Embedded systems OS/FS

2000-08-22 Thread kmself

Trying to pick some brains before I get up on stage and make a fool of
myself again (Intel Developers Conference).

I'm told the audience will be a mix of both SW and HW developers, with
the HW folks doing a mix of embedded devices and chip/circuit designs.

Question I've got:  how does software licensing, free/OS or otherwise,
effect the hardware market.  My read is that some licenses, notably the
GNU L/GPL, may have their source availability requirements triggered by
the physical distribution of media (HW) on which the software is
embedded, etched, or otherwise fixed.

The primary statuatory provisions of copyright (in the US) are of the
reproduction, making derivative works, distributing, performing, and
displaying of copies.  The GPL specifically restricts itself to
"copying, distribution and modification" (section 0).

An instance in which this would matter:

   ACME Mfg. creates printers.  They incorporate GPLd code 'gnuprint'
   into their product 'acmeprint', creating a derived work
   'gnuacmeprint' of the two programs.  In distributing the printers to
   wholesalers and eventually customers, does ACME trigger the GNU GPL's
   source distribution and relicensing requirements?  To whom does the
   source obligation apply -- wholesalers, final customers, or both?

My read is that yes, ACME does.  The code to 'gnuacmeprint' must be
licensed under the GPL, and the terms of 3(a) or 3(b) of the GNU GPL
must be met.  I'm not sure that the wholesalers would have a solid claim
to code, the end customer certainly would.

Other takers?

Karsten M. Self [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.http://www.opensales.org
  What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
   http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/K5: http://www.kuro5hin.org
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

 PGP signature

Re: RMS on OpenMotif

2000-08-22 Thread Matthew C. Weigel

On Mon, 21 Aug 2000, David Johnson wrote:

 will not be defined by the Windows98 user, but by the typical user of
 Unix (since that is the platform for Motif), who would have a radically
 different perception of what an OS is.

If you're going to get into legal terms, then no, Unix does not have
relevance here, since we're talking about free operating systems, none of
which are Unix(tm).  Yes, they work the same, but no, they're not Unix(tm). 
Since clearly Motif runs on them, Motif runs on more than Unix, so Unix
definitions are insufficiently broad.  Aren't there versions of Motif that
run under Windows, too?

We can argue this all day (I've gotten into arguments about definitions
before, too, so I *know* we can argue this all day).  My point is that we
*can* argue it, and we can both make reasonable arguments, at which it comes
down to with which a judge agrees.  Don't leave it up to the lawyers and
judges and jurors involved in a particular case -- just define the terms.

 Matthew Weigel

Re: Plan 9 license

2000-08-22 Thread Matthew C. Weigel

On Mon, 21 Aug 2000, David Johnson wrote:

  I'm not certain I agree with that, myself.  Its requirement that
  licensees choose between licensing Plan 9 and being able to protect
  their intellectual property is particularly onerous.  The right of Bell
  Labs to demand private source is also unacceptable.
 I don't see anything in the OSD forbidding the demand of private
 derivations. This clause is certainly pretty poor, but it doesn't go
 against the *letter* of the OSD.

Read what I said again.  I'm saying it should be in the OSD, because the
clauses are "particularly onerous" and "unacceptable." I would argue the OSD
was not, is not, and never will be an airtight document whose letter you can
follow, but whose spirit you can ignore; the letter of the definition was
largely thrown together, in an attempt to encapsulate the spirit.  Others
can say, "here, approximately, is what Open Source is," but the OSI and the
open source community should focus on the spirit, and when inconsistencies
arise, correct the letter, and not say "oh, we forgot to mention that
freedom, so we'll just roll over and ignore that it was ever important to
us." Yes, that means people submitting new licenses may be caught by
surprise; but OSI Certification should not be an assembly line production,
but a discussion (a discussion including the license's authors, so that
questions and explanations of intent, that might clarify a clause or get a
clause changed, can happen).

 To quote from the page in question, "More precisely, it refers to four
 kinds of freedom, for the users of the software... A program is free
 software if users have all of these freedoms. " This seems to sum it up
 for me. The rest is just commentary.

Yes, four *kinds* of freedom -- to be explained further in the document;
think of it as an explanation and statement of intent.  The document is not
the four bullet points, and the clarifications and explanations included
discuss those four freedoms as RMS sees them.  In order to have those four
kinds of freedom, there are preconditions, clarifications, and explanations
involved as well -- as discussed later in the document.

 Later on, he does make some clarifications. One of them (I found two)
 is: "but what they can and must do is refuse to impose them [export
 control regulations] as conditions of use of the program". This may
 apply to the Plan 9 license.

I think it's pretty clear it does ("can and must").  It would also be a part
of freedom #2, the freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your
neighbor.  I think it's also pretty clear you were not reading very closely;

In order for these freedoms to be real, they must be irrevocable as
long as you do nothing wrong; if the developer of the software has
the power to revoke the license, even though you have not given
cause, the software is not free.

This goes back to the IP suit clause in the Plan 9 license, and is also
clearly a requirement for being free software -- you must have the four
freedoms, and the four freedoms must be real.

  But whether this clarification is part of
 the Free Software definition is, in my mind, debatable, as it still
 meets the four necessary and sufficient freedoms stated at the top of
 the page.

No.  If you want to say "necessary and sufficient," then look at it like a
theorem, and you'll see again what I'm saying.  Each of those conditions
has, on its own, necessary and sufficient conditions, all of which must be
satisfied for the condition -- the freedom listed in the bullet point -- to
be present.  You can't simply wave your hand, say "you have the freedom to
redistribute copies to help your neighbor, except you have to restrict this
freedom according to US export law," and have the statement "you have the
freedom to redistribute copies to help your neighbor" unconditionally.

The only one I can see that is open to interpretation is this clause:

You should also have the freedom to make modifications and use them
privately in your own work or play, without even mentioning that
they exist.

The use of "should" rather than "must" causes it to appear that this is
optional, but strongly encouraged.  This freedom would fall under 

o The freedom to study how the program works, and adapt it to your

However, if you have "the freedom to study how the program works," should
that not imply that your licensed ability to study how the program works --
which includes modifications as a matter of experimentation -- must not be
limited by notification to third parties?  And if no third parties (the
licensor included) need be notified for private copies, how can private
modifications be required to be submitted to a third party?

I'll say it one last time, and then I'll try not argue this point with you
again.  Without reading the entire document, you are not grasping what the
four kinds of freedom described are and 

RE: Embedded systems OS/FS

2000-08-22 Thread Lawrence E. Rosen

Copyright protection subsists in original works of authoriship "fixed in any
tangible medium of expression."  It makes no difference that the tangible
medium is an embedded device in hardware.  The licensee of GPL code must
honor the license terms regardless of whether he embeds the licensed code in
a derivative work on a floppy diskette or on a chip.  Once the final
manufactured product (e.g., a printer) is distributed from the factory, the
distributor or owner (e.g., the wholesaler or end customer) of that printer
can sell it without triggering any further obligations to the original
licensor.  /Larry Rosen

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 2:29 AM
 To: License-Discuss list
 Subject: Embedded systems  OS/FS

 Trying to pick some brains before I get up on stage and make a fool of
 myself again (Intel Developers Conference).

 I'm told the audience will be a mix of both SW and HW developers, with
 the HW folks doing a mix of embedded devices and chip/circuit designs.

 Question I've got:  how does software licensing, free/OS or otherwise,
 effect the hardware market.  My read is that some licenses, notably the
 GNU L/GPL, may have their source availability requirements triggered by
 the physical distribution of media (HW) on which the software is
 embedded, etched, or otherwise fixed.

 The primary statuatory provisions of copyright (in the US) are of the
 reproduction, making derivative works, distributing, performing, and
 displaying of copies.  The GPL specifically restricts itself to
 "copying, distribution and modification" (section 0).

 An instance in which this would matter:

ACME Mfg. creates printers.  They incorporate GPLd code 'gnuprint'
into their product 'acmeprint', creating a derived work
'gnuacmeprint' of the two programs.  In distributing the printers to
wholesalers and eventually customers, does ACME trigger the GNU GPL's
source distribution and relicensing requirements?  To whom does the
source obligation apply -- wholesalers, final customers, or both?

 My read is that yes, ACME does.  The code to 'gnuacmeprint' must be
 licensed under the GPL, and the terms of 3(a) or 3(b) of the GNU GPL
 must be met.  I'm not sure that the wholesalers would have a solid claim
 to code, the end customer certainly would.

 Other takers?

 Karsten M. Self [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
  Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.http://www.opensales.org
   What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!
http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/K5: http://www.kuro5hin.org
 GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Re: Plan 9 license

2000-08-22 Thread John Cowan

On Tue, 22 Aug 2000, David Johnson wrote:

 RMS claims that the Artistic License is not free. His reasoning seems to be
 that it is vague. If vagueness disqualifies a license from being free,
 then people should know it right up front.

It's not unfree (according to RMS) because it's vague per se.  It's unfree
(according to RMS) because it is too vague to *tell* whether it meets
the requirements of a free license.

Specifically, clause 5 says you can charge a "reasonable" fee for distributing
the software (an undefined term), but not for the software itself.
That could be interpreted to infringe the freedom 2.

 By suing Lucent over IP, you *have* given cause for revocation. This
 clause is better applied to other licenses, like the APSL, where a
 license can be revoked through no action on the user's part.

It isn't just Lucent, it's *any* contributor to Plan 9, and the IP
suit can be about anything whatever.  If somebody abuses your GPLed
software, and you sue, and the perpetrator turns out to be a Plan 9
contribute, *pip* goes your right to modify or distribute Plan 9.

"[O]n the whole I'd rather make love than shoot guns [...]"
--Eric Raymond

Artistic License (was Plan 9)

2000-08-22 Thread David Johnson

On Tue, 22 Aug 2000, Rick Moen wrote:

 DFSG provision #1 ("Free Distribution") begins:  "The license of a
 Debian component may not restrict any party from selling or giving away
 the software as a component of an aggregate software distribution
 containing programs from several different sources."

Quickly grabbing my copy of the OSD to both see if it says the same
thing, and to keep this on topic :-) I find that yes, it essentially
says the same thing, so let's steer this on topic...

The AL clearly meets this point. So what's the controversy? Why is
there a comment in the OSD about this clause having to be put in to
satisfy the AL? Why is so obnoxious about allowing people to aggregate
AL software with non-AL software? If the aggregation stuff were not in
the definition, would not the AL still meet it?

Yes, I've heard the argument that one could write a 5 line proprietary
package, aggregate with AL software, then sell the lot for
"unreasonable" prices. But one can do the same with GPL software,
can't they? What am I missing here?

David Johnson