On Sat, May 9, 2015 at 3:14 PM, Michael Stahl <mst...@redhat.com> wrote:
> http://bugs.python.org/issue17797 is not a valid URL to a bug. See Also
> URLs should point to one of:
>     show_bug.cgi in a Bugzilla installation.
>     A bug on launchpad.net
>     An issue on code.google.com.
>     A bug on bugs.debian.org.
>     An issue in a JIRA installation.
>     A ticket in a Trac installation.
>     A bug in a MantisBT installation.
>     A bug on sourceforge.net.
>     An issue on github.com.
> ^ is that a standard bugzilla error or some configuration on our side?

I think that's just a standard Bugzilla error -- I don't recall us
ever playing around with that configuration. I'll take a look in more
detail this week and try to get this resolved :-)


Robinson Tryon
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