Need suggestion..

2014-04-23 Thread Sujay m
hi.. i had applied for GSOC.. but i din get it.. 1stly i had mentioned a
conflict with my exams.. 2ndly, while writing my proposal, i wasn't too
clear about the project(though i would like to explore a lot in that
area).. 3rdly, my patch: first one was abandoned since there was already a
similar one, and another is still under review..( and 4thly, i hadn't discussed
the details of the proposal with anybody..
Anyway, i am believer of open source  and still a student( though am
little, may be a more than a little :p tempted by the prize), but what i am
interested more is in learning.. so i would like to do the project for
myself, ie only for learning.. My proposal was about FOLLOW ME SLIDESHOW,
lots about inter process communication.. I've started to read the code of
tubes, and also telepathy api.. i would like some suggestions and also
please review my patch, i would like to get over with that first.. :)
LibreOffice mailing list

fdo#62957.. Patch review..

2014-04-20 Thread Sujay m
Hello everyone,

I have submitted my updated patch for fdo#62957.. I had used a global
public variable :P and i was suppose to change that.. Since i am new to the
community with very less knowledge of the api ( though have learnt a lot
after solving two easy hacks ) it was really hard for me to try and fit
that variable to some relevant class..

Currently my patch is under review, and i would be happy if others review
it too.. I would like to work more on Impress, so all guidance in this
regard is also really welcomed.. Perhaps you could suggest me a bug to work

I also have an idea regarding Impress and Impress Remote that i would like
to work on and would love to discuss it.. :)

Thank you.
LibreOffice mailing list

GSOC 2014..

2014-04-12 Thread Sujay m
Hi everyone,
I've submitted a proposal for GSOC 2014 on Follow-me slideshow.
I never gave myself a chance to discuss about the proposal with the mentors
( though have researched about it ).
I joined the community in january and started working on the Easy Hack
42788. .. I had no luck
on that one, but tried very much without the slightest knowledge of gdb,
git, opengrok too.
I then took up another easy hack fdo#64290 UI: count selected rows and
columns, to boost up my confidence.. I worked on this on for 3 weeks and
finally, i got the result.. I submitted my patch to gerrit ( ) for review, but unlucky me,
there was a similar patch that got approved first, so mine was abandoned..
Meanwhile I had found details about GSOC.  But my patch was abandoned so i
took up a new one, which is why I didn't find time to discuss about my
proposal before submission.
*Bug 62957*  - FILESAVE:
Save Last Slide Position in Impress, is my third hack that i worked on.
When I first took it, I wanted to complete it before submission of my
proposal ie. in a week. I couldn't complete it but submitted my proposal
anyway. I took a break for sometime to properly study Telepathy framework
and looked up the implementations of telepathy tubes in LO which is already
A week back I took up the bug again, fully determined to complete it this
time.  I finally completed it yesterday and have submitted it for the

Well, I believe that starting is always the toughest part.. After starting
something, we will do something to end what we have started.. All I am
looking from GSOC is a very good start at the community.
My proposal has lots of week points that I would like to change.. I would
like to become more specific on my goals ie. timeline for submissions etc,
since I ve understood it a little better after reading about telepathy.
Am I too late to be asking this? Is the potential mentor of my proposed
project already been assigned to someone else?
I have learned many things after joining the community and would like to
learn even more and parallely contribute to libreoffice.
Thank you.
LibreOffice mailing list

Bug 62957 - FILESAVE: Save Last Slide Position in Impress Patch.

2014-04-12 Thread Sujay m
Hi everyone,
This is still my second submission, so i welcome all sorts of comments. I
have used a static variable to complete this hack (  i've been working on
it for a very long time, so chose the easy way out). All alternative
suggestions are welcomed. :)
Thank you.
LibreOffice mailing list

fdo#62957 FILESAVE: Save Last Slide Position in Impress. Need help.

2014-04-04 Thread Sujay m
Hi all,
I was working on this enhancement before.. But had stopped for some time
for getting some fresh way of solving it.
This is still my second hack, so please bear with me :p..

I was going through the source using some random keywords and found a code
pointer to the function sd::FrameView::ReadUserDataSequence (there are
multiple implementations of ReadUserDataSequence, but i think this has the
answer) in /sd/source/ui/view/frmview.cxx..
This has reference to another function

Here it says, the function is for storing the page that was selected while
last saving the document. And there is also the function
sd::FrameView::GetSelectedPageOnLoa, to get that page.
The way i understood the functions, this is the key for the solution to my
bug. Is the implementation of the above mentioned functions is what i have
to manipulate to get my result??
I am currently tracking the working of GetPageKindOnLoad( ) and
SetPageKindOnLoad( ), because I think that the Page Kind property is
working properly.
Can somebody tell me if i am on the right track, or guide me to the right
track, please? :)

LibreOffice mailing list

Need suggestion, Regarding fdo#62957 and GSOC..

2014-03-17 Thread Sujay m
Hi all,
I've introduced myself and shown my interest in the GSOC idea  Follow-me

I have just started my open source development. Its been 2 months with LO,
and have taken up 3 bugs,
64290  and

Well i started with fdo#42788, the change i proposed to the mailing list,
honestly i was a beginner so the change i proposed was very silly, so
didn't submit to the gerrit..
Then, with fdo#64290, i had to do real hardwork, it was a very easy hack in
the end, but since it was my first time with huge source code i took three
weeks to hack it.. I have submitted the patch to gerrit..

Well, the thing is when i got information about GSOC, it occured to me that
it is the perfect program to kick start my open source involvement.. But i
am not sure i will be able to do it because, i have taken 3 weeks to solve
an easy hack..
So, i decided that i will submit a second patch on fdo#62957, based on my
performance in that regard i would take a decision to whether or not
participate in the program (that is if i get mentored)..

Can some body help me with my new hack, providing some code pointers, or
keywords that would help me find it through opengrok. I ve limited time to
apply to GSOC.. I ve done some research myself.. I ve gone through the code
pointer specified in the bug description..And also i found that
NotifyCurrentSlideChange() in SlsCurrentSlideManager.cxx has info about the
new slide.. There is similar property in writer, it resumes from the last
save point.. Code pointer related to it would help a lot..

My proposal for GSOC is ready on Follow-me slideshow though, but am going
to submit in a day, after completing my hack..
I would like to participate and get involved, will i get mentored for it??
Suggestions and guidance are most welcomed.

Thank You.
LibreOffice mailing list

GSOC : Follow-me slideshow

2014-03-09 Thread Sujay m
Hi, I am Sujay. i had already given my intro previously stating my interest
regarding the GSOC idea LibreOffice Appliances. Here it is again..

I am student pursuing my under graduation in Computer Science and
Engineering in Bangalore, India..
Programming Languages: C,C++,JAVA,Python.
Interests: Linux kernel, image processing and working with huge codes..

I joined the community 2 months back, and have worked on two easy hacks
Easy Hack 42788 and Easy Hack 64290.. First didn't go well but I managed to
complete the second one and have submitted the patch to gerrit..

The previous idea i wanted to work on was dropped because of lack of
mentors, but i felt that this (Follow-me slideshow) is a bit similar to
that and is also an extended version of it.. So i thought it would help me
hack the first one on my own.

In the above project, the first part is that, we have to make a listener
application for the incoming requests and then take action accordingly..
And basically almost all the actions are probably defined in the Android
Impress Remote if i am not mistaken.. So the second part wont be a big
issue, i think.

Well the thing is, in the ideas page it was given that this is a hard
project.. But the project did not intimidate me, so am i wrong about the
project, and would I be guided or mentored for this project?

Thank you.
LibreOffice mailing list

Sujay License Statement

2014-03-06 Thread Sujay m
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be
   licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license.
LibreOffice mailing list

Need help, regarding Easy Hack, Bug 64290 - UI: count selected rows and columns..

2014-02-25 Thread Sujay m
I ve been working on this easy hack for almost a week now. First of all it
is not a easy hack, atleast not for the fist timers.
For this hack the code pointers are not given, and i was able to find some
code pointers using opengrok.
Initially i looked up in the xml file to get the UI component. Then using
the component ID found the .xcu file.
I also found the implementation of statusbarcontroller and implementations
of separate components ie, zoomctrl.cxx etc.. in svx module.
Well in these controllers they require a satusbar items too.

Consider i want to add a constant valued string to the bar. All i want is
someone to instruct me, what all i need to take care of while creating this
I also didn't find the code that links the component in the .xcu file and
the actual implementation of the controller.

Someone, please help.. Have been working on this for a very long time. This
is my second easy hack, even the first one I chose didn't have an easy
answer.(Easy Hack 42788 )..
Though have submitted what i got on the list..

Thank you.
LibreOffice mailing list

Re: About the GSOC idea in WIKI ( LibreOffice appliances )..

2014-02-14 Thread Sujay m
Hello Cedric,
Yes, i ve joined the irc and started working on my first hack..
Well, with the help of the page on debugging on the WIKI, i kind of got
hang of the art.. Though havnt completed my hack, i m sure i ll be able to..
Well, i ll try to find another idea to work on, that suits my skills if
thats the case, but will always get help here or on the irc right, so I'll
not give up on that too.

On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 9:49 PM, Cedric Bosdonnat wrote:

> Hello Sujay,
> On Thu, 2014-02-13 at 08:29 +0530, Sujay m wrote:
> > I am a new comer to the LibreOffice community, and am working on my
> > first easy hack..
> Welcome aboard then!
> > While researching about the community, I came across this GSOC idea
> > ( about LibreOffice appliances ) and am very much interested in it.
> >
> > Well I became interested in it because, i'd thought of a similar
> > project when i got my Raspberry PI.. Though haven't implemented it
> > since I thought i have to learn a bit more before achieving that. Now
> > I have got a chance to complete my idea, so I thought i'll request you
> > to mentor me on the course.
> Well, we had to remove that task from the ideas page since we wouldn't
> have enough mentor time for it. So unless Bjoern finally manages to find
> some time, you'ld better try to pickup another idea.
> > Experience in  working with Android and  am currently working on:
> > Easy Hack 42788 - FORMATTING - Numbering/ordered list results in
> > misaligned text after a certain level: default indent does not match
> > with the width of numbers/bullets
> >
> > (though having a real hard time hacking it, because am doing debugging
> > on the huge code for the first time, and haven't given up on it yet)
> >
> >
> > I am very much eager to learn things and I would really appreciate any
> > guidance from you and anyone willing to guide me.
> The best way for you to get help on how to debug is to join the IRC
> channel and ask the questions there: it's much easier to answer there.
> --
> Cedric
LibreOffice mailing list

About the GSOC idea in WIKI ( LibreOffice appliances )..

2014-02-12 Thread Sujay m
Hello Bjoern Michaelsen sir,
My name is Sujay.
I am a new comer to the LibreOffice community, and am working on my first
easy hack..
While researching about the community, I came across this GSOC idea ( about
LibreOffice appliances ) and am very much interested in it.
Well I became interested in it because, i'd thought of a similar project
when i got my Raspberry PI.. Though haven't implemented it since I thought
i have to learn a bit more before achieving that. Now I have got a chance
to complete my idea, so I thought i'll request you to mentor me on the

About myself:
I am a student pursuing my bachelors in Computer Science in India.
Interested in : Algorithmic challenges, Image Processing and computer
Vision, Kernel and fascinated about working of huge codes.
Programming skills In: C,C++,Java,Python.
Experience in  working with Android and  am currently working on:
Easy Hack 42788  -
FORMATTING - Numbering/ordered list results in misaligned text after a
certain level: default indent does not match with the width of
(though having a real hard time hacking it, because am doing debugging on
the huge code for the first time, and haven't given up on it yet)

I am very much eager to learn things and I would really appreciate any
guidance from you and anyone willing to guide me.

Thank you Sir.
LibreOffice mailing list

Need Help.!

2014-01-16 Thread Sujay m
Hi, I am Sujay.
I am new to LibreOffice development.

I have built the LibreOffice source code, and thought will solve some of
the easy hacks mentioned in the wiki.

I got interested in this bug:
*Bug 42788*  - FORMATTING
- Numbering/ordered list results in misaligned text after a certain level:
default indent does not match with the width of numbers/bullets

But I've no idea where to start.
So i want someone to guide me, please... Thank You.
LibreOffice mailing list

Need help regarding GSOC...

2013-02-22 Thread Sujay m
I want to contribute to open source software world through GSOC - 2013 and
want to contribute to libreoffice... I am not an amazing programmer but
want learn more in this field... I am having an idea but not sure where or
with whom i must discuss it with... I would like to discuss it with the
libreoffice mentors but not sure which is right if you could
guide me it'll be really helpfull..Thank you..
LibreOffice mailing list