Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: Improved bug filing form / flow

2011-04-04 Thread Samuel Atkins

Hi Ivan,

Glad you found some time to have a think about this. :-)

On 04/04/2011 11:14 AM, Ivan M. wrote:

I would envision taking the existing steps (with a few tweaks here and
there) and turning them into a step-by-step wizard-like experience
with each step sliding in and out from right to left as it is
completed. So, for 'LibreOffice crashes', there would be a separate
screen for 'when does LibreOffice crash,' 'Operating System,' etc -
maybe with a progress bar to show the user's progress through the
process. I think this kind of simplicity and feedback would be a
user-friendly way of making this 'technical' process accessible (this
would also mean providing help and hints - e.g. how to take a
screenshot). I do have one question though: would the submitted form
actually submit a bug report in Bugzilla, or would it get sent to
someone for moderation/confirmation?
Cool idea! I've quickly had a go at a mockup myself (I happen to have 
just written a scrolly thing, so it was pretty simple. :-) ) which is 
located here:
There are some stub slides in there showing how it could work well even 
when branching (different sets of questions based on problem type, etc). 
It already feels very nice, and much simpler. :-)

I think the plan was to have it submit directly to bugzilla, but it may 
well be beneficial to have some sort of moderation.

The first step would be to search for similar bugs. IIRC this is (or
was) a mandatory step when submitting a Ubuntu bug on Launchpad, and
it might help us to do the same. I realize that this is a careful
balancing act - making it easy and simple for the end user in order to
increase participation, but also not flooding the QA team with poor
quality time wasting reports. So, step 1 for me would be that -
perhaps in an iframe so that we can offer a link the user can click if
they can't find their bug (so that they can proceed)
Not sure about how to make it mandatory (probably possible to an extent 
though). I haven't put the iframe in yet, but that's more because I was 
busy playing with the other stuff. :-)

A good number of these steps involve users submitting data, and I
think there should be more disclaimers around that (e.g. please be
sure to remove any private or personally identifiable information). We
should also inform the person about what's going to happen to their
material - will it be available online for others to examine? If so,
there may be potential copyright issues.
Should be fine to include it every time data has to be submitted now, as 
it'll still only be one per slide, so not that cluttered.

Concerning 'LibreOffice is hard to use', it may be difficult to
differentiate between a bug report and a feature request - is it a
feature or a bug? We could simply forward these reports (since they
could contain very valuable data) to people who are involved with UX
(i.e., Christoph's mailbox :P) where that decision can be made more
easily. Potential differentiators could include 'LibreOffice doesn't
do what I expect,' 'I find it difficult to use a particular feature,'
and one or two others.
Forwarding should be simple enough, yeah. Though if stuff is moderated, 
maybe it wouldn't need to distinguish between bugs and feature requests?

With website feedback, the range of possible problems could involve
display issues, broken links, trouble downloading, typos (if we want
to be pedantic - maybe 'wording' might be a better term since it could
cover cultural/language issues, or instances where something is not
clear) and perhaps (if applicable) user account issues with LibO
websites (for now I can only think of the wiki - sure, we have
Silverstripe logins, but only for people who have a reasonable idea of
what they're doing).
Sure. I think with this and the 'hard to use' category, it'll be a while 
until stuff has to be properly nailed-down, so there's no rush. I'll 
probably have to chat with some QA people at some point, see what kind 
of bugs generally come-up.

I hope this 'brain dump' helps a little - I think this is something
that will steer LibO and its user in the right direction (especially
if we include a link to this from within LibO).

Sure! Very helpful. :D And it's always good to have a fresh view on 
things. But yeah, I'm very pleased with the wizard idea. :-)

Thanks again,

~ Sam
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: Improved bug filing form / flow

2011-03-30 Thread Samuel Atkins
ialog. If a selected font is not
 installed, then a corresponding message gets shown above
 the font preview. (Just remembered that we have
 something like that ...)

Ah, ok! That sounds very helpful. I'll have to have a look at that.

   * LibreOffice is hard to use: Well, also a hard question ... I'll
 think a bit what kind of question we need here. At the moment, I

Finally: How to finally submit the bug? ;-) Okay, still unanswered
questions ...

Yeah, it's tricky. I'm sure something will get worked-out eventually!

Box "Make the file as small as possible"
   * Typo in "usually this is th*w* application"
   * Just to be sure ... would it be helpful to tell people to remove
 both "confidential and personal" information?

Sure, extra clarity can't hurt.

Okay, that's what I've found so far ...
Thanks! It's always appreciated. :-) (Well, unless I'm having a 
particularly bad day!)

Am Montag, den 28.03.2011, 19:58 +0100 schrieb Samuel Atkins:

Hi guys,

Sorry if I went a bit quiet about this! I'm still working on it. Current
version as always is at:

Currently, the help text stuff appears in a box on the right when the
user clicks on a link. I'm not currently loading it from the wiki or
anything, though I still think that might be a better idea, to make it
easier for people to update/correct it. It'd be better for translation
too, I would imagine.

True, but the good thing is - at least to me - people can quickly check
without leaving the page.
Yeah, it's certainly better. I'll see if I can get it to load from the 
wiki onto the page, if I get time - potentially the best of both worlds. :-)

I CCed Ivan who might add his thoughts here ... and there. I know that
he's pretty busy at the moment (changes in his private life), but maybe
he'll be able to spend some minutes.

Hoping for Ivan ;-) If he lacks the time, then we'll CC design / website
list. Personally, I fear that I'll be unable to help here, since my
private life changes as well - spending time for LibO gets more
difficult :-)

It's terrible how life gets in the way of things, isn't it! ;-)


~ Sam
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: Improved bug filing form / flow

2011-03-28 Thread Samuel Atkins

Hi guys,

Sorry if I went a bit quiet about this! I'm still working on it. Current 
version as always is at:

Currently, the help text stuff appears in a box on the right when the 
user clicks on a link. I'm not currently loading it from the wiki or 
anything, though I still think that might be a better idea, to make it 
easier for people to update/correct it. It'd be better for translation 
too, I would imagine.

I've written-up how to get a list of fonts on Win/Mac/Linux. Not sure 
whether a 'how to install fonts' thing would be useful or needed. As 
someone who doesn't use a Mac, I had to look-up instructions on the web, 
so hopefully they're correct. Somewhat related: Is the linux backtrace 
stuff applicable to Mac OSX?

Unanswered questions are highlighted in yellow, which is fairly easy to 
distinguish, but things still aren't that well organised visually. I've 
noticed that the Download page uses jQuery, so I could use it to make 
things slide instead of pop into existence, which might be better. Thoughts?

Actually, any graphical mock-ups of how it should look would be useful, 
if anyone fancies giving it a go. :) It's fairly ugly right now.

Otherwise, I'm uncertain where to take the last two 'problem types' - LO 
being hard to use, and issues related to the website. Maybe the website 
one could be something like:

There is a problem with the website
* What kind of problem?
() A typo somewhere
() Something is out of date
() Got sent to a page that doesn't exist
* Which site in particular has the problem?
() The wiki
-> Tell the user how a wiki works, that they can amend things?
() etc

On a different note, I've started on the code for filling-in the bug 
form, and am a little stuck in a few areas:

* What key-words should be added to bug reports, if at all?
I saw the keyword 'have-backtrace' appears on bugzilla already, 
and I'm assuming that would be a sensible one.

* How to attach files!
Firstly, I don't think you can select a file, and then have the 
information of which file it was transferred to a separate page. But 
also at the moment there are various points that ask the user to attach 
(multiple) files, and I couldn't see anything in the Bugzilla API for 
submitting additional attachments. Might need some more thought.
* Is there some kind of format that the bug-description and summary text 
should take?
I'm having a go at generating the description from what the 
user selects, but as a newbie I don't know what prefixes and things are 

Well, that was more writing than I expected! And I fear I've forgotten 
something. Maybe I should just post more often!

~ Sam
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: Improved bug filing form / flow

2011-03-22 Thread Samuel Atkins

Hi Michael,

On 22/03/2011 7:15 PM, Michael Münch wrote:

Hi Samuel,

On Monday 21 March 2011 21:53:54 Samuel Atkins wrote:

Hello all,

I'd like to pick-up this project, as it looks like something I could

I looked at this task yesterday, so I guess we started at the same time.
I have added your name to the task on the easy hacks site in the wiki to
prevent double work.
Aha! Thank you, and sorry. I was having trouble with the wiki the last 
couple of days, and couldn't add a 'taken' note, but it now seems to let 
me edit pages. I hope you didn't spend too long on it.

As my javascript already is a huge load of unmaintainable code with probably
less than 5 percent of the workflow I am quite happy that you stepped up.
Hehe, thanks! I'm not that great at Javascript, but I did manage to 
write a couple of more general functions than what was there.

One technical question. Do you already know how to interact with the bugzilla?
I thought of creating the bug with javascript via the xml-rpc api of bugzilla.
Some other, and probably nicer apis like JSON or REST seem not to be activated
on the freedesktop bugzilla.
Ah, I do not know how to interact with bugzilla, so if you do then that 
would be wonderful. :) I was wondering about using an API in order to 
attach multiple files to a bug when the user clicks 'submit' -> things 
like the problem document, and screenshots. It would be very handy if 
you could work on that type of thing. :)

~ Sam
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: Improved bug filing form / flow

2011-03-22 Thread Samuel Atkins

Hi Cristoph,

thanks for the quick feedback (in great quantity!)

On 21/03/2011 10:41 PM, Christoph Noack wrote:

Just a few questions at the beginning:
   * Is that bug filing form intended to help less experienced users?
 (Within this mail, I'll assume that).

Yes, that's the idea.

   * Is the formatting of the page final, or will it be embedded in
 another web page?
It's not final. I'm not sure whether it will be embedded into another 
page, but for the moment I'm not focusing on the appearance of it.

At the moment, there are some minor issues and some things that look a
bit illogical to me (but this may only be me). So please bear with me
when I simply state some of these issues:
   * When choosing the options, users might miss the information
 whether they are finished or not. So my proposal would be to
 state a text / placeholder like "Further information required."
 and add visual clues (spacing, subtle headings, or ...) between
 the different questions.
'Further info needed' message sounds good. Maybe unanswered questions 
should be a different colour to stand out, that'd be pretty simply to 

   * The large heading "Before you file ..." seems to be a heading
 for the whole page - I'm sure it is not. The whole page is about
 the bug report (= the heading) and some hints to consider before
 filing any issue (proposal: a separate box at the top). There,
 please include the "If you are having more than one problem ..."
Yeah, that heading is left-over from the previous person's work, I 
hadn't got round to changing it.

   * The whole text seems a bit too technical (assumption: less
 technical users). There is "#libreoffice IRC", "crash", ODF (on
 the wiki pages), "bug", ...
Thanks, it wouldn't have occurred to me that this was too technical. 
I'll have a go at making it simpler.

   * The combination of some entries seems a bit strange, e.g.:
   * "There is a problem with the website" + "Crashes the

Hmmm, the website message thing is a bug, that's not meant to be there!

   * "LibreOffice crashes" + "Does it crash ... load or
 save ... document? YES" + "Do you need to load a
 document to execute those steps NO".
Yeah, that section needs reorganising. Actually, it probably makes the 
most sense to have to pick one of "crash when load/save", "crashes when 
I do these things" and "crashes randomly".

   * Some helpful hints might be less helpful for users, e.g.:
   * "If possible, please search the bug reports before ..."
 -->  If the users are less experienced, how and where to
 do that? If I remember correctly, Gnome let the user
 enter some terms and then searches within such kind of
 bug filing form.

Looks like a bug-search form should be simple to add. Good idea.

   * "Are you sure ... fonts installed. Bear in mind ... may
 list fonts that are not installed". -->  How should the
 user identify what kind of fonts are installed (still, I
 assume less experienced users).
I did try and look for some existing documentation about seeing what 
fonts are installed/how to install them, but couldn't find any. If 
anyone knows of any, or could write some, it'd be helpful. :)

   * "document ... then attach it" -->  where? (Maybe it's not
 yet implemented, but I didn't see the nice placeholders
 you used elsewhere).
Not yet implemented. I'm not yet sure whether picking a file on this 
page can be used to fill it in on the bugzilla form. Or if going the 
more ideal route of directly bypassing the form, how to submit multiple 
files (for instance screenshots as well). However, it looks like Michael 
Munch might have a better idea of that side. (I'll address that in 
another post shortly).

   * Formatting stuff:
   * The "Description" fields are very small - maybe the
 problems are small as well, but I think it is helpful to
 increase the field size a bit. (On my computer, the
 current size is approx 4x2 cm)
   * The radio buttons are itself a list, so we might skip
 the additional bullets.
I haven't yet spent time making it look pretty, including these two 
things. I'll fiddle with the formatting once everything is working. :)

   * It would be just great if the "For help on this, see here" could
 just open an additional section below the current section. That
 would save the users to jump back an forth with the newly opened
 browser windows.
H. It looks like the wiki has an API, so it would be possible to 
grab sections from the wiki. eg,

Re: [Libreoffice] EasyHack: Improved bug filing form / flow

2011-03-21 Thread Samuel Atkins

Hello all,

I'd like to pick-up this project, as it looks like something I could 

I've had a go on it the last couple of days, and the current page is at - I'm mostly 
working from Michael's proposal. I've spoken with him on IRC already, 
and he gave me a couple more pointers.

So this is largely an introduction. So, hello! And of course, if anyone 
has any input, feel free.

~ Sam (AtkinsSJ on IRC, etc)
LibreOffice mailing list