Priority: medium
            Bug ID: 83360
           Summary: wrong behaviour for svg:viewBox and svg:d in
          Severity: normal
    Classification: Unclassified
                OS: Linux (All)
          Hardware: Other
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
           Version: release
         Component: graphics stack
           Product: LibreOffice

Created attachment 105568
example files

Draw seems to be incompatible with some values of svg:viewBox and svg:d in the
draw:connector element. It seems to assume that all values are thousandths of a
centimetre. All other values don't work.

I'm working on a converter that creates odg files. While doing that, I've come
across the problem, that calligra flow and libre office don't display all files
equally, even though they both create odg files.
One problem is that when you create a file in calligra flow with a connector
that is only connected on one end or not connected at all. These files are not
displayed correctly when opened in libre office draw. I've attached a file
created with calligra flow with a connector that is not connected on one of its
ends (calligra_created.odg). In libre office connections like this always end
near the top left corner.

I've unpacked a libre office draw file and noticed that is uses thousandths of
a centimetre in svg:viewBox and svg:d of draw:connector. Draw seems to rely on
that. This can be seen when you devide all values by 10. I deleted the last
digit for all numbers. Of course this is not an exact divions but it should be
almost the same curve as the values are very big. Then libre office draw
diplays the open end of the connection near the top left corner. In calligra
flow both files look the same.

Created by draw (draw_created_original.odg):
<draw:connector draw:style-name="gr2" draw:text-style-name="P1"
draw:layer="layout" svg:x1="9.8cm" svg:y1="11.4cm" svg:x2="5.829cm"
svg:y2="20.362cm" draw:start-shape="id1" svg:d="M9800 11400v4732h-3971v4230"
svg:viewBox="0 0 3972 8963">
After removing one digit (draw_created_modified.odg):
<draw:connector draw:style-name="gr2" draw:text-style-name="P1"
draw:layer="layout" svg:x1="9.8cm" svg:y1="11.4cm" svg:x2="5.829cm"
svg:y2="20.362cm" draw:start-shape="id1" svg:d="M980 1140v473h-397v423"
svg:viewBox="0 0 397 896">

This is a big problem for my converter that creates a lot of half-connected
connectors and also causes compatibility issues between calligra flow and draw.
Help would be very appreciated.

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