[Libevent-users] Re: Multithreads event_add problem

2007-10-09 Thread Quan Sun

I've add event_base_set before event_add, now it seems that it works.

On 10/9/07, Quan Sun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> These days I'm working on a web client project. The design is rather
> simple, and I use two threads.
> One thread creates sockets, with a given time-varing speed, then these
> sockets are passed to second thread. The second thread is a
> event_dispatch(), it perform all the actual work.
> My question is, what is the best method to pass events between thread?
> I used event_add in first thread, and these two threads share event.
> But it seems that libevent is leaking fds in this case, I've read some
> of 1.2a's codes, libevent itself does not have thread lock in
> event_add.
> --
> Quan Sun

世界很大, 时间很长。

Quan Sun
Libevent-users mailing list

[Libevent-users] Multithreads event_add problem

2007-10-09 Thread Quan Sun

These days I'm working on a web client project. The design is rather
simple, and I use two threads.

One thread creates sockets, with a given time-varing speed, then these
sockets are passed to second thread. The second thread is a
event_dispatch(), it perform all the actual work.

My question is, what is the best method to pass events between thread?
I used event_add in first thread, and these two threads share event.
But it seems that libevent is leaking fds in this case, I've read some
of 1.2a's codes, libevent itself does not have thread lock in


Quan Sun
Libevent-users mailing list