Re: [Libreoffice-qa] Minutes of the ESC call 2012-10-11

2012-10-18 Thread Rainer Bielefeld

Thorsten Behrens schrieb:

 + 3.5 MAB needs cherry-picking and folding into 3.6 MAB (some
   don't seem to be valid most annoying)


I already started my traditional End of Lifecycle MAB cleanup, results on
I will shift 3.5 MAB to 3.6 MAB if appropriate of make different 

Keeping current speed this will take until end 2012

 + some thoughts around another 3.5 release

Although I was one of those who brought up these thoughts, I believe 
it's not realistic to hope that an other 3.5 release with 2 or 3 
additional bugfixes will bring significant benefit.
But I believe for 3.6 we should rethink our release policy. We should 
not terminate work on a version  3.6 because most people loose interest 
(because they are busy with next release 3.7), that leads to a situation 
as we have with 3.5.7 that still 77 MAB are unfixed and nobody know why, 
but because the version is ready.

Of course I know that it never will be possible to get really all Bugs 
fixed, but selection what these remaining unfixed bugs should be done 
by a founded decision and not by coincidence.

May be something like this can help to avoid surprises 8only a first 

final release -4 is out:
QA does all possible efforts to sort out inappropriate MAB and and to 
add all required info to those bug so that they are really ready for 
fixing by developers.

final release -3 is out:

Remaining well prepared MAB will be deployed to developers similar to 
the HardHack proceeding. (QA-calls, ESC-calls, ...)

final release -2 is out:

If developers recognize that it will not be possible to fix particular 
bugs with acceptable costs and risk, they add them to a Wiki table 
(prepared by QA) with a short statement concerning these problems.
That will allow additional efforts to get fixes somehow overcoming 
these problems

final release -1 is out:

Same as before

Final is out

final discussion concerning remaining unfixed MAB, shift to next 
version's MAB, if appropriate, or what ever else, even may be to do a 
Final + 1 release because a solution to fix important remaining MAB 
has been found.

Best regards

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[Libreoffice-qa] Minutes of the ESC call 2012-10-11

2012-10-12 Thread Thorsten Behrens
Attending: Joel, Fridrich, Thorsten, Eike, Andras, Caolan, Kendy,
   David, Mirek, Kohei, Cedric, Rodo, Andras, Astron, 
   Michael S.

* Completed Action Items
+ Petr to decide release-schedule / overlap gap issue
  + done/expired
+ mail thb/sweetshark for a cheap Berlin / hotel room
  + done
+ push distro/suse/suse-3.6 branch (Andras)
  + done

* Pending Action Items
+ create a new AmbitiousHacks wiki page, based on GSOC page (Michael M)
+ [in progress] enable automatic help build / sync. on a cron-job (Kendy)
+ script written, deploy it
+ issues to look into if we can
+ fdo#34548 - review Michael's patch (Thorsten)
+ fdo#55290 - master doesn't install on windows (dtardon)
+ fdo#55360 - mac specific text issue (Thorsten)
+ fdo#51023 - impress DD crasher - (Radek)
+ ping Tollef wrt. sysadmin work (Bjoern)

* Release Engineering update (Petr)
+ vacation / quality report (deferred)
+ should we enable on-line updates to 3.6.2 ?
+ fdo#55560 / fdo#52022 needs fixing before general update
+ upgrade 3.5.0-3.5.1 to 3.6.2 though, those versions are
  clearly inferior.
+ 3.5.7 status
+ 3.5.7 rc2 built (fixes docx crasher), due next week
+ 3.6.3 rc1 status
+ builds running, mirror push tomorrow
+ rc2 22nd of october (fdo#55560 needs fixing!)

* UI / design update (Astron)
+ gtk3 prototype
+ interesting food for thought
+ icons for new conditional formats in cells ... (pending)
+ no chat this week, handling happens on the list

* conference (Thorsten)
+ in-person ESC meeting 16th October, 17:00 local time at the venue.

* QA update (Joel)
+ HardHack list moved to wiki -
  - updates / assignments appreciated there
+ 3.5 MAB needs cherry-picking and folding into 3.6 MAB (some
  don't seem to be valid most annoying)
+ some thoughts around another 3.5 release

* Open 3.7 MAB / regressions [ there should be none ]:
+ fdo#55290 - LOdev 3.7 won't install [ on Windows ]. Error 1935 (dtardon)
+ fdo#55560 - CRASH when Format Cells (menu and Context menu) 
+ fdo#55570 - significant autocorrect slow-down (Stephan)
+ fdo#55685 - CRASH when create or modify Character Style or Paragraph 
Style (fixed by Caolan)

* Open HardHacks
+ fdo#50285 - Saving document as .doc introduces bogus superscript text

* 3.6 most annoying bugs ...
+ 27 (of 127) older 44/139 46/137 45/132 44/127 39/119 27/96 26/91 21/80 
  21%32%34%34%35% 33%   28%   29%   26%   

* 3.5 most annoying bugs ...
+ 78 open (of 278) older 81/279 82/279 83/279 80/270 81/269 73/258 73/257
  28% 29%29%30%30%30%26%28%

* 3.5 bugs tagged with 'regression'
+ 185(+6) bugs open of 853(+20) total

* ~Component   count net *
+ Writer   - 80 (-1)
+ Crashes  - 21 (+3)
+ Presentation - 18 (+1)
+ LibreOffice  - 13 (-1)
+ Borders  - 13 (+0)
+ Drawing  - 13 (+0)
+ Database - 14 (+1)
+ Migration- 6  (-4)
+ Spreadsheet  - 15 (+6)
+ Writer / RTF - 3  (+1)
+ Basic- 2  (+0)

+ Migration tracker:

-- Thorsten

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