   I would like to share my experience during the last few weeks.
   I am university professor. I teach Fluid Machinery, Heat Transfer and
   Computatinal Fluid Dynamics in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.
   I have a concurrent group of 40+ students. I have been using jitsi meet
   sucessfully. I mainly use Audio in/out, Chatt text in/out, Screen
   sharing in/out, Window Sharing in/out, GIMP window sharing to share
   sketches out.
   Out: from professor (me) to students.
   I connect using a laptop+headset+mouse+keyboard+29inch FHD monitor
   running Fedora with Firefox+GIMP+Evince+Gedit. Sometimes I use
   smartphone+headset running Android with jitsi meet app.
   Students connect using laptops, desktops and smart phones.
   Laptop/desktop run windows and mac with Chrome and Firefox. Smartphones
   run Android and iOS with jitsi meet app.
   We have very good audio quality, good latency and smooth teaching
   Hector Espinoza
   PS: I have not had time to set up a jitsi server (jitsi videobridge) in
   my city, so I use the free server located in USA called us-east

   El lun., 11 de may. de 2020, 10:36, Paul Sutton
   <[2]paulsut...@disroot.org> escribió:

     I get the same problem in the UK. There is an assumption that
     * Uses a particular proprietary solution or
     * Want to use a proprietary solution or
     Or in some cases they assume people have or can even afford a
     on low or zero income.
     As it is seen that everyone uses zoom, teams, (as everyone assumes
     use Windows, MS office) and even down to assuming you use or want to
     So lets share lots of examples of where free alternatives are being
     used, I quite like Jitsi meet, it will be better for me once I have
     I also like the look of Big Blue button as a potential teaching
     tool, as
     I can upload a pdf presentation or other document, share screens and
     also share notes.
     I understand your frustration, what is worse is that some job
     are also being conducted over zoom, which is really going to
     discriminate against anyone not having the ability to use zoom. Or
     not want to due to the number of security issues that have been
     On 04/05/2020 16:52, LM wrote:
     > Okay, just had to complain to a more sympathetic ear.  Seems like
     > the technical groups in my area are using Zoom or Microsoft Teams
     > Microsoft Visual Studio for communications during virtual
     > Talk about not being inclusive.  I've been posting links for the
     > alternatives and letting them know not everyone can access what
     > they're using, but they don't seem to care.
     > On the plus side, LibreMiami held its first Jitsi meeting this
     > Saturday and I thought they did a wonderful job on it.
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   1. http://meet.jit.si/
   2. mailto:paulsut...@disroot.org
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   5. https://personaljournal.ca/paulsutton/
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