Outreachy project progress

2024-03-18 Thread khushi gautam
Hi Folks,

The update for the project is that the relative patch of this project has
been +1 verified and covered all the tasks that were mentioned by Jim

Hekio has reviewed the UX and given his comments upon it. I will be working
to address all of them and may be connect with him for some follow up

I am looking to launch this project soon

Thank you,

Outreachy project progress.

2024-03-08 Thread khushi gautam
Hi Folks,
I am at the end stage of my project "Sidebar Deck for QuickFind". Past
three months have been pretty much very knowledgeable for me. From starting
with a UI on glade to ending it up with the actual functionality of
searching the keyword in the find bar and making it appear on the quick
find bar panel. My learning graph has made a good inclination with respect
to my career.

Few weeks back I was left with some tasks and I guess almost all of them
are covered now. First, there should be no entry to the search list if
nothing is found. completed the highlighting part of the searched item to
stand out the keyword along with this some more minor prettifying changes
also has been added like, 1. edit view scrolls when a search find entry is
selected, 2. Grab focus to find keywords in the document.
Crash issue is covered. Bringing the find to attention is the one I am
currently working on and about to close in a day or two.

Next, I will be working on improving my Patch to get it merge and taking
approval from my mentors

Working with LO during these months has always been pretty exciting to me.
The amount of learnings I got from here will have a great significance in
my career


Outreachy week 8

2024-01-24 Thread khushi gautam
Hi all,
My project is making good progress. Last week jim and I sat up on a video
call as the issues were not being resolved by the email. It was a good
session with Jim. I Learned about so many new techniques of LO and VS code
which I didn't know. Those key points made my work easier and better.

Currently, the QuickfindPanel is able to fetch the strings with the entry
keyword within that. I first worked on fetching the keyword that is being
searched to display in the panel and not with a whole paragraph.
Afterwards, I worked on fetching the left and right side characters of the
searched keywords.

Edited the UI as well on Glade. What I added is the treeview column using
glade. Afterwards, I added the connectors for custom rendering of the
void connect_custom_get_size
void connect_custom_render
still working on making the proper functionality of the defined members.

I did some code formatting as well. Removed unnecessary headers.

Thank You

[outreachy] Project progress (week 6)

2024-01-13 Thread khushi gautam
Hi Folks,

Here comes the 6 weeks report of my project progress. I feel proud to
mention that I am all going according to my project timeline. My mentors
Jim and Heiko are ones who are always available to resolve any issue and
make working in the LO environment much more fun. Learning new things and
encountering such a big codebase is itself a task whenever I initiate any
new milestone per week in the project.

I started this project by making a UI layout of a quick find panel on glade
(using a virtual box for that). Next I integrated the ui with the code to
make the Find Deck icon appear on the sidebar panel. Following up with
that, I spent some more time on glade in figuring out how to expand the
treeview component. This is all about making a structure.

Consequently, I first made the search bar track the keywords on entering
the search field. I connected the entry control to the source and to add an
activate handler for it. Made functions named as FillSearchFindsList().
Sequencing, I built a functionality similar to "Find all" in the quick
search bar. On entering the keyword it highlights corresponding words in
the document. Currently, I am half way on accomplishing the task of
fetching a string of words from the right hand side and left hand side of
the selected word. Once make build stops giving the errors I think I will
be good to go. As Jim said in LO we make change, test it out, think, think,
make change, test until we get a successful outcome.

Here is the link to my current blog that I am maintaining during my whole
outreachy journey : https://khushishikhu.hashnode.dev/outreachy-week-6

Happy Hacking!!

Thank You!!

Khushi Gautam

1 month with Libre office

2024-01-06 Thread khushi gautam
Hi Folks,

It's been a month since I have joined Libre office as an intern. I am
pretty much overwhelmed to share my project progress up till now and my
following goals as well yo keep you in sync.

Currently I am able to enter a search string and have the places the string
is found and highlighted in the document show as selected, the same as when
'Find All' in the Find bar or Find and Replace dialog is pressed. It took
me a while to understand what the uno:ExecuteSearch does and with the help
of dispatch commands.

Now my next goal is to select the surrounded search text from both left and
right side. Jim has given me the helping pointers which I am trying to
grasp as soon as possible to make this feature also work.

Happy New Year!!


Khushi Gautam

Week 3 updates [Outreachy]

2023-12-26 Thread khushi gautam
I will be updating my last week's progress with you to keep you updated. I
got very much familiar with glade in the past week. I extended my work
about the UI for the sidebar panel which took me 3 days of constant effort
but it was fun meddling around the treeview components of the glade. I took
references from sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui/functionpanel.ui being a similar one
to what I was working on helped me a lot in understanding the tools deeply.

Additionally, I tried connecting the entry control to the source and to add
an activate handler for it. DECL_LINK, LINK, and IMPL_LINK_NOARG macros are
used with weld::Entry::connect_activate to handle the activate signal that
is generated by the ui framework when the entry control has keyboard focus
and the enter key is pressed.

For DECL_LINK(ActivateHdl, weld::Entry&, bool);
Member = ActivateHdl
ArgType = weld::Entry&
RetType = bool

Alternative to these macros, I added the corresponding functions i.e.
LinkStubSearchFindEntryActivateHandler(void* instance, weld::Entry&
weld::Entry&),FillSearchFindsList(). It took me a while to understand how
all these are connected with the help of macros as well as without macros.

Looking forward to connecting the ui handlers with treeview as well.

I will keep you updated about my outreachy journey.

Thank You

Outreachy 2 weeks project progress

2023-12-16 Thread khushi gautam
Hi all,
I am currently working on the project "Sidebar deck for quick find". It's
been two weeks since I started my internship here, and I'd like to update
the community about my progress till now. My very first step was to create
a UI for QuickFind using Glade. Initially, I faced challenges operating
Glade on Windows. Fortunately, Heiko, my mentor, helped me by demonstrating
how Glade works on Linux. I promptly installed VirtualBox to run Glade on
Linux, and I was able to create the UI in a short amount of time.

Next, let's talk about the stage where I had to add the 'Find Deck' option
to the sidebar and its corresponding panel. This step took some time from
adding the panel and deck entry in sidebar.xcu file and SwPanelFactory to
achieve a successful build. During this task, Jim Raykowski, my mentor,
cooperated with me so effectively that by the end of the second week, I was
able to accomplish that goal. I appreciate Jim's assistance in making this
task a success.

Thank you!



Khushi Gautam license statement

2023-10-13 Thread khushi gautam
All of my past & future contributions to LibreOffice may be   licensed under the MPLv2/LGPLv3+ dual license.