[Libreoffice] Hoвoе в рaботе с нeрeзидентами

2011-05-30 Thread Зaконнaя оптимизaции бизнеcа

>   1 июня • 2011 г.

>   г. Kиeв, ул. Гopького, 172
>   бизнеc-центр «Пaлладиум Cити», 8 эт, oф. 814.

>   Тeл.: (044) 331-641Ч, 592-756Ч


Ивaннa Пилипюк — пaртнeр-консультант междунapодной кoнсалтинговой компaнии 
"International Consulting Group".

Иpина Hестеренко — вeдущий юpист междунаpодной кoнcaлтинговой компaнии 
"International Consulting Group".


* Kак закoнно cнизить нaлоги?
* Кaк cвeсти к минимуму затpаты и увeличить пpибыль?
* Кaк зaщитить cвои aктивы oт любыx посягaтельств?
* Можнo ли paбoтать c оффшopами? Hacколько этo зaкoннo?
* Кaкие евpопейские компaнии интеpесны для рaботы, и пoчeму?
* Кaк закoннo увeличить вaлoвые зaтpаты свoих кoмпaний?
* Ктo еcть ктo в оффшoре? Кaк зaщитить сeбя в cвоeм бизнесe?
* Kак coxранить кoнфидeнциальность в бизнесe?
* Kaк упpaвлять активaми c помoщью иноcтpанных кoмпаний?
* Kaк нaчaть бизнeс c нуля?
* Kaк откpыть cчeт в зaрубежном банкe?
* И мнoгоe другoе. 


* Измeнeния pабoты c oффшoрами пo нoвoму Налoговому Kодeксу. 
  Чтo мoжнo, a чтo нeт, oтноcить нa валoвые pacходы пpи рабoте c 
* Изменeниe выплaт инжиниpингoвых, конcaлтинговых, мaркетинговых 
  и pеклaмных уcлуг нa нерeзидента, в тoм чиcле и оффшopов. 
* Измeнeния, кaсающиеся cтaтуcа бeнeфициaра. Кaк влияeт cтатус бeнефициaра 
  нa выплaту рoялти нeрeзиденту? Изменeние cхeмы poялти c учетoм нoвoгo 
налогoвого кoдекcа. 
  Сколькo тeпeрь можнo включaт в cостав вaловых затрaт cуммы пo рoялти? 
* Опpeделение перeчня видoв доxoдов c истoчникoм иx пpoиcхождения из 
  Изменeние выплaт peпатриационных налoгов. 
* Гpаждaнские и налoговые oбязaннoсти рeзидeнтов Укрaины, 
  кoтоpые дeйствуют oт имeни неpезидентов. 
* Чтo считaется пpибылью, получeнной нa тepритории Укpaины? Kакaя пpибыль, 
  полученa неpезидентом в Укрaинe пoдлeжит нaлогу нa peпaтриацию? 
* Ocобенности oтнесения нa вaловые pacходы пpoцeнтов пo займaм, 
предoставленным инoстранными 
  кoмпаниями-учpедителями украинcких кoмпаний. 

иcпoльзoвания инoстранных компaний в бизнеce

* Экcпорт: вapиации cхем.
* Импoрт: ваpиации сxeм, измeнение сxeм, в завиcимoсти oт прeдпoчтений и 
тpебований стpан-партнеров.
* Влaдение. «Скрытиe» cобственника бизнесa кaк зaлoг кoрпoративной 
* Закoннoе увеличениe валoвых затрaт укрaинcких прeдпpиятий.
* Зaщитa oт pейдeрства и другиx пoсягательств.
* Защитa интеллeктуальной cобcтвенности. Bозмoжности иноcтpанных кoмпаний.
* Pегистрация яxт и элитныx тpaнспортных сpeдств.
* Пoполнeние обopотных cpeдств.
* Инвеcтирование и pеинвестирование капитaла.
* Koмпании-копилки и другиe сxемы. 

ЗРEНИЯ OПТИМИЗAЦИИ БИЗHЕСА KОМПАНИЙ. B кaких cтpaнах лучшe pегистрировать 
кoмпании? Kaкие фoрмы и виды юpидических лиц нaиболее удoбны в pазных cтрaнах? 
Иcпoльзoвание компaний из выгoдных oтноcительно нaлoгoобложения и ведeния 
бизнeса стpaн.

* Kлаcсические oффшоры. Пpеимущeства и нeдocтатки. Хаpактеристика cтpaн: 
Бeлиз, Панaмa, Ceйшелы.
* Hoвая Зелaндия – беcтселлер прoдaж, cекpеты пoпулярности этoй юpисдикции.
* Иcпoльзoвание eвpoпейских кoмпaний в бизнeсe. Нoвые и стapые гopизoнты нa 
кapте Евpопы и миpa: Сингaпур, Эcтония, Пoльша.
* Oффшoры в Гонкoнге и OАЭ. Возмoжности рабoты c дaнными юриcдикциями.
* Bеликобритания – poдoначальница вcеx оффшoров. Bозможности испoльзoвания 
aнглийских кoмпaний в бизнece. LLP - зaконный oффшoр в Вeликобритании. 
Преимущeства aнглийcких LTD для cхем влaдeния бизнecом и зaщиты oт 
поcягaтельств. Пpoстота и удобнocть oбслуживaния английcких компaний.
* Kипp - уникaльные вoзможности oптимизaции бизнeса. Оcoбенности 
нaлoгoобложения дивидeндoв, процeнтов, рoялти. 


* B кaкиx компанияx, и в кaких стpaнах нужнo cдaвать буxгaлтерские oтчeты? 
Кaкиe кoмпании прoxодят aудит? Ктo сдaeт oтчeты пo кoмпаниям? Cкoлько стoит 
сдачa отчетнoсти? Bиды oтчeтов, стрoки и цeны.
* Ocобенности oтчeтности еврoпейских кoмпаний. VAT-номep: осoбенности 
получeния и иcпoльзования. B кaкиx cлучaях и кoму нужeн VAT-нoмep. Измeнениe 
отчeтнoсти компaний, в 

Re: [Libreoffice] Platform-specific DLL suffix usefulness

2011-05-30 Thread Francois Tigeot
Hi Bjoern,

On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 09:19:30PM +0200, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
> On Sun, 29 May 2011 20:41:20 +0200
> Francois Tigeot  wrote:
> > One of your links is about a change of API but there would be none.
> > The consensus seemed to be this DLL suffix stuff was absolutely
> > unused and useless.
> If you leave the UNO standard libraries alone, feel free to go for it.
> But you did not say that

It was my understanding the UNO libraries didn't use DLLPOSTFIX but now
you're making me doubt.
Is there a canonical list of them I could check ?

Francois Tigeot
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Encrypted password -- change?

2011-05-30 Thread Marc Paré

Le 2011-05-30 15:24, Cor Nouws a écrit :

Hi Marc,

Marc Paré wrote (30-05-11 12:23)

I am just working on the webpage for the release of 3.4 and on the
release notes wiki page for LibO 3.4[1] it says:

When the document is encrypted with a password, you can now change the
password while the document is open, from
File->Properties->General->Change Password. The button is enabled only
when the document is encrypted with a password. (Kohei Yoshida)

Works for me, but little difference in place. Pls see attached screen shot,

Could someone check this? I could not get it to work. Maybe I am doing
something wrong? We'll have to leave it out if this does not work.

Safe to include :-)

[1] http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/3.4

Thanks Cor. Don't know why it didn't work on mine. I'll use your .png 
for the 3.4 webpage.



LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Debugging UNO references in gdb

2011-05-30 Thread David Tardon
On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 09:57:16AM +0200, Andor E wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to debug an issue with bookmarks in the Writer import
> filter. Right now my biggest problem is, that I don't know how to get
> information from the UNO reference objects. The import filter uses
> cursors and text ranges to insert the bookmarks into the document. I'm
> pretty sure, that the problem lies somewhere here, but I can't query
> the cursors and text ranges to make sure. Is there a helper function
> for gdb or a trick to do this?

FWIW, I have this in ~/.gdbinit :

set print object on

def pu
print $arg0._pInterface
def xu
if $arg0._pInterface
print *$arg0._pInterface

Then I use

pu xSomething

to get real C++ type of the interface or

xu xSomething

to display it directly.

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] [Bug 35673] LibreOffice 3.4 most annoying bugs

2011-05-30 Thread bugzilla-daemon

Rainer Bielefeld  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Depends on||37179

--- Comment #130 from Rainer Bielefeld  
2011-05-30 22:38:48 PDT ---
Nominate "Bug 37179 - [UX] options set in Find&Replace dialog, influence how
Find tool bar works". "Find" is a very basic, very important function what
should work error free

Configure bugmail: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/userprefs.cgi?tab=email
--- You are receiving this mail because: ---
You are on the CC list for the bug.
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Need help with the Bug 33092 – Autocomplete display double character for this word [CTL / Thai]

2011-05-30 Thread Samphan Raruenrom

Any idea about my experimental fix? i.e. remove the auto-style that switch
to the very same locale.

On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 9:22 PM, Samphan Raruenrom wrote:

>  Hi,
> We've been trying to fix this bug
> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33092
> However, we don't know whether the approach that we've tried is the right
> thing, so can you please review the following idea.
> Step to reproduced the bug:
> 1.Use Thai locale, open a blank Writer document
> 2.Switch keyboard to Thai.
> 3.Type text “มิถุ” by press “,b5”.
> 4.The function autocomplete will display the full word "มิถุนายน" (June in
> Thai)
> 5. Press enter to accept the suggestion, and another enter for readability
> 6. Repeat the step 3-5 once
> Expect result:
> There should be two lines of  “มิถุนายน”.
> Real result:
> There are two lines of “มิถุนายน” but the first one has a
> doubled/overlapped cluster. See below.
> It is strange that the second (and later) autocompletion of the same word
> doesn't trigger the same bug.
> Look at the content.xml
> style:country-complex="TH"/>
> snip.
> มิถ text:style-name="T1">ุนายน
>  text:style-name="T1">มิถุนายน
>  There is an auto-style T1 which switch the locale to th. In the 2nd
> paragraph, the auto-style is placed around the autocompleted word. However,
> in the first line, the auto-style is placed just before the suggestion.
> Moreover, for the word มิถุนายน, the auto-style happen to be placed inside a
> cluster ถ+ ุ , which result in ugly display of the cluster. Because the
> display function still cannot handle this case well.
> We've tried removing the whole auto-style T1 from the ODT and everything is
> fine again. Then we couldn't find a reason why LO need to put the auto-style
> while autocomplete in the first place. Because the user is typing in a
> locale, then autocompletion of the same locale is fired. So the whole text
> must be in the same locale. Why put and auto-style to switch to the same
> locale?
> So we've try an experimental patch (
> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/attachment.cgi?id=45511 ) that get rid of the
> auto-style when autocomplete altogether. We've tried it with no side-effect
> as of now. But I don't know whether actually the auto-style is needed for a
> reason we don't understand.
> Any idea?
> Thanks,
> Samphan.
> --
> _/|\_ *Samphan Raruenrom.*  Osdev - Open Source Development Co., Ltd.
> *สัมพันธ์ ระรื่นรมย์.*  โอเอสเด็บ - บริษัท โอเพนซอร์สดิเวลอปเมนต์ จำกัด
> tel: +66 2 269 9889  web: osdev.co.th 
> twitter: @osdev   facebook: 
> facebook.com/osdev

_/|\_ Samphan Raruenrom. Open Source Development Co., Ltd.
Tel: +66 38 311816, Fax: +66 38 773128, http://www.osdev.co.th/
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [GSOC] Weekly Report: Wizards....

2011-05-30 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 5:05 PM, Xisco Faulí  wrote:
> Hello,
> I keep doing. I can't say anything specific because all i'm doing is that,
> converting the code. I'm working now on the files in ui/event/.  it's taking
> me some time because it's a bit confused but i think It'd take me much
> longer. After I complete it, I'd like to create a git repository so it would
> be easier for you to follow my evolution.

It would be best to use a feature branch instead of a whole new set of repos:

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] [Review] fix for fdo#37772: Insert sheets in a protected spreadsheet document

2011-05-30 Thread Markus Mohrhard

this patch fixes bug fdo#37772. Using the plus Icon in the footer calls
different code paths than the normal menus so we need to check that the
document is editable separately.

I think this patch should be included in the 3-4 branch so I need one


Description: Binary data
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [PATCH] fdo#32263 - Config file location

2011-05-30 Thread Takeshi Abe
Hi Noel,

On Mon, 30 May 2011 21:40:59 +0100, Noel Power  wrote:
> On 30/05/11 15:39, Takeshi Abe wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> (thanks to Noel, for helpful comments on its initial version and
>> suggesting to post to this list).
> ahem, I seem to have gotten the wrong end of the stick about some of the 
> patch (
> or at least looking at it again I see that )
>> It seems to work well with master, but has one concern; the change
>> against common_brand.scp leads the path "$HOME/libreoffice" (not
>> "$HOME/.libreoffice") used in the fallback case,
> the fallback though is pretty unlikely right ? ( only for a huge path ) My 
> main
> gripe was that the scp change looked like it would impact windows too, I 
> didn't
> look past the small amount of context in the patch so didn't realise that the
> value for the config changed here is indeed for unix only.
Well the change against common_brand.scp is surrounded with #ifdef, so will not
affect to WNT nor to MACOSX. Or am I misunderstanding something?

-- Takeshi Abe

>>   which sounds
>> uncomfortable to some users including me.
>> Any thought
> as above
> Noel
LibreOffice mailing list


2011-05-30 Thread PoloSoft.com.tr




Untitled Document




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LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [PATCH] Bug 33293 - [EasyHack] Make starting count of worksheets configurable

2011-05-30 Thread Markus Mohrhard
Hello Albert,

just two quick comments.

We are trying to get away from using sal_Int16 for sheet numbers and use
SCTAB instead, so it would be nice if you could change this.
And I think we can't/shouldn't create a document without a sheet (but Kohei
may prove me wrong). And did you check that no negative numbers/characters
are inserted?

But all in all some good work. I think Kohei will take a closer look and
give you some better advice.


P.S. I prefer static_cast over c style casts, but don't know Kohei's opinion
on this

2011/5/31 Albert Thuswaldner 

> Hi all,
> Submitting a patch for  Bug 33293 for review. Please let me know if
> you want me to improve some parts of it.
> Once you are happy with it you can commit the patch under the terms of
> MPL 1.1 / GPLv3+ / LGPLv3+
> triple license.
> To implement this feature request I have:
> 1.) created a new config tab page called "Initialize",were the user
> can set the desired number of sheets to start with.
> 2.) created a new handler class  :ScTpInitOptions (tpinit.cxx/hxx) to
> deal with this config item.
> 3.) modded the class (docoptio.cxx/hxx) to include this option
> 4.) modded ScTabViewShell class (tabvwsh4.cxx) where the number of
> sheets actually are set
> Regards,
> /Albert
> On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 08:39, Albert Thuswaldner
>  wrote:
> > Hi Kohei,
> > Thanks for your help.
> >
> > On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 21:19, Kohei Yoshida  wrote:
> >> On Sun, 2011-05-08 at 17:09 +0200, Albert Thuswaldner wrote:
> >>> Dear List,
> >>> As a first attempt to contribute some code to LO, I've started hacking
> >>> on his:
> >>>
> >>> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33293
> >>>
> >>> I think I have come quite far with implementing the changes to the
> >>> configuration dialog (see the patch). Here there is still some things
> >>> to do, like figuring out why the contents of the tab page isn't
> >>> showing up. Any hints?
> >>
> >> So, when you say the contents of the tag page isn't showing up, do you
> >> mean the page entry is not in the tree on the left at all, or the entry
> >> is there but the page shows up empty?
> >
> > The page entry was in the tree but the tab page itself showed up
> > empty. However, I have solved this part now! :)
> > There was an additional place in the code that needed to be modified.
> >
> >>> Also why are many of the same resource id's defined both in
> >>> libs-core/svx/source/src/app.hrc and
> >>> libs-core/svx/inc/svx/dialogs.hrc?
> >>
> >> I have no clue about this.  Maybe it's a remnant of one of those code
> >> relocation efforts that took place awhile ago in the OOo code?
> >>
> >>> For the other part of problem i.e, how to actually set the number of
> >>> sheets for a new spreadsheet, I am completely lost. I haven't found
> >>> where in the code this should be done, (using opengrok.+ guessing).
> >>> Could someone please give me a hint on how to go about finding this?
> >>> How is a new spreadsheet generated? xml template? through using the
> >>> internal api?
> >>
> >> Check around the ScTable class.  That's the class that implements each
> >> sheet instance.  Especially pay close attention to its constructor, and
> >> assuming that it gets called three times during the startup of Calc, you
> >> can perhaps set a break point in there to see who instaniates it 3
> >> times, and trace back from there.
> >
> > I've mostly focused on the configuration part as of yet, now I will
> > focus on this part.
> > Thanks for the hint.
> >
> >> Great to see you working on this, BTW.
> >>
> >> Kohei
> >>
> >> --
> >> Kohei Yoshida, LibreOffice hacker, Calc
> >> 
> >>
> >
> > /Albert
> >
> ___
> LibreOffice mailing list
> LibreOffice@lists.freedesktop.org
> http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/libreoffice
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [PATCH] Bug 33293 - [EasyHack] Make starting count of worksheets configurable

2011-05-30 Thread Albert Thuswaldner
Hi all,
Submitting a patch for  Bug 33293 for review. Please let me know if
you want me to improve some parts of it.

Once you are happy with it you can commit the patch under the terms of
MPL 1.1 / GPLv3+ / LGPLv3+
triple license.

To implement this feature request I have:
1.) created a new config tab page called "Initialize",were the user
can set the desired number of sheets to start with.
2.) created a new handler class  :ScTpInitOptions (tpinit.cxx/hxx) to
deal with this config item.
3.) modded the class (docoptio.cxx/hxx) to include this option
4.) modded ScTabViewShell class (tabvwsh4.cxx) where the number of
sheets actually are set



On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 08:39, Albert Thuswaldner
> Hi Kohei,
> Thanks for your help.
> On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 21:19, Kohei Yoshida  wrote:
>> On Sun, 2011-05-08 at 17:09 +0200, Albert Thuswaldner wrote:
>>> Dear List,
>>> As a first attempt to contribute some code to LO, I've started hacking
>>> on his:
>>> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33293
>>> I think I have come quite far with implementing the changes to the
>>> configuration dialog (see the patch). Here there is still some things
>>> to do, like figuring out why the contents of the tab page isn't
>>> showing up. Any hints?
>> So, when you say the contents of the tag page isn't showing up, do you
>> mean the page entry is not in the tree on the left at all, or the entry
>> is there but the page shows up empty?
> The page entry was in the tree but the tab page itself showed up
> empty. However, I have solved this part now! :)
> There was an additional place in the code that needed to be modified.
>>> Also why are many of the same resource id's defined both in
>>> libs-core/svx/source/src/app.hrc and
>>> libs-core/svx/inc/svx/dialogs.hrc?
>> I have no clue about this.  Maybe it's a remnant of one of those code
>> relocation efforts that took place awhile ago in the OOo code?
>>> For the other part of problem i.e, how to actually set the number of
>>> sheets for a new spreadsheet, I am completely lost. I haven't found
>>> where in the code this should be done, (using opengrok.+ guessing).
>>> Could someone please give me a hint on how to go about finding this?
>>> How is a new spreadsheet generated? xml template? through using the
>>> internal api?
>> Check around the ScTable class.  That's the class that implements each
>> sheet instance.  Especially pay close attention to its constructor, and
>> assuming that it gets called three times during the startup of Calc, you
>> can perhaps set a break point in there to see who instaniates it 3
>> times, and trace back from there.
> I've mostly focused on the configuration part as of yet, now I will
> focus on this part.
> Thanks for the hint.
>> Great to see you working on this, BTW.
>> Kohei
>> --
>> Kohei Yoshida, LibreOffice hacker, Calc
> /Albert
diff --git a/sc/Library_scui.mk b/sc/Library_scui.mk
index 1e0ef6b..bc7bf48 100644
--- a/sc/Library_scui.mk
+++ b/sc/Library_scui.mk
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_exception_objects,scui,\
 sc/source/ui/optdlg/tpcalc \
 sc/source/ui/optdlg/tpcompatibility \
 sc/source/ui/optdlg/tpformula \
+sc/source/ui/optdlg/tpinit \
 sc/source/ui/optdlg/tpprint \
 sc/source/ui/optdlg/tpusrlst \
 sc/source/ui/optdlg/tpview \
diff --git a/sc/inc/docoptio.hxx b/sc/inc/docoptio.hxx
index 9ca84eb..72bdc46 100644
--- a/sc/inc/docoptio.hxx
+++ b/sc/inc/docoptio.hxx
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ class SC_DLLPUBLIC ScDocOptions
 double fIterEps;// epsilon value dazu
 sal_uInt16 nIterCount;// number
+sal_Int16 nInitSheet;// number of Sheets for new Spreadssheet doc
 sal_uInt16 nPrecStandardFormat; // precision for standard format
 ScOptionsUtil::KeyBindingType eKeyBindingType;
 sal_uInt16 nDay;	// Null date:
@@ -79,6 +80,8 @@ public:
 void   SetIter( sal_Bool bVal )			{ bIsIter = bVal; }
 sal_uInt16 GetIterCount() const			{ return nIterCount; }
 void   SetIterCount( sal_uInt16 nCount) { nIterCount = nCount; }
+sal_Int16 GetInitSheet() const			{ return nInitSheet; }
+void   SetInitSheet( sal_Int16 nSheet) { nInitSheet = nSheet; }
 double GetIterEps() const			{ return fIterEps; }
 void   SetIterEps( double fEps )	{ fIterEps = fEps; }
@@ -134,6 +137,7 @@ inline const ScDocOptions& ScDocOptions::operator=( const ScDocOptions& rCpy )
 bIsIgnoreCase		= rCpy.bIsIgnoreCase;
 bIsIter= rCpy.bIsIter;
 nIterCount			= rCpy.nIterCount;
+nInitSheet  = rCpy.nInitSheet;
 fIterEps			= rCpy.fIterEps;
 nPrecStandardFormat = rCpy.nPrecStandardFormat;
 eKeyBindingType = rCpy.eKeyBindingType;
@@ -162,6 +166,7 @@ inline int ScDocOptions::operator==( const ScDocOptions& rOpt ) const
 rOpt.bIsIgnoreCase			== bIsIgnoreCase
 &&	rOpt.bIsIter == bIsIter
 &&	rOpt.nIterCount 			== nIterCount

Re: [Libreoffice] [GSOC] Weekly Report: Wizards....

2011-05-30 Thread Xisco Faulí

I keep doing. I can't say anything specific because all i'm doing is that,
converting the code. I'm working now on the files in ui/event/.  it's taking
me some time because it's a bit confused but i think It'd take me much
longer. After I complete it, I'd like to create a git repository so it would
be easier for you to follow my evolution.


2011/5/24 Xisco Faulí 

> Yes, that's right, i'm focusing on the fax wizard first, anyway it uses
> other classes, such as UI components or document handlers, which are mostly
> placed in common and ui. The way I've been converting it is really simple:
> first I converted the class CallWizard.java which has the method trigger
> which initializes the wizard. This method creates an instance of
> FaxWizardDialogImpl. I converted this class and saw which other classes this
> class uses and I converted them as well and so on. I'm basically expanding
> little by little up to the moment I'll already have all the files needed for
> creating the fax wizard converted.
> 2011/5/24 Michael Meeks 
>> On Tue, 2011-05-24 at 00:18 +0200, Xisco Faulí wrote:
>> > Anyway I spent some time working on the google project last week as
>> > well. So far I've already converted ~40 files.
>> Oooh ... can you test the results ? are they working (ie. with the
>> translation stuff stubbed out) ? I assume you're going deep first (ie.
>> get one wizard working), rather than broad - getting all
>> semi-working :-) particularly with automated code translation, depth,
>> then width is best I'm sure [ you may need to improve the translation
>> tool etc. ].
>> > Apart from that, everything is going well and as expected.
>> Great news ! :-) looking forward to your results, good to hit the
>> ground running too ...
>>Thanks !
>> --
>>  michael.me...@novell.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Encrypted password -- change?

2011-05-30 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton
I tried this with LibreOffice 3.4.0rc2 (x86 on Windows Vista SP1 in VM hosted 
on Windows 7).

Two things:

1. It doesn't work.  There is a new button on the File | Properties ... | 
General tab to the right of the file name that says "Change Password ..." but 
it is always greyed out.  This could be because you have to unencrypt a file to 
open it ?  It is only the saved file that is encrypted.  
2. The HelpPack for 3.4.0rc2 on Windows does not reflect the fact that there is 
this new button.

[Related observations: You can open an encrypted file, modify it so that Save 
can be clicked, and it will save atop the encrypted file without warning.  
Also, when File | Properties comes up as part of a Save As (but not Save, 
interesting) because it is enabled by Option, the filename is highlighted as if 
it is editable, but it is not.  As far as I know, there is no occasion where 
the filename in the Properties | General dialog would be changeable.]

 - Dennis

PS: The "Protection" Password on the Security tab is described as for locking 
the read-only setting and is not related to encryption of the file.  It can 
also be set from the additional actions on the encryption-password dialog 

-Original Message-
From: libreoffice-bounces+dennis.hamilton=acm@lists.freedesktop.org 
[mailto:libreoffice-bounces+dennis.hamilton=acm@lists.freedesktop.org] On 
Behalf Of Cor Nouws
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2011 12:25
To: Marc Paré
Cc: libreoffice@lists.freedesktop.org
Subject: Re: [Libreoffice] Encrypted password -- change?

Hi Marc,

Marc Paré wrote (30-05-11 12:23)
> I am just working on the webpage for the release of 3.4 and on the 
> release notes wiki page for LibO 3.4[1] it says:
> When the document is encrypted with a password, you can now change the 
> password while the document is open, from
> File->Properties->General->Change Password. The button is enabled only
> when the document is encrypted with a password. (Kohei Yoshida)

Works for me, but little difference in place. Pls see attached screen shot,

> Could someone check this? I could not get it to work. Maybe I am doing 
> something wrong? We'll have to leave it out if this does not work.

Safe to include :-)

> [1] http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/3.4

  - http://nl.libreoffice.org
  - giving openoffice.org its foundation :: The Document Foundation -

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] Patch to fix compile with Bison 2.5 and Gcc 4.5.3 on LibO 3.4 RC2

2011-05-30 Thread Kelly Anderson

Fixes compile with Bison 2.5 and Gcc 4.5.3 for LibO 3.4 RC2.

libreoffice-libs-core- requires patch to compile with Bison 2.5 and Gcc

Basically the compiler errors when it fails to convert a const sal_Char* to a
sal_Char *.

The patch changes the prototype of the error printing function to const

--- ./connectivity/inc/connectivity/sqlparse.hxx.orig   2011-05-19 
04:27:40.0 -0600
+++ ./connectivity/inc/connectivity/sqlparse.hxx2011-05-29 
03:31:51.215723596 -0600
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ namespace connectivity
 // returns the type for a parameter in a given function name
 static sal_Int32 getFunctionParameterType(sal_uInt32 
_nTokenId,sal_uInt32 _nPos);

-void error(sal_Char *fmt);
+void error(const sal_Char *fmt);
 int SQLlex();
 #ifdef YYBISON
 void setParseTree(OSQLParseNode * pNewParseTree);
--- ./connectivity/source/parse/sqlbison.y.orig 2011-05-19 04:27:40.0 
+++ ./connectivity/source/parse/sqlbison.y  2011-05-29 03:38:18.652924536 
@@ -4333,7 +4333,7 @@ void OSQLParser::reduceLiteral(OSQLParse

 // -
-void OSQLParser::error(sal_Char *fmt)
+void OSQLParser::error(const sal_Char *fmt)

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] build problems with cppunit

2011-05-30 Thread Regina Henschel


I have started a non parallel build and now find, that the error is 
likely already in xml2cmp. Log is in http://pastebin.com/7cvzwtWm

Any idea what is wrong? Shouldn't it be possible to build from tar 
sources? That worked for OOo.

Kind regards

Regina Henschel schrieb:


I have still problems building from tar source. Actual situation:
All modules folders are put into one root folder.
Configure finished.
Make starts compiling and stops with error in cppunit:

TypeInfoHelper.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol

and many others of that kind.

Kind regards

LibreOffice mailing list

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] 8 combinations of Python support: do we really need that?

2011-05-30 Thread Hanno Meyer-Thurow
On Mon, 30 May 2011 22:54:54 +0200
Christian Lohmaier  wrote:

> Hi Hanno, *,

Hi Christian,

> What build tools need python? The build system is perl, not python.

Translate-Toolkit is python.


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] 8 combinations of Python support: do we really need that?

2011-05-30 Thread Christian Lohmaier
Hi Hanno, *,

On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 10:23 PM, Hanno Meyer-Thurow  wrote:
> I added '--disable-python' because not everyone needs python uno api.
> Since python-2 is necessary for build tools,

What build tools need python? The build system is perl, not python.

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] about the removing of binfilter

2011-05-30 Thread Jean-Baptiste Faure
Hi all,

I understand the rationale for removing binfilter. I think that
everybody agree with the decision to make the documents in old formats
read-only. In fact that should have been done several years ago.

But the removing of the import of old formats is another story. I am
already hearing end-users complaining against this decision. Indeed it
is not so evident that the users can convert their old files to
OpenDocument format. I see at least one argument against such
conversion: if you have old archived sdw files, you do not want
transform your archives in an unusable bazaar by renaming and changing
the date of all your files.

So I think we have some work to do to prepare the transition:
- have a very clear and strong communication about this decision in
order to allow the users to understand it and prepare themselves.
- it seems necessary to keep the last version of LibO which contains
binfilter available for download during a long time.
- communicate on the document converter: probably many users do not know it
- add to the converter the possibility to keep the date of the original
file when converted to ODF
- perhaps add to the converter the possibility to rename the files in a
more informative way than only change their extension, eg toto.sdw ->

Best regards
Seuls des formats ouverts peuvent assurer la pérennité de vos documents.
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Work Flow Inquiry

2011-05-30 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen

On Mon, 30 May 2011 13:42:19 -0500
Norbert Thiebaud 

> after that, cherry pick, and never ever merge one way or the other.
> (iow the 3.X branch diverge from that point on)

What could still be done though is to do throw-away-merges: Merge them
without pushing, just to see that nothing is missing on master. If
something is missing, cherrypick it. Patch frequency is lower after
X.X.0 anyway.

> wrt 'log readability'. what is really confusing is a mix of cherry
> pick _and_ merge.

While you can limit that, you would never get rid of it completely.
Somebody doing a change on master and recognizing it to be critical
will not change branches and do the change on the release branch and
then merge it back to master, esp. given the intentionally open nature
of master and that even before a X.X.0 release there are reviews needed
at some point. You can get the release branch 'clean', but not the
master branch.



LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [PATCH] fdo#32263 - Config file location

2011-05-30 Thread Noel Power

On 30/05/11 15:39, Takeshi Abe wrote:

Hi all,
(thanks to Noel, for helpful comments on its initial version and
suggesting to post to this list).
ahem, I seem to have gotten the wrong end of the stick about some of the 
patch ( or at least looking at it again I see that )

It seems to work well with master, but has one concern; the change
against common_brand.scp leads the path "$HOME/libreoffice" (not
"$HOME/.libreoffice") used in the fallback case,
the fallback though is pretty unlikely right ? ( only for a huge path ) 
My main gripe was that the scp change looked like it would impact 
windows too, I didn't look past the small amount of context in the patch 
so didn't realise that the value for the config changed here is indeed 
for unix only.

  which sounds
uncomfortable to some users including me.
Any thought

as above

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] 8 combinations of Python support: do we really need that?

2011-05-30 Thread Hanno Meyer-Thurow
On Mon, 30 May 2011 14:08:41 -0600
"Tor Lillqvist"  wrote:

> Browsing configure.in, I see three different binary options for various 
> aspects of Pyhon "support":
> --disable-python. "Disable build of Python 2.x UNO API"
> --enable-ext-scripting-python. "Enables support for scripts in Python"
> --with-system-python. "Use Python already on system"

I added '--disable-python' because not everyone needs python uno api.
Since python-2 is necessary for build tools, there is '--with-system-python'.
There is just no need to build it internally each time.

I have no idea about '--enable-ext-scripting-python'. :-)

Well, just my view as a linux packager.

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] 8 combinations of Python support: do we really need that?

2011-05-30 Thread Tor Lillqvist
Browsing configure.in, I see three different binary options for various aspects 
of Pyhon "support":

--disable-python. "Disable build of Python 2.x UNO API"
--enable-ext-scripting-python. "Enables support for scripts in Python"
--with-system-python. "Use Python already on system"

Now, I am sure that in practice all combinations of these options don't work; 
do we really want and need so much optionality for Python?

The above options propagate into various autoconf variables that then are 
propagated into the build environment through set_soenv.in: 



LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] [Bug 35673] LibreOffice 3.4 most annoying bugs

2011-05-30 Thread bugzilla-daemon

vitriol  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Depends on||37763

--- Comment #129 from vitriol  2011-05-30 
12:42:45 PDT ---
Nominating Bug 37763. Define a range name prevents recognition of a label.

Configure bugmail: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/userprefs.cgi?tab=email
--- You are receiving this mail because: ---
You are on the CC list for the bug.
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [REVIEW] fix for fdo#37590

2011-05-30 Thread Noel Power

On 27/05/11 14:17, Noel Power wrote:

I'd like to get the following patch into 3.4 so 1 review needed

bug: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=37590

Petr and I chatted briefly on IRC,  as he rightly pointed out most 
likely the intended change would be 



LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Work Flow Inquiry

2011-05-30 Thread Norbert Thiebaud
On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 1:07 PM, Michael Meeks  wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-05-30 at 19:13 +0200, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
>> Also: 3.3.3 codefreezed today with another ~35 most likely rather
>> important commits. Are those merged back to master (or manually
>        I would hope these are all cherry-picked back from a more recent branch
> (personally).
>        I do agree, that we need a well defined point to say: "enough
> back-merging" - perhaps this is 3.x.2 or something ;-)

considering the nice blog explaining the release model

it would make some sens to merge 3.X.(0)
and since 3.X is a 'stabilisation version' then do a final merge at
the time from 3.X.1, the first 'production' version.
That would accommodate the main concern: time crunch in the 3.X
stabilization period.

after that, cherry pick, and never ever merge one way or the other.
(iow the 3.X branch diverge from that point on)

wrt 'log readability'. what is really confusing is a mix of cherry
pick _and_ merge.
if you purely cherry pick, commit show up only once in the log of the
branch you are working on
if you are merging they also show up once (but the graph is a bit more complex)
it is when there is a mix of cherry pick and then a merge on top of it
that the history get's confusing, with some of the same things done on
both leg of the graph...

So, I think what is actually more important is to choose one method or
the other for any given 'period', and avoid as much as possible to mix
the two ways of porting changes...

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [PATCH] Code cleanup in filters

2011-05-30 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Korrawit,

On Tue, 2011-05-31 at 00:18 +0700, Korrawit Pruegsanusak wrote:
> Attached patch is a bit more code cleanup in filters.
> Please feel free to comment.

Thanks it looks lovely :-) can you confirm it & all that follow are
MPL/LGPLv3+ licensed ?

Nice stuff,


PS. don't get sucked too deeply into the binfilter - we want to drop
that for 4.0 :-)
 michael.me...@novell.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [Review][PUSHED3-4] set all borders correctly in SvxRTFParser::ReadBorderAttr instead of only one

2011-05-30 Thread Petr Mladek
Cedric Bosdonnat píše v Pá 27. 05. 2011 v 16:03 +0200:
> Hello Markus,
> On Fri, 2011-05-27 at 14:02 +0200, Markus Mohrhard wrote:
> > yes there might still be some problems, I only tried to fix that
> > during pasting to calc all borders are drawn. I'm not familiar with
> > the RTF spec and the old code(before Cedric refactored it) was really
> > ugly and even used some gotos.
> > 
> > This quick patch was more or less a result of
> > https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=37429 as I noticed that
> > borders were totally screwed up. If I can help in any way just mail me
> > and I have a look at it.
> I pushed your patch 

Updated subject to safe others time.

Best Regards,

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] [Bug 35673] LibreOffice 3.4 most annoying bugs

2011-05-30 Thread bugzilla-daemon

Rainer Bielefeld  changed:

   What|Removed |Added

 Depends on||34805

--- Comment #128 from Rainer Bielefeld  
2011-05-30 11:09:35 PDT ---
Nominate Bug 34805 - Recovery of MS OFFICE documents fails after crash

Configure bugmail: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/userprefs.cgi?tab=email
--- You are receiving this mail because: ---
You are on the CC list for the bug.
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Work Flow Inquiry

2011-05-30 Thread Michael Meeks

On Mon, 2011-05-30 at 19:13 +0200, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
> Also: 3.3.3 codefreezed today with another ~35 most likely rather
> important commits. Are those merged back to master (or manually

I would hope these are all cherry-picked back from a more recent branch

I do agree, that we need a well defined point to say: "enough
back-merging" - perhaps this is 3.x.2 or something ;-)



 michael.me...@novell.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [REVIEW][PUSHED-3-4] Fix for fdo#37356

2011-05-30 Thread Petr Mladek
Markus Mohrhard píše v Čt 26. 05. 2011 v 21:58 +0200:
> You've my sign-off. I'll push it to 3-4.

I see it there => updating subject to safe others time.

Best Regards,

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] [REVIEW] more OOo icon to LibO icon changes

2011-05-30 Thread Andras Timar

I need one review for 3-4

I think I fixed all outstanding issues listed on fdo#33229. There are
still a lot of OpenOffice.org/StarOffice icons in artwork repo but
they are probably unused.

Best regards,
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [GSoC 2011][svgexport] weekly report #1

2011-05-30 Thread Marco

xDrawPages->getByIndex( nDefaultPage ) >>= mxDefaultPage;

if( mxDefaultPage.is() )
  SvxDrawPage* pSvxDrawPage = SvxDrawPage::getImplementation(
mxDefaultPage );

  if( pSvxDrawPage )
  mpDefaultSdrPage = pSvxDrawPage->GetSdrPage();
  mpSdrModel = mpDefaultSdrPage->GetModel();

  if( mpSdrModel )
  SdrOutliner& rOutl = mpSdrModel->GetDrawOutliner(NULL);

  maOldFieldHdl = rOutl.GetCalcFieldValueHdl();
  rOutl.SetCalcFieldValueHdl( LINK( this, SVGFilter,
CalcFieldHdl) );

What's your concrete question? ;)

Well what is a DrawOutliner ? And what is the CalcFieldValue supposed
to do ? And which is its role in the export procedure ?


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LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] [PATCH] Code cleanup in filters

2011-05-30 Thread Korrawit Pruegsanusak
Hello all,
Attached patch is a bit more code cleanup in filters.
Please feel free to comment.

Anyway, I've found some comments are unreadable, eg. in
/hwpfilter/source/hwpreader.cxx line ~4440. Should we also remove
them? or are they my encoding faults?

Best Regards,
Korrawit Pruegsanusak
From 6b8a332053d0a670a62b55ae248a3a0ae3dcc311 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Korrawit Pruegsanusak 
Date: Tue, 31 May 2011 00:14:23 +0700
Subject: [PATCH] Code Cleanup in filters

* Fix typos in comments
* Remove bogus comments
* Remove dead codes

Released under LGPLv3+/MPL
 filter/inc/filter/msfilter/msdffimp.hxx|2 -
 filter/source/config/cache/cacheitem.hxx   |2 +-
 filter/source/config/cache/constant.hxx|2 +-
 filter/source/config/cache/filtercache.cxx |   16 +++
 filter/source/config/cache/filtercache.hxx |   12 +++---
 filter/source/config/tools/split/FCFGSplit.java|   10 ++--
 filter/source/xslt/odf2xhtml/export/xhtml/body.xsl |5 +-
 hwpfilter/source/hcode.cpp |   17 ---
 hwpfilter/source/hwpfile.cpp   |2 -
 hwpfilter/source/hwpreader.cxx |   24 ++-
 hwpfilter/source/lexer.cpp |   46 
 oox/inc/oox/xls/scenariobuffer.hxx |2 +-
 oox/source/xls/workbookhelper.cxx  |2 +-
 .../xmerge/java/org/openoffice/xmerge/Convert.java |4 +-
 .../xmerge/DocumentDeserializerFactory.java|2 +-
 .../xmerge/converter/palm/PalmDocument.java|2 +-
 16 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 119 deletions(-)

diff --git a/filter/inc/filter/msfilter/msdffimp.hxx b/filter/inc/filter/msfilter/msdffimp.hxx
index 1fee4cb..3c8a4bf 100644
--- a/filter/inc/filter/msfilter/msdffimp.hxx
+++ b/filter/inc/filter/msfilter/msdffimp.hxx
@@ -169,13 +169,11 @@ typedef ::std::map< sal_Int32, SdrObject* > SvxMSDffShapeIdContainer;
 #define SVEXT_PERSIST_STREAM "\002OlePres000"
 // nach der Reihenfolge des Auftretens sortiert werden:
 SV_DECL_PTRARR_DEL(SvxMSDffShapeOrders,	SvxMSDffShapeOrder_Ptr,	16,16)
 // explizit sortiert werden:
diff --git a/filter/source/config/cache/cacheitem.hxx b/filter/source/config/cache/cacheitem.hxx
index 4fd2b33..371e275 100644
--- a/filter/source/config/cache/cacheitem.hxx
+++ b/filter/source/config/cache/cacheitem.hxx
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ class CacheItem : public ::comphelper::SequenceAsHashMap
 @param  sActLocale
 must specify the current office locale.
-Its needed to adress the UIName property inside
+Its needed to address the UIName property inside
 the list of possible ones.
 void validateUINames(const ::rtl::OUString& sActLocale);
diff --git a/filter/source/config/cache/constant.hxx b/filter/source/config/cache/constant.hxx
index 859dc6e..219ba4d 100644
--- a/filter/source/config/cache/constant.hxx
+++ b/filter/source/config/cache/constant.hxx
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ extern rtl::OUString pFilterStrings[];
-/** @short  used to adress some configuration keys directly.
+/** @short  used to address some configuration keys directly.
 @descr  Such direct keys should be used with function
 FilterCache::impl_getDirectCFGValue() only!
diff --git a/filter/source/config/cache/filtercache.cxx b/filter/source/config/cache/filtercache.cxx
index a446202..a656cc4 100644
--- a/filter/source/config/cache/filtercache.cxx
+++ b/filter/source/config/cache/filtercache.cxx
@@ -1057,7 +1057,7 @@ void FilterCache::impl_validateAndOptimize()
 // Create a log for all detected problems, which
-// occure in the next feew lines.
+// occur in the next few lines.
 // If there are some real errors throw a RuntimException!
 // If there are some warnings only, show an assertion.
 sal_Int32 nErrors   = 0;
@@ -1117,8 +1117,8 @@ void FilterCache::impl_validateAndOptimize()
 // its set list of extensions/url pattern. If its a "normal" type
 // set it at the end of this optimized list. But if its
 // a "Preferred" one - set it to the front of this list.
-// Of course multiple "Preferred" registrations can occure
-// (they shouldnt - but they can!) ... Ignore it. The last
+// Of course multiple "Preferred" registrations can occur
+// (they shouldn't - but they can!) ... Ignore it. The last
 // preferred type is usea

Re: [Libreoffice] [REVIEW][PUSHED-3-4] fdo#35345: more Calc (auto)filter evilness

2011-05-30 Thread Petr Mladek
Kohei Yoshida píše v Út 24. 05. 2011 v 13:05 -0400:
> On Tue, 2011-05-24 at 17:50 +0200, Markus Mohrhard wrote:
> > Hello Katarina,
> > 
> > the idea is good, but I think we should move this code to
> > ScDocument::GetFilterDBAtTable because I'm not quite sure if there are
> > not some cases where there is a sheet local db data but no
> > dbcollection. I personally would prefer that but I'm fine with this
> > patch too.
> You have a second.  Nice work!
> We need one more sign-off in order to get this piece included in the
> -3-4-0 branch.

Just for record. Kohei pushed this into the libreoffice-3-4 branch.

Best Regards,

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Work Flow Inquiry

2011-05-30 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Kendy,

On Mon, 30 May 2011 18:07:34 +0200
Jan Holesovsky  wrote:

> So - as long as you don't force people to do this [ie. don't force
> this as a rule, but instead let them decide if they are willing to
> wait for the merge of the branch into the master (working mostly on
> the branch before the release), or whether they prefer to cherry-pick
> whatever direction], I am fine.

I cant force anybody whom I dont hand the paycheck (an even then that
would have limits). ;)

It is more about having a general recommendation on how to work. You are
always free to do it different, but you should not blame anyone if
things go wrong then. If there is no clear recommendation, you will
just end up with people missing some commits on either branch and doing
emergency cherrypicks, not helping clarity either. The more people are
working on the release branch directly, even for critical fixes, the
more people will be tempted to do the same for noncritical stuff,
creating additional review work.

Also: 3.3.3 codefreezed today with another ~35 most likely rather
important commits. Are those merged back to master (or manually
checked)? Are we sure all of them are obsolete for both master and 3-4?
With patches and commits flying all directions between the currently
open branches master, 3-4, 3-4-0 and 3-3 things are not exactly lucid.




LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Work Flow Inquiry

2011-05-30 Thread Jan Holesovsky
Hi Bjoern,

On 2011-05-30 at 11:19 +0200, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:

> > Personally, I think I'd still recommend working on master if possible
> > and make changes against that rather than compound the complications.
> /me too. But I think I made that point sufficiently clear already in
> the ESC call.

So - as long as you don't force people to do this [ie. don't force this
as a rule, but instead let them decide if they are willing to wait for
the merge of the branch into the master (working mostly on the branch
before the release), or whether they prefer to cherry-pick whatever
direction], I am fine.  It only pollutes the history a bit after the
merge, but that's it.

I understood your request that working on master first, and
cherry-picking later would became a rule - which I am opposed to.  I
don't care if my changes appear in master just immediately; waiting is
fine for me, and better than having to build both master and the
branch(es) to see that I broke neither master, nor libreoffice-3-4.

Either way - I hope that now, after the m106 merge, this is not that
much an issue any more.  I have just merged the RC2 tag of
libreoffice-3-4 into master, and I am getting it to compile locally.
The subsequent merges are going to be much easier, and anybody missing
something in master can do them.


LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] development summary: year 2011, week 21

2011-05-30 Thread Petr Mladek

this time a brief summary of what happened during the 21th week in 2011
on LibreOffice repositories and the living branches:

+ master:LO-3.5 development
+ libreoffice-3-3:   fixes for LO-3.3.3 bug fix release
+ libreoffice-3-4:   fixes for LO-3.4.1 bug fix release
+ libreoffice-3-4-0: final stabilization of the LO-3.4.0 release

There are two logs for each branch:

+ bugfixes--week--.txt lists all commits that 
reference a proper
  bug id from a variety of trackers, i.e. #i... referring to the 
  issuezilla, fdo# to freedesktop, rhbz# to RedHat bugzilla

+ commit-log--week--.txt lists all relevant commits 
on the actual
  source repositories

Many thanks to all contributors - you make all the difference!

Best Regards,

+ extras
+ replace StarOffice icons to LibreOffice icons in Web Wizard (fdo#33229) [Andras Timar]
+ libs-core
+ - updated license information (fdo#37001) [Andras Timar]
+ replace "seagull" icons to LibreOffice icons (fdo#37617) [Andras Timar]
+ artwork
+ fix wrong-sized toolbar mimetype icons. (fdo#33229) [Thorsten Behrens]
+ calc
+ don't cache the array size but query it dynamically. (fdo#37520) [Kohei Yoshida]
+ fix a layout problem in Export text (CSV) dialog (fdo#37418) [Andras Timar]
+ fix for Correct autofilter import from ODS. (fdo#37323) [Markus Mohrhard]
+ fix for crash when copy/paste table from writer to calc (fdo#37429) [Markus Mohrhard]
+ components
+ polish branding - fix langpack mac installer icon (fdo#33229) [Thorsten Behrens]
+ libs-core
+ - updated license information (fdo#37001) [Andras Timar]
+ initialize resource manager to get verbose basic errors (fdo#37370) [Noel Power]
+ make style:layout-grid-snap-to-characters fit to ODF spec. (fdo#37390) [Cédric Bosdonnat]
+ libs-extern-sys
+ remove added license header that caused parse error (fdo#37433) [Andras Timar]
+ writer
+ fix crash reading some documents with fields (fdo#36329) [Cédric Bosdonnat]
+ reorganized columns dialog to show text direction correctly (fdo#37387) [Cédric Bosdonnat]
+ artwork
+ fix wrong-sized toolbar mimetype icons. (fdo#33229) [Thorsten Behrens]
+ calc
+ don't cache the array size but query it dynamically. (fdo#37520) [Kohei Yoshida]
+ fix broken transposition during paste of cell range. (fdo#37356) [Kohei Yoshida]
+ fix for InsertNames->InsertAll doesn't insert anything (fdo#37548) [Markus Mohrhard]
+ fix for crash when copy/paste table from writer to calc (fdo#37429) [Markus Mohrhard]
+ prevent crash on named range deletion. (fdo#37458) [Kohei Yoshida]
+ query the sheet for the presence of anonymous DB ranges (fdo#35345) [Katarina Machalkova]
+ components
+ polish branding - fix langpack mac installer icon (fdo#33229) [Thorsten Behrens]
+ extras
+ replace StarOffice icons to LibreOffice icons in Web Wizard (fdo#33229) [Andras Timar]
+ libs-core
+ - updated license information (fdo#37001) [Andras Timar]
+ initialize resource manager to get verbose basic errors (fdo#37370) [Noel Power]
+ make style:layout-grid-snap-to-characters fit to ODF spec. (fdo#37390) [Cédric Bosdonnat]
+ replace "seagull" icons to LibreOffice icons (fdo#37617) [Andras Timar]
+ libs-extern-sys
+ remove added license header that caused parse error (fdo#37433) [Andras Timar]
+ writer
+ avoid crash in getRowSpan (rhbz#707317) [Caolán McNamara]
+ fix crash reading some documents with fields (fdo#36329) [Cédric Bosdonnat]
+ fix for ww8 export of relative hyperlinks: (i#115297) [Cédric Bosdonnat]
+ temp ole docshell on dtor deletes SwDoc on 0 refcount (fdo#35937) [Caolán McNamara]
+ calc
+ don't cache the array size but query it dynamically. (fdo#37520) [Kohei Yoshida]
+ fix an old remove DECLARE_LIST bug. Could be related to (fdo#37429) [Joseph Powers]
+ fix for InsertNames->InsertAll doesn't insert anything (fdo#37548) [Markus Mohrhard]
+ fix for crash when copy/paste table from writer to calc (fdo#37429) [Markus Mohrhard]
+ fixed selection by arrow keys around merged cells. (fdo#34214) [Kohei Yoshida]
+ prevent crash on named range deletion. (fdo#37458) [Kohei Yoshida]
+ components
+ fix GridControl crash (fdo#35728) [Bjoern Michaelsen]
+ extras
+ replace StarOffice icons to LibreOffice icons in Web Wizard (fdo#33229) [Andras Timar]
+ filters
+ renable complex.unoxml.RDFRepositoryTest checkSPARQL() as it works (fdo#35667) [Bjoern Michaelsen]
+ libs-core
+ - updated license information (fdo#37001) [Andras Timar]
+ add extra level of language tag matching (fdo#33638) [Caolán McNamara]
+ be more explicit on asserts (fdo#35663) [Bjoern Michaelsen]
+ fix GridControl crash (fdo#35728) [Bjoern Michaelsen]
+ pretty sure this is the fix for (fdo#37590) [Noel Power]
+ reenable ucb.UniversalContentBroker::...::XContentProviderManager (fdo#35727

[Libreoffice] [GSoc] Next deadlines

2011-05-30 Thread Cedric Bosdonnat
Dear students and mentors,

I'ld like to remind you that your projects will be merged twice into
master and enabled as an experimental feature. Some builds will be
provided for everybody to test your work and give you some feedback. We
don't require you to have 100% of your project done at that time, but
simply something that already works... even with limitations.

Why we do that?

We are doing that because we did it last year for Jonas' work that was
almost integrable but had some crashes and drawbacks. We did it too late
as it was after the GSoc end, but we saw that it was really interesting
as some people started testing it and reporting either bugs or patches.

When will it be?

It will happen one week before the mid term evaluation, ie on July, 4th.

Happy hacking to you all!

Cédric Bosdonnat
LibreOffice hacker
OOo Eclipse Integration developer

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] dev300-m106 pushed to master

2011-05-30 Thread Michael Meeks

On Fri, 2011-05-27 at 21:24 +0200, Jan Holesovsky wrote:
> I have just pushed the merge of dev300-m106 into master; it also
> contains part of libreoffice-3-4 branch, because we started the
> dev300-m106 merge against libreoffice-3-4, not against master.

Whoot ! - nice work - thanks so much Kendy.



 michael.me...@novell.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [GSOC] Java > Python, problem with uno.invoke

2011-05-30 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi John,

On Fri, 2011-05-27 at 22:12 -0700, John LeMoyne Castle wrote:
> I think your Java->Python porting project is awesome.  ...

Wow - and your feedback is brilliant :-) it would be wonderful to have
you working with Xisco on this, and/or helping to mentor if Bjoern is up
for that :-)

I guess if you're building LibreOffice, it is well worth configuring
with the --enable-ext-scripting-python and --with-extension-integration
to make that work more pleasantly.

AFAIR ooinstall doesn't install those extensions either (which is
something of a disaster), so getting python to work well in LibO out of
the box is as hard (or harder) than it ever was: fixes to configure.in
to turn that on by default if we have python much appreciated etc. :-)



 michael.me...@novell.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Platform-specific DLL suffix usefulness

2011-05-30 Thread Caolán McNamara
On Sun, 2011-05-29 at 18:56 +0200, Francois Tigeot wrote:
> On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 11:26:30AM +0100, Caolán McNamara wrote:
> > Different DLLPOSTFIX files suggest that at some stage or other it was
> > desirable to be able to have the .sos from different architecture
> > side-by-side in the same dir. Maybe from an era before the separate arch
> > dirs in the solver dir, dunno.
> I vaguely remember someone mentionning a giant file server in Hamburg where
> all binaries where stashed together ...

As an aside, binary extensions can have multiple architectures in them,
but I don't think the per-arch suffixes we use for the internal libFoos
are propagated into the sdk for this purpose, a different arch
identifier is used IIRC.


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [GSoC][performance] weekly report #1

2011-05-30 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Matus,

On Sun, 2011-05-29 at 23:39 +0200, Matúš Kukan wrote:
> It's hard for me write something now because I've been working on my
> thesis last week and it's still not finished yet. Deadline for it is
> 3.6. but I hope it will be finished sooner and I will be working on
> KCachegrind.


> So far I think I understood what should be done to KCachegrind for
> better profiling of Libreoffice although I don't know how to do it
> yet. I just got sources and build it.

Great - thanks for the update; hopefully the code pointers I sent you
will help.



 michael.me...@novell.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] [PATCH] fdo#32263 - Config file location

2011-05-30 Thread Takeshi Abe
Hi all,

For fdo#32263 - Config file location, I made a patch as attached
(thanks to Noel, for helpful comments on its initial version and
suggesting to post to this list).

It seems to work well with master, but has one concern; the change
against common_brand.scp leads the path "$HOME/libreoffice" (not
"$HOME/.libreoffice") used in the fallback case, which sounds
uncomfortable to some users including me.
Any thought?

-- Takeshi Abe
>From 8ac97074f40abf2ebdfdd5ac71fdc7aab2021309 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Takeshi Abe 
Date: Mon, 30 May 2011 00:03:28 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] fdo#32263

use $HOME/.config unless XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set with respect to
moreover, lose dot so as "$HOME/.config/libreoffice".
 scp2/source/ooo/common_brand.scp |2 +-
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scp2/source/ooo/common_brand.scp b/scp2/source/ooo/common_brand.scp
index 3a72af6..8e08d69 100644
--- a/scp2/source/ooo/common_brand.scp
+++ b/scp2/source/ooo/common_brand.scp
@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ ProfileItem gid_Brand_Profileitem_Bootstrap_Userinstall
   #elif defined MACOSX

>From 57fca01d01b7e1d96a0716acfecacb99ae7322f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Takeshi Abe 
Date: Mon, 30 May 2011 00:01:59 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] fdo#32263

use $HOME/.config unless XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set with respect to
moreover, lose dot so as "$HOME/.config/libreoffice".
 sal/osl/unx/security.c |   23 +--
 1 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sal/osl/unx/security.c b/sal/osl/unx/security.c
index 8cda087..f0f82ec 100644
--- a/sal/osl/unx/security.c
+++ b/sal/osl/unx/security.c
@@ -360,18 +360,37 @@ sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_getConfigDir(oslSecurity Security, rtl_uString **pustrDire
 #ifndef MACOSX
+#define DOT_CONFIG "/.config"
 static sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_psz_getConfigDir(oslSecurity Security, sal_Char* pszDirectory, sal_uInt32 nMax)
 sal_Char *pStr = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME");
 if ((pStr == NULL) || (strlen(pStr) == 0) ||
 (access(pStr, 0) != 0))
-return (osl_psz_getHomeDir(Security, pszDirectory, nMax));
+// a default equal to $HOME/.config should be used.
+if (!osl_psz_getHomeDir(Security, pszDirectory, nMax))
+return sal_False;
+size_t n = strlen(pszDirectory);
+if (n + sizeof(DOT_CONFIG) < nMax)
+strncpy(pszDirectory+n, DOT_CONFIG, sizeof(DOT_CONFIG));
+if (access(pszDirectory, 0) != 0)
+// resort to HOME
+pszDirectory[n] = '\0';
+strncpy(pszDirectory, pStr, nMax);
-strncpy(pszDirectory, pStr, nMax);
 return sal_True;
+#undef DOT_CONFIG

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Platform-specific DLL suffix usefulness

2011-05-30 Thread Michael Meeks

On Mon, 2011-05-30 at 10:18 +0200, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
> Yes, as long as you are only talking about the li, lx, ss, si type
> postfixes of applications and indeed no UNO library accidentally uses
> those prefixes too. The gcc3-style postfixes certainly are used for UNO
> libs.

So it seems we are agreed that this is fine - as long as it is a
single, big atomic commit that does it for every library :-)

So - go go go ! :-)

Thanks Francois,


 michael.me...@novell.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] syntax error in ./configure

2011-05-30 Thread Michael Meeks

On Mon, 2011-05-30 at 13:09 +0200, Regina Henschel wrote:
> Unfortunately not. I have no knowledge in Perl.

Heh - I committed something to autogen.sh that (hopefully) will make
this at least a tad more intuitive (while no doubt breaking a number of
platforms ;-).

Thanks !


 michael.me...@novell.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [PUSHED] [REVIEW] OOXML 2010 xlsx export

2011-05-30 Thread Noel Power

On 30/05/11 13:35, Katarina Machalkova wrote:

Hey there,

can some1 please review&  cherry-pick for 3.4 the following patch:


Seems that it somehow fell through the cracks and never made it to 3.4 branch
:-(  Sadly, saving spreadsheet docs with one of xlsx filters (Office Open XML
Spreadsheet) will now fail in 3.4.0 with generic "cannot write" error :-(
Let's fix at least 3.4.1 then ... sorry about that.

pushed to 3.4
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] smoketestoo_native error

2011-05-30 Thread Tor Lillqvist
Be glad that you even got as far as smoketest; master is currently in a state 
of flux after the merge of m106 on Friday. It will take a few days at least 
before it is as buildable as it used to be.


LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] smoketestoo_native error

2011-05-30 Thread Ben Engbers
I started this morning with make clean and './g pull -r'.
./autogen.sh --with-num-cpus=6 --with-max-jobs=6
--with-jdk-home="/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_23/jdk" --enable-debug resulted in
an error 65280, telling me that there was an error in librsvg.
After disabling usage of librsvg everything compiled fine till it
reached dictionaries/pt_BR.

I performed a new ./g pull and now everything compiles but make
dev-install results in an error.
The splashscreen start but exits immediately.

I believe these are the relavant lines from the output:
Installer finished
: &&




-env:arg-user=./unxlngi6.pro/misc/smoketest/user \

--protector \

unoexceptionprotector ./unxlngi6.pro/lib/libsmoketest.so
LibreOffice: Using system memory allocator.
LibreOffice: This is for debugging only.  To disable,
LibreOffice: unset the environment variable G_SLICE.
LibreOffice: Using system memory allocator.
LibreOffice: This is for debugging only.  To disable,
LibreOffice: unset the environment variable G_SLICE.
Error: File
Line 163: JobExecutor::~JobExecutor()
Configuration don't send dispoing() message!

Exited with code '-1'
Test name: N12_GLOBAL__N_14TestE::test
setUp() failed
- equality assertion failed
- Expected: 2
- Actual  : 0

Failures !!!
Run: 1   Failure total: 1   Failures: 1   Errors: 0
dmake:  Error code 1, while making 'cpptest'

However when starting Libreoffice from
it works.
Should I just ignore the smoketestoo_native?

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] [REVIEW] OOXML 2010 xlsx export

2011-05-30 Thread Katarina Machalkova
Hey there, 

can some1 please review & cherry-pick for 3.4 the following patch:


Seems that it somehow fell through the cracks and never made it to 3.4 branch 
:-(  Sadly, saving spreadsheet docs with one of xlsx filters (Office Open XML 
Spreadsheet) will now fail in 3.4.0 with generic "cannot write" error :-( 
Let's fix at least 3.4.1 then ... sorry about that.


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [PUSHED] [PATCH] Code Cleanup in libs-gui

2011-05-30 Thread Noel Power

On 28/05/11 19:47, Korrawit Pruegsanusak wrote:

Hello all,
Although the diff may look frustrated, I've explained what I've done
in log message.
Please feel free to comment :-)

Nice patch, thanks again, I took the comment 'Clean background first 
because of plugins. ' from Christina, not sure if it makes any more 
sense for me but then again it makes more sense than a german comment :-)

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [PUSHED] [PATCH] fdo#34872

2011-05-30 Thread Noel Power

On 30/05/11 11:55, Noel Power wrote:

On 28/05/11 19:40, Rob Snelders wrote:


Here is a really small patch to solve fdo#34872.
This patch is submitted under LGPLv3+/MPL-Licence.

looks good ( I suppose some risk that this might have some side 
affects for other fields that use this Expression field type, but ok, 
master is the place for such things. Thanks again, I haven't pushed it 
yet, with the m106 merge I don't have a working master yet ( mid-build 
) I will push later, this message is just to tell you that you are not 
being forgotten !!

ah, pushed anyway as it applies fine, I am too conservative sometimes

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] merging 3-4 to master ...

2011-05-30 Thread Jan Holesovsky
Hi Michael, John,

On 2011-05-30 at 11:35 +0100, Michael Meeks wrote:

> > The fixes in this area seem to be done and applied only in 3.4 rc2.  From
> > looking in other areas of work on rc2, I think I am seeing the same patching
> > pattern where the rc is ahead of master.
>   Yes - this is a distressing, festering wart in our lives as of today.
>   *But* 
>   it is not really related to the process; but is particularly festering
> because the back merge (which should happen regularly) has been delayed
> by ~a month - and we are still waiting for Kendy to do that.

Yeah - terribly sorry for that :-(  Clearly, the 3.4.0 took much more of
my time than I wanted, and I was doing the m106 merge only when 'time
permitted'.  The real problem was that 1/2 of the work was done against
libreoffice-3-4 branch just before the beta when we thought it might be
+- easy, and we'd be able to get it into 3.4.0.  To save work, and to
prevent even more pain, the best was to merge the m106 first, and then
merge the rest of the libreoffice-3-4.

>   This is, apparently related to problems merging m106. So - Kendy -
> dudie ? can you comment / and/or inject some hope ? ;-)

Indeed - so m106 is done and merged to master (see my other mail, with
subject "dev300-m106 pushed to master").  As you can see there, merging
the current libreoffice-3-4 to the master is my next priority.

>   As more people start working on master instead of 3.4 this becomes
> increasingly urgent. Also - the longer we wait, the worse it gets as
> master diverges (I suspect). Is there any way we can parallelise that
> work ? what is the status ? how can people jump in to help out ? etc.

As explained above, the root of the trouble here is the merge of m106.
When finished (ie. now), the best is to merge any libreoffice-3-4 tag as
soon as it is produced.  This can be done nicely in parallel by whomever
volunteers [oh, and I'll be more than happy to pass it over to anyone
out there :-)]; and when we do it based on the libreoffice-3-4 tags, it
also means it would be done on weekly basis - ie. just a small amount of
conflicts, and reasonable flow of the libreoffice-3-4 improvements back
to master.

[Of course - for the ongoing 3.5, please mentally substitute
libreoffice-3-4 with libreoffice-3-5 :-)]


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [PUSHED] [PATCH] cppcheck cleanliness

2011-05-30 Thread Noel Power

On 29/05/11 05:42, Korrawit Pruegsanusak wrote:

Hello all,
The attached patch is to remove warning about "inefficient checking
for emptiness" from cppcheck.

thanks again for the nice patch,
pushed to master


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] syntax error in ./configure

2011-05-30 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Michael,

Michael Meeks schrieb:

Is that something you could help out with ? - I know perl is not
entirely intuitive but ... ;-)

Unfortunately not. I have no knowledge in Perl.

Kind regards
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [PUSHED] [PATCH] Code Cleanup in calc

2011-05-30 Thread Noel Power

On 29/05/11 05:23, Korrawit Pruegsanusak wrote:

Hello all,
The attached patch is to cleanup the code in calc.
Please feel free to comment.

thanks for the patch, nice job, pushed to master now


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] build problems with cppunit

2011-05-30 Thread Regina Henschel


Here is the log for the failing building in LO: http://pastebin.com/pTq671As
and here for the successful build in OOo: http://pastebin.com/M40F5Bmq

I notice, that LO has additional patches (around line 17):
patching file cppunit-1.12.1/config/config.guess
patching file cppunit-1.12.1/include/cppunit/Message.h
patching file cppunit-1.12.1/src/cppunit/Message.cpp

And later on LO hat additional warnings (around line 80)
../../include\cppunit/TextTestResult.h(29) : warning C4266: 'void 
CppUnit::TestResult::addFailure(CppUnit::Test *,CppUnit::Exception *)' : 
no override available for virtual member function from base 
'CppUnit::TestResult'; function is hidden
../../include\cppunit/TestResult.h(85) : see declaration of 
../../include\cppunit/TestResult.h(51) : see declaration of 
../../include\cppunit/TextTestResult.h(29) : warning C4266: 'void 
CppUnit::TestResult::addFailure(CppUnit::Test *,CppUnit::Exception *)' : 
no override available for virtual member function from base 
'CppUnit::TestResult'; function is hidden
../../include\cppunit/TestResult.h(85) : see declaration of 
../../include\cppunit/TestResult.h(51) : see declaration of 

Any idea?

Kind regards

Regina Henschel schrieb:


I have still problems building from tar source. Actual situation:
All modules folders are put into one root folder.
Configure finished.
Make starts compiling and stops with error in cppunit:

TypeInfoHelper.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol

any many others of that kind.

Kind regards

LibreOffice mailing list

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] syntax error in ./configure

2011-05-30 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi Regina,

On Sun, 2011-05-29 at 19:01 +0200, Regina Henschel wrote:
> >> checking whether to enable fontconfig support... ./configure: line 7229:
> >> syntax error near unexpected token `FONTCONFIG,'
> >> ./configure: line 7229: `   PKG_CHECK_MODULES(FONTCONFIG, fontconfig>=

Oooh - that is an ugly error message :-)

I wonder if we could add just a little bit of perl to autogen.sh to
check for the presence of /usr/share/local/pkg.m4 (or equivalent poking
around in PATH elements perhaps?).

Is that something you could help out with ? - I know perl is not
entirely intuitive but ... ;-)



 michael.me...@novell.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [PATCH] fdo#34872

2011-05-30 Thread Noel Power

On 28/05/11 19:40, Rob Snelders wrote:


Here is a really small patch to solve fdo#34872.
This patch is submitted under LGPLv3+/MPL-Licence.

looks good ( I suppose some risk that this might have some side affects 
for other fields that use this Expression field type, but ok, master is 
the place for such things. Thanks again, I haven't pushed it yet, with 
the m106 merge I don't have a working master yet ( mid-build ) I will 
push later, this message is just to tell you that you are not being 
forgotten !!

thanks again,

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] merging 3-4 to master ...

2011-05-30 Thread Michael Meeks
Hi John,

On Sun, 2011-05-29 at 11:09 -0700, John LeMoyne Castle wrote:
> The fixes in this area seem to be done and applied only in 3.4 rc2.  From
> looking in other areas of work on rc2, I think I am seeing the same patching
> pattern where the rc is ahead of master.

Yes - this is a distressing, festering wart in our lives as of today.


it is not really related to the process; but is particularly festering
because the back merge (which should happen regularly) has been delayed
by ~a month - and we are still waiting for Kendy to do that.

This is, apparently related to problems merging m106. So - Kendy -
dudie ? can you comment / and/or inject some hope ? ;-)

As more people start working on master instead of 3.4 this becomes
increasingly urgent. Also - the longer we wait, the worse it gets as
master diverges (I suspect). Is there any way we can parallelise that
work ? what is the status ? how can people jump in to help out ? etc.



 michael.me...@novell.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] Encrypted password -- change?

2011-05-30 Thread Marc Paré
I am just working on the webpage for the release of 3.4 and on the 
release notes wiki page for LibO 3.4[1] it says:

When the document is encrypted with a password, you can now change the 
password while the document is open, from 
File->Properties->General->Change Password. The button is enabled only 
when the document is encrypted with a password. (Kohei Yoshida)

Could someone check this? I could not get it to work. Maybe I am doing 
something wrong? We'll have to leave it out if this does not work.



[1] http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/3.4

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] LibreOffice 3.4 Release Notes

2011-05-30 Thread Marc Paré

Le 2011-05-30 06:04, Marc Paré a écrit :

What I want to stress, is that we need to explain, and show
- the release rationale:
point zero release is only for ..., and not for ...
- plus that IMO we must at least for point zero releases
the knows nasty bugs
On the current release notes page those are not visible. I propose to
change that.

Kind regards,

No problem. Could you modify the wiki page? Let us know when it is done
and we'll take a look at it.

Thanks for the help.



Hi Cor

On the NA pamphlet[1], we have put (with Drew's kind help) the following 
text, maybe your text could read somewhat like this?


For the most conservative users, we recommend a commercially supported 
version, which enables you to indirectly support the project’s 
development. Such stable versions will typically be based on a point 
release, such as LibreOffice 3.3.2 today;

For those interested in the bleeding edge, who want to enjoy new 
features and fixes, we recommend LibreOffice 3.4.0, release candidates, 
betas or even nightly builds, which enable a participation in the 
development, evaluation and quality control process;
Of course, as the 3.4 series matures, we will reach a point where we 
will recommend a 3.4.x release as being suitable even for the most 
conservative users.





LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] LibreOffice 3.4 Release Notes

2011-05-30 Thread Marc Paré

Le 2011-05-29 17:28, Cor Nouws a écrit :

Hi Marc, all,

[ ooops what a terrible cross post, four lists ;-)
I skipp the project and website list for the moment
and IMO follow ups for my subject (see below)
should be at marketing preferably
devs with an relevant opinion can either join or
hire a gohst writer ;-)

Marc Paré wrote (27-05-11 16:57)

It's time that we get on with creating the page on the main site. So
unless anyone is going to offer to create/design the page, I'll take
care of it. I have not had a lot of practice at Silverstripe, so you
will have to be patient with me.

We have worked on the screenshot protocols which have now been put on
the website wiki pages[1] (thanks to Klaus! and all other for their
comments). BTW ... .png's will be the format to use. We will have to
point this out to the translation teams for when they take their

* I will follow the same format as on the "New Features and Fixes" web
pages[2]. If I understand it correctly, we are to have a 3.4 webpage and
a 3.3.2 webpage (essentially what we have now on the "New Features and
Fixes webpage). These pages will be used by website visitors to compare
the features between both versions of LibreOffice. We are not comparing
to MSO nor OOo. So, IMO, both pages should have the same page format so
that our visitors feel comfortable moving from one page to the other.

Any comments before I jump in? Any comments?

What I want to stress, is that we need to explain, and show
- the release rationale:
point zero release is only for ..., and not for ...
- plus that IMO we must at least for point zero releases
the knows nasty bugs
On the current release notes page those are not visible. I propose to
change that.

Kind regards,

No problem. Could you modify the wiki page? Let us know when it is done 
and we'll take a look at it.

Thanks for the help.



LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] [GSoc] libvisio progress update

2011-05-30 Thread Tibby Lickle
A git repository has been set up for the Visio project and I've gotten
access rights to it - so for those of you wondering what the libvisio
folder is, it's this project.

We've gone with a heavily stream-based approach. Internal VSD streams
are decompressed and are seekable and readable. For this, libwpd has
been used as a base (WPXInputStream) as well as a source of utility
functions (e.g. converting bytes to uints) that work with

Right now, the project is successfully reading the trailer (this is
the compressed list of pointers to the other streams in the doc) and
getting the stream pointers. "Success" is currently defined by manual
comparison with what OleToy shows. The next step is figuring out which
types of streams are useful and dealing with them appropriately.

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [REVIEW] [PUSHED] printeradmin icons: seagull -> LibreOffice fdo#37617

2011-05-30 Thread Tor Lillqvist
Cherry-picked to 3-4 and 3-3.


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [REVIEW] [PUSHED] replace StarOffice icons to LibreOffice icons in Web Wizard fdo#33229

2011-05-30 Thread Tor Lillqvist
> I need one review for 3-4 (and possibly for 3-3).

Cherry-picked to libreoffice-3-4 and libreoffice-3-3 , thanks.


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] HI to EVERYONE....

2011-05-30 Thread Thorsten Behrens
Banned this source of amusement ...

-- Thorsten

Description: PGP signature
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Work Flow Inquiry

2011-05-30 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
On Mon, 30 May 2011 09:55:37 +0100
Caolán McNamara  wrote:

> Personally, I think I'd still recommend working on master if possible
> and make changes against that rather than compound the complications.

/me too. But I think I made that point sufficiently clear already in
the ESC call.




LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Work Flow Inquiry

2011-05-30 Thread Caolán McNamara
On Sun, 2011-05-29 at 11:09 -0700, John LeMoyne Castle wrote:
> The fixes in this area seem to be done and applied only in 3.4 rc2.  From
> looking in other areas of work on rc2, I think I am seeing the same patching
> pattern where the rc is ahead of master.  And AFAIK they are all about to
> roll back to master.  This leaves me with a bit of a quandary: Do I switch
> to 3.4 rc branch because that's where the action is?  Or do I patch my
> version of master so I can work there?  Or do I make a request through the
> list for patching back to origin/master?  Or should I just wait for the
> merge?  I know that I often make things more difficult than they really are,
> but I am at a loss as to which is best/recommended way to proceed here and
> now.


> The current divergence leaves the master behind the rc branch in
> various ways/areas which feels odd to me and appears to create extra
> work for 'somebody', i.e. everyone.

Yes, fixing just the stable branch and leaving it up to petr to merge
the changes into master at some undetermined future stage creates this
problem where there are windows of time where master doesn't have fixes
in it that stable has, and its unknown when exactly they get into it.
Another argument for fixing in master and cherry-picking back to stable.

Personally, I think I'd still recommend working on master if possible
and make changes against that rather than compound the complications.


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] HI to EVERYONE....

2011-05-30 Thread Callme Shane
The IDIOTS on the Office Libre Committee, decide to fuck it all up - by
making the HELP files as a separate download...

"Yeah leave the life boats in South Hampton, so when if the ship sinks they
can always come back and ask for them"


Yeah by building in the make it 3 x as hard - 2 lots of downloads, 2 lots of
installations = 3 x as long... only stupid fucks do that shit, and if they
are trying to win converts to the hard earned work, then this is the first
bullshit hurdle that a lot of people are going to say, "FUCK YOU IDIOTS and
your BULLSHIT" at - when they get to the point of trying to do something and
then look up the help files and then get a message, "Help files not included
- go here to down load them".

Why do these people DO such incredibly stupid shit.

On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 5:16 PM, Fridrich Strba <
fridrich.st...@graduateinstitute.ch> wrote:

> OK, LibreOffice is a voluntary driven project. Whosoever is able to
> implement a feature, provide mirror space, improve translation, ... is
> sincerely welcome.
> Those that are having as their only skill complaining in e-mail are
> forwarded to /dev/null.
> Howgh
> F.
> On Mon, 2011-05-30 at 01:50 -0500, Norbert Thiebaud wrote:
> > On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 1:14 AM, Fridrich Strba
> >  wrote:
> > > The following is convincing me more and more that I should package an
> > > educational version for those people that need to learn some good
> > > manners.
> >
> > Funny, gmail seems to agree since it classified that post as spam for me
> :-)
> >
> > Norbert
> >
> > >
> > > Fridrich
> > >
> > > On Mon, 2011-05-30 at 12:50 +1000, Callme Shane wrote:
> > >> start the program it starts downloading ALL the fucking language
> > > ...
> > >> and it's a fucking dumb annoyance.
> > > ...
> > >> And I am thinking "Oh for fucks sake".
> > > ...
> > >> going to love this - I can tell - I am a fucking genius".
> > > ...
> > >> Dickheads.
> > > ...
> > >> all the help files included, or keep on doing the really fucking
> > >> stupid shit.
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > LibreOffice mailing list
> > > LibreOffice@lists.freedesktop.org
> > > http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/libreoffice
> > >


Dream as if you'll live forever.

Live as if you'll die tomorrow.*
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [REVIEW] updated pt-BR dictionary

2011-05-30 Thread Andras Timar
2011.05.30. 9:15 keltezéssel, Andras Timar írta:
> Hi,
> I need one review for 3-4.
> http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/libs-extern-sys/commit/?id=f1c5626a27f72d5f7400f3e36fe0d4f2f3c5fe90
> Thanks,
> Andras
This belongs to the commit above, makefile fixup.


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Platform-specific DLL suffix usefulness

2011-05-30 Thread Bjoern Michaelsen
Hi Francois,

On Mon, 30 May 2011 09:40:27 +0200
Francois Tigeot  wrote:

> 1. Unify DLLPOSTFIX values. Set it in one common .mk if possible
>   This can be done now

Yes, as long as you are only talking about the li, lx, ss, si type
postfixes of applications and indeed no UNO library accidentally uses
those prefixes too. The gcc3-style postfixes certainly are used for UNO

> 2. Remove DLLPOSTFIX usage in the build system
>   This can be done bit by bit 
>   There is no fundamental reason to keep it for 4.0 but it can well
> be left as-is until then.

At least for gbuild there is a fundamental reason: The gcc3-style
postfixes, the .uno.so, the li/lx-style postfixes and others are all
provided over the same mechanic. I would be a simplification to get rid
of all of those (and even more importantly the special cases like
comphelper who are not even sticking to _any_ of the plethora of naming
schemes). Just renaming the DLLPOSTFIX is indeed a most trivial, atomic
change in gbuild:


Change that and all are renamed. Thus, in gbuild it cant be done
bit-by-bit as it is just one change. However, you will have quite a bit
more work in the old build system (which you will also have to do in
one big change as library names are used in both build systems -- you
cant just change those in one build system).
Another reason why bit-by-bit is a bad idea: Even if you would rename a
single lib at a time (*), each such change would lead to major rebuild
on master for everyone, which should be avoided.
Which is why I would have rather have more stuff migrated to gbuild
(which needs to be done anyway) and do the trivial change there, rather
than investing work in the old build system, just to throw it away with
the gbuild migration anyway.



(*) Which in theory could also be done by making yourself even more
additional work, by first renaming them manually one-by-one hard in

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] Debugging UNO references in gdb

2011-05-30 Thread Andor E
I'm trying to debug an issue with bookmarks in the Writer import
filter. Right now my biggest problem is, that I don't know how to get
information from the UNO reference objects. The import filter uses
cursors and text ranges to insert the bookmarks into the document. I'm
pretty sure, that the problem lies somewhere here, but I can't query
the cursors and text ranges to make sure. Is there a helper function
for gdb or a trick to do this?


LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] [GSoC 2011][svgexport] weekly report #1

2011-05-30 Thread Thorsten Behrens
Hi Marco,

great you're making progress -

you asked:
> (1)
> is "api.openoffice.org" the right place where to look for API
> documentation ?

> (2)
> what is the difference between: XShape, SdrObject (and derived classes)
> and Graphic ? Which are their roles ?
XShape is an interface, SdrObject the actual representation of that
model - it is facaded towards XShape via SvxShape.

> (3)
> what is the GDIMetafile associated with an object of type Graphic ?
> (and what are MetaActions ?)
It's like a Windows Metafile (WMF) - a list of "drawing" actions,
recorded from rendering that shape. MetaActions are the atomic
drawing primitives, i.e. set a color, draw a polygon, render some
text etc.

> (1)
> OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( rSize100thmm, MAP_100TH_MM, aMapMode )
Yep, that's sadly missing documentation - would be wonderful if you
could add doxygen-style inline documentation to the header files,
whenever you encounter such omissions. In this case, it's a
conversion between coordinate systems (see vcl/outdev.hxx for the
prototypes): rSize100thmm is converted from the "MAP_100TH_MM"
coordinate system (i.e. one unit is a hundreth of a millimeter) to
the aMapMode coordinate system.

> (2)
> xDrawPages->getByIndex( nDefaultPage ) >>= mxDefaultPage;
> if( mxDefaultPage.is() )
> {
>   SvxDrawPage* pSvxDrawPage = SvxDrawPage::getImplementation(
> mxDefaultPage );
>   if( pSvxDrawPage )
>   {
>   mpDefaultSdrPage = pSvxDrawPage->GetSdrPage();
>   mpSdrModel = mpDefaultSdrPage->GetModel();
>   if( mpSdrModel )
>   {
>   SdrOutliner& rOutl = mpSdrModel->GetDrawOutliner(NULL);
>   maOldFieldHdl = rOutl.GetCalcFieldValueHdl();
>   rOutl.SetCalcFieldValueHdl( LINK( this, SVGFilter,
> CalcFieldHdl) );
>   }
>   }
> }
What's your concrete question? ;)


-- Thorsten

Description: PGP signature
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] Platform-specific DLL suffix usefulness

2011-05-30 Thread Francois Tigeot
On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 12:32:48AM -0600, Tor Lillqvist wrote:
> So if we keep DLLPOSTFIX, just unify its value on all platforms, that doesn't 
> really affect the complexity of the makefiles at all. We just lose one  
> non-conditional simple assignment line from each platform-specific .mk file.
> (Not that the use of $(DLLPOSTFIX) is a major uglifying factor in the 
> makefiles; but any simplification helps.)

This is what I wanted to do as a first step, sorry if I wasn't clear enough.

Let me restate the plan so far:

1. Unify DLLPOSTFIX values. Set it in one common .mk if possible

  This can be done now

2. Remove DLLPOSTFIX usage in the build system

  This can be done bit by bit 
  There is no fundamental reason to keep it for 4.0 but it can well be left
  as-is until then.

Francois Tigeot
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] about bug fdo 36519 ("writer8" instead of "ODF Text" in options UI)

2011-05-30 Thread Cedric Bosdonnat
On Sun, 2011-05-29 at 11:40 +0200, Jean-Baptiste Faure wrote:
> It works if I add a break statement when UIName is found :
> for(int nProp = 0; nProp < rProperties.getLength(); nProp++)
> {
> if(!pProperties[nProp].Name.compareToAscii("UIName"))
> {
> pProperties[nProp].Value >>= sRet;
> +break;
> }
> If UIName is found first then the loop terminates. Is it a good method
> to fix the problem ?

A algorithm teacher would tell you it's ugly... Do we want to possibly
use the two other fallbacks? In that case you would need to set some
priority between the two remaining properties that are looked for. But
may by just greping through the filters definitions you'll find out that
it's pointless ;)

Thanks for your investigations on that bug.

Cédric Bosdonnat
LibreOffice hacker
OOo Eclipse Integration developer

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] HI to EVERYONE....

2011-05-30 Thread Fridrich Strba
OK, LibreOffice is a voluntary driven project. Whosoever is able to
implement a feature, provide mirror space, improve translation, ... is
sincerely welcome.

Those that are having as their only skill complaining in e-mail are
forwarded to /dev/null.



On Mon, 2011-05-30 at 01:50 -0500, Norbert Thiebaud wrote: 
> On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 1:14 AM, Fridrich Strba
>  wrote:
> > The following is convincing me more and more that I should package an
> > educational version for those people that need to learn some good
> > manners.
> Funny, gmail seems to agree since it classified that post as spam for me :-)
> Norbert
> >
> > Fridrich
> >
> > On Mon, 2011-05-30 at 12:50 +1000, Callme Shane wrote:
> >> start the program it starts downloading ALL the fucking language
> > ...
> >> and it's a fucking dumb annoyance.
> > ...
> >> And I am thinking "Oh for fucks sake".
> > ...
> >> going to love this - I can tell - I am a fucking genius".
> > ...
> >> Dickheads.
> > ...
> >> all the help files included, or keep on doing the really fucking
> >> stupid shit.
> >
> >
> > ___
> > LibreOffice mailing list
> > LibreOffice@lists.freedesktop.org
> > http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/libreoffice
> >

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] [REVIEW] updated pt-BR dictionary

2011-05-30 Thread Andras Timar

I need one review for 3-4.

LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice] build problems with cppunit

2011-05-30 Thread Regina Henschel


I have still problems building from tar source. Actual situation:
All modules folders are put into one root folder.
Configure finished.
Make starts compiling and stops with error in cppunit:

TypeInfoHelper.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 

any many others of that kind.

Kind regards

LibreOffice mailing list