Hello people,

I am considering adding more elements into <interface> name space in order
to support more features of different hypervisors (specificly qemu). I have
user thread, and I have been told to propose an xml syntax for it.

What exactly I have in mind is adding elements like <dns>, <hostname> and
etc. to set the these variables from within the <interface> instead of
having <qemu:commandline> at the end of the file, in case of using qemu. So
the final xml file should look something like below:

<domain type='qemu' xmlns:qemu='http://libvirt.org/schemas/domain/qemu/1.0'>
  <interface type='user'>
      <mac address=/>
      <model type=/>
      *  .

I am wondering, firstly if such a thing is plausible. And if so, how I can
contribute and where I can start from.
Thank you in advance.

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