Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Use of Navigation Toolbar

2013-12-04 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Samuel,

Samuel Mehrbrodt schrieb:


in Writer there is a Navigation toolbar at View-Toolbars-Navigation.
I first thought, it has the same function as the Previous and Next
buttons in the Navigator, but this is not the case.

I don't really understand what these buttons do. The source code looks
like it is some kind of history navigation.

Does anyone know what the use that toolbar is?

Yes, they allow moving through the history of document intern hyperlinks 
like those buttons in browsers. It is from the category Internal, 
which is unique to LibreOffice. It looks like an unfinished feature. It 
has no extended tips.

Kind regards

Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Remove the Navigator button below the scrollbar in Writer

2013-11-14 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Ahmad,

Ahmad Hussein Al-Harthi schrieb:

In the first place, does it work? Because it doesn't
for me! when I click on it I get the floating widget
and when I click on any icon on that widget nothing

I think, if it does work,  we should leave it or improve it..

It works as it should. When you click the blue ball, you get a list of 
categories. Choose one. Then the arrow up and down above and below the 
blue ball traverse through this category.
For example, if the category is Search and you have used a search 
already, then the arrows do a 'find previous' and 'find next'. And when 
the category is Page, then the arrows do 'goto previous page' and 
'goto next page'.

Word 2010 has the same UI element at the same place. I don't know, 
whether former MS Office users will miss it. LO users know (or can 
know), that the same function is in the upper part of the navigator. The 
top, second from left item opens this category chooser.

I personally use it to quickly switch from search, which is 
automatically set by the new search bar, to the page up/down mode.

Kind regards
Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Multiple Files SWF (Flash) export

2013-11-12 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Michael,

Michael Stahl schrieb:


looking at
we apparently have in Impress on the SWF Export dialog a Multiple
Files option that produces one SWF file per slide (with a bunch of
extra options too)... maybe it's just my limited imagination but this
strikes me as a totally useless feature; why would anybody want that
instead of a single SWF file?

would it be a good idea to remove that?

No. When you use Multiple Files you can show the presentation for 
example in IrfanView. You can move forwards and backwards with the 
for/back arrows of IrfanView and you have all animations of the single 
slide step by step forward and backward! on contextmenu. In browser too 
the animations inside the slide are available via contextmenu. If you 
use one SWF file for the whole presentation this does not work in 
browser and it crashes IrfanView.

Kind regards

Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] some thoughts on the Sidebar

2013-09-10 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jean-Baptiste,

Jean-Baptiste Faure schrieb:

Hi all,


Another nice feature of the Sidebar could be to partially close it,
keeping visible only its small vertical button bar. So you could be able
to reopen the panel you need with one click. Currently, you need to
reopen the Sidebar then click the panel button.

If you have enabled the sidebar in View menu, then a click on the closer 
cross of the sidebar will do exact that: Close the deck (= the area of 
the panels) but keep the menu tab bar open. So feature is already there.

Kind regards
Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Symphony Clip Art

2013-02-05 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Samuel,

I don't know, whether it is legal to use the AOO trunk. But if you wait 
till AOO 4.0 is released, you will get them without license problems. 
And more important, Armin has changed a lot of them to svg, so you will 
get a high quality with small size. So no, do not use the Symphony 
gallery directly.

Kind regards

Samuel Mehrbrodt schrieb:


Lotus Symphony has replaced the Gallery Clip Art with some really nice
and modern Images. You can get them as ZIP from here [1].
As Symphony is available under the Apache License [2] , I suggest to
include these Clip Art Icons in LibreOffice.

Here's a comparison:

 LibreOffice Clip Art
 Symphony Clip Art
Images #
Average Size/Image
Total Size

As you see, that would increase the size by ~19MB. Some of the Symphony
Images are very large, the size could be reduced a bit by resizing
those. Best would be of course, if we can get the SVG files, but I have
not seen them anywhere.

What do you think about this?



Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Presentation Backgrounds broken with new SVG filter

2013-01-10 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Stefan,

Stefan Knorr (Astron) schrieb:

Hi again...

In the interest of accuracy, I was overstating things, re:

There is
an especially visible regression which is that radial gradients do not
work at all any more.

There are more templates that use radial gradients, but not all are
broken. (No idea what this brokenness depends upon)

If I open the Abstract Yellow template in AOO3.4.1, I can see the same 
error as in LO4.0.0.1. But when I open it in a AOO build from trunk, the 
background is correct. Armin has done bug fixes for SVG in AOO, likely 
LO has not integrated them yet.

Kind regards

Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] XML Import

2012-11-24 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Kohei,

Kohei Yoshida schrieb:

Hi there,

This is just to inform you that I've started working on the wiki page
for my work-in-progress XML source feature.

I put some comments into the associated discussion page.

Kind regards
Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] XML Import

2012-11-24 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Alexander,

Alexander Wilms schrieb:

Hi Kohei,

here are two versions of the three icons. I'm not sure whether the blue
'lines of text' are enough to differentioate betwwen them, so I added more
colorful versions:

Now I can see them all.

I do not think, that the icons work.
- Not knowing what they mean, I would say, that they indicate some sort 
of level.

- I cannot distinguish them in 100% zoom.

What do you think of using different shapes instead of all being rectangle?

Kind regards

Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] [Fwd: [PATCH] Hide the rulers in Writer by default for a cleaner look]

2012-11-01 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

Michael Meeks schrieb:

Hi guys,

Thoughts on this ? I guess there are issues around seeing / creating
tabs etc.



 Forwarded Message 
Subject: [PATCH] Hide the rulers in Writer by default for a cleaner look
I have submitted a patch for review:
Hide the rulers in Writer by default for a cleaner look

This is consistent with Impress. Might need to be discussed with ux-advise

there is nothing in LO bugzilla but in AOO you will find with a link to

For me it would only mean to add one additional setting to all my 
settings, when starting with a new version. So I have no strong opinion 
on it.

Kind regards
Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Need Developer Input about Options

2012-11-01 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Mirek,

Mirek M. schrieb:

We're in the middle of our option analysis [1] and we'd like to know
whether the following options are still needed and, if so, what their use
cases are:


- Decimal separator key (in which cases is the locale setting not

Long discussion:

Kind regards
Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] page borders (bug 52327)

2012-09-03 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Christina,

Christina Roßmanith schrieb:

Hi Regina,

to make sure we are talking about the same page borders: there are
slightly thicker lines in normal view indicating what is printed on a

Ah, that are no page borders, but that are the lines for Automatik 
page break. Therefore I was so confused. The color of this lines can be 
set in Tools  Options  LibreOffice  Appearance, section Spreadsheet.

 But they appear only after print preview for a sheet was executed.

Yes, I can confirm, that they are not shown initially. After switching 
to Page Break Preview (in menu View) and back to Normal they are 
shown. Calling Page preview and closing will do the same, and calling 
page layout dialog and finish with OK or calling printing dialog as well.

If the bug reporter confirmes that print preview works for him I'll
close the bug with NOTABUG - any objections?

It is a bug (or a missing feature), that they are not shown immediately. 
But that behavior is not new. It is there at least since OOo1.1.5. So 
NOTABUG is not really true.

Another question is, whether you want to work on it. Because a lot of 
actions trigger this lines, the bug is not severe. In OOo-times there 
had been the large dump OOo later for such reports. You can confirm 
the issue and set it to a low importance, or immediately close it with 
WONTFIX. But WONTFIX sound always harsh for the reporter of the bug and 
might discourage him to help in LibreOffice, so I would not use it.

Kind regards
Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] page borders (bug 52327)

2012-09-02 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Christina,

Christina Roßmanith schrieb:


I had a look at fdo52327 and have some questions:

It is not clear, what the submitter of the bug wants.

I guess, that he wants the page borders shown in normal view. But I 
think, that would be no good idea, because the layout of the page 
contains also header, footer, and background, and considers repeating 
rows and columns, scaling and a lot of other things.

1. Should page preview trigger the calculation of page borders?

Yes, because the page preview is the command .uno:PrintPreview and 
is intended to show how the sheet content is distributed to the page and 
what effects the page layout settings have.

Currently there is no problem in showing page borders. The borders are 
shown, as well as background or other settings of the page layout.

2. If so, should it be a trigger for the current sheet only or for all

The page preview shows the print ranges of all selected sheets. So it 
needs to calculate the borders of the page layout of all selected sheets.

But I do not see any problem at all.

Kind regards

Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Color schemes

2012-07-26 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jan,

Jan Holesovsky schrieb:

Hi UX guys,

I've been poking around the code that is responsible for the color
schemes as found in

Tools - Options... - Appearance - Color scheme

There is some terrible duplication of functionality with vcl going on
there, and I'd love to clean it up.  On the way, I'd like to remove the
possibility to name the schemes, and switch between them.

My reasoning is that I doubt that a user is going to switch between
themes just according to her/his mood ;-) - I bet that most of the users
are happy with the default colors, and the rest will just tweak them
once, and be done with that for the rest of their life.

So - what is your view on that?  OK for you to remove the Scheme combo
box + [Save...] and [Delete] buttons?  Or do you have another approach
to this in mind?

In can imagine these scenarios, where saving a scheme might be useful, 
but think they are unlikely:
(1) A school does not use individual accounts and need a way to quickly 
change color settings for a visual disabled pupil. [I would advise the 
school to give an account or a portable version to that pupil.]
(2) A user works on different places with the same account and monitors 
and environments are very different.
(3) A user works with his personal settings but needs a quick change to 
the defaults when creating tutorials.

Nevertheless I second the idea of removing the scheme option from the 

The shared macros contain a library Gimmicks. Perhaps it is possible 
to put saving current color settings and loading a stored version in a 
module there? That library has already a tool to change user settings.

This problem shows again, that a division in a simple dialog for often 
needed settings and an advanced dialog for power users and 
administrators is needed.

Kind regards
Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Disabling file opening and saving in print preview mode

2012-06-03 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

Stefan Knorr (Astron) schrieb:

As for the paper size/page size difference, I would just want to +1
Björn in that it's a misfeature.

No, I thing not. With the new printer dialog we have n-up and brochure 
printing not only for Writer but for Calc, Draw and Impress too.

The page preview should show, what you have designed on your page and 
the print preview should show, what will be really printed with the 
specific print settings, on a specific printer.

 Another +1 to Björn for suggesting

that a fullscreen preview mode be added to the Print window.

An enlargeable print preview would be helpful. I think not, that a 
fullscreen mode is useful.

The most useful thing about the Page Preview indeed seems to be
modifying margins.

And the fact, that repeating rows and columns are shown. They are 
neither shown in normal view nor in page break view.

 But that is only useful for Calc users,

What is useful in the page preview, depends on the module. But the page 
view in Writer needs some rework. Former it contained the n-up printing. 
But that is moved to printer dialog. And the page view had been adapted 
only roughly. You should compare the old Writer page view before 
printerpullpages with its design now.

 since in

every other application it is trivial to turn on rulers in the main
view/rulers are by default turned on in the main view.

?? I have not thought, that showing/heading rulers is the purpose of 
page preview. One of the purpose of page view in Writer had been the 
n-up printing. Now it still gives a quick view without setting back each 
of the view settings like 'Field shading', 'Hidden paragraphs', or 
'Non-printing characters' individually.

 For the

uninitiated, it might also be somewhat counterintuitive to set the
page margins in the Page/Print Preview.

That feature is only in Calc and it is very useful there. It allows very 
quickly adjusting the margins and columns width, so that you get a 
column onto the page, which missed it by a small amount. And you can see 
immediately the effects of scaling, which is not possible in normal or 
page break view and not in the page format dialog.

@Jean-Francois: The slider in Calc page view toolbar is not a zoom, but 
the same scale that can be set in page format. The + and - icons control 
the zoom. They can indeed be removed, because we have them now in the 
status bar.

As for 3.6, I do agree with Kohei that it probably would be best to
just hide the menu and Standard toolbar looking at how expensive
adding a fullscreen mode to Print would be.

A fullscreen mode in printer dialog is not a compensation of the page view.

I agree, that printing and saving in page view is not necessary. Falling 
back into normal view when the user tries to print or save would be ok 
for me. The special case n-up printing from Writer page view had been 
removed with implementing printerpullpages.

Kind regards

Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Disabling file opening and saving in print preview mode

2012-05-31 Thread Regina Henschel


Stefan Knorr (Astron) schrieb:

→ reply to list, too

Thanks for reminder ;)

Hi Kohei,

I noticed that we actually allow saving and loading of document in print
preview mode.  But to me that feels very odd.

What sticks out as most odd to me is that our print preview is so
incredibly cluttered (menu bar + 2 toolbars), whereas e.g. in Firefox
it is very focused (just a toolbar).
So, yes, I do agree with this, in general, just the Print Preview
toolbar should be enough.

Yes, but you have to add some icons, e.g. page preview, help, print 
directly pdf directly.

BTW: In the UI the name is Page Preview not Print Preview, although 
the command is .uno:PrintPreview. And I think 'Page Preview' is the 
correct term, because it is not a print preview, see below.

However [crazy idea], since we now have a Print dialogue that already
contains a preview, might it be worth thinking about just removing the
separate print preview feature and making the print preview inside the
dialogue a little bigger?

No. Reasons:
1. The 'Page Preview' mode shows the content on the page size set in the 
page style. The preview in printing dialog considers real paper size and 
settings of the 'Page Layout' tab of that dialog. It also considers 

2. The 'Page Preview' mode has a zoom and a full screen mode.
3. The 'Page Preview' mode allows changing of margins and column width 
by dragging with the mouse. Especially altering the margins here is very 
important, because the 'Page Preview' shows header and footer and 
considers repeat rows/columns and shows the table position.

Kind regards

Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] mouse centered scrolling

2012-04-28 Thread Regina Henschel


Cor Nouws schrieb:

Hi Astron,

Stefan Knorr (Astron) wrote (27-04-12 15:27)

Oh, pain... yes, Ctrl-+/- would be really cool. Unfortunately, Excel
also seems to use Ctrl-+/- for Insert/Delete Cells.
On the other hand, having zoom on Ctrl-[/] would mean, at least for
me, that you need to press three keys for something as simple as
zooming in (i.e Ctrl-Shift-8/9).

Then you have a very small keyboard? I work on a laptop without separate
numeric key's, but still [ and ] are available directly. And I would
expect that is for 98% of the users ???

The position of [ and ] depends on local. A German keyboard has it on 
AltGr+8 and AltGr+9.

Kind regards
Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list

Re: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Complete removal of the Windows/Linux quickstarter, was: Re: [Libreoffice] Removing LibO on Windows ...

2012-01-08 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

Stefan Knorr (Astron) schrieb:

Hi all,

First of all, I am hereby renaming the thread and am adding UX-Advise,
even if that won't necessarily gain us more participants in this

On 5 January 2012 18:12, Cor  wrote:

- 0

People use it as quick-access too.
Should we maybe ask the users?

It's the OS's domain to (quickly) start applications, and OS's are
pretty good at that. If you want to start anything particularly
quickly on...
Windows 7: you can add it to the task bar, attach it to the start
menu, add it to the desktop
Windows Vista or below: you can add it the Quick Launch bar, attach it
to the start menu, add it to the desktop
Gnome 2: add it to the panel or the desktop
Gnome 3: add it to the dock-like thing in the application overview
Unity: add it to the desktop or the floating panel
KDE: add it to the panel, the desktop, or attach it to the the K menu
(I believe)
Mac OS X: add it to the dock

I really believe, the quick-starter should just go.


Do you remember the strom of protest, when OOo had removed the items to 
start a module from the quickstarter? Are you sure, user will not miss 
this feature?

Kind regards
Libreoffice-ux-advise mailing list