Re: Help with license decision for cluster of similar projects

2004-03-05 Thread Russell McOrmond

  This is quickly off-topic for this list again.  I wonder if there needs
to be an discussion group for discussing the business 
model and legal analysis of license agreements beyond the question of 
approving them as OSI compliant?

On Wed, 3 Mar 2004, Alex Rousskov wrote:

 way to word the same idea (protection of free access to code, even
 though that protected free access might not be in the best interest of
 the developer).

  I guess I disagree that this discussion is clarifying things, and
suspect it is making things even more confusing.

  When a business chooses a copyleft or non-copyleft free software license
it is best when it relates to ones own business model.

  For code I author having a derivative work be in a non-free software
license is as much opposed to my business model as a non-free software
licensed package having it's copyright violated through being added
illegally to a P2P network.  I rely on resource multiplication as the
justification for doing the extra work (beyond coding new software for
clients) to release the software to the public.  When people make non-free
derivatives they are taking from me without paying in the same way as
software pirates are claimed to of non-free software.

  Talking of freedom in this context ends up based more on personal 
politics than anything else.

 - Copyleft licenses maximize the freedom to access  the code
 - BSD-like licenses maximize the freedom to develop the code
  The main feature of a BSD-like (non-copyleft) license is that it allows
non-free derivatives.  Non-free software minimizes the freedom to develop
derivative code of that non-free software.  So +1-1=0, meaning that
BSD-like licenses do not maximize the freedom to develop code as it
appears in the short term, but in fact minimizes long-term freedom to
develop the code.

  I believe there are times when non-copyleft free software licenses are
ideal, such as one is trying to provide code as documentation of a
standard.  The motivation for code creation is standards creation, and
commercial interests such as royalty-generation and
resource-multiplication do not need to factor into it.

  I personally see few cases where non-copyleft licenses appropriately
apply to commercial FLOSS software creation and distribution.  I see
non-copyleft licenses as a giveaway expense that ends up contrary or at
least outside of my commercial FLOSS business.  There may be some
loss-leader aspect to the business analysis, but that becomes more like
the standards creation example.

  While this giveaway may be very appropriate for the public and volunteer
sectors where the motivations are not commercial but political or social,
I see the private sector motivations being very different.

 Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant: 
 Make it legal: don't litigate, use creative licensing campaign.
 A modern answer to P2P:
 Canadian File-sharing Legal Information Network

license-discuss archive is at

Re: Help with license decision for cluster of similar projects

2004-03-05 Thread Bjorn Reese
On Fri, 2004-03-05 at 18:07, Russell McOrmond wrote:
   This is quickly off-topic for this list again.  I wonder if there needs
 to be an discussion group for discussing the business 
 model and legal analysis of license agreements beyond the question of 
 approving them as OSI compliant?

There are Free Software Business list [EMAIL PROTECTED] and the Free
Software License discussion list

However, both of these seems to have lost momentum.

   The main feature of a BSD-like (non-copyleft) license is that it allows
 non-free derivatives.  Non-free software minimizes the freedom to develop
 derivative code of that non-free software.  So +1-1=0, meaning that
 BSD-like licenses do not maximize the freedom to develop code as it
 appears in the short term, but in fact minimizes long-term freedom to
 develop the code.

In all the discussions about software freedom that I have
witnessed over the years, the main disagreement has had its origin
in the confusion due to different perceptions of the word freedom.

Proponents of copyleft generally speak of freedom for the
community; e.g. proprietary derivations are considered non-free
because they are not immediately available to the entire community.

Proponents of non-copyleft generally speak of freedom for the
individual; e.g. the individual developer has the freedom to
decide whether or not he wants to share the derivations (or more
correctly, his effort that went into those.)

The above is, of course, a generalization and not universally valid.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: Help with license decision for cluster of similar projects

2004-03-05 Thread Rick Moen
Quoting Alex Rousskov ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 ... Or the undocumented(?) charter of this list can be expanded. Or
 any off-topic posts should be moderated out.

1.  The list isn't moderated.  I'm sure Rusl and others have better
things to do, so they trust to people to behave themselves.

2.  The list's charter is implied fairly clearly by the language on :

Getting a License Approved

o Prepare an email with three sections as described in the next three
  paragraphs. Send that email to the license-discuss mailing list
  (license-discuss at our domain name, The subject of
  your message should be For Approval: followed by the name of your

o Tell us which existing OSI-approved license is most similar to
  your license. Explain why that license will not suffice for your
  needs. If your proposed license is derived from a license we have
  already approved, describe exactly what you have changed. This
  document is not part of the license; it is solely to help the
  license-discuss understand and review your license.
o Explain how software distributed under your license can be used in
  conjunction with software distributed under other open source
  licenses. Which license do you think will take precedence for
  derivative or combined works? Is there any software license that
  is entirely incompatible with your proposed license?.
o Include the plain text version of your license at the end of the
  email, either as an insertion or as an attachment. 

o You are invited to follow discussion of the licenses by subscribing to
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] This mailing-list is
  archived here.
o If license-discuss mailing list members find that the license does not
  conform to the Open Source Definition, they will work with you to
  resolve the problems. Similarly, if we see a problem, we will work
  with you to resolve any problems uncovered in public comment.
o As part of this process, we may also seek outside legal advice on
  license issues.
o Once we are assured that the license conforms to the Open Source
  Definition and has received thorough discussion on license-discuss or
  by other reviewers, and there are no remaining issues that we judge
  significant, we will notify you that the license has been approved,
  copy it to our website, and add it to the list below.

Although it would be nice to have a list-information Web page with more
information than has [1], absent
that, the membership are glad to remind people of the charter whenever
off-topic threads become too (1) voluminous, (2) heated, (3) obnoxious, 
and or (4) un-amusing -- exactly as with other unmoderated on-line

So, when the list regulars (or, a-fortiori, Russ the listadmin) suggest
that people cool it with the off-topic digressions, please heed them, OK?

There _are_ a number of other places to discuss licensing without
specific connection to OSI approval -- e.g., debian-legal and the Free
Software Business mailing list come to mind.  If none of those turn out
to be suitable, I can recommend some software to start a new mailing
list that is -- all of it open source.  ;-

[1] That page's link to eFAQ is a mailto link that _should_ send back
a FAQ for this mailing list.  Apparently one hasn't yet been written
(see below).  An opportunity, perhaps?

 Subject: failure notice

 Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
 I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following
 This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

 ezmlm-manage: fatal: unable to open text/faq: file does not exist

Cheers,   The cynics among us might say:   We laugh, 
Rick Moen monkeyboys -- Linux IS the mainstream UNIX now!
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   MuaHaHaHa! but that would be rude. -- Jim Dennis
license-discuss archive is at