
Thanks for this, hopefully it will make a difference, I will keep
pushing at this end too.

Eventually people will hopefully start to ask about ALL available tools.


On 18/06/2020 15:54, Nicholas Johnson wrote:
> Paul, I sent them an email with supporting links.
> - Nicholas Johnson
>> Hi
>> Just responded to a post from online centres (@Online_Centres) in the uk
>> regarding their course https://www.learnmyway.com/courses/video-calling/
>> not having any mention of free software tools
>> I tweeted in @fsf and @fsfe but if anyone can help by tweeting them a
>> few alternatives  please (there is a good list somewhere I can't find it.)
>> I know there are things such as
>> Jami
>> Big Blue button
>> Jitsi meet (or however you type it)
>> Any help will really support the cause, We won't get anywhere with ONE
>> person doing this, it needs a combined effort.
>> Also a good way to cite that the community held the whole of libreplanet
>> 2020 via free software, which will help push back against any argument
>> about it not working properly.
>> Thanks for any help, lets spread the word.
>> Paul

Paul Sutton
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