Re: ENB: rethinking Model/View/Controller split in Leo

2020-05-03 Thread Thomas Passin
I'm always in favor of good separation of interests.  It can be hard to 
achieve in practice, and it's always helpful to be diligent about keeping 
one's eye on the ball.  What I'm reading here sounds pretty interesting.

About clones, we always talk about cloning nodes, but it seems to me that 
what actually gets cloned is an entire subtree - that is, the clone 
includes (clones of) a node's descendants.  Perhaps a change in the 
conceptual model of clones from nodes to subtrees would make it easier to 
work out how to handle them.

I'm not sure how a subtree is currently modeled in Leo.  Since a tree can 
be built out of nodes that have child and parent nodes,  one can be 
constructed without an explicit model for a (sub)tree.  But since many 
operations we want to do are really on (sub)trees and not nodes, maybe an 
explicit tree concept in addition to a node concept would be useful(if 
there isn't one already).

On Sunday, May 3, 2020 at 6:12:04 PM UTC-4, SegundoBob wrote:
> I've been thinking about implementing a directed graph editor for a long 
> time.  Of course, most of my thinking is based on my use of Leo-Editor and 
> my limited understanding of its internals.  I've done only a little 
> implementation of my ideas.  I have not produced anything of use to me or 
> of interest to anyone else.
> But several months ago, I concluded that Leo-Editor positions are a very 
> bad idea and that using  GNX's instead would be much simpler and much more 
> robust.  I also concluded that in a directed graph, I don't need clones 
> because multiple parents is no big deal in a directed graph.  Consequently, 
> I stopped worrying about clones.  So I don't know if clones make GNX's 
> inadequate as pointers, requiring that v-nodes be used as pointers instead 
> of just GNX's.
> For the little it is worth, in so far as I understand Vitalije, and I 
> don't completely understand him, I think he is right.
> Respectfully,
> SegundoBob

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Re: ENB: rethinking Model/View/Controller split in Leo

2020-05-03 Thread SegundoBob
I've been thinking about implementing a directed graph editor for a long 
time.  Of course, most of my thinking is based on my use of Leo-Editor and 
my limited understanding of its internals.  I've done only a little 
implementation of my ideas.  I have not produced anything of use to me or 
of interest to anyone else.

But several months ago, I concluded that Leo-Editor positions are a very 
bad idea and that using  GNX's instead would be much simpler and much more 
robust.  I also concluded that in a directed graph, I don't need clones 
because multiple parents is no big deal in a directed graph.  Consequently, 
I stopped worrying about clones.  So I don't know if clones make GNX's 
inadequate as pointers, requiring that v-nodes be used as pointers instead 
of just GNX's.

For the little it is worth, in so far as I understand Vitalije, and I don't 
completely understand him, I think he is right.


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ENB: rethinking Model/View/Controller split in Leo

2020-05-03 Thread vitalije
The relevant code is in the mvc-prototype branch in 

Leo architecture follows MVC design pattern. However during its long 
history some code parts ended up misplaced. In this post I'll try to 
explain why I think that the present split between Model, View and 
Controller is not optimal.

There were several factors that caused this misplacement. Moving from Tk to 
Qt (and for a long time keeping both GUIs around) is one of the causes. Tk 
didn't have tree widget and Leo had to provide tree drawing code. By 
switching to Qt which has a decent tree widget and keeping the old method 
for drawing nodes Leo didn't use Qt tree widget to its full potential. Also 
adding some features like user defined icons per node, chapters and 
hoist/dehoist commands many of the native tree widget features were not 
used but instead they were re-implemented. All these features are natively 
supported by qt tree widget. They naturally belong to the *View* but they 
ended up in *model* and in *controller*.

In every GUI framework which has a tree widget like Qt, wxPython, 
Jython/Swing, ... Tree widget has its own data model. The more powerful 
widget is, the more data goes in its model and more work for Leo to 
synchronize its own model with the model of tree widget.

By moving these features from Leo's *Controller* and *Model* to the *View* 
the synchronization between Leo's *Model* and tree widgets model becomes 
greatly simplified.

To prove this claim I wrote a little prototype. It is a Qt application 
which has three widgets: tree, body and toolbar. It can read Leo documents 
in '.leo.db' format. To keep this prototype as simple as possible I didn't 
want to add reading and writing of external files. The '.leo.db' file 
contains the whole outline (including external files).

In the toolbar there are several buttons for outline modification commands. 
Moving selected node up, down, left or right; demoting and promoting 
selected node, as well as undo/redo buttons. Using these buttons one can 
freely modify outline and then undo or redo operations. Selecting nodes in 
the tree causes body to show content of the selected node. One can edit 
body and changes will be recorded in Leo's model. Node can be selected 
either by mouse click or using keyboard when tree has focus. By double 
clicking node user can edit the headline and the change will be recorded in 
Leo's model too.

[Note that undo/redo work only for outline modifications not for typing in 
body or changing the headlines.]

There are also hoist and dehoist commands that work just like in Leo. If 
you hoist on the node whose headline starts with '@chapter' its children 
will become top level nodes. Otherwise hoisted node becomes the only top 
level node. Dehoist button returns the tree in its previous state. Hoists 
can be stacked.

All this functionality is achieved in less than 500 lines including 

*How it works?*

Instead of making changes in Leo's model (by linking and unlinking v-nodes) 
and then asking the tree to re-arrange its items according to the v-nodes 
which is at least O(n) complexity operation and can be a performance 
bottleneck for large outlines, or even worse asking the tree to recreate 
the whole data model from scratch, in this prototype all those outline 
operations are made at the same time in both tree widget data-model and in 
v-nodes. This eliminates need for synchronization between these two models. 
No need for c.redraw_after..., c.redraw, c.redraw_later,... No need for 
several locks, for checking if the selected position is visible or not, is 
it outside hoist/chapter,...

Then there is a nice feature that each clone can be expanded or collapsed 
independently of the other clones. In Leo this feature suffers from 
instability of position instances when outline changes. In this prototype 
this feature is fully supported. I haven't implemented yet preserving this 
expanded/collapsed state between two application runs, but it would be 
trivial to store this information in the c.db and restore it back on next 

Please note that in this prototype I haven't use the leoNodes.Position 
class at all. In Leo's current code the Positions are used everywhere and 
their instability makes many of Leo's methods much more complicated than it 
is really necessary. The way I see it, positions are used in two ways.

   1. as a handle for v. (whenever p.v, p.h, p.b, p.u, are used). 
   And Position was meant to be just a pointer to some v node on its 
   particular place in the outline. Now, every tree widget must have its own 
   data-model and its own way of pointing to the particular node painted on 
   the screen. In Qt it is a trivial to attach user data to those pointers. 
   Pointers are tree widget items, and they have an API for storing and 
   retrieving user data. I used it in this prototype to attach v node to each 
   item. If the tree widget in some other framework doesn't offer such API, it 

Re: Question related to 'Installing Leo with Git'?

2020-05-03 Thread Viktor Ransmayr
Am Sonntag, 26. April 2020 01:35:03 UTC+2 schrieb Matt Wilkie:
> As the footnoted reference says, If you install from Git, you can get the 
>> latest development versions.  What it does not say is that the latest 
>> development version is usually not in the "master" branch of the git 
>> repository.  It is usually in the "devel" branch.  
> Good point, I added how to switch.

Thanks! - I've been able to check out the development branch from the 
cloned repository - and - install it using pip.

The logical next step would be to deliver a simple change, e.g. fixing the 
simple typo ``git chekout devel`` in

* .../leo-editor/leo/doc/LeoDocs.leo#Leo's Documentation-->Installing & 
running Leo-->@rst html/installing.html-->Installing Leo 
itself-->Installing Leo with git

as a pull request (PR) for leo-editor ...

Is there anything specific to Leo, that should be considered in addition to 
the available information on GitHub on how to deliver PRs?

With kind regards,


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Re: Nodes arbitrairily contract when inserting near the root node

2020-05-03 Thread Félix
Thank you very much Vitalije for those details... 

Indeed it was in clones as you described!

So thanks again!

On Saturday, May 2, 2020 at 10:59:30 PM UTC-4, Félix wrote:
> I thought I was going crazy while trying to debug something weird in 
> leoInteg so I tested what I was doing directly in Leo and it turns out 
> it was Leo who was contracting nodes in the outline when I was selecting 
> nodes near the top and using the usual ctrl+i command to insert a node.
> Should I grab more data and screen animation captures ? or is this a known 
> bug/feature that I didnt know about?
> Thanks to anyone in advance who would care to acknowledge this :) 
> --
> Félix (edit:typos)
>  i'm using : 
> Leo Log Window
> Leo 6.1-final, master branch, build cfca6f348c
> 2020-02-09 13:51:19 -0500
> Python 3.6.9, PyQt version 5.9.5
> linux
> read 7 files in 0.03 seconds
> read outline in 0.05 seconds

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