
In calc one can place inner and outer borders on (a range of) cells.
The current behaviour is that one cannot remove these borders, unless all inner 
or outer borders are removed.

Select cell and put right, bottom, left and top borders around it. Now change 
that to top and bottom only. Nothing happens. Only when all outer (or inner) 
borders are removed, it has effect. The one exception I found is the 'standard 
option' in the cell laout dialog to have outer borders plus horizontal inner 

Having had a look at the code (/core/sc/source/core/data/attarray.cxx, 
ScAttrArray::ApplyFrame(...) and /core/sc/source/core/data/attarray.cxx, 
ApplyFrame(...)) it seems to me that the borders are only written when set and 
cannot be written when not set, except when no borders are set.

Is this behaviour intended behaviour, or is it a bug?
In the first case, IMHO we should put this in the help tekst for calc.
In the second case, it seems that I would have to add one or more functions to 
SvxBoxItem ( add a border line when not present, or add some sort of clear-flag 
for each border.

Any opinions?


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