Re: Sacrifices made for Free Software

2020-07-28 Thread quiliro
LM  writes:

> So, here's an opportunity to give a school an alternative to a
> non-Free product and promote Free Software.

I don't think it is an opportunity for us unless we get retributions. I
do think that it is good for someone to have freedom. But that does not
mean that the people who promote freedom are benefited for it.

When someone uses nonfree software, they benefit the developer and the
promoter (usually). But with free software, it is the other way
around. It is the developer and the promoter that benefit the user. It
is the ethical way to distribute software. But that does not mean per is
obliged to produce or distribute per work without charging for it.

It is our wish that all people are free. And it would help free software
users that there is a critical mass of users for every niche. But the
main source of benefit for the pushers of freedom is cooperation from
the users, not just use. Use does not contribute to produce more free
software. In fact, it is a payload that we must carry. But we do it

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: Practicality of GNU project and libre movement (Sagar Acharya : 2)

2020-07-28 Thread Miles Fidelman

On 7/25/20 3:12 PM, Matt Ivie wrote:

"And, yes, I rely on a Mac, and MS Office for lots of things - "
Hi Miles, this is not an attack bit a practical question. What
functions does the Mac do for you that you're unable to do in a libre
system? Same question on MS office.
I have been an IT professional for some years now and I have been able
to run my workstations using debian and I use LibreOffice without much
of an issue.
Do we need to start a new thread or discuss this privately since it is
a little bit of a side topic.

Not sure how much of a side topic it is - seems like it's right up there 
with "practicality of .. "

To answer your question:

- It's not about being "able" to do something, it's about being able to 
get real work done with the least amount of hassles.  I'm a systems 
architect - computer hardware & software are just tools for getting the 
work done, and components in the end products delivered to customers.

- When I'm trying to get work done, I like my tools to just work.  The 
Mac is a nice piece of hardware, the GUI is polished, Apple Care is a 
pretty good deal for keeping stuff working, and Office is what everybody 
in business uses.  Sure, one CAN do it all with Debian & LibreOffice 
(until you start sharing complex spreadsheets), but again, ease of use & 
support count for a lot.  (Now, with Apple about to change the 
underlying chipset, and moving toward a more and more closed 
environment, there's a good chance that my next machine will be an MS 
Surface - but that's another matter entirely.)

- On the server side, Linux & FOSS are the things that "just work."  
I've been running Debian, Apache, Postfix, Sympa, and MySQL for years.  
But what with systemd mucking things up, and MySQL now owned by Oracle, 
there's pretty good chance that my next upgrade is going to be to either 
BSD or SmartOS, or Erlang on bare iron.  Now if someone would just come 
up with a good, FOSS, distributed file system...

- And, of course, when it comes to delivering stuff to customers - more 
often than not it has to run on an MS platform.  And, if not MS, then 
Red Hat (precisely because customers like to purchase service contracts).



In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   Yogi Berra

Theory is when you know everything but nothing works.
Practice is when everything works but no one knows why.
In our lab, theory and practice are combined:
nothing works and no one knows why.  ... unknown

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: OS for schools (was Re: Practicality of GNU project and libre movement)

2020-07-28 Thread Paul Sutton
In terms of distros for education there is already
I think there is something called SkolLinux and Edubuntu,

But I agree, there is the FSF distros too.

I am involve with ToriOS ( ) so if Jinnijus is
interested we are always looking for help with that.  We are aiming to
just build a lightweight distribution.

Hope this helps


On 27/07/2020 15:01, LM wrote:
>  jinnjus wrote:
>  This is why I am saying build a simple free OS for kids to use in
>  schools.  I'd even go a step further and say make them dig out a
>  soldering iron and build their device from a kit themselves.
>This is something I'd really be interested in.  I would love to help
>put together a lightweight Linux or Free OS distribution that included
>educational games and other learning tools.  Preferably, it would be
>something that they could duplicate by building the entire distribution
>from source themselves as well.  It would be great if I could do it all
>on my own, but at the rate the project's going, there won't be any
>concrete results any time soon.  It would be wonderful if I could find
>some others with similar interests to collaborate on something like
>this.  If anyone knows of any viable projects in this area, please
>share information on them.
>As to encouraging using soldering irons in school, I personally
>wouldn't recommend it.  I still have a burn mark from when I used one
>for a school project several years ago.
> ___
> libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Paul Sutton
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libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: OS for schools (was Re: Practicality of GNU project and libre movement)

2020-07-28 Thread Stephen Paul Weber

  As to encouraging using soldering irons in school, I personally
  wouldn't recommend it.

My local makerspace routinely runs soldering workshops with kids as young as 

Has anyone ever been burned? Sure. But mt toddler is in more mortal danger 
when she jumps off high parts of the playground and no parent has ever 
complained, in fact they keep coming back for more soldering next time!

PS. I am so bad at soldering. Some of the kids end up much better at it than 

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: OS for schools (was Re: Practicality of GNU project and libre movement)

2020-07-28 Thread LM
Adonay Felipe Nogueira wrote:
> If the goal is to get a user-friendly system distribution for use by
> non-advanced users, then there's no need start anew, since Trisquel
> ([1]) is still active and accepting contributors. It even has a Sugar
> environment/flavor.

A primary goal is to be able to build the entire operating system from
source code (similar to Linux from Scratch).  This gives the students
a chance to find out more about how an operating system works, what it
takes to put one together and how to customize their systems however
they choose.  The second goal is to be able to supply lightweight
educational programs, games, utilities, hobby software, accessibility
tools, ebook readers and CC/public domain reading materials and
recordings.  That way, if a user has an older machine and/or poor or
no Internet access, etc., he/she can still perform educational
activities with the computer.

I'm finding less and less people who actually know how to program and
more and more people just using what someone else did.  Just had a
conversation with someone today about measuring if a program would
work well on an older computer and the other person's definition had
nothing to do with the actual source code itself or how complex it was
or what the dependencies were.  Being able to have the source code so
that you can modify it is one of the goals of the FSF.  The aim is to
encourage hobbyists/students to learn how to understand, modify,
customize, improve and share code rather than just using whatever
software they're given.

libreplanet-discuss mailing list

Re: Sacrifices made for Free Software

2020-07-28 Thread LM
Adonay Felipe Nogueira wrote:
> Another challenge that came to haunt me in 2018 (first bachelor's
> degree) and is surely going to be repeated in 2020 and 2021 is the fact
> that the teacher of the "final course work" class expects the student
> perself to use a non-free software to scan for plagiarism, this involves
> making an account to some service and using a Java (not JavaScript)
> program to scan the .PDF comparing each phrase with lots of other works
> in scientific repositories, in which case I resort to borrowing
> computers again.

Someone on the LibOER mailing list is asking about software to check
for plagiarism.  He's looking for an "interactive online discussion
platform".  He needs a system that "monitors and grades student online
discussions for an instructor" and "tracks down plagiarism and
monitors open ended discussion".  He gave a commercial example of

So, here's an opportunity to give a school an alternative to a
non-Free product and promote Free Software.  Is there a Free Software
solution that does the job?  If not, how do we expect schools to give
Free options or replace what they're using?  We have the opportunity
to replace a non-Free product with a Free one.  If anyone knows of any
Free alternatives for this or a project that would be willing to work
on one, please let me know and all pass the information on to the
LibOER mailing list.

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