta última es buena. Esta encuesta que  pone de manifiesto un supuesto deterioro del gobierno, no se ve complementado  por un incremento de la adhesión a las medidas de fuerza contra la gestión  dispuestas por el sindicalismo. A saber, la mayor parte de la gente consultada  rechaza el paro nacional al que convocó la CGT para el próximo 1 de marzo, en  rechazo a la desregulación de las obras sociales. Este rechazo es más  acentuado, con un 74,2 por ciento, en la Capital Federal, mientras que en el  Gran Buenos Aires, la no adhesión es del 70,8 por ciento. Lo mismo ocurre en la  provincia de Buenos Aires, donde el rechazo al paro es del 67,3 por ciento,  mientras que en el interior del país el cuestionamiento a la medida gremial es  del 59,6. Todo esto se traduce en un 64,7 por ciento de rechazo en todo el país  y un solo un 31,8 por ciento de apoyo a la medida que tendrá lugar en marzo. 

NOVA 8.947  
LA PLATA, Febrero 16 (Agencia NOVA) “La microempresa es el sector más débil de  la economía argentina, y se determinó -por un cruce de estadísticas- que  existen 2 millones de microempresas en el país¨, aseguró el vicepresidente de  la Federación de la Cámara de Microempresas de la provincia, Juan Bautista  Zitti. La Federación de Microempresas estableció en el año ´97, la sanción de  la ley 11.936 que los separa de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES), lo  cual produjo la creación de una identidad propia. Además, se estableció un  techo para las microempresas que facturan un monto aproximado a los 240 mil  pesos anuales. Por su parte, el vicepresidente del FECAMI afirmó que ¨esta  recesión económica que estamos viviendo desde hace tiempo, indudablemente, a  afectado a todos los bolsillos de la gente, pero mucho más a los más chicos; y  esto lo saben, mejor que nadie, los microempresarios¨. ¨A los microempresarios  –agregó- los afecta la gran carga impositiva; los afecta la legislación del  Banco Central que los margina de la posibilidad de créditos. Es por eso que el  60% de la población está fuera del sistema bancario¨. Cabe recordar, que la  Federación de Microempresas de la provincia es una entidad de segundo grado que  viene trabajando desde 1991 y que conforma su federación en 1995, agrupando hoy  casi 70 Cámaras en la provincia. Por ello, su función es agruparse, ya que  –además de tener un poder muy fuerte en sí mismo-, es el sector más numeroso de  la economía y el que más trabajo genera. En tanto, el vicepresidente Zitti  señaló que “estamos haciendo una campaña, para que los intendentes de todos los  municipios entiendan y sean ellos los que empiecen a dar el ejemplo de proteger  a sus trabajadores y que no los maten con los impuestos. En ese sentido añadió  que “en estos años de trabajo hemos conseguido capacitación para la gente;  algunos convenios con sectores del gobierno y sólo le pedimos a la provincia  que se acuerden del trabajador y del empresario más chiquito, porque también  tiene derecho a una vivienda”. ¨Los concejales y los intendentes de las 70  cámaras, mencionadas, tienen que legislar para sus microempresarios porque son  el tejido social de la empresa de cada pueblo. No los tienen

[L-I] (Spanish) Struggle of former oil company employees in Argentina

2001-02-19 Thread Gorojovsky

Johannes Schneider has recently forwarded something to marxmail which may
certainly benefit from the reading of the following pieces of news
--- Forwarded message follows ---


La salida extrajudicial que reclaman los desocupados de YPF para el
cobro de las acciones obreras de la ex petrolera estatal, parece
cada día más lejana. El diálogo del sector con el viceministro de
Desarrollo social, Gerardo Morales, y el secretario de Provincias del
Ministerio del Interior, Walter Ceballos, quedó bruscamente
interrumpido. “Ambos funcionarios nos dijeron que cortemos las
rutas y hagamos lo que se nos ocurra”, manifestó, aún sorprendido,
Héctor Rodríguez, secretario general de la Mesa Coordinadora
Nacional de los ex trabajadores de YPF, cuando el jueves 15 dialogó
con el periodismo.

La última reunión mantenida por representantes de ex trabajadores
de YPF de Salta, Mendoza, Neuquén, Plaza Huincul y Río Negro con
Morales y Ceballos terminó con una inaudita sugerencia de ambos
funcionarios a desocupados del Norte salteño: “Corten las rutas y
hagan lo que quieran”. La salida del viceministro de Desarrollo Social
y el secretario de Provincias del Ministerio del Interior, indicó
Rodríguez, “surgió cuando les advertimos que veníamos de un
departamento con un alto índice de desocupación y con una paz
social sumamente precaria. A viva voz –explicó- nos desafiaron a que
hagamos lo que se nos ocurra, porque, en definitiva, ellos estaban a
miles de kilómetros de Tartagal”.

Rodríguez interpretó la réplica de los funcionarios nacionales como
“una provocación innecesaria de quienes no quieren acercar ninguna
solución y borran con el codo lo que escriben con la mano”, graficó el
dirigente. Aclaró que la lucha de los ex trabajadores de YPF no está
ligada a partidismo alguno. “Le reclamamos al gobierno nacional,
porque ocurre que son sus autoridades las que deben responder por
la situación planteada tras la privatización de YPF. Los gobiernos
provinciales –añadió- deben acompañarnos en la cuestión social”.

El secretario general de la Mesa Coordinadora recordó que la
Nación, por intermedio de Ceballos y Morales, firmó un primer
acuerdo con este sector de desocupados el 27 de noviembre del año
pasado. “Desde entonces se pasearon por todo el país diciendo que
aquel no era un acuerdo sino una mera y simple expectativa de los ex
trabajadores de YPF. Y sus personeros, en lugar de defender el
interés de la región, defienden a estas funcionarios a capa y
espada”, sostuvo Rodríguez.

En el mismo orden, indicó que el pasado 20 de diciembre “pusimos de
manifiesto una vez más la necesidad de que el gobierno nacional nos
dé una respuesta. Morales y Ceballos proponían ideas y decían que
podían solucionarlo todo con el blindaje financiero, o con recursos
del propio presupuesto nacional, de modo que se comprometieron a
darnos una respuesta hasta pasado el 31 de enero”, acotó Rodríguez.
Tras aludir al malestar generado en el sector por las provocativas
respuestas deMorales y Ceballos, el presidente de la Mesa
Coordinadora Nacional de los ex trabajadores de YPF lamentó que
“ambos ahora nos manden a cortar las rutas y a hacer lo que nos
ocurra porque, en definitiva, no les importa lo que sucede a 1.800
kilómetros de Buenos Aires”.- XXX


El presidente de la Mesa Coordinadora Nacional de ex trabajadores
de YPF, Roberto González, señaló que el sector tomará “drásticas
medidas de fuerza, si el gobierno nacional persiste en su actitud de
indiferencia” a la delicada situación socio-económica planteada en el
Norte salteño luego de la privatización de la petrolera estatal.

Los reclamos, subrayó González, no apuntan a solucionar únicamente
los problemas de los ex trabajadores de YPF del departamento San
Martín. “Luchamos por una solución definitiva para toda la región,
por la posibilidad de generar fuentes de trabajo para nosotros que,
con un promedio de 50 años de edad, estamos viejos para conseguir
un empleo. Lo que esperamos –recalcó- son respuestas para nuestros
hijos, que quieren tener una vida digna, y para este departamento
que hace diez años sufrió en carne propia las consecuencias de lo
que fue la venta de YPF”, subrayó González.

El dirigente indicó que la Mesa Coordinadora envió una carta
documento al Ejecutivo Nacional. “Le dimos al presidente Fernando
de la Rúa un plazo perentorio para que atienda nuestro reclamo, pero
como respuesta nos enviaron una nota firmada por un asesor de
Walter Ceballos. La hoja ni siquiera tiene un membrete y llegó a una
cabina telefónica de Aguaray sin ningún destinatario fijo”, remarcó

El titular de la Mesa Coordinadora consideró el envío de esta nota
como “un agravio hacia quienes estamos reclamando lo que es justo”.
González aseguró que hoy, lunes a las 18, se t


2001-02-19 Thread Tony Abdo

Abolish 'legal' lynchings
By Anya Mukarji-Connolly 

On Feb. 7, the state of Missouri executed Stanley D. Lingar, a gay man
convicted of killing a teenager in 1985. This execution of Lingar and
that of disabled African American lesbian Wanda Jean Allen in Oklahoma
are two of the four recent death-penalty cases that have received
national attention due to the severe homophobia that permeated their

In the case of Stanley Lingar, the only issue raised in the sentencing
phase of his trial was the fact that he and his co-defendant were
involved in a consensual same-sex relationship. 
An attorney representing Lingar said that the aim of telling the jury
about the defendant's sexuality was to "inflame a homophobic jury from a
rural area with prejudicial evidence that Lingar was a practicing
homosexual, a fact that the prosecution believed the jury would find
morally offensive." 

Lingar appealed to the U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, which refused
to overturn his conviction. The court held that the introduction of his
homosexuality to the jury was "harm less" and "did not contribute to the
jury's death verdict." 

In Texas, the case of Calvin Burdine has gained national publicity.
Burdine's original trial attorney slept through portions of the trial.
And when the lawyer was awake, he remained silent when the prosecutor
made homophobic arguments to the jury. 

The most outrageous of these remarks was the prosecutor's urging the
jury to sentence Burdine to death rather than life imprisonment because
sending "a homosexual to the penitentiary certainly isn't a very bad

The jury was made up of a number of jurors who had expressed anti-gay
views before being chosen. This was also not objected to by Burdine's
original attorney. During the trial, the prosecutor used a 1971 "sodomy"
conviction resulting from a consensual sexual relationship to argue that
Burdine was likely to commit criminal violent acts in the future. 

In 1999 Burdine's conviction was overturned, not based on the homophobia
that dominated his trial, but rather on the denial of his right to
counsel. The court reasoned that unconscious or sleeping counsel is
equivalent to no counsel at all. An appeals court then voted to
reinstate the conviction. Now on appeal to the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of
Appeals, the court has held that the case must be reheard. 

In the case of Wanda Jean Allen, an African American lesbian who was
executed on Jan. 11 by the state of Oklahoma, the prosecutor labeled
Allen as the "man" in the relationship in order to persuade the jury
that she was more capable of being violent. 

Allen and Lingar, both recently executed, suffered from brain
disabilities. Allen suffered from severe developmental disability
resulting from skull traumas. Lingar's attorney also argued that his
client was borderline developmentally disabled. 

The fourth of these recent death penalty cases involving gay and lesbian
defendants is the case of Gregory Scott Dickens in Arizona. Dickens,
along with his co-defendant and former boyfriend, were charged with the
1991 robbery and murder of two people. 

Dickens, who did not pull the trigger, was sentenced to death, while his
co-defendant who testified for the prosecution was sentenced to 55 years
in prison. 

Dickens' attorney argues that he did not receive a fair trail because
the judge was homophobic. Judge Cole, who presided over Dickens's trial,
had written several letters to his own gay son saying things such as, "I
hope you die in prison like all the rest of your ft friends." 

Judge Cole maintains that he was capable of handling Dickens's case
In this society the death penalty has been used arbitrarily to punish
members of oppressed communities. It is used disproportionately against
the poor and people of color. 

Over 3,200 individuals--disproportionately people of color-- sit on
death row in the United States. None of them are wealthy. Prior to 1976,
the Supreme Court held that the death penalty was illegal because of its
racist use. 

Today, it is clear that the death penalty is also used to inflict severe
punishment on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. 

Capitalist society is built on a foundation of racism, sexism and
anti-lesbian/ gay/ bi/trans oppression. It is no accident then that this
ideology pervades the criminal injustice system and its laws--both
created to protect private ownership of wealth and property, not the
lives of poor and working people. 

It's time to wage a large-scale fight to abolish the racist, bigoted use
of the death penalty--a weapon of terror in the hands of the capitalist

And lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people of all nationalities have
been in the forefront of this struggle, particularly in the battle to
save the life of death-row political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal. 

- END - 
(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to copy and
distribute verbatim copies of this d

Re: [L-I] Socialism, Regionalism, & Pan-Africanism (was Learning)

2001-02-19 Thread LROBERTS46
Didn't Mao foment revolution in a mainly agraian society?

[L-I] RTS Chief Arrested for NATO bombing; Miloshevich Stripped of Security

2001-02-19 Thread Borba100

The URL for his article is 
[Emperor's Clothes]

RTS Chief Arrested for NATO bombing; 
Miloshevich Stripped of Security 

By Milos Zorich - Special to Emperor's Clothes
Translated by N. Malich

BELGRADE, Thursday, February 15, 2001 – Several hundred demonstrators rallied 
yesterday outside the Serbian Parliament in Belgrade. They were protesting 
the arrest of Dragolyub Milanovich, former director of Serbian 
Radio-Television (RTS). 

Officially, Mr. Milanovich is being detained under suspicion that he could 
have prevented the deaths of sixteen RTS employees killed when NATO warplanes 
bombed the RTS studios on April 23, 1999. 

The remarkable accusation that the Serbian TV chief is guilty for the NATO 
attack originated from Carla del Ponte, Chief Prosecutor of the War Crimes 

After her January trip to Belgrade, Ms. Del Ponte was asked what she planned 
to do about NATO crimes like the RTS bombing. She countered by charging that 
former Yugoslav President Slobodan Miloshevich was guilty because he had been 
"notified in advance" of NATO’s decision to bomb the TV network in the heart 
of Belgrade. She claimed that he and top RTS managers wanted workers to be 
killed to score a propaganda victory. 

Ms. Del Ponte promised to produce evidence; she has not. Demonstrators accuse 
del Ponte of launching a propaganda campaign to shift the blame for NATO's 
war crimes onto Yugoslav shoulders. 

They charge that Belgrade District Court judge Vuchko Mirchich lent 
credibility to del Ponte when he ordered Mr. Milanovich detained for a month. 
The judge has justified his order on the grounds that the former national TV 
network chief could 'influence witnesses' or perhaps leave the country, 
though his passport had been voided. 

Demonstrators answer that it is the judge and, behind him, the DOS leaders 
who are trying to 'influence witnesses', that by arresting Milanovich DOS 
hopes to create a climate of intimidation in which some RTS employees or 
former employees may be induced to make scripted accusations against 
Milanovich and/or Miloshevich. (1)

Parliament Sets Up Miloshevich

The demonstrations Tuesday in front of the Serb Parliament and a little later 
at the Palace of Justice did not hinder DOS' legislative activities. The 
coalition’s parliamentary majority passed several strange laws, mostly 
nullifying previous legislation. 

Alas, the Serb Parliament appears to function like an assembly line. The 
Government sends proposals to the Legislative Committee which immediately 
presents them as bills on the floor. Every government proposal is 
automatically approved by all representatives of the ruling coalition's two 
thirds majority. The opposition – Socialists and Radicals – disputes the 
proposals fiercely, but is voted down. Many opposition deputies are so 
frustrated and outraged, they simply abstain from voting.

Perhaps the most bitter debate on Tuesday resulted from certain amendments to 
the law on "Special Rights and Obligations of Heads of State". These 
amendments, passed by the DOS 19-party majority, were clearly aimed at former 
president Miloshevich. 

Under the newly amended law, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which controls 
law enforcement, would reduce Miloshevich's security staff to one bodyguard. 
Both Socialists and Radicals opposed this decision. Radical parliamentary 
leader Tomislav Nikolich told representatives, "You do not need this law 
unless you are setting the stage for Miloshevich’s abduction!" 

Branislav Ivkovich, the Socialist parliamentary leader, (2) pointed out that 
Washington has offered $5 million (US) for the kidnapping of Milosevich. 
Therefore stripping Miloshevich of protection was an open invitation to 
bounty hunters. Ivkovich called the amendments a "shameful insult to the 

According to widespread public rumors, the amendments were ordered by the 
so-called international community. 

The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

In Yugoslavia, the DOS-controlled mass media presents the 'Miloshevich 
Question' as a choice between trying him at home or turning him over to The 
Hague. Yet the charge that Miloshevich is guilty of war crimes is supported 
by exactly zero evidence. He is simply presumed guilty and the presumption of 
his guilt and by extension of Serbia's is causing serious divisions in 
Yugoslav political circles. There is a mounting feeling of injured dignity, 
revulsion and contempt for those who close their eyes to the real crimes 
(NATO's aggression) and its real perpetrators (NATO leaders). Federal Prime 
Minister Zoran Zhizhich said two days ago that Miloshevich would not be 
extradited to the Tribunal as long as he is head of the Yugoslav government. 
Serbian Justice Minister Batich responded in the press, saying that the 
Federal PM is not authorized to make such decisions. "Others will decide the 
fate of Miloshevich," Batich stated.

"Others will decide"? W


2001-02-19 Thread MarxistMark



  cheers mark

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