[liberationtech] Need Help: Water quality monitor for African sensorweb project

2014-04-22 Thread Justin Arenstein
Hi everyone.

One of the grassroots data journalism projects that our Code for
Africahttp://codeforafrica.org and
Hacks/Hackers Africa https://www.facebook.com/HacksHackersAfrica teams
support urgently needs some help.

They're trying to find a cost-efficient digital imaging / microscopy
solution for a sensorweb they're building that will use SMS messages to
alert rural communities to e-coli and other contamination of local rivers
that communities use for drinking water. The projects are in an area that
is South Africa's epicenter of the HIV/Aids pandemic (with up to an
astounding *46%* of pregnant women in the area testing HIV positive), and
where there are regular cholera outbreaks ... which are fatal for anyone
with a compromised immune system.

The sensorweb idea stems from a Liberation Technology presentation on
mobile phone hacks at Stanford in 2008/9, where some students demonstrated
a smartphone they'd converted into a microscope using the inbuilt camera 
flash. The presentation unfortunately wasn't part of the official speaker
programme, so we're struggling to track the team.

The African project intends using the sensorweb for two purposes:

1.) To create a public SMS alert service for villagers, that warns when
rivers are dangerously contaminated so that villagers can go elsewhere for

2.) To create the region's 1st real-time database of water quality for
journalists, activists, and the authorities to track sewerage and other
spills into local rivers.

We have a small ($10,000) seed grant from the Bill  Melinda Gates
Foundation and World Editors Forum to test the idea for citizen-run
sensorwebs in impoverished rural communities. The local partner is a
grassroots muckraking newspaper, Ziwaphi https://www.facebook.com/ziwaphi,
which has dedicated a reporting team to the project for 1yr but doesn't
have many other resources. We therefore need really cheap  easy-to-deploy

Any ideas or suggestions or leads would be much appreciated.

Hope someone on the list can help.


Justin Arenstein

SA Mobile: +27.82.374.0812
US Mobile: +1.650.336.5878
Skype: JustinArenstein
Twitter: JustinArenstein http://twitter.com/justinarenstein
Web: http://www.linkedin.com/in/JustinArenstein

*PGP Key Fingerprint: **8B19 3C53 2B40 453B F48D 9D7A 7346 A3AE DB88 30CD*
*Do you want to email me confidentially? See: **http://bit.ly/VLJt1N
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Re: [liberationtech] Secure Cloud Computing: Virtualizing the FreedomBox

2014-04-22 Thread Caspar Bowden (lists)

On 17/04/14 20:29, David Solomonoff wrote:
This blog post was inspired by a recent breakthrough in homomorphic 
encryption at MIT:

In 2010 I asked Professor Eben Moglen 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eben_Moglen to speak to the Internet 
Society of New York http://isoc-ny.org about software freedom, 
privacy and security in the context of cloud computing and social 
media. In his Freedom in the Cloud http://isoc-ny.org/?p=1338%20 
talk, he proposed the FreedomBox https://freedomboxfoundation.org 
as a solution 

[Now] data can be encrypted at every point until it is accessed by 
its legitimate owner, combining privacy and security with the 
flexibility and scalability of cloud computing.

No longer confined behind a locked down private data center or hidden 
under the end user's bed, a virtual FreedomBox can finally escape to 
the clouds.

Full article:

(I am not a cryptographer, but disillusioned former FHE-enthusiast, 
until I realized was irrelevant to real Cloud policy)

Fully homomorphic encryption uses techniques utterly different to 
conventional encryption and is a ~trillion times slower. Even the 
integer version ~million times slower

Apropos the blog, Mylar is cool, but doesn't use FHE. It sends the Cloud 
conventionally encrypted blobs to and fro - and the Client does all the 
work (thus neutralizing main vaunted benefit of Cloud, elastic and 
parallel CPU power). It also uses an encrypted search technique for 
indexing (which is also cool)

TAHOE is also cool, but doesn't claim to provide confidentiality. A 
TAHOE service provider would have no choice but to round-up/backdoor the 
necessary keys under existing US (FISA/PATRIOT) or UK (RIPA Pt.3) 
legislation [or Indian IT Acts etc. etc.]

There are partial homomorphic solutions coming along useful to specific 
scenarios, but using them will be state-of-the-art crypto engineering 
research.microsoft.com/pubs/148825/ccs2011_submission_412.pdf for 
foreseeable future

FHE cannot rescue confidentiality in the Cloud.

Caspar Bowden
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[liberationtech] FW: Just Net Coalition publication: Delhi declaration and related articles

2014-04-22 Thread michael gurstein
Moving forward the necessary discussion on a political economy of the
Internet the essays pointed to below were compiled for NETmundial
http://netmundial.br/ – The Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future
of Internet Governance meeting about to start in São Paulo discussing the
future of Internet Governance.






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Re: [liberationtech] Secure Cloud Computing: Virtualizing the FreedomBox

2014-04-22 Thread Tom Ritter
On 22 April 2014 07:47, Caspar Bowden (lists) li...@casparbowden.net wrote:
 TAHOE is also cool, but doesn't claim to provide confidentiality. A TAHOE
 service provider would have no choice but to round-up/backdoor the necessary
 keys under existing US (FISA/PATRIOT) or UK (RIPA Pt.3) legislation [or
 Indian IT Acts etc. etc.]

I'm pretty sure that TAHOE does provide confidentiality - the keys
don't leave your device (more correctly, the gateway running on your
device) unless you distribute them.  Which you can, you can send the
decryption key granting read-capability to anyone, but you don't have

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[liberationtech] Just Net Coalition Response to NetMundial Outcome Document

2014-04-22 Thread michael gurstein
Please find below and attached the Just Net Coalition's response to the
draft NetMundial Outcome Document.

* Just Net Coalition Response to NetMundial Outcome Document *

President Dilma's Speech in the UN General assembly last September,
resonated throughout the world. It expressed the outrage of the people on
the grave violation of human rights and of civil liberties, the threat of
cyberspace being used as a weapon of war and violation sovereign rights of
countries including Brazil. She expressed the global discontent in the way
the Internet is being currently governed.
She called for protection of data as it travels on the web and multilateral
mechanisms (or UN mechanisms) for the Internet to ensure democratic
governance, cultural diversity, inclusive and non discriminatory societies,
and responsible regulation.

It is in this context within which the NetMundial conference -- on April
23rd-24th -- is taking place in Sao Paulo for which Brazil has taken the

Unfortunately, all the above issues that President Dilma highlighted in her
UN speech, are missing from the current draft that is being placed before
the conference. The document fails to mention the word 'democracy' at all -
and instead talks only about the multistakeholder model and governance on
the basis of consensus. This, even though such systems have failed in
protecting the global citizens from drag-net surveillance, the threat of
cyber war and the emergence of global monopolies. Such a model also
completely ignores the concept of public interest in Internet governance.

If we take the pharmaceutical example, a multistakeholder governance would
have meant deciding /by consensus/-- between global pharma, AIDS patients in
the global south and global governments -- what should be the cost of such
lifesaving drugs, without addressing or identifying where public good lies.
Brazil and other countries rejected such an approach and that iswhy people
in the global south today can afford to buy drugs for their treatment. And
who would accept that pharmaceutical companies have equal rights with
respect to decisions on safety and effectiveness of their products?

A model that gives equal rights for public policy to governments, and
corporations, is giving global corporations, a veto to prevent any
meaningful reform and regulation. This is a violation of all democratic
norms and the rights of the people -- their political, economic, social and
cultural rights, essentially surrendering global public interest to private,
unelected, rich and powerful global corporations. How could, for instance,
network neutrality ever be imposed in such a model?

Governments are answerable to their people; corporations to their
shareholders. People and profits cannot be equated through a specific model
of governance. This is what NetMundial must address; not an endorsement of
the status quo but a new beginning in Internet governance; an Internet
governance that must place public good over private profit, protect global
citizens from mass surveillance and the threat of cyber weapons. This is the
leadership role that we would expect President Dilma and Brazil to play in
NetMundial. This is what all countries and groups who believe in democracy,
advancing human rights and social justice and a peaceful world must strive
for in the final outcome document.

The Just Net Coalition has submitted a detailed clause-by-clause amendment
to the Draft of the NetMundial document. We believe that the draft should be
significantly revised to include the following:

1. A democratic and multistakeholder Internet governance model with
different roles and responsibilities for different stakeholders; recognising
that corporations and governments cannot be placed on an equal footing in
governing the Internet.

2. Restoring the reference to the necessary and proportionate principle and
therefore countering the continuation of mass surveillance.

3. Restoring reference to the need for a global compact on prohibition of
cyberwar and cyber weapons.

4. Adding a clear reference to net neutrality principles (the current
reference is too vague and ambiguous, permitting practices such as tiered
access and differential pricing).

5. Addressing emerging increased power of monopolies in the Internet space
with respect to cultural and language diversity, and profiteering, and the
need for regulating such monopolies.

6. Addressing the issue of appropriation and monetisation of data of the
people by corporations.

7. Recognizing the concept of global commons or public good in internet

8. Rejecting unilateral preconditions on the IANA transition discussions.

We expect that the final outcome document will explicitly foster a
decentralized, free and open, non-hierarchical network of networks, and not
implicitly favour the current trends of Internet governance which are
leading us more and more towards monolithic, centralized walled gardens.
NetMundial must dedicate itself to a roadmap 

Re: [liberationtech] Secure Cloud Computing: Virtualizing the FreedomBox

2014-04-22 Thread Caspar Bowden (lists)

On 22/04/14 14:05, Tom Ritter wrote:

On 22 April 2014 07:47, Caspar Bowden (lists) li...@casparbowden.net wrote:

TAHOE is also cool, but doesn't claim to provide confidentiality. A TAHOE
service provider would have no choice but to round-up/backdoor the necessary
keys under existing US (FISA/PATRIOT) or UK (RIPA Pt.3) legislation [or
Indian IT Acts etc. etc.]

I'm pretty sure that TAHOE does provide confidentiality - the keys
don't leave your device (more correctly, the gateway running on your
device) unless you distribute them.  Which you can, you can send the
decryption key granting read-capability to anyone, but you don't have

Yes, the fragments of data are brought together on your device (or a 
gateway someplace), in that sense it is no different from a pure 
storage Cloud (do it yourself crypto) but with better availability

 * Users do not rely on storage servers to provide */confidentiality/*
   nor */integrity/* for their data -- instead all of the data is
   encrypted and integrity-checked by the gateway, so that the servers
   can neither read nor modify the contents of the files.

It's a storage solution, and therefore not what actually Cloud is about 
in a business/industry sense, who want Cloud compute power to crunch 
usefully on encrypted data.

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Re: [liberationtech] Programming language for anonymity network

2014-04-22 Thread Michael Rogers
Hash: SHA256

Hi Stevens,

I think it would be irresponsible to start a new project in C or C++
given the enormous number of security issues caused by memory handling
bugs in C and C++ code. Here's a quote from a Debian security advisory
I just received, which is typical of these advisories:

Multiple memory safety errors, out of bound reads, use-after-frees
and other implementation errors may lead to the execution of arbitrary
code, information disclosure or denial of service.

These are entire classes of bugs that don't exist in safer languages.
Avoidable bugs like this are found every day in widely used, open
source software. Software that isn't widely used and open source
presumably has a similar density of bugs, but they're undiscovered or

C and C++ programmers seem to think that memory handling bugs are
something that happens to other people. They're not. Every programmer
in every language makes mistakes, but in C and C++ simple mistakes can
have subtle and disproportionately serious consequences.


On 18/04/14 09:26, Stevens Le Blond wrote:
 We are a team of researchers working on the design and
 implementation of a traffic-analysis resistant anonymity network
 and we would like to request your opinion regarding the choice of a
 programming language / environment. Here are the criteria:
 1) Familiarity: The language should be familiar or easy to learn
 for most potential contributors, as we hope to build a diverse
 community that builds on and contributes to the code.
 2) Maturity: The language implementation, tool chain and libraries 
 should be mature enough to support a production system.
 3) Language security: The language should minimize the risk of
 security relevant bugs like buffer overflows.
 4) Security of runtime / tool chain: It should be hard to 
 inconspicuously backdoor the tool chain and, if applicable,
 runtime environments.
 To give two concrete examples:
 Using the C language + deterministic builds is an attractive option
 with respect to 1), 2) and 4), but doesn’t provide much regarding
 Java does better with respect to 3), however, it trades some of 3)
 and 4) as compared to C. Specifically, we are concerned that large
 runtimes may be difficult to audit. A similar argument may apply to
 other interpreted languages.
 Given these criteria, what language would you choose and for what 
 reasons? We would also appreciate feedback regarding our criteria.
 All the best, David, Nick, Peter, Stevens, and William
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)

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Re: [liberationtech] Programming language for anonymity network

2014-04-22 Thread Peter Lindener

You have a point C++ in the raw would be a big mistake, Then I was
suggesting a Safe, compiler enforced subset. of C++... (still to be


On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 9:54 AM, Michael Rogers mich...@briarproject.orgwrote:

 Hash: SHA256

 Hi Stevens,

 I think it would be irresponsible to start a new project in C or C++
 given the enormous number of security issues caused by memory handling
 bugs in C and C++ code. Here's a quote from a Debian security advisory
 I just received, which is typical of these advisories:

 Multiple memory safety errors, out of bound reads, use-after-frees
 and other implementation errors may lead to the execution of arbitrary
 code, information disclosure or denial of service.

 These are entire classes of bugs that don't exist in safer languages.
 Avoidable bugs like this are found every day in widely used, open
 source software. Software that isn't widely used and open source
 presumably has a similar density of bugs, but they're undiscovered or

 C and C++ programmers seem to think that memory handling bugs are
 something that happens to other people. They're not. Every programmer
 in every language makes mistakes, but in C and C++ simple mistakes can
 have subtle and disproportionately serious consequences.


 On 18/04/14 09:26, Stevens Le Blond wrote:
  We are a team of researchers working on the design and
  implementation of a traffic-analysis resistant anonymity network
  and we would like to request your opinion regarding the choice of a
  programming language / environment. Here are the criteria:
  1) Familiarity: The language should be familiar or easy to learn
  for most potential contributors, as we hope to build a diverse
  community that builds on and contributes to the code.
  2) Maturity: The language implementation, tool chain and libraries
  should be mature enough to support a production system.
  3) Language security: The language should minimize the risk of
  security relevant bugs like buffer overflows.
  4) Security of runtime / tool chain: It should be hard to
  inconspicuously backdoor the tool chain and, if applicable,
  runtime environments.
  To give two concrete examples:
  Using the C language + deterministic builds is an attractive option
  with respect to 1), 2) and 4), but doesn’t provide much regarding
  Java does better with respect to 3), however, it trades some of 3)
  and 4) as compared to C. Specifically, we are concerned that large
  runtimes may be difficult to audit. A similar argument may apply to
  other interpreted languages.
  Given these criteria, what language would you choose and for what
  reasons? We would also appreciate feedback regarding our criteria.
  All the best, David, Nick, Peter, Stevens, and William
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)

 Liberationtech is public  archives are searchable on Google. Violations
 of list guidelines will get you moderated:
 Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password by emailing moderator at

Liberationtech is public  archives are searchable on Google. Violations of 
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Re: [liberationtech] [cryptography] The next gen P2P secure email solution

2014-04-22 Thread Randolph

 This thread pertains specifically to the use of P2P/DHT models
 to replace traditional email as we know it today.

*Anonymous Email based on virtual institutions*

What about this model? In a network you send your public email encryption
key to an virtual institution.
The institution is defined by a name (e.g. AES string) and postal address
(e.g. hash key). Having this information added to your node, all your email
to you or from you will be stored in the virtual email provider
institution. This detaches your nodes IP and encrpytion key from the
institution. That means, care-off (c/o) institutions will be able to house
3rd-party e-mail without needing to distribute their own public keys.

To create a post office for your friends, two methods exist:

1) Define a common neighbor (e.g Alice and Bob connect to a common
webserver as node, and all three have email encryption keys shared), then
the webserver stores the emails, even if Alice or Bob are offline.

2) Or/additionally: Create an virtual institution and add the email key of
a friend to your node. In case your friend adds the magnet link (which
contains name and address of the virtual institution, aka AES key and Hash
key) for the institution as well to his node, the institution will save all
emails for him (as well from senders, which are not registered at the
virtual institution).

A Magnet Link allows to share the virtual institution easily. The magnet
Uri would look like:

With this method an email provider can be build without data retention and
with the advantage of detached email encrpytion keys from node´s IP
addresses. Next to TCP, you can use as well UDP and SCTP as protocol.

Virtual Institutions (VI) have been - due to the homepage - introduced by
the lib-version 0.9.04 of http://goldbug.sf.net email and chat application.

If we understand this right, now everyone can create an email provider
without data retention just as a service for friends. In case in a network
of connected nodes everyone uses gmail as VI-name and dotcom as
VI-address, everyone will host everyone for email, while all remains
encrypted..  could be a nice net or p2p model in a testing.
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Re: [liberationtech] Secure (but Hackable) Cloud Computing:

2014-04-22 Thread Griffin Boyce

Hash: SHA256

  Computing on a device you have full control over is not necessarily 
secure, and offloading everything onto a machine (or set of machines) 
that you have no real control over probably won't improve your security. 
 There's a lot of money to be made by people who want to convince you 
otherwise. Caveat lector.

  Incidentally, a new set of attacks (and related vulnerabilities) was 
released today:

Abstract: http://eprint.iacr.org/2014/248
Paper: http://eprint.iacr.org/2014/248.pdf

Here we show that AES in a number popular cryptographic libraries 
including OpenSSL, PolarSSL and Libgcrypt are vulnerable to Bernstein’s 
correlation attack when run in Xen and VMware (bare metal version) VMs, 
the most popular VMs used by cloud service providers (CSP) such as 
Amazon and Rackspace. We also show that the vulnerability persists even 
if the VMs are placed on different cores in the same machine. The 
results of this study shows that there is a great security risk to AES 
and (data encrypted under AES) on popular cloud services.

  A quick search for [xen vps hosting] leads to 364,000 results. And of 
course most of these are pages from service providers, not the websites 
they host.  Think of all the sites that are hosted on these thousands of 
service providers (or even just Amazon/Rackspace/Linode/Gandi) and you 
start to scratch the surface of why cloud security is still so tricky.


PGP: 879B DA5B F6B2 7B61 2745  0A25 03CF 4A0A B3C7 9A63
emoji: ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

On 2014-04-22 07:47, Caspar Bowden (lists) wrote:

On 17/04/14 20:29, David Solomonoff wrote:

No longer confined behind a locked down private data center or
hidden under the end user's bed, a virtual FreedomBox can finally
escape to the clouds.

 Apropos the blog, Mylar is cool, but doesn't use FHE. It sends the
Cloud conventionally encrypted blobs to and fro - and the Client does
all the work (thus neutralizing main vaunted benefit of Cloud, elastic
and parallel CPU power). It also uses an encrypted search technique
for indexing (which is also cool)

Version: OpenPGP.js v0.5.1
Comment: http://openpgpjs.org


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list guidelines will get you moderated: 
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to digest, or change password by emailing moderator at compa...@stanford.edu.

Re: [liberationtech] [p2p-hackers] Programming language for anonymity network

2014-04-22 Thread Chas.
You could also try using some of the great tools out there to reduce the
security risks. Look at Veracode for their Analysis Center. There are some
open source tools you can use as well.


On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 12:54 PM, Michael Rogers

 Hash: SHA256

 Hi Stevens,

 I think it would be irresponsible to start a new project in C or C++
 given the enormous number of security issues caused by memory handling
 bugs in C and C++ code. Here's a quote from a Debian security advisory
 I just received, which is typical of these advisories:

 Multiple memory safety errors, out of bound reads, use-after-frees
 and other implementation errors may lead to the execution of arbitrary
 code, information disclosure or denial of service.

 These are entire classes of bugs that don't exist in safer languages.
 Avoidable bugs like this are found every day in widely used, open
 source software. Software that isn't widely used and open source
 presumably has a similar density of bugs, but they're undiscovered or

 C and C++ programmers seem to think that memory handling bugs are
 something that happens to other people. They're not. Every programmer
 in every language makes mistakes, but in C and C++ simple mistakes can
 have subtle and disproportionately serious consequences.


 On 18/04/14 09:26, Stevens Le Blond wrote:
  We are a team of researchers working on the design and
  implementation of a traffic-analysis resistant anonymity network
  and we would like to request your opinion regarding the choice of a
  programming language / environment. Here are the criteria:
  1) Familiarity: The language should be familiar or easy to learn
  for most potential contributors, as we hope to build a diverse
  community that builds on and contributes to the code.
  2) Maturity: The language implementation, tool chain and libraries
  should be mature enough to support a production system.
  3) Language security: The language should minimize the risk of
  security relevant bugs like buffer overflows.
  4) Security of runtime / tool chain: It should be hard to
  inconspicuously backdoor the tool chain and, if applicable,
  runtime environments.
  To give two concrete examples:
  Using the C language + deterministic builds is an attractive option
  with respect to 1), 2) and 4), but doesn’t provide much regarding
  Java does better with respect to 3), however, it trades some of 3)
  and 4) as compared to C. Specifically, we are concerned that large
  runtimes may be difficult to audit. A similar argument may apply to
  other interpreted languages.
  Given these criteria, what language would you choose and for what
  reasons? We would also appreciate feedback regarding our criteria.
  All the best, David, Nick, Peter, Stevens, and William
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)

 p2p-hackers mailing list

Liberationtech is public  archives are searchable on Google. Violations of 
list guidelines will get you moderated: 
https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech. Unsubscribe, 
change to digest, or change password by emailing moderator at 

Re: [liberationtech] Programming language for anonymity network

2014-04-22 Thread Hannes Mehnert
Hash: SHA384


On 04/18/2014 10:26, Stevens Le Blond wrote:
 We are a team of researchers working on the design and
 implementation of a traffic-analysis resistant anonymity network
 and we would like to request your opinion regarding the choice of a
 programming language / environment. Here are the criteria:

I'm a researcher with some experience in formal methods
(http://itu.dk/people/hame) and also software development
(https://github.com/hannesm) in different kinds of programming languages.

 1) Familiarity: The language should be familiar or easy to learn
 for most potential contributors, as we hope to build a diverse
 community that builds on and contributes to the code.
 2) Maturity: The language implementation, tool chain and libraries 
 should be mature enough to support a production system.
 3) Language security: The language should minimize the risk of
 security relevant bugs like buffer overflows.
 4) Security of runtime / tool chain: It should be hard to 
 inconspicuously backdoor the tool chain and, if applicable,
 runtime environments.

I actually question whether your criteria is extensive enough.
Especially from crypto systems and anonymity systems, I'd want to have
a proper specification of the protocol, either by writing it in a
logic system or by using a declarative programming language.

In my experience, code with lots of shared mutable data (such as
object-oriented and imperative programming) tends to produce usable
applications quickly, but once you want to go
multi-core/multi-threaded or extend at points not thought upfront, the
code becomes messy and really hard to maintain. Thus I'd go for some
functional programming language where you write most of the time code
which does not mutate the heap.

Another piece of thought is this static typing vs dynamic typing.
While the latter produces prototypes quickly, the former results in
much more confidence that the application will actually do the right
thing (again, static typing is not a replacement for testing).

Your fourth point can be mitigated by a) two compilers to
cross-bootstrap [http://cm.bell-labs.com/who/ken/trust.html] and/or b)
formalised and small runtimes.

At the time being I'd suggest to look into OCaml/Haskell/Erlang or
Idris (if you need a really expressive type system), maybe write
specifications upfront in Coq/HOL/Lem. I don't see any reason these
days to use C/C++ or another unsafe macro-assembly language (and
currently develop a TLS stack in pure OCaml to run with openmirage.org
/ be used by nymote.org).

Happy hacking,

Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (FreeBSD)

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list guidelines will get you moderated: 
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Re: [liberationtech] [p2p-hackers] Programming language for anonymity network

2014-04-22 Thread Christof Leng

Hash: SHA1

On 22.04.14 11:48, Hannes Mehnert wrote:
 At the time being I'd suggest to look into OCaml/Haskell/Erlang or
 Idris (if you need a really expressive type system), maybe write
 specifications upfront in Coq/HOL/Lem. I don't see any reason these
 days to use C/C++ or another unsafe macro-assembly language (and
 currently develop a TLS stack in pure OCaml to run with openmirage.org
 / be used by nymote.org).

I was very happy with Standard ML (non-object-oriented 'predecessor' of
OCAML) for writing complex P2P systems and even user-land transport

Functional programming and static typing helps to discover subtle bugs
that go unnoticed in imperative languages (and I'm not talking about
something as ridiculous as buffer overruns).

Unfortunately, Stevens requirement of familiarity still speaks against
functional programming languages, even for something as popular (and
watered-down) as Scala. It's very hard to find code contributors who
know the language or are willing to learn it.

I think it's a trade-off between the code quality you want to achieve
and the accessibility for a larger coder community. There is no golden
standard right now.

Stevens: If you want to look into Standard ML, I think you have some
in-house experts at MPI SWS.


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[liberationtech] Rift Recon Presents At The 2014 Oslo Freedom Forum

2014-04-22 Thread Eric Michaud
Hi Everyone,

Long time lurker, seldom poster.

I don't know if everyone here caught the press release (which I'll
re-post below) this week but I thought this to be highly relevant to
the interests of many members on this mailing list. If anyone is going
to make it to OFF please say hi :)  or has any questions the Rift
Recon team is happy to answer them to the best of our ability.

Best Regards,
Eric Michaud
Rift Recon
PGP Key at the bottom


Rift Recon LLC and the Human Rights Foundation (HRF) join forces to
present a comprehensive security workshop at the 2014 Oslo Freedom
Forum (OFF) next month. The workshop will be geared toward protecting
high-risk individuals in possession of sensitive information.

The sixth annual OFF will take place on May 12-14th. Former Russian
political prisoner Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Harvard cognitive scientist
Steven Pinker, Cuban blogger Yoani Sánchez, Wikipedia founder Jimmy
Wales, American actor Jeffrey Wright, and iconic Turkish protester
Erdem Gunduz will join 25 other remarkable speakers. OFF will bring
together a diverse and global audience to share experiences and
discuss how to best promote free and open societies. Rift Recon CEO
Eric Michaud and Senior Intelligence Advisor Brian O’Shea will be
joining the ranks of some of the world’s finest minds and bringing
their security talents within easy reach of the people that need them

You can’t help being a target, but you can help what kind of target
you are, advises O’Shea. Our workshop in Oslo will provide a
remarkable opportunity for Rift Recon to aid at-risk individuals who
we wouldn’t normally have access to.

Michaud and O’Shea are facilitating the workshop in collaboration with
representatives from HRF, whose team members reached out to Rift Recon
after hearing about their cyber and physical security intensives. OFF
workshop attendees can expect a fast-paced, in-depth security training
that focuses on identifying when you are being targeted by hostile
entities, introducing premeditated protocols you can practice to
lessen your risk, and how to swiftly minimize damage should your
security be compromised. The training will draw largely from Rift’s
Two-Day Employee Physical Security Intensive and the soon to be
available Social Engineering course.

Dictators have access to billions of dollars and the world’s most
advanced surveillance and spying tools, said HRF president Thor
Halvorssen. We have to acknowledge that challenge, and the first step
is to connect communities of human rights defenders and at-risk
journalists with experts who can show them how to keep their
communications and actions private.

In this workshop, the instructors will focus on protecting sensitive
information through examining the flaws and benefits of various
communication devices and attacks by various offensive entry tools, as
well as how to strategically react to a security breach. Social
engineering techniques will also be examined, including reading body
language and establishing stranger intent to better protect
participants. Participants lastly will also learn how to tell if their
workspaces have been intruded upon, how to deploy tamper-evident
devices to sensitive equipment and work spaces, and many more
invaluable skills. For more information, and to view a complete list
of this year’s speakers, visit http://www.oslofreedomforum.com.

About Rift Recon

Founded in 2013, Rift Recon is a premiere physical security agency
comprised of researchers, former military and private security detail
contractors, and computer and hardware hackers that equips its clients
from a suite of exclusive services including specialized trainings,
hardware tampering and forensics work, assessment reports, tool
creation and team outfitting. Visit http://www.riftrecon.com or follow
@RiftRecon on Twitter for more information.

About Human Rights Foundation (HRF)

Founded in 2006, HRF is a nonpartisan nonprofit organization that
promotes and protects human rights globally, with a focus on closed
societies. HRF unites people in the common cause of defending human
rights and promoting liberal democracy. Our mission is to ensure that
freedom is both preserved and promoted around the world. Visit
http://www.humanrightsfoundation.org or follow @HRF on Twitter for
more information.


My work related PGP key:

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [liberationtech] [p2p-hackers] Programming language for anonymity network

2014-04-22 Thread Hannes Mehnert
Hash: SHA384

On 04/22/2014 21:15, Christof Leng wrote:
 I was very happy with Standard ML (non-object-oriented
 'predecessor' of OCAML) for writing complex P2P systems and even
 user-land transport protocols.

Agreed. I use the Caml part of OCaml. :)

 Functional programming and static typing helps to discover subtle
 bugs that go unnoticed in imperative languages (and I'm not talking
 about something as ridiculous as buffer overruns).
 Unfortunately, Stevens requirement of familiarity still speaks
 against functional programming languages, even for something as
 popular (and watered-down) as Scala. It's very hard to find code
 contributors who know the language or are willing to learn it.

But if you have a chance to start from scratch, you should look at
possible solutions and use a viable one. Especially the readability
and maintainability of a programming language should be considered.
Otherwise you end up with a piece of code which is not maintainable
once the PhDs have graduated. You have to pay the technical debt at
some point. And I'm not sure how to hand over a research project to
'the open source community'... Are there best practices/guidelines

I think the OCaml community is rather larger compared to other
functional programming languages, and it is very helpful. Both the
real world ocaml book, available online https://realworldocaml.org/,
and their package management system OPAM, are awesome contributions
over the last years to easily start with OCaml and to get more people


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Re: [liberationtech] Open source HW/SW for Distance Learning Telemedicine

2014-04-22 Thread Blibbet

Stop waiting.


On 2/26/14 9:45 PM, Al Billings wrote:
 I’d wait a few months since Bunnie says they’ll make an
 announcement when they’re ready for people to do so.

 From: Blibbet Blibbet
 Reply: liberationtech liberationtech@lists.stanford.edu
 Date: February 26, 2014 at 9:44:26 PM
 To: a...@acm.org a...@acm.org, liberationtech 
 Subject:  Re: [liberationtech] Open source HW/SW for Distance 
Learning  Telemedicine

 Buy commodity parts and build the 3D printed parts and assemble your own
 Al Billings

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Re: [liberationtech] Open source HW/SW for Distance Learning Telemedicine

2014-04-22 Thread Al Billings
Yeah, I backed it about two weeks ago when it hit the Internet. Been on 
vacation? :-)

Al Billings

On April 22, 2014 at 4:53:57 PM, Blibbet (blib...@gmail.com) wrote:

Stop waiting.  


On 2/26/14 9:45 PM, Al Billings wrote:  
 I’d wait a few months since Bunnie says they’ll make an  
 announcement when they’re ready for people to do so.  

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Re: [liberationtech] Open source HW/SW for Distance Learning Telemedicine

2014-04-22 Thread Blibbet

 Been on vacation? :-)

I wish. It was news to me, sorry if this was old news to everyone.

But, as of today, they still need funding, so is not over yet, perhaps 
re-visit site and fund at a higher level. :-)


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Re: [liberationtech] Open source HW/SW for Distance Learning Telemedicine

2014-04-22 Thread Al Billings
Sorry, the sarcasm was meant gently!

I do think it is a cool project and, yes, they do need more funding so it is 
good to keep mentioning it.


Al Billings

On April 22, 2014 at 5:00:08 PM, Blibbet (blib...@gmail.com) wrote:

 Been on vacation? :-)  

I wish. It was news to me, sorry if this was old news to everyone.  

But, as of today, they still need funding, so is not over yet, perhaps  
re-visit site and fund at a higher level. :-)  


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[liberationtech] Saravá Collective protests against data surveillance

2014-04-22 Thread rhatto
Saravá Collective protests against data surveillance

Brazil - April 22th 2014 - We from Saravá Group are worried about
arbitrary and reckless action of the Public Prosecutor's Office. The
Office is requesting access to content we host.

Saravá is a group offering technological infrastructure and political
reflection to civil society for ten years[0].

Our main research topic is the construction of safe autonomous
communication systems respecting the privacy of our users and the
democratization of this knowledge[1].

Earlier this year, we became aware of repeated requests from the Public
Prosecutor's Office for access to our server hosted at Campinas State
University (Unicamp). The Federal Police made these requests to Unicamp
without a court order, supposedly to investigate alleged misconduct.

Despite the intervention of the Unicamp Rector to avoid a new server
seizure as occurred on the past[2], the police insistence leaves us
apprehensive about the security of the websites and mailing lists we

This week, Brazil provides an example to the world by organizing and
leading a meeting to discuss the future of internet governance[3]. But
these actions show that our country is in fact behind other nations in
the development of freedom of expression and privacy on digital media.

Ironically, the State that approves the Marco Civil Internet bill to
protect Brazilian users against police state measures is the same that
in practice does the opposite of their own policies.

We reiterate that our server is used for legitimate social activities.
There is no justification for compromising the privacy of all our users
to get specific information that is allegedly stored in our server.

A huge part of this content is, by its nature, online and publicly
available. It is unnecessary to request a copy of content that is
already supplied automatically.  Additionally, to respect to the privacy
of our users we don't record acess information of users connection.

We demand an immediate halt of this police attack against our server and
our users's data.

More than ever, it is time for the Brazilian Government to give an clear
example that it respects and protects the privacy of Internet users.

The whole world is watching.

Saravá Collective
contato AT sarava.org

[0] Saravá principles: https://www.sarava.org/en/principles
[1] As an example, see the initiative: https://policy.sarava.org/
[2] Seizure of Saravá server on 2008: https://www.sarava.org/en/node/46
[3] NETmundial: http://netmundial.br

rhatto at riseup.net
pubkey 66CA01CE2BF2C9B7E8D64E340546823964E39FCA
please bring your fingerprint when meeting me
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