Re: Proposal: make case significant in command names

2019-05-04 Thread maphew
For me as long as auto-complete / tab-complete are case insensitive it's 
fine to not lower-case all commands and to match the source case.

my 2c.


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Re: There will be a 5.9.1 release

2019-05-03 Thread maphew
I think a warning message to the log window when nested @file/@clean are 
seen is a good idea, with a pointer to the doc about the dangers.

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Re: Leo 5.9 will be a full release to SourceForge

2019-04-30 Thread maphew

> Expect 5.9-final this Friday, May 3. This will be a full release, 
>> including uploads to SourceForge.
The main thing Sourceforge release has that is missing from PyPi release is 
Windows* desktop integration: Start menu and Desktop links, file 
association icons and double-click behaviour. Icons and 2x-click is 
addressed via in-Leo scripts but menu and desktop links are still ToDo -- I don't think these 
are worth release delay;  I'm having a hard time stealing time to work on 

* I don't know if SF Linux release has any value added features.


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Re: Let's discuss #1126 (time stamps) here

2019-04-29 Thread maphew
>From the Github issue:

@vitalije: Sorry, but I didn't ask the right question. I am not familiar 
> with the way you create PyPy package. I thought that is invoked to 
> do that. 

Feel free to ignore rest of this message as we've moved past this point. 
However to address the point of confusion:

You're not wrong. It's confusing because is invoked in several 
different situations and much of online tutorials, blogs, and documentation 
refers to the Old Way. Yes is used to build python 
architecture-specific binary packages on the developer's machine, which can 
be distributed to others, and is not needed at the end point. 
However it's also used to create Source packages for distribution, and then is used again on the user's machine at install time. And then 
there are Wheels which are some combination of previous two. Somehow wheels 
allow binary distribution without per-architecture building ahead of time.

Bottom line for Leo: generates Source and Wheel packages, and 
these are uploaded to Pypi. At install time is used again from 
within these packages on the target machine, and .git folder is not present.


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Re: bug with nested @clean nodes

2019-04-29 Thread maphew

> A colleague of mine added text to the main file after the @others 
> statement, after one of the three nested @clean nodes, but and before the 
> other two, using an external editor.
> Strangely, the new content ended up split between these two latter @clean 
> nodes, and the original content of these two nodes I did not find any 
> longer.

Sounds like it might be related to

Since I do not have the time to investigate the problem further, I would 
> recommend not to use the "nested @clean nodes feature" at all, at least not 
> when the files are also edited outside Leo.
> I would highly recommend disallowing nested @clean nodes, until these 
> problems get fixed, because they may lead to data loss.

And/or keeping your external files in version control, which is a good idea 
for a whole bunch of other reasons outside of Leo. Not applicable to all 
workplaces though.


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Re: Let's discuss #1126 (time stamps) here

2019-04-29 Thread maphew

> This is more complicated to describe than to do, so let me start coding 
> and then we all can start testing.



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Re: Joe, is there any way to embed LeoVue's page in Leo's home page?

2019-04-28 Thread maphew
Late to the party, but jumping in to say: yay! I'd love to see Leo's 
website served from Github pages, or at least a repo where PR's can be 
issued. Ditto the docs. I've made a few small doc changes here and there 
but have found the unfamiliar scaffolding makes me cautious and slow.

Joe, the prototype is awesome. A tad sad with no Lion, but making nodes and 
links concepts forefront as an icon image is good.


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Re: Judging and improving one's own code

2019-04-28 Thread maphew
Thanks! I need all the help I can get ;-)


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Re: Pyzo questions

2019-04-28 Thread maphew

>- In general, how does pyzo integration with Leo improve Leo as a 
>writing or PIM tool
> Specifically, perhaps not too much. The niceness of saved window layouts 
without digging through the easter egg menu will be appreciated I think.

Also Pyzo comes from the same mind that created Flexx (Almar Klein), 
implemented in Leo as Leowapp (Leo using browser for interface). So in the 
general background sense I anticipate the two are more likely to be in 
accord with each other, and thus efforts in one to eventually support the 
other. This is just speculation on my part though.

(thoughts from someone who uses Pyzo and Leo regularly but has not yet 
taken Leo+Pyzo for test drive)


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Re: The pyzo project is almost done

2019-04-28 Thread maphew

> Leo must have commands corresponding to all pyzo menu items. These 
> commands will have names starting with pyzo-.  Some commands may have 
> shorter aliases.

`pz` perhaps


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leo 4.7.beta1: tries to load even with gui=qt?

2009-09-24 Thread maphew


I'm trying to use Leo in a somewhat off the beaten path environment,
so that is likely the source of the problem, but nevertheless I would
like to get it to work if possible, or at least identify the problem
if not. Any help is appreciated.

The environment is Windows XP Home with python installed by of OSGeo4W
( I can run a number of other python
scripts/programs/modules from within the OSGeo4W shell without issue.
The shell is a regular windows CMD environment with PATH, PYTHONHOME
and some others set relative to the install root, in my case
pythonhome is D:\o4w\apps\Python25.

The log from the console is at the end, the error starts:

   No, making stub... can not import tkFont can not import tkFileDialog can not import tkinter or Tkinter
   Can not import tkGui from plugin tkGui

...and doesn't change when using --gui=qt was unpacked to %PYTHONHOME%\Lib\site-packages.

Relevant packages which should be available (e.g.  from PyQt4 import
QtCore, QtGui works form a python interactive consle):

pyqt4   4.5.2-5
python  2.5.2-1
sip 4.8.2-2
tcltk   8.5.6-1

D:\o4wpython apps\Python25\Lib\site-packages\Leo-4.7-
No, making stub... can not import tkFont can not import tkFileDialog can not import tkinter or Tkinter
Can not import tkGui from plugin tkGui
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File apps\Python25\Lib\site-packages\Leo-4.7-beta-1\,
line 8, in
  File D:\o4w\apps\Python25\lib\site-packages\Leo-4.7-beta-1\leo\core
, line 88, in run
fn,relFn,script = doPrePluginsInit(fileName,pymacs)
  File D:\o4w\apps\Python25\lib\site-packages\Leo-4.7-beta-1\leo\core
, line 111, in doPrePluginsInit
  File D:\o4w\apps\Python25\lib\site-packages\Leo-4.7-beta-1\leo\core
, line 234, in initApp
  File D:\o4w\apps\Python25\lib\site-packages\Leo-4.7-beta-1\leo\core
, line 654, in setLeoID =
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'runAskLeoIDDialog'


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Re: leo 4.7.beta1: tries to load even with gui=qt?

2009-09-24 Thread maphew

Oops, subject line was supposed to be leo 4.7.beta1: tries to load
*tk* even with gui=qt?
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lost files using @shadow!

2009-04-16 Thread maphew


Yesterday I imported some windows batch files to @file, changed them
to @shadow, and used @path to shorten the node name. Today Leo has
lost track of the shadow files (the body text is empty), and when I
attempted to re-link one Leo zeroed out the target (overwrote an empty
file). This is the procedure I followed (not as linear as written, I
was experimenting):

0. Opened H:\work.leo
1. File  Import to @file: y:\scripts\xc-backup.bat
2. Change heading '@file y:\scripts\xc-backup.bat' to '@shadow xc-
3. Change body text:
   - removed '@ignore'
   + added '@path y:\scripts\'
   + added and changed some other miscelaneous text
4. Saved
5. Verified contents xc-backup.bat is as expected with external

Repeated half a dozen times with other files.

Today when I opened H:\work.leo the body text of all @shadow files
were blank. This is the log:

   reading: H:\work.leo
   reading: @shadow xc-backup.bat
   can not open @shadow H:\xc-backup.bat
   created directory: H:\.leo_shadow
   created:   H:\.leo_shadow\xxc-backup.bat
   created:   H:\xc-backup.bat

It's trying to read .leo_shadow from the the wrong location and
creating a new one when it is not found. Thinking to re-establish the
link I added '@path y:\scripts\' to '@shadow xc-backup.bat' heading
and Saved, log:

   @shadow xc-backup.bat not written:
   no children and less than 10 characters (excluding directives)

To make the body text longer than 10 characters I added '@language
batch' and saved again:

   errors writing: string-file
   Orphan node:  @shadow xc-backup.bat
   parent node: @shadow xc-backup.bat
   not written:
   wrote: y:\scripts\.leo_shadow\xxc-backup.bat
   wrote: y:\scripts\xc-backup.bat
   errors writing: string-file
   Orphan node:  @shadow xc-backup.bat
   parent node: @shadow xc-backup.bat

(Note: I may not have split the log at the right points in the 3
indented sections above.)

**Big Mistake** as at this point the *pre-existing* shadow and real
file were overwritten with *empty* content. Now in this particular
instance I'm okay as I'm working on svn checked out files and only an
hours worth of experimenting is lost, not real work. If this had
happened a day earlier though I'd have been some sore as I'd
previously been working without a net (no version control).

So that covers what did happen, what I expected to happen is:

1. H:\work.leo would remember the @path
2. When [1] failed, re-establishing the @path link would cause Leo to
discover that there was a pre-existing .leo_shadow copy of that node
and a) automatically read y:\.leo_shadow\xxc-backup.bat and fill in
the body text, b) present a merge or conflict dialog/message and offer
instructions for how to reconcile, or c) warn the files already
existed and confirm overwrite.

It is now clear @path is not safe when the .leo file is in a different
location from the shadow files, or perhaps not at all? I initially
tried to put @path in a parent heading, but the child nodes ignored

   @path y:\scripts
   -...@shadow xc-backup.bat
  @language batch
  rem A script to backup

Anyway, was my bumbling attempt to fix the broken link the problem, or
the fact the link was broken in the first place? If the latter, why
did it break and how to avoid it in future? is there a safe way to re-
establish the links with the remaining 5 @shadow files or should I
just start over and not use @path? Are there examples deomonstrating
the proper use of @path?


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new leo docs as one big doc?

2009-04-03 Thread maphew

How good it is to see all the great development work now available as
an enduser beta! Thanks everyone. :)

Is, or can, the documentation be available as a pdf or some other
format suitable for printing? I'm grappling with getting the hang of
Leo and think some time spent lounging on the couch with printed
matter might help with that (I don't find reading long treatises on-
screen conducive to comprehension).


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Re: beginner question about @shadow

2009-02-16 Thread maphew

Getting back to the subject line, beginner questions about using
@shadow: what is the most efficient means of committing changes made
to a shadow file to the real file?

Right now if I make a change to '@shadow  function_foo' in the
body pane and want to write that change to the real file and test it I
need to: 1) change focus from body pane to tree pane, 2) navigate to
top of tree (@shadow, 3) activate menu File , 4) Read/Write 
5) Write @shadow notes (((flip to shell, test script, go back to

Surely this isn't what everybody is doing? there must be a faster way
that I haven't discovered yet...

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Re: beginner question about @shadow

2009-02-16 Thread maphew

I figured it out: [ctrl-s] of course! :)

This wasn't working before because somehow I nested the shadow and leo
was aborting the save part way through. There was a message in the log
but I interpreted it as info not an error ('twas something like
didn't write:  [empty line]).

-- @shadow
\-- @shadow
   \-- function_foo
   \-- function_too

I moved the shadow up to the top of the tree and save started to work.


On Feb 16, 12:02 am, maphew wrote:
 Getting back to the subject line, beginner questions about using
 @shadow: what is the most efficient means of committing changes made
 to a shadow file to the real file?

 Right now if I make a change to '@shadow  function_foo' in the
 body pane and want to write that change to the real file and test it I
 need to: 1) change focus from body pane to tree pane, 2) navigate to
 top of tree (@shadow, 3) activate menu File , 4) Read/Write 
 5) Write @shadow notes (((flip to shell, test script, go back to

 Surely this isn't what everybody is doing? there must be a faster way
 that I haven't discovered yet...
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Re: type 'exceptions.TypeError' Exception in Tk callback

2009-02-16 Thread maphew

Figured out the common thread between my two machines: I get this
error whenever I use the Recent Files menu. After using it once in a
session, the list of recent files is empty.


On Feb 15, 8:35 am, maphew wrote:
 Here is the error on Windows XP. I installed python-2.5.4.msi,
 followed by Leo-4-5-1-2-final.exe and ipython-0.9.1.win32-setup.exe
 (not necessarily in that order).

 Error: 1
 type 'exceptions.TypeError' Exception in Tk callback
   Function: function add_commandCallback at 0x01E4DAF0 (type: type
   Args: ()
 Traceback (innermost last):
   File C:\python25\Lib\site-packages\Leo-4-5-1-2-final\leo\extensions
 \Pmw\Pmw_1_3\lib\, line 1747, in __call__
     return apply(self.func, args)
   File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\Leo-4-5-1-2-final\leo\core
 \, line 5844, in add_commandCallback
     val = command()
   File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\Leo-4-5-1-2-final\leo\core
 \, line 1613, in recentFilesCallback
   File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\Leo-4-5-1-2-final\leo\core
 \, line 1053, in openRecentFile
     ok, frame = g.openWithFileName(fileName,c)
   File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\Leo-4-5-1-2-final\leo\core
 \, line 2208, in openWithFileName
     c.updateRecentFiles(relativeFileName or fileName)
   File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\Leo-4-5-1-2-final\leo\core
 \, line 1086, in updateRecentFiles
   File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\Leo-4-5-1-2-final\leo\core
 \, line 1599, in createRecentFilesMenuItems
   File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\Leo-4-5-1-2-final\leo\core
 \, line 1624, in deleteRecentFilesMenuItems
   File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\Leo-4-5-1-2-final\leo\core
 \, line 125, in delete_range
     return menu.delete(n1,n2)
   File c:\python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 2682, in delete
     if 'command' in self.entryconfig(i):
   File c:\python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 2692, in
     return self._configure(('entryconfigure', index), cnf, kw)
   File c:\python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 1193, in _configure
     cnf[x[0][1:]] = (x[0][1:],) + x[1:]
 type 'exceptions.TypeError': can only concatenate tuple (not str)
 to tuple
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Re: beginner question about @shadow

2009-02-15 Thread maphew

Here is the error on Windows XP. I installed python-2.5.4.msi,
followed by Leo-4-5-1-2-final.exe and ipython-0.9.1.win32-setup.exe
(not necessarily in that order).

Error: 1
type 'exceptions.TypeError' Exception in Tk callback
  Function: function add_commandCallback at 0x01E4DAF0 (type: type
  Args: ()
Traceback (innermost last):
  File C:\python25\Lib\site-packages\Leo-4-5-1-2-final\leo\extensions
\Pmw\Pmw_1_3\lib\, line 1747, in __call__
return apply(self.func, args)
  File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\Leo-4-5-1-2-final\leo\core
\, line 5844, in add_commandCallback
val = command()
  File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\Leo-4-5-1-2-final\leo\core
\, line 1613, in recentFilesCallback
  File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\Leo-4-5-1-2-final\leo\core
\, line 1053, in openRecentFile
ok, frame = g.openWithFileName(fileName,c)
  File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\Leo-4-5-1-2-final\leo\core
\, line 2208, in openWithFileName
c.updateRecentFiles(relativeFileName or fileName)
  File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\Leo-4-5-1-2-final\leo\core
\, line 1086, in updateRecentFiles
  File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\Leo-4-5-1-2-final\leo\core
\, line 1599, in createRecentFilesMenuItems
  File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\Leo-4-5-1-2-final\leo\core
\, line 1624, in deleteRecentFilesMenuItems
  File c:\python25\Lib\site-packages\Leo-4-5-1-2-final\leo\core
\, line 125, in delete_range
return menu.delete(n1,n2)
  File c:\python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 2682, in delete
if 'command' in self.entryconfig(i):
  File c:\python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 2692, in
return self._configure(('entryconfigure', index), cnf, kw)
  File c:\python25\lib\lib-tk\, line 1193, in _configure
cnf[x[0][1:]] = (x[0][1:],) + x[1:]
type 'exceptions.TypeError': can only concatenate tuple (not str)
to tuple

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mistake in docs for installing on linux

2009-02-12 Thread maphew


The page at
instructs one to sudo ./install to install Leo on linux but that
script does not exist in


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Re: beginner question about @shadow

2009-02-12 Thread maphew

Thanks for the help. With your instructions plus some flailing about I
finally twigged into the fact that @shadow must really be
@shadow /path/to/ followed by a close and re-open of Leo.
(Haven't tried the mini-buffer route yet).

 As Mike implies, for @shadow or @auto to work properly should use
 consistent spacing.  If this isn't so, the first automatic import may put an
 @ignore directive in the body of the @shadow node.

yeah, that happened to me :) guess I have some whitespace to

I'm getting this error whenever I open a Leo file with shadow'ed files
in it (leo-4-5-1 on Ubuntu 8.10 amd64) So far I've tried these three
I get a similar error on Windows with leo 4-5-1 but I forgot to mail
it to myself so I don't know if it's exactly the same or not.

Error: 1
type 'exceptions.TypeError' Exception in Tk callback
  Function: function add_commandCallback at 0x4162de8 (type: type
  Args: ()
Traceback (innermost last):
  File /home/matt/bin/Leo-4-5-1-final/leo/extensions/Pmw/Pmw_1_3/lib/, line 1747, in __call__
return apply(self.func, args)
  File /home/matt/bin/Leo-4-5-1-final/leo/core/, line
5844, in add_commandCallback
val = command()
  File /home/matt/bin/Leo-4-5-1-final/leo/core/, line
1613, in recentFilesCallback
  File /home/matt/bin/Leo-4-5-1-final/leo/core/, line
1053, in openRecentFile
ok, frame = g.openWithFileName(fileName,c)
  File /home/matt/bin/Leo-4-5-1-final/leo/core/, line
2208, in openWithFileName
c.updateRecentFiles(relativeFileName or fileName)
  File /home/matt/bin/Leo-4-5-1-final/leo/core/, line
1086, in updateRecentFiles
  File /home/matt/bin/Leo-4-5-1-final/leo/core/, line
1599, in createRecentFilesMenuItems
  File /home/matt/bin/Leo-4-5-1-final/leo/core/, line
1624, in deleteRecentFilesMenuItems
  File /home/matt/bin/Leo-4-5-1-final/leo/core/,
line 125, in delete_range
return menu.delete(n1,n2)
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/lib-tk/, line 2681, in delete
if 'command' in self.entryconfig(i):
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/lib-tk/, line 2693, in
return self._configure(('entryconfigure', index), cnf, kw)
  File /usr/lib/python2.5/lib-tk/, line 1196, in
cnf[x[0][1:]] = (x[0][1:],) + x[1:]
type 'exceptions.TypeError': can only concatenate tuple (not str)
to tuple

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beginner question about @shadow

2009-02-10 Thread maphew


I have a beginner's question about using @shadow: what is the
recommended method to import a file from project which doesn't use
Leo? For example I have checked out from svn to c:\src\Appy\trunk
\ I have a %home%\code\LocalAppy.leo  project with some notes in
it and have created a headline @shadow Now what?



PS: for the online tutorials at,
when were they created and for what version of Leo? I'm a bit confused
because the Beginners Guide cautions against using @root unless you
really need to, while the tutorials talk as if they were the default/
best way.
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