I'm trying to compile GNU Octave and its new Qt GUI on a Mac OSX with Homebrew. 
Homebrew installs the Qt frameworks in /usr/local/Cellar/qt/4.8.5/lib, so after 
some fiddling with the configure script I get this:

QT_LIBS=-framework QtCore -framework QtGui -framework QtNetwork

However, the libtool script does not handle the -F argument through properly, 
so it is stripped out of the linking process.

I created the following patch for the generated libtool script, which causes 
libtool to treat -F exactly like it treats -L. This seems to do the trick.

I did notice that scanning through past discussions that this has come up a 
couple of times, but there is reluctance to provide full support for -F for 
some reason. Perhaps the relative simplicity of this patch would convince you 
to reconsider. I'm also discussing this with the Homebrew folks to see if they 
would consider including in their formula, but they do prefer not to use 
patches if they can help it.


Attachment: libtool.diff
Description: libtool.diff


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