Re: boomberg bloopers

2001-02-16 Thread Brian Behlendorf

On Thu, 15 Feb 2001, Ralf Schwoebel wrote:
 We still wait for comments from the board on our license, but
 meanwhile please comment on that:

Heh, I wish they had included the part where I said if MS really said that
Open Source was a threat to "innovation" and inellectual property, then MS
doesn't understand copyright laws OR open source.  I'm glad the opposing
viewpoint made it in there, it was actually an IDC analyst I talked with.

My comment about "fascist" was in the context of explaining that most
companies who are involved in open source development do so because it can
enhance their revenues elsewhere - in hardware, services, or even other
proprietary software.  I gave the example of Linus and Transmeta as one
where there is a mixed model of closed and open.

Note of course, Ralf, that Linus has a very clear notion about what is
Open Source, and what is not, and don't try to claim otherwise.

This is the start of a concerted effort by MS to attack Linux on
non-technical fronts.  I can see them aiming to compare the effect of Open
Source on the software industry to be equivalent to the effect of Napster
on the music industry.  Bullocks - you may agree or disagree with the
contention that swapping someone else's IP against their will is theft,
but you can't claim that someone who writes software and *intentionally*
gives it away for free is a threat to anyone.  This is a pile of manure
so silly that even the press won't buy it.  Next they'll attack it on
patent, trademark, and labor law bases.

 I think, "FREE does not mean GRATIS" is totally stated wrong and
 some native speakers should write to Bloomberg to get their head
 into the right place, and I guess they left half of the statement of Brian
 out. I do not have the perception of to put that incomplete...

 Does Microsoft own Bloomberg? Or do they invite journalists to
 cruiseship trips to the carribean sea?

Uh, Bloomburg isn't giving an editorial in this article, they're reporting
what people said.


Wording in Open Source Definition

2001-02-16 Thread Richard Boulton

This will appear to be an extremely pedantic email, but it arises from a
discussion with a corporate lawyer who I believe was genuinely confused by
some of the wording in the Open Source Definition.

The discussion focussed around the intent of clause 1, Free Redistribution,
in particular "The license may not require a royalty or other fee for such

The lawyer believed that this should be read equivalently to "The license
may not require a royalty, but it could do" whereas I believe that this
should be read equivalently to "The license must not require a royalty..."
He pointed to the use of the word "must" elsewhere in the document as
evidence that the distinction between may and must was understood by the
writers of the document.  Also, looking at the Rationale for clause 1, he
claimed that the word "free" should be considered to be the "freedom" sense
of free, rather than "free-of-cost".

We were unable to come to a satisfactory agreement, so I am asking this
list:  "Is it permissible in any circumstances for an Open Source license
to require a royalty or other fee for sale of the software?"

If the answer is no, I humbly suggest that the "may not" be changed to
"must not" where it appears in clause 1, and that "free" be changed to
"free-of-cost" in the rationale for clause 1, to avoid others falling into
this same argument.

I understand that the Open Source Definition is not meant to be a legally
secure document, but rather a guide to what an Open Source license should
be, but it would be helpful to me if this point could be cleared up.


Richard Boulton

Re: boomberg bloopers

2001-02-16 Thread Seth David Schoen

Brian Behlendorf writes:

 Bullocks - you may agree or disagree with the
 contention that swapping someone else's IP against their will is theft,
 but you can't claim that someone who writes software and *intentionally*
 gives it away for free is a threat to anyone.

That person is a threat to the revenues of the people selling
comparable software.  That threat is real, even though it arises from
totally legitimate activities (from the point of view of many
different political philosophies and legal regimes).

If there were a big market for some kind of labor and a lot of people
began to do that same labor as volunteers, or as a hobby, the people
who did it for a living would see their livelihood threatened, even
though the activities of the volunteers or hobbyists are totally

Imagine for example that on a certain street there are two Internet
cafes, run by starving entrepreneurs who think an Internet cafe is an
honest business with some growth potential.  Now along comes a retired
hacker who made three million dollars from the exuberance of investors
(I won't say whether it was rational or irrational) about a project to
which he made major technical contributions.  This retired hacker has
_always_ wanted to have his very own Internet cafe, so he buys a
warehouse, renovates it (sparing no expense), and opens it up.
Possibly he doesn't have a huge amount of business sense, so his
Internet cafe is not very profitable.  In fact, maybe it loses money.

But the retired hacker doesn't care -- he's got his own Internet cafe!
And he doesn't feel a need to charge high prices, or to pay low wages;
he's happy to offer reasonable prices to his customers, and reasonable
wages and benefits to his employees.  The customers are happy; they
keep coming back.  The employees are happy; they don't leave.
Everybody enjoys the Internet cafe.

Except the proprietors of the _other_ Internet cafes, which are
rapidly losing business.  Those Internet cafes are being run for
profit; their owners need to make money!  If they don't, they're going
to go out of business, and lose their own investments of time and
money.  They can't afford to be unprofitable for more than a month or
two; they wouldn't be able to pay their Internet service bills or
order food and dozens of kinds of exotic coffee.

But since customers are flocking to the retired hacker's Internet
cafe, the for-profit cafe owners are starting to feel the pinch.  They
feel threatened because they realize that the retired hacker is free
from the vagaries of market forces and competition; he's mostly doing
it (as the autobiography of a certain famous non-retired hacker once
suggested) "just for fun".  And in the process, he's likely to
bankrupt the cafe owners with traditional business models.

If you look at bottom lines instead of ethical or legal principles,
_any_ competition -- especially competition from competitors who
experience fewer costs -- is undesirable and harmful.  It doesn't
matter to the bottom line whether the competitors are thieves,
"dumpers", ideologues, hobbyists, or corporations.  From a certain
point of view, further, certain participants in a given market are
likely to appear "subsidized" (they have a whole _category_ or a whole
_level_ of resources completely unavailable to other participants), 
and so it will be hard for other participants to conceive of any
kind of meaningful and "fair" competition.  (The sense in which they
say that the other participants' "subsidies" are "unfair" will depend
on a lot of factors.  You can see a few different examples reflecting
very different perspectives.  And consider how different firms would
react to the idea "You must fundamentally and dramatically change your
business practices or business model by  in order to compete
with ", depending on the nature of the change and of the

To be somewhat concrete, even if every single Linux company went out
of business and you and I both lost our jobs, Microsoft would _still_
not "win"; they would still face very substantial competition from
Linux and free software which would still undermine their revenues
(relative to their early and mid-1990s market share).  One reason
for this is that the free software thus produced (as Martin Pool
pointed out) will _still be available_ and _still be useful_ even if
the companies which sponsored its development go out of business.
This is almost always not true for proprietary software companies: if
Corel goes broke, Microsoft has simply lost a competitor in the market
for office suites.  But if Sun drops out of that business, OpenOffice
is still going to be around, still going to be just as available as
before, and probably still as actively maintained.

That gets into the second reason: many of us would keep producing free
software or contributing to the maintenance of free software even if
we were never paid to do it.  So free software development can
continue apace (for some values of "apace") 

RE: Converting/Splitting Code - Open to Closed

2001-02-16 Thread Dave J Woolley

 Forutnately for us Europeans, that doesn't apply here - software and
 algorithms are, IIUC, non-patentable in Europe. IANAL
[DJW:]  The recent UK government consultation paper++ on
the possibility of introducing US like software patents
said that European law allowed software patents where the
invention had "technical effect", but didn't define 
"technical effect".

I'm not competent to interpret it and I'm sure the lawyers will
not attempt to interpret except in the contezxt of a specific 
client relationship, so there has to be an element of FUD
there.  (I didn't get the impression that this was limited to
"embeded *systems*".)

++ Unfortunately they didn't archive the URL, so it is now 
a dead link.  However, I believe the EEC is still considering
the issue of software patents and had had some advice against
taking them to US levels:

One telling quote is:
The current legal situation is unsatisfactory because it is lacking clarity
and legal certainty. Computer programs "as such" are excluded from
patentability. Yet, thousands of patents for technical inventions using a
computer program have been granted by national patent offices and by the
European Patent Office (EPO).
Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender,
except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of BTS.


Re: Wording in Open Source Definition

2001-02-16 Thread John Cowan

Richard Boulton scripsit:

 We were unable to come to a satisfactory agreement, so I am asking this
 list:  "Is it permissible in any circumstances for an Open Source license
 to require a royalty or other fee for sale of the software?"

The answer is clearly "no".

 If the answer is no, I humbly suggest that the "may not" be changed to
 "must not" where it appears in clause 1, and that "free" be changed to
 "free-of-cost" in the rationale for clause 1, to avoid others falling into
 this same argument.

I think you are absolutely right, and "may not" should be changed to
"must not" everywhere.

As evidence that "may not" means "must not" in this document, however,
consider clause 6.  The second sentence purports to be an example of
the general principle given in the first sentence, yet the second
sentence reads "may not" where the first reads "must not".

One art/there is/no less/no more/All things/to do/with sparks/galore
--Douglas Hofstadter

RE: Wording in Open Source Definition

2001-02-16 Thread Dave J Woolley

 From: Richard Boulton [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 We were unable to come to a satisfactory agreement, so I am asking this
 list:  "Is it permissible in any circumstances for an Open Source license
 to require a royalty or other fee for sale of the software?"
The GPL is Open Source and the answer for the GPL is,
as I understand it:

No licence fee may be charged for the use of any intellectual 
property in the software (i.e. copyright or patent licences).

An indefinitely large fee may be charged for:

- the media;
- placing the software on the media;
- warranties;
- support;
- etc.

This fee is is between the immediate supplier and immediate
recipient; a supplier cannot insist that the recipient charge
anyone down stream, although, I would hope, that they could 
impose a restriction that they would not provide any support or
any warranty to an indirect recipient, or allow the the immediate
recipient to act as their agent in selling support and warranty 

I think you will find that RedHat is based on the ability to
charge in this way.

(The one restriction on supply charges in the GPL is that, once 
executables are supplied, charges for source must be based on 
true copying, handling and media costs, not on what the market will
bear.  One point of the GPL is that the market will not bear large
prices when anyone can redistribute or support the software.)


Re: boomberg bloopers

2001-02-16 Thread Frank Hecker

Seth David Schoen wrote:
 Going out of business is a real, time-honored, traditional market
 response to changing conditions.  Some people (Schumpeter?) have
 written entire books on how it's supposed to be a really good thing
 that firms can go out of business.  But surely those firms would have
 to see that (by whatever means it might happen) as "a threat", surely
 they would have to feel threatened by that.

I personally don't object to Microsoft publicly saying that open source
threatens their business and is a threat to Microsoft itself. But recall
the actual Allchin quote: "I worry if the government encourages open
source, and I don't think we've done enough education of policymakers to
understand the threat."

What Allchin is in effect claiming is that open source is a "threat" to
the public at large, and one serious enough to warrant government
intervention to counter it. Not only is this a dubious proposition (at
the very least), it is also IMO a grossly hypocritical statement, given
the positions Microsoft has taken relative to the DOJ antitrust case and
Microsoft's claimed freedom to conduct its business as it wishes,
regardless of the effect on Microsoft's competitors.

Frank Heckerwork:

Re: boomberg bloopers

2001-02-16 Thread David Johnson

On Friday 16 February 2001 02:20 am, Seth David Schoen wrote:

 If there were a big market for some kind of labor and a lot of people
 began to do that same labor as volunteers, or as a hobby, the people
 who did it for a living would see their livelihood threatened, even
 though the activities of the volunteers or hobbyists are totally

Bullocks! If I donate my time to a soup kitchen I am not threatening the 
sandwich shop. And my letters to the editors do not threaten the daily 
 If you look at bottom lines instead of ethical or legal principles,
 _any_ competition -- especially competition from competitors who
 experience fewer costs -- is undesirable and harmful. 

Bullocks again! Competition is an aid to an industry. A monopolist, 
regardless of your moral position on the topic, is prone to poor quality and 
high prices, while even two competitors in an industry will at least "raise 
the bar". Given that the competition is voluntary, and not an artificial 
product of a court ruling, it can only be a benefit.

Of course, most, if not all, Open Source is "free beer" and not sold as a 
product (although the shrink wrap, service or support is). It is not in 
competition with closed source software anymore. That Open Source has become 
a significant enough factor to make Jim Allchin sweat is an indicator that 
least certain sectors of the closed source market are obsolete.

The profession of scribe used to be a lucrative trade. But the invention of 
the printing press vastly lowered the producing copies of books. The 
profession of scribe didn't go away, it just had to find new market niches. 
I'm sure the Jim Allchins of those times accused Gutenburg of Uneuropean 
activities. In the same way, digital meda and networks have vastly lowered 
the cost of producing copies of software. And the public is starting to find 
this out. It won't take the closed source industry out of business. But 
closed source will have to find new market niches besides the "one size fits 
all" niche they've been in.

David Johnson

Re: Wording in Open Source Definition

2001-02-16 Thread David Johnson

On Friday 16 February 2001 01:49 am, Richard Boulton wrote:

 The discussion focussed around the intent of clause 1, Free Redistribution,
 in particular "The license may not require a royalty or other fee for such

As a child, when your lawyer's mother told him that he "may not have a cookie 
before dinner", take that to mean that he could? In the game of life, one 
mother always beats a pair of lawyers.

David Johnson

Re: Wording in Open Source Definition

2001-02-16 Thread Seth David Schoen

John Cowan writes:

 Richard Boulton scripsit:
  We were unable to come to a satisfactory agreement, so I am asking this
  list:  "Is it permissible in any circumstances for an Open Source license
  to require a royalty or other fee for sale of the software?"
 The answer is clearly "no".
  If the answer is no, I humbly suggest that the "may not" be changed to
  "must not" where it appears in clause 1, and that "free" be changed to
  "free-of-cost" in the rationale for clause 1, to avoid others falling into
  this same argument.
 I think you are absolutely right, and "may not" should be changed to
 "must not" everywhere.
 As evidence that "may not" means "must not" in this document, however,
 consider clause 6.  The second sentence purports to be an example of
 the general principle given in the first sentence, yet the second
 sentence reads "may not" where the first reads "must not".

Maybe the OSD should be written to use terms like MAY, MUST, and
SHOULD as defined by RFC 2119:

(And it could then say so.)

Seth David Schoen [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | And do not say, I will study when I
Temp.  | have leisure; for perhaps you will
down:   (CAF)  | not have leisure.  -- Pirke Avot 2:5

RE: boomberg bloopers

2001-02-16 Thread Jordan \Logos\ Greenhall

From a public-policy perspective, the object should be that the public
is well-served.  In this sense, the criterion for judging the "threat"
of free software is whether an economy that includes free software
provides a public benefit equal to or better than an economy that
doesn't include free software.  If we were to assume that Allchin's
worst fears come true and that all proprietary software is displaced by
free software, the only public policy impact would be if this
environment were to create a world that was worse-off.  The fact that
the domestic software industry would have to radically change is of
secondary concern (albeit not inconsequential).  

So, would a world powered by Linux be worse-off than a world powered by


 -Original Message-
 From: Seth David Schoen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of 
 Seth David
 Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 11:45 AM
 Subject: Re: boomberg bloopers
 David Johnson writes:
  On Friday 16 February 2001 02:20 am, Seth David Schoen wrote:
   If there were a big market for some kind of labor and a 
 lot of people
   began to do that same labor as volunteers, or as a hobby, 
 the people
   who did it for a living would see their livelihood 
 threatened, even
   though the activities of the volunteers or hobbyists are totally
  Bullocks! If I donate my time to a soup kitchen I am not 
 threatening the 
  sandwich shop. And my letters to the editors do not 
 threaten the daily 
 I probably should have been more specific about "that same labor".
 The reason these things don't threaten the livelihoods of the other
 laborers is that they are not good substitutes for what they displace.
 (If you want to write a daily column for free, and donate it to a
 newspaper, you do threaten the daily columnists.  If you want to run a
 sandwich shop as a hobby -- like the Internet cafe in my early example
 -- you do threaten the commercial sandwich shop.)
 Since I think free software is a good substitute for proprietary
 software most of the time, I think it is a threat to the livelihoods
 of many proprietary software developers, and the business of their
 Maybe Allchin doesn't think free software is a good substitute for
 proprietary software, so he thinks it's not a threat.  Except perhaps
 he's saying that the public hasn't yet noticed that open source
 software isn't as good as Microsoft software?
 It's difficult (as other people have pointed out) to understand the
 exact nature of Allchin's concern.  If he doesn't think that the free
 software community produces a good rival product, he doesn't have a
 long-term reason to worry; but he is, he says, concerned.
   If you look at bottom lines instead of ethical or legal 
   _any_ competition -- especially competition from competitors who
   experience fewer costs -- is undesirable and harmful. 
  Bullocks again! Competition is an aid to an industry. A monopolist, 
  regardless of your moral position on the topic, is prone to 
 poor quality and 
  high prices, while even two competitors in an industry will 
 at least "raise 
  the bar". Given that the competition is voluntary, and not 
 an artificial 
  product of a court ruling, it can only be a benefit.
 The bottom line of a monopolist who can extract monopoly prices is
 still better than the bottom line of a competitor who produces a great
 product.  There are some exceptions to that (where competition led to
 innovation and growth in a market), but in the short term being a
 monopolist is much better for bottom lines (not for "an industry").
  Of course, most, if not all, Open Source is "free beer" and 
 not sold as a 
  product (although the shrink wrap, service or support is). 
 It is not in 
  competition with closed source software anymore. That Open 
 Source has become 
  a significant enough factor to make Jim Allchin sweat is an 
 indicator that 
  least certain sectors of the closed source market are obsolete.
 I don't understand how you can say both of those things.  If those
 sectors are "obsolete" (because of open source software?), how is that
 open source software not competing with the proprietary software?
  The profession of scribe used to be a lucrative trade. But 
 the invention of 
  the printing press vastly lowered the producing copies of 
 books. The 
  profession of scribe didn't go away, it just had to find 
 new market niches. 
  I'm sure the Jim Allchins of those times accused Gutenburg 
 of Uneuropean 
  activities. In the same way, digital meda and networks have 
 vastly lowered 
  the cost of producing copies of software. And the public is 
 starting to find 
  this out. It won't take the closed source industry out of 
 business. But 
  closed source will have to find new market niches besides 
 the "one size fits 
  all" niche they've been in.
 I agree with this -- but I emphasize the part that any 

Re: boomberg bloopers

2001-02-16 Thread David Johnson

On Friday 16 February 2001 11:00 am, Tom Hull wrote:

   2) It pushes the argument that Microsoft is not a monpoloy, that
  Microsoft faces serious, threatening competition, and therefore
  that breakup is unnecessary and possibly counterproductive.

Actually, it's a very good argument. This specific case started because of 
Internet Explorer. I now have before me the choice between Netscape, Opera, 
Konqueror and Mozilla. From my position, and perhaps I've led a sheltered 
life, Netscape lost market share solely because of Netscape. They spent far 
too long coming out with an HTML-4 compliant browser, and when they did they 
released it before it was ready (catch-22).

Don't get me wrong, there's a ton of stuff that Microsoft should be held 
criminally and civilly liable for. But having too large of a market share 
does not qualify as a monopoly. And being a monopoly, by itself, is not a 
crime. I dislike Microsoft as much as the next guy, maybe even more so, but 
the Justice Department went about this all the wrong way.

David Johnson

Re: boomberg bloopers

2001-02-16 Thread Kevin Shrieve

Of course, this is a blatant FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) strategy 
at work -- tossing out ridiculously muddled thoughts in hopes that 
they can cause IP anxieties surrounding Napster to be associated with 
the phrase "open source".  No shame!

QUOTE from the article:

Microsoft has told U.S. lawmakers of its concern while discussing 
protection of intellectual property rights.

Linux is developed in a so-called open-source environment in which 
the software code generally isn't owned by any one company. That, as 
well as programs such as music-sharing software from Napster, means 
the world's largest software maker has to do a better job of talking 
to policymakers, Allchin said.

''Open source is an intellectual-property destroyer,'' Allchin said. 
''I can't imagine something that could be worse than this for the 
software business and the intellectual-property business.''


   This is the start of a concerted effort by MS to attack Linux on
   non-technical fronts.

I don't doubt that such a campaign is in the offing, but Microsoft's
most pressing problem is their antitrust appeal. They're busy hiring
political clout:

Attacking open source does two things for them:

   1) It provides cover for their political lobbying, and spin for
  people on their payroll.

   2) It pushes the argument that Microsoft is not a monpoloy, that
  Microsoft faces serious, threatening competition, and therefore
  that breakup is unnecessary and possibly counterproductive.

The latter point will, of course, be amplified by the inevitable
response. Not that one should shy away from response: it seems like
an excellent opportunity to point out the chilling effects that
monopolistic business has on innovation.

  *  Tom Hull * thull at *

Re: boomberg bloopers

2001-02-16 Thread Rick Moen

begin Jordan Logos Greenhall quotation:

 So, would a world powered by Linux be worse-off than a world powered by

Cheers,Before enlightenment, caffeine.
Rick Moen  After enlightenment, caffeine.

Re: boomberg bloopers

2001-02-16 Thread Martin Zam

--- Brian Behlendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
when a group of entities get together and decide to "sell" a
 thing at a cost substantially lower than the cost of production, *with the
 intent to affect other parties who can not make a similar unreturned
 investment*, then that is usually called "price fixing", a category of

I believe the term dumping applies here as well.  RAM pricing from Asia was
the focus of an enormous amount of government attention, not that long ago,
when U.S. firms were allegedly forced from the market.

- Martin Zam

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