Linking together .dll using .a static libraries (2)

2009-11-05 Thread hanro
I want to explain the question a bit more.

I have in a .dll library implemented, e.g.:


For this function I need to refer to libsecur32.a.
How can I do that?

libhello_la_LDFLAGS = -no-undefined -avoid-version -lsecur32
does not work with cygwin.

Thanks for help
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libtool-2 problem: Building a QT3 Designer plugin

2009-11-05 Thread Tim
Hello, hope I'm asking the right list...

In muse (the audio/midi recording app),
 we have an .am file which is to build a
 single standalone 
 file, which can makes muse widgets 
 available to QT3 Designer.

With libtool-1, no problem, the single .so file
 is built and works with QT3 Designer.

libtool-2, however, insists on linking the runtime
 library (-lrt) with the .so, hence we get an
 error that main() is not found in the .so
I have tried to rework the .am file to make
 a LT library instead. 
What I end up with is an .so, an .la, and .a,
 and QT3 doesn't recognize them even if
 I dump them all into QT3's plugin/designer

When I compare the original libtool-1 generated 
 .so with the one I tried to make with libtool-2 and
 my re-worked .am file, they are quite different sizes 
 and contents.

Can anyone help me out here? 

I have attached the original .am file, and my
 attempted rework .am file.

You will see two 'sections'. One builds a
 convenience library libwidgets.a (no trouble there).
The other section builds the .so plugin library.
In my attempted rework, I have renamed the plugin 
 from musewidgetsplugin to  libmusewidgetsplugin,
 to satisfy naming conventions.

Thanks kindly.
include $(top_srcdir)/

# musewidgetsplugin_so_CPPFLAGS = $(MUSECXXFLAGS) -fPIC -I.. -I$(top_srcdir)/synti \
#libmusewidgetsplugin_la_CPPFLAGS = $(MUSECXXFLAGS) -fPIC -I.. -I$(top_srcdir)/synti \
libwidgets_a_CPPFLAGS = $(MUSECXXFLAGS) -I.. -I$(top_srcdir)/synti 

if PCH
libwidgets_a_CPPFLAGS += -include $(top_srcdir)/all.h
## musewidgetsplugin_so_CPPFLAGS += -include $(top_srcdir)/all-pic.h 
##libmusewidgetsplugin_la_CPPFLAGS += -include $(top_srcdir)/all-pic.h 

noinst_LIBRARIES = libwidgets.a

dist_libwidgets_a_SOURCES = \
	utils.cpp utils.h \
	citem.cpp citem.h \
	vscale.cpp vscale.h \
	drange.cpp drange.h \
	sclif.cpp sclif.h \
	dimap.cpp dimap.h \
	scldiv.cpp scldiv.h \
	mmath.cpp mmath.h \
	scldraw.cpp scldraw.h \
	action.h \
	scrollscale.cpp scrollscale.h \
	view.cpp view.h \
	nentry.cpp nentry.h \
	mtscale.cpp mtscale.h \
	sigscale.cpp sigscale.h \
	hitscale.cpp hitscale.h \
	intlabel.cpp intlabel.h \
	doublelabel.cpp doublelabel.h \
	canvas.cpp canvas.h \
	noteinfo.cpp noteinfo.h \
	dentry.cpp dentry.h \
	siglabel.cpp siglabel.h \
	ttoolbar.cpp ttoolbar.h \
  ttoolbutton.cpp ttoolbutton.h \
	tb1.cpp tb1.h \
	lcombo.cpp lcombo.h \
	swidget.cpp swidget.h \
	tempolabel.cpp tempolabel.h \
	tools.cpp tools.h \
	fontsel.cpp fontsel.h \
	ctrlcombo.cpp ctrlcombo.h \
	sliderbase.cpp sliderbase.h \
	slider.cpp slider.h \
	midisyncimpl.cpp midisyncimpl.h \
	header.cpp header.h \
	knob.cpp knob.h \
	mlabel.cpp mlabel.h \
	genset.cpp genset.h \
	mixdowndialog.cpp mixdowndialog.h \
	spinboxFP.cpp spinboxFP.h \
	spinbox.cpp spinbox.h \
	comboQuant.cpp comboQuant.h \
	bigtime.cpp bigtime.h \
	comment.cpp comment.h \
	splitter.cpp splitter.h \
	gatetime.cpp gatetime.h \
	velocity.cpp velocity.h \
	metronome.cpp metronome.h \
	posedit.cpp posedit.h section.h \
	pitchedit.cpp pitchedit.h \
	pitchlabel.cpp pitchlabel.h \
	poslabel.cpp poslabel.h \
	filedialog.cpp filedialog.h \
	sigedit.cpp sigedit.h \
	shortcutconfig.cpp shortcutconfig.h \
	shortcutcapturedialog.cpp shortcutcapturedialog.h \
	combobox.cpp combobox.h \
	checkbox.cpp checkbox.h \
	listitem.h menutitleitem.h \
	midisync.ui \
	gensetbase.ui \
	mixdowndialogbase.ui \
	transposebase.ui \
	transformbase.ui \
	appearancebase.ui \
	itransformbase.ui \
	commentbase.ui \
	synthconfigbase.ui \
	gatetimebase.ui \
	velocitybase.ui \
	metronomebase.ui \
	mtrackinfobase.ui \
	wtrackinfobase.ui \
	editctrl7dialogbase.ui \
	editmetadialogbase.ui \
	editnotedialogbase.ui \
	editsysexdialogbase.ui \
	cliplisteditorbase.ui \
	mittransposebase.ui \
	fdialogbuttons.ui \
	shortcutconfigbase.ui \
	shortcutcapturedialogbase.ui \
  aboutbox.ui \

nodist_libwidgets_a_SOURCES = \
	moc_scrollscale.cpp \
	moc_view.cpp \
	moc_nentry.cpp \
	moc_mtscale.cpp \
	moc_sigscale.cpp \
	moc_hitscale.cpp \
	moc_intlabel.cpp \
	moc_doublelabel.cpp \
	moc_canvas.cpp \
	moc_noteinfo.cpp \
	moc_dentry.cpp \
	moc_siglabel.cpp \
	moc_ttoolbar.cpp \
	moc_ttoolbutton.cpp \
	moc_tb1.cpp \
	moc_lcombo.cpp \
	moc_swidget.cpp \
	moc_tempolabel.cpp \
	moc_tools.cpp \
	moc_fontsel.cpp \
	moc_ctrlcombo.cpp \
	moc_sliderbase.cpp \
	moc_slider.cpp \
	moc_midisyncimpl.cpp \
	moc_header.cpp \
	moc_knob.cpp \
	moc_mlabel.cpp \
	moc_genset.cpp \
	moc_mixdowndialog.cpp \
	moc_spinboxFP.cpp \
	moc_spinbox.cpp \
	moc_comboQuant.cpp \
	moc_bigtime.cpp \
	moc_comment.cpp \
	moc_splitter.cpp \
	moc_gatetime.cpp \
	moc_velocity.cpp \
	moc_metronome.cpp \
	moc_posedit.cpp \
	moc_pitchedit.cpp \
	moc_pitchlabel.cpp \
	moc_poslabel.cpp \
	moc_filedialog.cpp \
	moc_sigedit.cpp \
	moc_shortcutconfig.cpp \
	moc_shortcutcapturedialog.cpp \