LibO - Configuration page

2013-12-04 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Hey there,

I just play a little with the upcomming Version

Nice feature - this configuration window :)

But - please - make this activation button under tools - options - Libo
- Advanced ->  "Expert Config page" configurable with config-files
(*.xcd files, stored in programm-installation - share/registry).

"configurable" means, that it must be possible to hide or to disable
this button and that feature!

Reason: This is a killing feature for using LibreOffice in bigger
organisations. Those Organisations do have own policies and there is no
interest, that every user can change features and options by himself.
For example: update, securitity, pathes and so on.

Best regards

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Re: LibO - Configuration page

2013-12-16 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Hi Niklas,

Am 16.12.2013 18:44, schrieb Niklas Johansson:
> Hi Thomas
> Did you find any good way to disable the Expert Config page?

Yes, I found a way :) It is the way you discribe below, just to remove
the whole option-page. That will work in most cases.

Aditional - the information that Kendy has added a config item, is very
helpful :)

I guess, this will solve the problems.

So - at the moment I am collecting all those infos and bring them to an
Tiddy-Wiki - which I will then published on our Wiki-sides.

First step will be in German - second in english :)

Thanks for your help and best regards


> Searching the code I found this:

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Vendors Name via UNO API / Basic Macros

2013-11-15 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Hey all,

I am looking for an easy way to find out, which product (LibO or AOO) is
installed and currently activ via Basic Macros.

Because in LO 4.1 we have some API-changes, macros should now have a
There are different methods to get the internal version-number - that is
not a problem.

But: The version number itself is not suffcient because AOO 4.1.0 will
start soon and this version-number is identical to LO 4.1.0.

So macros must have additional a vendor-switch.

Do somebody have an easy access hint to vendor-name?

There should be a possibility in configuration-data, but I do not know

Thanks for your answers


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Re: Vendors Name via UNO API / Basic Macros

2013-11-15 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Hey Michael,

Am 15.11.2013 12:53, schrieb Michael Stahl:
> On 14/11/13 09:21, Thomas Krumbein wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I am looking for an easy way to find out, which product (LibO or AOO) is
>> installed and currently activ via Basic Macros.
>> Because in LO 4.1 we have some API-changes, macros should now have a
>> version-switch.
> i hope the API changes are small enough in scope so that you don't have
> to re-write everything?  we try to do API changes only after a careful
> discussion of the alternatives; please give us feedback in case you
> think that you spend too much time and effort on this kind of thing :)

Well, this change was a small technical thing - but with a very big
influence on typical market applications. Every custom macro application
with dialogs or forms for user interfaces is influenced if dialogs/forms
using Date/time fields. And typicly most of them (in my applications
about 70%) used those fields.
So all applications will crash using LO or upper. So in my
opinion nobody who make this decision has a closer market view.

>> Do somebody have an easy access hint to vendor-name?
>> There should be a possibility in configuration-data, but I do not know
>> where?
> searching for PRODUCTNAME finds this:
> org.openoffice.Setup.Product.ooName

Thanks for this - I know the xcu files. But this is not an easy access
for (Basic-) macros. The way to do is: Search for this file, parse this
file and extract the vendor name... for basic marcos a very long way.
I can find a solution - but I think about all those macro-programmers
out in the market: Do you really think, this is a real solution?

Thank you an d best regards


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Re: Vendors Name via UNO API / Basic Macros

2013-11-15 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Hey Kendy,

Am 15.11.2013 15:35, schrieb Jan Holesovsky:
> Hi Thomas,
> Thomas Krumbein píše v Pá 15. 11. 2013 v 13:43 +0100:
>> Well, this change was a small technical thing - but with a very big
>> influence on typical market applications. Every custom macro application
>> with dialogs or forms for user interfaces is influenced if dialogs/forms
>> using Date/time fields.
> Have you filed a bugreport, please?  A minimal example of the macro that
> fails would be most appreciated.

Well - it´s not a bug, because you mentioned the change in release-notes
of version 4.1.

What´s happend, you can read my article on my homepage. It is in german
language but I am sure, you get the context ;)

Best regards

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Re: Vendors Name via UNO API / Basic Macros

2013-11-15 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Hi Miklos,

yes, thanks, that might be a practible way at this time.

Nevertheless - it is not a solution for the future.

I guess, there should be an implementation of the original product name,
version-number (major and minor) and actuall product name.

This should be easy accessible even for unexpierienced macro developers.

I will do a feature request or this :)

best regards

Am 15.11.2013 14:11, schrieb Miklos Vajna:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 01:43:38PM +0100, Thomas Krumbein 
>  wrote:
>> Thanks for this - I know the xcu files. But this is not an easy access
>> for (Basic-) macros. The way to do is: Search for this file, parse this
>> file and extract the vendor name... for basic marcos a very long way.
> Why not use the css::configuration::ConfigurationProvider API instead?
> I mean something like:
>> oProvider = 
>> createUnoService("")
>> Dim aParams(0) As new
>> aParams(0).Name = "nodepath"
>> aParams(0).Value = "/org.openoffice.Setup/Product"
>> oSettings = 
>> oProvider.createInstanceWithArguments("",
>>  aParams)
>> xray oSettings.getByName("ooName")
> HTH,
> Miklos

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Question to code-insider: maximum numbers

2013-09-30 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Hey all,

I do have a customer, who like to know some special borders for an
evuluation study. Unfortunatly I cannot give him an exact answer.

So - maybe someone can help me?

Question Calc (spreadsheet):

How many datapoints can be access for charts?
Means: How many lines can be maximum used for one chart? Is there a
physical border (maximum number?). As I remember, Excel 2003 or 2007 has
a maximum number of 3200 datapoints.

Question Impress (presentation):

What is the maximum number of presentation-pages? Don't worry about
file-size, but is there a physical maximum number?

Thank you for your answers.

Best regards

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Pre-Configuration LibO

2013-10-01 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Hey all,

I tried to build an xcd-file to change some presettings in LibO.
Unfortunatly it doesn´t work. Maybe someone can give me some hints?

1. I wont to enable the experimental sidebar per default. All xcd-files
are UTF8 and LF coded, places in share/registry

My first approch:";






Doesn´t work.

Next approch:";


















(thats all the datas, which will be changes in the
registrymodification.xcu, if I do the change manually)

Doesn´t work.

2. Later I tried to change the CLT-Mode and activating support for asian
language - unfortunatly same result.

3. When I change the default font the following code works:";


So, what is going wrong in Nr. 1 and 2? Any hints?

Best regards

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Re: Pre-Configuration LibO

2013-10-01 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Hey Niklas,

Yes, your file works fine :-)  Thank you for your help.

So, I think, my path was wrong. I tried to extract the path out of this


(Part of the registrymodification.xcu)

so I belief, I did some mistake.

Thanks again.

Am 01.10.2013 13:13, schrieb Niklas Johansson:
> Are you sure you got the registry paths correct.
> Given that I want to enable the Sidebar in LibreOffice 4.1.X, this xcd 
> works for me:
> xmlns:xsi="";
> xmlns:oor="";>

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Re: modification of print dialog

2014-01-30 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Hey Alex,

yes, that's easy :)

Just write a small macro to check if the actual document has a URL and
if, check the flag isModified().
If this flag is true or the Document do not have an url you do have
unsaved changes - so you can act with a own dialog.

Otherwise call uno:print - that is the same as using the print-button or
the menu: file - print.

Then - create an extension out of your code, create an addon.xcu file
which replace the existing commands (file - print and print-Button) with
your marco. Define the moduls were it should work (i.E. Writer, Calc).
Install your extension - ready :)

Now - when the user klick on the print-button, your macro will check the
document and react as you want.

Best regards

Am 30.01.2014 15:05, schrieb Кораблёв Алексей Анатольевич:
> Hello ! I faced with the following problem: I need to launch an
> additional dialog box while user pushing the "Print" button: I would
> like to check if he has saved the document that he's trying to print
> in order to prevent the printing of the unsaved documents.  Are there
> any methods of the solution of this task without modification of a
> source code?
> Yours truly, Alex.
> ___ LibreOffice mailing
> list 

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Some information about LibO on actual hardware

2014-02-18 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Hey all,

in actual business cases more and more people are using tablets and
small and light computers (convertibals, ultrabooks). And because we
will be on CeBIT and CeBIT is a business exhibition, I want to be sure,
that LibO will work with actual hardware.

So I bought a Lenovo Yoga2 13" Ideapad and give LibO a chance ;)
Actual Hardware, Intel I5, Windows 8.1, SSD, 8 GB RAM,
Display: 3200*1800px

Here are my first impressions:

First of all the good news: LibO (I used version 4.2.1) can be installed
without any problems :)

The first start works ok and the new Startcenter looks good and fits to
the display resolution. Icons and fonts are big enough and easy to read.

Then I start a first applicatin (Text-Document). It opens, but was
nearly unusable - really small fonts, Icons looks like a "fly-dirt" and
you need a strong magnifying-glass to know, what it is...

So I change the options, select 120% Font, big Icons - and try again.

Now it is a little bit better, Fonts, Menus etc are readable, size is
small, but ok. Only all the Icons are still very, very small and do not
fit to fonts and text. So the surface does not look homogeneous.

But I could work with libreOffice.

Then I turn on the side-bar. Fonts are here stronger then expected and
looks a little bit to "fat". Icons are still to small.
Because some information were hide on the right side of the sidebar, I
tried to expand the sidebar a little bit to the left - this was the dead
of LibO.
Just saw a "flattern" of the left border of the sidebar stepping
forward/backwards in milliseconds - nothing reacts any more and only the
taskmanager could kill the process.
OK, I am not sure, if ths is a special problem of the version 4.2.1 or
if it is problem of the high resulution desktop - but it is a failure!

I tried all moduls and (without using the sidebar) I did not find
differences to typical desktops, so I guess, it will work on those hardware.

I have done some screenshots - but using normal displays they all looks
very big and ok - so you cannot get a feeling in real ;)

We will have this maschine on CeBIT and all who visit us can have an own
look - that might be more helpful.

That´s what I want to share with you

best regards

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Re: Some information about LibO on actual hardware

2014-02-18 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Hey Keith,

well, I have loaded the version 4.2.1 ;)

But nevertheless - yes, I will test and give you all the feedback I can
give :)

I will update the version during the first march week - so before CeBIT.

Best regards

Am 18.02.2014 22:58, schrieb Keith Curtis:
> I have the same hardware, but running Linux. There are a number of fixes in
> the master branch, and hope to get them into 4.2.1. It should just work on
> 8.1, but I am very curious to find out find out what happens as no one yet
> has tried. You are the first person with a Windows HiDPI machine around, so
> I hope you can try out another pre-release of 4.2.1 and give feedback? I
> checked and Cebit is March 10th so that gives time to have something better
> to show.
> As for the hang, I saw it on Linux when trying to widen the sidebar past its
> maximum width when the window had already been set wider than it should by
> another part of the code which didn't respect the max value. I increased the
> maximum width allowed for the Sidebar which should make the problem usually
> go away ;-) You might be seeing another problem of course, your testing
> would be helpful.
> -Keith
> --
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Question about version

2014-03-02 Thread Thomas Krumbein
Hey all,

for the upcoming event CeBIT 2014 I am now preparing the demo-maschines.

Actual I can find the Version 4.2.1 - is this the last and newest
version for the next two weeks?

Or is there a plan to release a 4.2.2 Version next week?

Thanks and regards

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