I see Danah's blatant groveling and raise to shameless promotion.

MY book, "The LAST Virtual Volunteering Guidebook", was just published last week. It's available through Energize, Inc., the largest publisher of volunteerism-related books.

My co-author and I wrote it not only to help introduce the concept of virtual volunteering, in all its forms - crowdsourcing, micro volunteering, ementoring, etc. - to organizations, but also, to help organizations already engaging with online volunteers, to improve and expand their virtual volunteering activities, including activities related to Liberationtech's focus on tech, democracy, freedom, human rights and development.

In conjunction with the revised guidebook is the Virtual Volunteering Wiki, a free online resource and collaborative space for sharing resources regarding virtual volunteering.
Even if you don't buy the book, have a look at the wiki - I've toyed with the idea of creating a section specifically on online volunteers in advocacy work - even if it just links to what's already out there. So if you have suggestions, lay them on me.

Danah said "Fingers crossed that y'all will find it useful and interesting."

Same for me. (And Danah, I'll be buying your book, FYI, because teen use of the Internet is of huge interest to me).

And I see Danah's hug and I give a KISS. On the MOUTH.

Ms. Jayne Cravens MSc
Portland, Oregon, USA

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