En relación a El Verdadero *Plan Colombia*- Mas Reclutamiento P, 
el 29 Jan 01, a las 17:12, Tony Abdo dijo:

> A brief news item in Spanish from a Colombian newspaper, that calls
> attention to the real US *Plan Colombia*.      That being a planned
> construction of a much larger group of 'paras' by the Colombian
> military.
> Tony Abdo

A couple of parts deserve translation, perhaps to have a familiar (though 
somehow late) note ring in the heads of our American cdes.:

> ______________________________
> El Tiempo, Bogota, 7 enero 
> 'Guerrilla crece al 40% y las autodefensas al 100% 

Guerrilla grows 40 percent, and self-defence 100%

> Un reciente informe del Ministerio de Defensa reveló que "Las
> autodefensas en Colombia están creciendo al 100 por ciento mientras la
> guerrilla lo está haciendo al 40, lo que quiere decir, y si sigue
> así la tendencia, que al cabo de 5 años las autodefensas podrían
> superar a la guerrilla en número". Los pagos van desde 400 mil a 8
> millones de pesos colombianos. 

"Self-defence forces in Colombia are growing to the 100%", as disclosed by a 
recent report of the Ministery of Defense, "while guerrilla grows at a 40%, 
which means, if the tendency remains, that within 5 years the self-defence 
might outnumber the guerrilla". Payments range from 400 thousand to 8 million 
Colombian pesos.

> Hoy, cuando se cumplen dos años de la ceremonia en que se oficializó
> el inicio del proceso de paz del Gobierno con las Farc, los grupos
> paramilitares,  paradójicamente, muestran en el mismo período el más alto
> crecimiento de su historia. 

Paradoxically, today, at the second aniversary of the oficialization of the 
peace process between the Government and FARC, the paramilitaries display their 
highest historical growth.

> Los 'paras' vienen haciendo su ofensiva de reclutamiento, de manera
The 'paras'are doing their recruitment offensive in an open -and sometimes 
compulsory- way  in the areas where their presence has been strengthening:
Urabá, Casanare, the Meta area and Southern Bolívar. In other cases, 
when they try to colonize other territories, such as Santander, they offer 
up to  8 million pesos for commanders of front.

"The 'paras', unlike the guerrilla, offer money to recruit their militants,
and they don't receive under ages", a state officer of intelligence explains.

Now, my question: what were the original tactics developed in Viet Nam, before 
the massive invasion?

Any ideas and collections? Didn't the Americans try to have Vietnamese fight 
Vietnamese by similar ways? Weren't they defeated? 

Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky

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