wgcc is a cross-compiler tool primarily written for Microsoft's Interix.
Its primary purpose is to produce native Windows binaries (internally
using the Microsoft Tool chain), and to mimic the behaviour of the GNU
compiler collection. This means that wgcc understands many of GCC's
command line arguments, and in most cases delivers the same results as
expected, sometimes manipulating the underlying tool's input and output.

Even though wgcc was written for Interix only, it can be used on native
Windows (without Interix), and other Systems, like Cygwin. The only
restriction is that on Platforms other than Interix, only Windows style
paths are understood. This will change in the future for Cygwin, and/or
others. On Interix wgcc automatically converts UNIX style paths to
Windows style ones (i.e. /wgcc to C:\SFU\wgcc).

wgcc abstracts away lots of inconveniences that are introduced by
building static libraries, shared libraries (DLL's) and executables with
any possible combination of those three. When using wgcc both static and
shared libraries behave exactly the same on Windows, and this makes tons
of defines unnecessary. The only thing that still has to be done is to
give all Data symbols (i.e. Variables) an import attribute
(__declspec(dllimport)) when using them (i.e. in the library header
files) in an executable. For a simple example take a look at the file
tests/shared.test inside the wgcc distribution.

The Release Candidate 2 of wgcc is more or less a bug fix release
compared to RC1. There is not too much new. Bug fixes include a nearly
complete rewrite of the Import Trampoline gererator and the Export
Definition generator, since those two worked very bad for C, but only
for C++.

pxwc has been reviewed and changed a little, to not include that many
defines, where inlined static functions are possible. Still pxwc
currently includes only a small set of functions, so your help is needed
to find out which others to include. Just open a Feature Request at
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=158081&atid=806407 and we will
try to add functionality as soon as possible.

To continue improving wgcc and pxwc packages, we now need your help in
testing them. Please download wgcc and try to compile your software
using it. If something goes wrong please contact mduft or open an issue
using the Sourceforge Tracker at
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=158081&atid=806404, or ask your
questions at the forums at

You can browse the Subversion Repository here:

Documentation can be found here:
Source Packages can be found here:
The Patch for Libtool can be found here:

Cheers, Markus


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