Re: [LIB] Libretto #115

2003-01-18 Thread John Pallister
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2003 22:59:43 +1300
From: John Pallister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [LIB] Libretto #115

From: Matthew Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [LIB] Link to technical manuals?

Neil's copy seems to be here still:

Hopefully you can right click and choose download to save it.


Thanks again to everyone for the link. You guys are better 
than Google (about my greatest compliment these days).

J :^P
John Pallister

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[LIB] Link to technical manuals?

2003-01-17 Thread John Pallister
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2003 13:13:00 +1300
From: John Pallister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Link to technical manuals?


Well, with the replacement bits for my ailing 70CT 
(hopefully) on the way, it's time to contemplate their 
installation and (god forbid) further hardware debugging.

Does anyone have a link to the technical manuals (in English 
- no habla Nihongo) for the 50CT/70CT? I get the impression 
they're out there somewhere, but I've been unable to find them.


John :^P
John Pallister

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Re: [LIB] Is a 50CT LCD the same as a 70CT LCD?

2003-01-15 Thread John Pallister
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 22:05:32 +1300
From: John Pallister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [LIB] Is a 50CT LCD the same as a 70CT LCD?

From: Matthew Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Could you replace the LCD in a 70CT with one from a 50CT? 
 Has anyone successfully done this?



I get the impression that the 16MD RAM modules are compatible
 across the two models; I'm wondering what else is...


Er... is that a no? Sorry, I'm new around here...

J :^P
John Pallister

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Re: [LIB] Is a 50CT LCD the same as a 70CT LCD?

2003-01-15 Thread John Pallister
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 14:13:13 +1300
From: John Pallister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [LIB] Is a 50CT LCD the same as a 70CT LCD?

From: Matthew Hanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [LIB] Is a 50CT LCD the same as a 70CT LCD?


All parts are exchangeable between a 50 and 70 *except* the keyboard, which
must be kept with the appropriate mobo (the 70 has one trace less, for some
reason) and the case bottom - that of the 50 needs a slight filing or
dremelling to relieve an poor fit with a slightly redesigned expansion

Okay... you caught that.  I neglected to include one relatively significant 
term with respect to the ribbon cable  keyboard!

Wow... thanks for the, er, comprehensive response(s). ;)

John :^P
John Pallister

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[LIB] Is a 50CT LCD the same as a 70CT LCD?

2003-01-14 Thread John Pallister
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 16:24:40 +1300
From: John Pallister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Is a 50CT LCD the same as a 70CT LCD?

Could you replace the LCD in a 70CT with one from a 50CT? 
Has anyone successfully done this?

I get the impression that the 16MD RAM modules are 
compatible across the two models; I'm wondering what else is...


John :^P
John Pallister

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[LIB] Help - 70CT won't access FDD or HDD

2003-01-12 Thread John Pallister
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 18:38:28 +1300
From: John Pallister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Help - 70CT won't access FDD or HDD


I've just inherited a 70CT from a friend, who said I could 
keep it if I could un-wedge it. He's actually getting 
married next month, so I'm hoping to fix it up for him and 
give it back as his wedding present. ;)

The problem is, it seems unwilling to access either the 
floppy or the (2.1GB) hard disk. Even the F12/BIOS upgrade 
procedure doesn't work; when I press a key, it will spin the 
floppy disk and then beep.

When I boot it with no HDD in, it will ignore the Esc key 
(if pressed) and the FDD, sit there for a few minutes, and 
then say Insert system disk and press any key. While still 
completely ignoring the floppy drive.

When it boots from the HDD, it tends to just sit there with 
 the cursor flashing, which I gather means it's trying to 
de-hibernate, or something. This is independent of the 
relevant BIOS setting. If left long enough it will 
re-hibernate (with the associated animation), although I 
think I've persuaded it to stop that.

The HDD boots (Win98 from a Win95 boot menu) fine on another 
PC. The BIOS is 6.30, but the HDD was born and bred in the 
Libretto, so I there shouldn't be any conflict there. I'd 
try flashing 6.20 (and/or 6.40), if it would let me.

This behaviour is not completely repeatable; I'm sure I even 
got it to say NTLDR not found at one point... Other times 
it will sit there beeping for a while, or keep rebooting 
itself every few minutes...

What else? There's no RAM expansion, upgraded thicker disks 
or anything else I've read about in the archives of this 
list that could be a problem (AFAIK). I'm not averse to 
obtaining another system board from somewhere (Hi, Martin!), 
but obviously if there is anything I can try, up to and 
including the old debugging by soldering iron tactic, I'd 
be very keen to hear people's suggestions.

Any ideas?


John :^P
John Pallister

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