[liberationtech] Build Your Own Internet! workshop this Saturday, 1-4pm @ Omni Commons

2017-03-16 Thread Jenny Ryan

The Peoples Open Network is hosting a skillshare / workshop this Saturday,
March 18, from 1-4pm at the Omni Commons (home of the Sudo Room
hackerspace), and we'd love for you to join us!

>From the event page

(plz rsvp so we know how many folks to expect!):

Do you think internet should be a public commons rather than a corporate

Come over to Omni Commons to learn about the history of the internet, how
it works, and how to build your own. Meet and mingle with civic hackers and
organizers behind peoplesopen.net: an open, community-based, network in the
East Bay.

1:00pm - Why/what/how of the internet (< 30 minutes)

1:30pm - Snack, mingle, share and experiment

2:00pm - Hands-on workshop with a variety of learning stations such as:
rooftop mounting techniques, ethernet cable-crimping, live node link
demoing radio propagation, q table & non-tech signup station for
neighborhood organizers

Donations for pizza and internet are enthusiastically accepted ; )

The Omni Commons' ballroom is wheelchair-accessible via a lift in the
Entrance Hall, where there is also located a wheelchair-accessible
single-stall bathroom.

The Peoples Open Network  enables anyone to share
their Internet connection or extend signal from neighboring nodes. Learn
more at peoplesopen.net.

The Omni Commons  is a 100% volunteer-run space
for community organizing, collaboration, and creative production located in
North Oakland. Learn more at omnicommons.org.

*BYOI Workshop *

*Omni Commons - Ballroom*

*4799 Shattuck, Oakland, California*

*Saturday 18 March 2017 1-4pm*

*RSVP at


Help open a people-powered common space in Oakland, California!

"Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories."
-Laurie Anderson

"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it."
 -Hannah Arendt

"To define is to kill. To suggest is to create."
-Stéphane Mallarmé
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Re: [liberationtech] Data Security for International Travel

2017-03-16 Thread Rich Kulawiec
On Mon, Mar 06, 2017 at 12:50:45PM -0500, Bruce G. Potter wrote:
> For example, Get a dropbox account [...]

No.  Not Dropbox.  Never Dropbox.  A partial list of reasons why:

Dropbox Authentication: Insecure By Design


Dropbox Lack of Security - Miguel de Icaza

You might want to change your DropBox pass -6,937,081 accounts alegedly 

How Dropbox sacrifices user privacy for cost savings


Dropbox's new security policy implies that they lied about privacy from 
the start

Dropbox asks file sharing add-on to drop dead

Dropbox bug deletes some users' files permanently


Dropbox Tries To Kill Off Open Source Project With DMCA Takedown


Dropbox Kept Files Around for Years Due to "Delete" Bug


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[liberationtech] Digital Objects, Digital Subjects: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Activism, Research & Critique in the Age of Big Data Capitalism

2017-03-16 Thread Christian Fuchs
Digital Objects, Digital Subjects: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on 
Activism, Research & Critique in the Age of Big Data Capitalism

The 6th ICTs and Society Conference
May 20-21
University of Westminster, London
Hosted by the Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies

Toni Negri, Jodi Dean, David Chandler, Christian Fuchs, Paolo Gerbaudo, 
Orit Halpern, Kylie Jarrett, Jack Linchuan Qiu, Antoinette Rouvroy, 
Etienne Turpin

Registration, all abstracts and more info:

Presenters at the symposium will engage with questions of the digital in 
respect to activism, research and critique. The conference will engage 
with the possibilities, potentials, pitfalls, limits, and ideologies of 
digital activism. It will reflect on whether computational social 
science, the digital humanities and ubiquitous datafication enable new 
research approaches or result in a digital positivism that threatens the 
independence of critical research and brings about the death of the 
social sciences and humanities. The conference will explore the futures, 
places and possibilities of critique in the age of digital subjects and 
digital objects.

- Toni Negri: The Incorporation of the Digital Machine: A Metaphor?
- Jodi Dean: Critique or Collectivity?
- David Chandler: Governmentalities of the Digital: Mapping, Sensing and 

- Christian Fuchs: Karl Marx in the Age of Big Data Capitalism
- Paolo Gerbaudo: The Platform Party: The Transformation of Political 
Organisation in the Digital Era
- Orit Halpern: The Smart Mandate: Ubiquitous Computing, Environment, 
and “Resilient Hope”
- Kylie Jarrett: The Digital Housewife: Labour at the Intersection of 
Culture and Economy
- Jack Linchuan Qiu: Goodbye iSlave: Rethinking Smartphone, Activism, 
and Chinese Labour
- Antoinette Rouvroy: Revitalizing Critique Against the Critical Sirens 
of Algorithmic Governmentality
- Etienne Turpin: The Same River Twice: Torrential Formations of the 

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