The files in that tarball seem to have been last updated almost two months ago; 
I don't know what determines the schedule for that. The bleeding edge database 
is available at the git repository:

but there are a couple of caveats. The files are in "version 2" format, which 
needs to be backported for versions of lensfun < 0.3 due to restructuring. You 
would need to determine what version of lensfun your software is using. The 
repository is also subject to possible errors and subsequent corrections, so 
any use of it should probably include watching the repository for commits.


On Thu, Dec 28, 2017, at 06:22, John J Bloomfield wrote:
> Hi
> I use several windows programs that use the lensfun database and it is a
> simple job to manually update them.
> I did it a couple of months ago using the folder located at
> as mentioned in one
> of the project mailing list archives
> But I am now wondering is that folder/file being updated or was it just an
> idea that isn't being maintained? If it is being maintained perhaps it
> would be a good idea to make the link more obviously available? If it is
> not being maintained then how does one obtain the most up to date database
> files for the purposes of updateing a windows program?
> Many Thanks for all your hard work.
> John
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