RE: Using LWP to talk to Javascript?

2002-03-14 Thread Martin 'Kingpin' Thurn

This may be getting off-topic, but FWIW I have found a website ( 
IIRC) that returns a completely valid redirect
response but with code 404.  Browsers happily follow the redirect, but my LWP-based 
spider saw the 404 and stopped!

 - - Kingpin

[interesting witty quote unavailable, thanks to lack of features in MS Outlook]

Re: HTML::Entities 3.24 does not build on NT

2001-05-10 Thread Kingpin

> the next release.  I hope this does not conflict with some other macro :-)

To be really sure, you could (should?) name it something like


 - - Martin "Kingpin" Thurn[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Research Software Engineer   (703) 793-3700 x2651
 The Information Refinery
 TASC, Inc.

Are you an angel? -- Anakin, The Phantom Menace

Re: still having problems with connecting to wells fargo web site

2001-04-10 Thread Kingpin

> It seems weird that they would do this. why not just a redirect? Anyway

They want to make it hard for people to write spiders which bypass
their pretty websites which they spent millions of dollars

 - - Martin "Kingpin" Thurn[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Research Software Engineer   (703) 793-3700 x2651
 The Information Refinery
 TASC, Inc.

Don't give in to hate; that leads to the dark side. -- Ben, The Empire Strikes Back

Re: "Can't locate object method "epath" via package "URI::http""

2001-04-09 Thread Kingpin

> Can't locate object method "epath" via package "URI::http"
>  at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/HTTP/

You need to create the class of URI that HTTP::Cookies expects.  The
class of URI that is being used by the HTTP:: modules is

> my $r2  = $ua->simple_request($submit->click($form));

# "Click" the button to create an HTTP::Request:
my $req1 = $submit->click($form);
# Cast the URL to the expected URI class:
my $uri1 = new $HTTP::URI_CLASS($req1->uri);
# Put the re-case uri into the HTTP::Request:
# Issue the request:
my $r2 = $ua->simple_request($req1);

 - - Martin "Kingpin" Thurn[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Research Software Engineer   (703) 793-3700 x2651
 The Information Refinery
 TASC, Inc.

If we can just avoid any more female advice, we ought to be able to get out of here. 
-- Han, Star Wars

Re: bleary eyed

2001-03-21 Thread Kingpin

You forgot -w
You forgot use strict

Avoid $_ whenever possible.  Or at least local-ize it.  Perhaps it's
getting clobbered by some function you're calling.

Why don't you print the value of $_ during the loop to see exactly
what's happening?  Or did you forget the basic debugging skills you
learned in Freshman or High School computer class?

 - - Martin "Kingpin" Thurn[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Research Software Engineer   (703) 793-3700 x2651
 The Information Refinery
 TASC, Inc.

This station is now the ultimate power in the universe. I suggest we use it! -- 
Admiral Motti, Star Wars

Re: LWP UserAgent Cookie Problem - redirect to same URI (?)

2001-03-16 Thread Kingpin

You must be kidding when you say you've been working on this for a
week, right?  It only took me 20 minutes to realize the problem AND
come up with this solution when I wrote my spider:

Don't try to get LWP to do it automatically!!  Tell LWP not to do
any redirects, then write your own loop to parse and follow them
yourself (adding cookies or passwords or whatever each time).  Stop
the loop when you don't get another redirect, or when get to the page
you want (or bail out after 5 iterations to avoid infinite loop).

 - - Martin "Kingpin" Thurn[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Research Software Engineer   (703) 793-3700 x2651
 The Information Refinery
 TASC, Inc.

"Your tauntaun'll freeze before you reach the first marker."  "Then I'll see you in 
hell!" -- deck officer & Han, The Empire Strikes Back

Re: Please Help ! - Need HTTP info on what LWP::Simple GETSTORE issues

2000-11-20 Thread Kingpin

> I'm loosing customers daily. I've appended this problem several times
> now with no takers.

If that's the case, you should consider PAYING somebody to fix it,
rather than begging for free help from all us busy people...

 - - Martin "Kingpin" Thurn[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Research Software Engineer   (703) 793-3700 x2651
 The Information Refinery
 TASC, Inc.

The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded. -- Ben, Star Wars

Re: yahoo login

2000-11-13 Thread Kingpin

> The problem is that both "extract_cookies" and "add_cookie_header" both assume
> that $request->url is a "URI::URL" but sometimes, it's just a URI... also,

Actually, I've found that HTTP::Cookies assumes that url objects are
of type $HTTP::URI_CLASS, so in my code I just use $url = new
$HTTP::URI_CLASS(...) or $url = $HTTP::URI_CLASS->new_abs(...)

I would NOT call it a bug, more like a caveat...

 - - Martin "Kingpin" Thurn[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Research Software Engineer   (703) 793-3700 x2651
 The Information Refinery
 TASC, Inc.

I do believe they think I am some sort of god. -- Threepio, Return of the Jedi


2000-07-27 Thread Kingpin

>   Error 500 Can't connect to (operation now in progress)
> I don't think this error is within my control to handle.  Does anybody have 
> any ideas what is going on and what I can do to make it stop?

Give CNN a million dollars so they can upgrade / buy more web servers
to handle the load?

 - - Martin "Kingpin" Thurn[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Research Software Engineer   (703) 793-3700 x2651
 The Information Refinery
 TASC, Inc.

I have just one question for Elian's cousin Marisleysis: "WILL YOU MARRY ME?!?!?"

Re: How do I change the timout value of my CGI script

2000-07-27 Thread Kingpin

Sounds like it's NOT your program that's timing out, but rather your
browser is giving up waiting for your program to finish.  Web browsers
were not designed to wait forever for data.  A possible solution is to
spit out a bunch of spaces every minute or two so that the browser
knows your program is still alive.  You might have to spit out like
4000 spaces because the output is likely buffered by the httpd server.

 - - Martin "Kingpin" Thurn[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Research Software Engineer   (703) 793-3700 x2651
 The Information Refinery
 TASC, Inc.

Perl is the Cliff Notes of Unix. -- Larry Wall

Re: where's the catch ?

2000-07-24 Thread Kingpin

RTFM for the various modules, and follow the sample code found there.
Espec. note that the convenience function POST returns an
HTTP::Request object, so you can not just call it like you are and
expect anything to happen.  You have to attach it to your $ua by
saying $ua->request(POST, ...);

R T F M ! ! ! ! 

 - - Martin "Kingpin" Thurn[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Research Software Engineer   (703) 793-3700 x2651
 The Information Refinery
 TASC, Inc.

I find your lack of faith disturbing. -- Vader, Star Wars

Re: problem parsing URLs with userids, passwords

2000-05-24 Thread Kingpin

> What my web client is doing is logging in to a site using basic
> authentication. The problem arises because the userid has a slash in it.

I had the same problem when the userid had @ in it (very common when
users use their email address as their website login id)

 - - Martin "Kingpin" Thurn[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Research Software Engineer   (703) 793-3700 x2651
 The Information Refinery
 TASC, Inc.

I find your lack of faith disturbing. -- Vader, Star Wars

Re: Install problems In need of help.

2000-05-17 Thread Kingpin

> /usr/local/lib/libwww-perl-5.18 -> make test

Are you building it under /usr/local/lib ???  YIKES!!!  You should do
your building elsewhere, at least /usr/local/src or better yet farther

The latest version is 5.48 or higher, you should upgrade ASAP...

Also, you forgot to tell us what version of perl you have.  Make sure
it's 5.005_03 which is the most stable.

Good luck

 - - Martin "Kingpin" Thurn[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Research Software Engineer   (703) 793-3700 x2651
 The Information Refinery
 TASC, Inc.

Happiness is... a cold toilet seat.

Re: surveying the dead

2000-02-04 Thread Kingpin

>   What is the most efficacious method of pinging a web server
> URL for its status regarding the viability of a specific page ?

What exactly do you mean by "efficacious"?
What exactly do you mean by "status"?
What exactly do you mean by "viability"?

install perl
install libwww

[The fact that you're sending mail to this list suggests that you've
already done that.  Then why the hell haven't you read the
documentation for libwww?]

then just type the following at your shell prompt:


[It amazes me that you found the address of this mailing list before
you found the answer to this question]

 - - Martin "Kingpin" Thurn[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Research Software Engineer   (703) 793-3700 x2651
 The Information Refinery
 TASC, Inc.

Look I so old to young eyes? -- Yoda, Return of the Jedi

Re: Help with LWP and select lists

2000-02-03 Thread Kingpin

>  S1 => "$username_mod",

THis is trying to access a variable named $username_mod

I assume you want to append _mod onto variable $username?

Try "${username}_mod" or $username.'_mod'

 - - Martin "Kingpin" Thurn[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Research Software Engineer   (703) 793-3700 x2651
 The Information Refinery
 TASC, Inc.

Looking?  Found someone, you have, I would say, hmmm? -- Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back