Welcome Michael Weghorn, new Developer at TDF

2023-07-04 Thread Mike Saunders

Hi everyone,

At The Document Foundation, we have a new Developer, initially focusing 
on accessibility improvements:


Great to have him on board!

Mike Saunders, Marketing and Community Coordinator
The Document Foundation

Welcome Khaled Hosny, new Developer at TDF

2023-05-30 Thread Mike Saunders

Hello everyone,

Khaled Hosny has joined the team at The Document Foundation as a 
Developer focusing initially on RTL/CTL improvements:


Mike Saunders, Marketing and Community Coordinator
The Document Foundation

Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: [libreoffice-design] Moving to LibreOffice 8?

2023-04-07 Thread Mike Saunders


On 06.04.23 22:12, Eyal Rozenberg wrote:

Great, what's the problem? Why should we be in a rush to get existing 
users to upgrade from 7.5 to 7.6?

Well, one argument is that we have very limited resources to support two 
branches. LibreOffice 7.5 won't be around forever, so at some point 
we'll need to push people to update to 7.6/8.0, as the previous version 
won't be maintained and could potentially have security issues.

On Reddit, social media etc. we see lots of posts from people using 
ancient versions of LibreOffice, and have no idea that there are newer 
major releases. There are various reasons for that, but IMO we need to 
keep people up-to-date. Not for quarterly sales targets as a 
CompuGlobalHyperMegaCorp, as you say, but because it's better for us all 
in the project when people are using maintained and supported versions.

we should be at least skeptical about copying MS behavior regarding MSO 
in which their marketing wing is calling the shots.

Agreed that we shouldn't copy problematic behaviour, but if our goal is 
to raise awareness of LibreOffice as much as possible, and get it into 
as many hands as possible (and I know not everyone agrees with that), 
then we have to be aware of the market in which we're operating, and 

IMO, it's a lot like the whole "using proprietary services to reach 
users" debate. Arguably, as a FOSS project, we should avoid closed 
platforms like Twitter and Facebook. But we make a compromise and are 
active on those platforms, because they are very effective for reaching 
new users and communicating with them.

So I think our marketing has to balance these things. If we only care 
about the technical side, we could use XTerm-style numbering (just keep 
bumping a single number with every release). But as if we want to reach 
Microsoft Office users and make a compelling argument to them, our 
marketing has to fit.

And I know that Italo has a ton of experience and knowledge in this 
field, so his perspective on this is very valuable IMO.


Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Moving to LibreOffice 8?

2023-03-27 Thread Mike Saunders

Hi Kelvene,

On 28.03.23 00:27, Kelvene Requiroso wrote:

Culturally, 8 in Asia is a lucky number, signifying prosperity and 
blessing. It might hit a soft spot in the region, which is the world's 
largest market. I like the concept. It fits with the idea of Libre.

By the way, I'm new to the team -- just joined the other day 

Thanks for the insight about the Asian markets, and welcome to the 
project! Good to have you on board :-)

Mike at TDF

New LibreOffice Developer positions at The Document Foundation, remote, full-time

2023-01-10 Thread Mike Saunders


Here at The Document Foundation, we have two new Developer roles, the 
first one initially focusing on accessibility in LibreOffice:


And the second focusing on right-to-left (RTL) and complex text layout 
(CTL) languages:


The deadline for applications is February 10, 2023. If you're 
interested, we look forward to hearing from you!

Mike Saunders, Marketing and Community Coordinator
Tel: +49 30555 7992 62
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Legal details: http://www.documentfoundation.org/imprint

LibreOffice community members: Have your say in our survey!

2021-08-25 Thread Mike Saunders
Hello everyone! At The Document Foundation, we try to grow and
strengthen our community in many ways. We’d like to improve our support
for existing community members who’re working on LibreOffice, but also
increase the number of contributors (and TDF members).

To achieve this, we’ve created a survey for active members inside the
LibreOffice community, to identify areas where focused activity is
needed, and address the needs of local projects around the world.

There are 17 questions in the survey, and it runs from today until
September 8. So, if you’re active in the LibreOffice or Document
Liberation projects, let us know what you think! We appreciate all feedback:


Mike Saunders, Marketing and Community Coordinator
The Document Foundation

Re: [Libreoffice-qa] [libreoffice-marketing] Re: LibreOffice 6.1 RC1 Bug Hunting Session - Ankara

2018-07-10 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi Muhammet,

Thanks very much for helping to organise this event -- I've posted it on
the blog here:


I'll spread the word, and add it to the calendar too!


On 09/07/2018 17:30, Muhammet Kara wrote:
> Hi Mike & All,
> I am re-sending this with a smaller attachment, to evade spam filters.
> Cheers,
> Muhammet
> On 07/06/2018 05:33 PM, Muhammet Kara wrote:
>> Hi Mike & All,
>> We are going to have a LibreOffice 6.1 RC1 Bug Hunting Session in
>> Ankara on July 13. Here are the details:
>>   * Date: July 13 Friday
>>   * Time: 14:00-17:00 (UTC+3)
>>   * Location: TUBITAK ULAKBIM, 7th Floor, Meeting Room 2
>>   * Registration form: https://goo.gl/forms/paVTg3ExZDn0Oytj1
>> Attendees will bring their own laptops. Registration until Thursday
>> 17:00 (UTC+3) is required. There will be snacks, tea, and some swag!
>> Could you please add the event to the calendar? (It is already on the
>> events wiki page.)
>> I have also attached a banner to be shared on social media, blog posts
>> etc.
>> Cheers,
>> Muhammet 
List Name: Libreoffice-qa mailing list
Mail address: Libreoffice-qa@lists.freedesktop.org
Change settings: https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/libreoffice-qa
Problems? http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/mailing-lists/how-to-unsubscribe/
Posting guidelines + more: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Netiquette
List archive: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libreoffice-qa/

LibreOffice Viewer for Android: Storage provider settings

2018-03-08 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone, esp. those working on the Android app,

This came up in a recent marketing call: in the latest version of the
LibreOffice Viewer, under "Storage provider settings", it says
"ownCloud" settings -- but the app supports Nextcloud and maybe some
other services too, correct?

It sounds like an easyhack to fix so maybe I'll look into it if I have
time later in the month, but we just wanted to mention it in case anyone
wants to look into it :-)


Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation
LibreOffice mailing list

LibreOffice 6.0: Android version?

2017-11-23 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone,

Looking at this page:


Various new features have been added to the Android app, which is
awesome, but do we know if there'll be a new version on the Play Store
with these features in time for the release of LibreOffice 6.0?

Obviously the Android app uses a different versioning scheme, but if a
new release is planned, it's something we can talk about in our
marketing materials. Thanks!

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation
LibreOffice mailing list

LibreOffice Android Viewer - future releases

2017-09-20 Thread Mike Saunders

From the recent ESC minutes:

> + Android
> + not rendering anything except blankness & white-ness
> + some fixes went in nevertheless, but blocking a new release.
> + Tomaz may have a clue – bisected to a specific commit
> + should we build a bibisect repo ? (Michael)
>  + compression and/or signature a problem (Kendy)

With this, and the recent great work GSoC students did on new features,
is there anything we can do to help move this on? For instance, I could
work with Xisco on an Android app Bug Hunting Sesson, if it made sense,
pointing people to the latest .apk and showing how to use it (or in an
emulator). Or try some other methods for getting budding Android
developers involved and looking at the code (eg maybe with Shinnok?)

Just some thoughts. It would be awesome to have a new release available
on the Play Store in time for LO 6.0, but I know that it'll be ready
when it's ready :-)


Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation
LibreOffice mailing list

LibreOffice Viewer for Android: upcoming releases?

2017-09-05 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone,

One of my tasks is to make sure our App Store listings are correct and
up to date. Looking at this:


The latest version is v8 (ARM) and v9 (x86), like on here:


I see that some GSoC students have made great progress with the Android
app, however, so are there any plans for a new release on the Play
Store? In the meantime, any way I can get an updated .apk to test and
make new screenshots and a video?


Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation
LibreOffice mailing list

Experiences building LO from scratch as a "new" developer

2017-08-03 Thread Mike Saunders
Hi everyone,

You may know me from doing marketing work and videos for TDF. But a
while back I was talking to some developers and we had an idea: I should
try to build LO from scratch (something I've never done before), using
our existing documentation, to find out what could be improved.

I'm pretty geeky (been using Linux since 1998, know my way around the
Bash prompt, and have written programming tutorials for magazines) so
I'm probably quite representative of a typical new LO developer.

I've described my findings below, running a fresh installation of
Xubuntu 17.04. Overall the process wasn't too complicated, although
there are some rather confusing bits, and places where we could provide
more info. Let me know what you think!


1. I go to Google and type "How to build LibreOffice".

2. The first hit is
https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/BuildingOnLinux - so I
go there.

3. First job is build dependencies. I execute the command specified in
the bullet point:

 sudo apt-get build-dep libreoffice

An error comes up: "E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your
sources.list". I Googled the error and fixed this by checking "Source
code" in the software-properties-gtk tool

I ran the command again and it worked. It could be noted in the wiki
that it installs around 1GB of dependencies (of course that will vary
from distro to distro).

4. Next is this bullet point:

"With modern releases, use autogen to select a newer gstreamer, or
install the old package with: sudo apt install libgstreamer0.10-dev

I don't know what "modern" is here - I'm assuming my distro is modern as
it's just a few months old. But it's very vague. I click the link which
takes me to
- but there's no anchor for that so I just see the top of the page

I scroll down to "Debian / Ubuntu" and run the command specified:

 sudo apt-get install git gstreamer1.0-libav libkrb5-dev nasm

In point 2 I'm told:

"To run build-dep your repository source should contain source-code
repository source"

It looks like this fixes the problem I encountered earlier, in the first
step of BuildingOnLinux, but I wasn't told until now. The wording here
is very confusing with "source" three times in one sentence - one
referring to repositories, and one to source code.

The following steps on that page just repeat what I did before as well.

5. I'm done with dependencies, so I go back to the BuildingOnLinux page.
I look again at:

 "With modern releases, use autogen to select a newer gstreamer"

But I don't know how to do that, and I can't recall using autogen to
select anything; I only installed gstreamer1.0-libav. I try entering
"autogen" but I'm told it's not installed. Looking back in
Linux_Build_Dependencies, I see "When you use autogen.sh" under the
"Older Ubuntu" section - but the previous page said "With *modern*
releases, use autogen"

So now I'm *totally confused* about when and where to use autogen, or
autogen.sh - if I should use it at all!

6. I decide to continue with the "Cloning and building" part. I run:

 git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core libreoffice

NOTE: This requires 2.4GB of disk space - it's worth mentioning in the
wiki before the command. (I discover later that this info is buried
under "Details, Tips, Tricks and Hints" further down the page, but IMO
it should be higher.)

I'm assuming this is the master (very latest) LibreOffice source code,
but it could also be from the latest stable release. Might be good to
clarify this here.

7. Next, I cd into libreoffice and then I see the autogen.sh command in
the instructions - which I'm assuming is what was mentioned before. So I
run this, and it appears to work fine.

8. Then I run "make" which starts downloading more stuff from the
internet. It's probably worth mentioning this, for devs who want to work
offline or when travelling, and assume they don't need net access after
the "git clone" bit.

Question: does parallel make (eg "make -j 2") have any effect here on
multi-core systems?

Thought: it would be useful to have some rough benchmarks for how long
the build process takes. eg "Dual-core Intel i5 2.4GHz: around X hours".
It doesn't need to be very specific, but it should give new developers a
rough indication.

It has been building for a few hours now, so I thought I'd post this
instead of waiting further. My next task is to fix a minor bug (or
translate some German comments), and submit a patch, to see how that
process works.

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation
LibreOffice mailing list

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: svx/uiconfig

2016-06-20 Thread Mike Saunders
 svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui |6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit fe63bcdf700e4fe5c3c3ed8721f9748ecb7aaf34
Author: Mike Saunders <mike.saund...@documentfoundation.org>
Date:   Mon Jun 20 19:13:44 2016 +0200

improve wording for crash report dialog a bit

Change-Id: Ibf27d45d9a9a0dd57a82fdf9c44f4017a43d953a
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/26525
Reviewed-by: Markus Mohrhard <markus.mohrh...@googlemail.com>
Tested-by: Markus Mohrhard <markus.mohrh...@googlemail.com>

diff --git a/svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui 
index 240b334..39c6a34 100644
--- a/svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui
+++ b/svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@
-We are sorry but it 
seems that %PRODUCTNAME crashed the last time.
+Unfortunately it seems 
that %PRODUCTNAME crashed when it was last run.
-You can help us fix this issue by sending the crash report to the %PRODUCTNAME 
crash reporting server.
+You can help us to fix this issue by sending an anonymous crash report to the 
%PRODUCTNAME crash reporting server.
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ You can help us fix this issue by sending the crash report to 
 The crash report was 
successfully uploaded.
-You can soon find the report on:
+You can soon find the report at:
Libreoffice-commits mailing list

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'libreoffice-5-2' - svx/uiconfig

2016-06-20 Thread Mike Saunders
 svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui |6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 31e4b88f4bf13cc58ba499c0f97b6c88e079558e
Author: Mike Saunders <mike.saund...@documentfoundation.org>
Date:   Mon Jun 20 19:13:44 2016 +0200

improve wording for crash report dialog a bit

Change-Id: Ibf27d45d9a9a0dd57a82fdf9c44f4017a43d953a
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/26524
Reviewed-by: Markus Mohrhard <markus.mohrh...@googlemail.com>
Tested-by: Markus Mohrhard <markus.mohrh...@googlemail.com>

diff --git a/svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui 
index 240b334..39c6a34 100644
--- a/svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui
+++ b/svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@
-We are sorry but it 
seems that %PRODUCTNAME crashed the last time.
+Unfortunately it seems 
that %PRODUCTNAME crashed when it was last run.
-You can help us fix this issue by sending the crash report to the %PRODUCTNAME 
crash reporting server.
+You can help us to fix this issue by sending an anonymous crash report to the 
%PRODUCTNAME crash reporting server.
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ You can help us fix this issue by sending the crash report to 
 The crash report was 
successfully uploaded.
-You can soon find the report on:
+You can soon find the report at:
Libreoffice-commits mailing list

[Libreoffice-qa] LibreOffice barnstars for QA contributions

2016-05-09 Thread Mike Saunders

Hi QA team,

Some of you may have already seen our Month of LibreOffic campaign, 
where we're encouraging community members to award each other barnstars 
for their contributions:


This campaign runs through May, and it would be awesome to have a bunch 
of barnstars by the end. So if you want to credit someone else in the QA 
community for their work, please award them a barnstar and we can 
celebrate the awesomeness at the end! Thanks!

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation
List Name: Libreoffice-qa mailing list
Mail address: Libreoffice-qa@lists.freedesktop.org
Change settings: https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/libreoffice-qa
Problems? http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/mailing-lists/how-to-unsubscribe/
Posting guidelines + more: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Netiquette
List archive: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libreoffice-qa/

LibreOffice barnstars for development work

2016-05-04 Thread Mike Saunders

Hi everyone,

Some of you may have seen the Month of LibreOffice campaign that we 
started on Monday 

One part of this is for developers, testers, translators and other 
participants to award each other barnstars for their work: 

So far we only have a couple, so if anyone wants to award one to someone 
else for their code, patch or testing efforts, that'd be great! Just 
edit the wiki page, copy the template barnstar and paste it in with the 
details. Let's give lots of credit and thanks for contributions over the 

Mike Saunders, Marketing & PR
The Document Foundation
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [libreoffice-design] Minutes of the Design Hangout: 2016-04-01

2016-04-04 Thread Mike Saunders


On 01.04.2016 21:53, Jan Holesovsky wrote:

+ hope to publish it the next week
+ please read it & review, will affect our HIG

Good work. Just to say that I've been through it and tidied up the 
English a bit!

LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-qa] [libreoffice-design] Minutes of the Design Hangout: 2016-04-01

2016-04-04 Thread Mike Saunders


On 01.04.2016 21:53, Jan Holesovsky wrote:

+ hope to publish it the next week
+ please read it & review, will affect our HIG

Good work. Just to say that I've been through it and tidied up the 
English a bit!

List Name: Libreoffice-qa mailing list
Mail address: Libreoffice-qa@lists.freedesktop.org
Change settings: https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/libreoffice-qa
Problems? http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/mailing-lists/how-to-unsubscribe/
Posting guidelines + more: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Netiquette
List archive: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libreoffice-qa/