Re: Open source shareware?

2001-11-09 Thread Angelo Schneider

Hi all!

Angelo Schneider David Johnson:
  On Thursday 08 November 2001 08:05 am, Forrest J. Cavalier III wrote:
  As long as this permission notice and disclaimer are included, any
  person obtaining a copy of this software may distribute this
  software or derivatives.
 Where's my permission to create derivatives? I see that I can distribute
 them, but there's nothing about being able to create them. This is a crucial
 distinction. As it now stands, I have the right to distribute derivatives
 created by OTHER people, but not to create them myself.

You do not need a permission to create derivates, IMHO.

As I understand copyright law creating of a derived work is free for
Only redistribution, public performance etc. is regulated.


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Re: Is inherited class a derivative work?

2001-10-24 Thread Angelo Schneider

Hi all!

Michael Beck wrote:
  For copyright law is only one thing interesting:
  If you look at the piece of derived work, can you still see the
  original work?
 I would argue that it is sufficient that the original class assumes a concrete
 or permanent form in the derived class by referencing to it. See:

That case is not about derived work but about plain copyright
Derived work is something different.

 If I compare the inherited class against the above case (in a biased way g), I
 could argue that:
 The user has a compiler [engine] and the code for the original class [source art
 library]. You create the MAP file [inherited class] referencing the original
 class [source art library], and deliver it to the user. The user runs the
 compiler [engine] which creates the object file [visual display] containing the
 elements of the original class [source art library].
 If this comparison is valid, then according to the ruling, you have created a
 derivative work.
 Further, the fair use wouldn't apply here, because according to the ruling,
 the inherited class impinged on [my] ability to market new versions of my
 classes. The fact that I published them as OpenSource doesn't take away the
 possibility that I could sell the code to a client (similarly to

Your sample has nothing to do with inheritance either ...

  Several posters pointed out: in case of inheritance you can't. As the
  name of the class you inherit from may poin to totaly
  different files at the moment you compile.
 I believe that this has only impact on identifying from which class is the
 derivative work coming from, and whether you had a permission to derive a class.
 But it doesn't change the fact whether it is a derivative work.

Well, the posters here tried to show you that no one needs a permission
of the author to derive classes from his classes.
As no one needs permission of the author to call functins in a library
the author wrote.

P.S. last psot for me, I answered at least 15 of your posts privatly

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Re: Is inherited class a derivative work?

2001-10-24 Thread Angelo Schneider


This has absolutly nothing to do with inheritance nor, reffering to the
name of this list: licenses.
See below.

Michael Beck wrote:
  Von:  Michael Beck[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Gesendet: Mittwoch, 24. Oktober 2001 15:07:34
  Betreff:  RE: Is inherited class a derivative work?
  Diese Nachricht wurde automatisch von einer Regel weitergeleitet.
  -Original Message-
  From:  Rob Myers
  Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 08:54
  Unless they distribute your code without negotiating a deal
  with you (which
  is piracy), people will still need to buy your class in order
  to use the
  oo-derived class. So this would drive sales of your work and
  increase your
  profits rather than reduce them.
 That doesn't matter. The issue is legal, i.e. does the author holds the right to
 future releases of the grid, or can anyone develop new versions of the grid by
 using inheritance?
 In FormGen the court decided for FormGen:
 Finally, by selling N/I, Micro Star impinged on [FormGen's ] ability to market
 new versions of the story. Stewart, 495 U.S. at 238; see also Twin Peaks

Micro Star made a Sequel to a game from FormGen.
This is not allowed under copyright law. 
Or am I allowed to make a sequell to Star Wars?

 Productions, Inc. v. Publications Int'l, Ltd., 996 F.2d 1366, 1377 (2d Cir.
 1993). Only FormGen has the right to enter that market; whether it chooses to do
 so is entirely its business. 

The court ruling you bring up here as no relation at all to inheritance.
If you would write Office YP, the sequell to Office XP, you do not need
to inherite, reuse, copy whatsoever any code of Microsoft XP to get a
court suit VERY soon.



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Re: what was the point?

2001-10-21 Thread Angelo Schneider
 onto the end user in getting the programs running or require a
sofisticated install procedure (how do you ensure that your program
written today, still is installable in 5 years if you do only deliever

So there is no real point in doing so.

If you feel the need to do so, create a client server architecture using
CORBA or similar stuff.

Then you have full controll in which process finaly the derived work
resides and where your work seperatly resides.


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Re: Is inherited class a derivative work?

2001-10-19 Thread Angelo Schneider

Hi all!

This is indeed a very good post!
It exactly brings to the point what I seemed to have failed in :-(
Ok, seemy three comments below :-)

William Uther wrote:
   I lurk on the list.  I've been skimming the conversation.  I thought I'd
 try an analogy.  Not sure if this will help or not.  I am not a lawyer, nor
 do I really know copyright law very well.  Feel free to ignore :).
   Imagine person A creates a picture.  Person B comes along and makes an
 overlay that when placed over the picture makes a 'new, improved' picture
 by covering some bits of the original.
   If you distribute *just the overlay* is this a derived work?  I'm going
 to assume for the sake of argument that it isn't.

In the sence of copyright, no! It is not derived work like defined in
the relevant paragraphs of the copyright law!

   If you distribute the overlay and a copy of the original painting
 (appropriately licensed) together, is *this* a derived work?

YES! Exactly this is derived work.

   One could argue that in the second case the overlay is merely USING the
 original picture, and that the original picture can be copied because of
 its license.  I suspect that a court would rule that you have a derived
 work here.

Derived works usualy require a license to be legaly contributeable,
thats what the term derived work is about. By using in any way a
original work in the finaly distributed package you create derived

You can create derived work as often and from what you like, only
(re-)distribution, public performance and so on is restricted by copy
right law and can be licensed or not, and thus its legal or not.

 \x/ill  :-}


Putlitzstr. 24   Patterns/FrameWorks  Fon: +49 721 9812465
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Re: Linking and the GPL

2001-10-19 Thread Angelo Schneider



 so, besides any diatribes you feel like blabbering,
 can someone give a legal explanation why the following aren't true?
 1) the GPL does not  prohibit linking
Wy should it?
If it would prohibit linking a lot of work published under GPL would be
useless, e.g. all libraries.

Basicly there are only two ways to derive work from a GPLed source.
1) Either you take the source as is and modify it - derived work.
2) You write an addition and modify the original work to use your
additions - derived work. (You have to link your stuff with the GPLed
stuff for that)
You write something new calling routiens from the GPLed work, that is
not derived work.
And link that new thing with the GPLed part yielding a second work
piece, which then is derived work.

 2) linking would probably fall under fair use even if the GPL did prohibit it.

It only would if it was explicitly stated to be fair use in the relevant
part of copyright law.

All commerical sold libraries would then no longer be sell able, because
you can not establish a business model similar to the film or broadcast
industries (IMHO).



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Re: Is inherited class a derivative work?

2001-10-18 Thread Angelo Schneider

Hi all!

Forrest J. Cavalier III wrote:
  The discussion on this topic has been very interesting. I am unsure who posted
  the comment about the lawyers at FSF, but if that person could obtain clearance
  to post the complete explanation on why FSF has taken the position that the use
  of inheritance constitutes the creation of a derivative work, this might be
  extremely helpful for our discussion.  If this is a reliable legal position, it
  might discourage use of the GNU GPL. Hence, this is a rather important matter.

Indeed that is interestng! Especialy if there are court rulings!

 I think this fits with RMS and FSF previously published
 ideas (which were not from lawyers.)
 For years RMS and the FSF have the stance that if there is only one
 implementation of a library/API, and you write something which
 links to it, your work is a derivative work of that library.
 I expect the RMS/FSF reasoning is consistent in the case of
 inherited class.

As I pointed out allready: linking to an API is not, I repeat: not a
derived work.
derived work is a legal term. You can not redefine it in your license.

If you like to say: in the sence of our lisence your work is based on
our work if you link to it 
That you can do, of course. But: legal terms are hard to be redefined
without shooting your self into your knee.

I include a quote from a prvious message: 
by Lawrence E. Rosen[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

  A derivative work is a work based upon one or more preexisting
   such as a translation, musical arrangment, dramatization,
   motion picture version, sound recording, art reproduction,
   condensation, or any other form in which a work may be recast,
   transformed, or adapted.  A work consisting of editorial revisions,
   annotations, elaborations, or other modifications which, as a whole,
   represent an original work of authorship, is a derivative work.
   17 USC ยง 101.  

Probably you see that the character of the original work still is
easyly recognizeable in ane form of derived work.
You can say the essence of the original work shines through the
reworking (reworking creates a derived work).

How do you like to construct a case of derived work by calling an API?
Is that a transaltion of the library?
Is that a new [deleted musical] arangement of that library (source
Is that a dramatization of that librarty if you write code calling it?
Is it a fictionalization?

Look at the end of the legal paragraph, here in is the key: 
Derived work is any [other] form in which a work may be recast,
transformed, or adapted.
Derived work is: editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or
other modifications even if they represent a own work.

So: how may a call to an API, which surely may be a heavy use, the whole
work may be unthinkable without that API, but how may this be a derived
work? No modifications, adaptions, elaboratons. annotations, recasting,
transforming of the original work!

Even more: how may using inheritance be a derived work? (If we leave out
that in the end you link the library or your derived class wont work).

In most programming languages you only use *one* keyword plus the name
of the base class to derive a class from: that would just be a citation
of the class name.
Citation is fair use, and a one word citation is (legaly) not even
considered to be a citation.

Finaly, (I said this at least 4 times on the list during the alst days)
as long as you do not take one original source file from said library
and modify THAT file, you make no derived work. NO, this is not my
opinion, that is legal fact.


P.S. how to change my mail adress on the list?
I'm there as [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ywould like to be there as

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Re: Is inherited class a derivative work?

2001-10-18 Thread Angelo Schneider

Hi all!

This a very good answer as it shows where the common missunderstanding
Please see below.

Michael Beck wrote:
  Von:  Michael Beck[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

  From: Angelo Schneider

  As I pointed out allready: linking to an API is not, I repeat: not a
  derived work.
  derived work is a legal term. You can not redefine it in
  your license.
 Why are in insisting that deriving a new class is equal to linking to an
 API? Unless you believe that a class cannot be copyrighted, please see the
 class as a copyrighted entity, the same way as you see a book.

I'm not insisting on that.
I of course of the oposite opinion, I only liked to point out:
After you have created a derived class, which is your own work, you
usualy link the base class to it.
The resulting binary is legaly a derived work as it is an elaboration
of the original work. Note: teh binary is the derived work, not the
derived class.

 If we agree that class is a copyrighted entity, then inheritance is NOT calling
 individual functions of that class. If you make changes to the class via
 inheritance - you add new elements, you modify existing elements - you are
 adapting this class to be or do something different than it was designed to be
 or do.

And this is unfortunatly wrong.

As you do not change the original class, that menas their source code,
you create no adaption.
You create a new entity -- the derived class --, that this entity is
useless without the base class is a technical issue, not a legal and
definitly not a copyright issue.

 All those elements are part of the class, the same as words are part of a book.

This is precisly wrong. Because again: this is a technical issue.
The derived class would be only under one situation a adaption of teh
original class:
This is when you put the derived class into the exact same source file,
because then you do moidify/adapt the original work, the original source

Of course the same where true if yopu would only distribute it printed,
in fact if you distribute the original source code printed and add into
the same book derived class, the whoel book would be an
adaption/modification/elaboration, IMHO elaboration.

 Individual words cannot be copyrighted, and anyone is free to use them in a
 different combination. But as soon as your start to change them in a particular
 book, you are making modification to this book. So unless you deny me the right
 to copyright my class, from the CLASS perspective any changes to the class
 implementation (and not just to the class interface) should be treated as
 modification of this class, and as such, a derivative work.

But it is not treated as that. At least not as long as your derived
class is kept seperated and not tweaked into the original code base.

  Probably you see that the character of the original work still is
  easyly recognizeable in ane form of derived work.
  You can say the essence of the original work shines through the
  reworking (reworking creates a derived work).
 Yes, the original class shines through reworking (a derived/inherited class).

Nope it dos'nt!
Ant it can't. How should it?

public class AngelosSample extends MichalesSample {

public void doSomething() {}
public void doSomethingInteresting() {}


So, please how muich of your class is visible here?
What does your class?
What is the interface?
Do I overwrite something, or do I only add something?

As I did not change the source file with the class MichalesSample, my
class is no derived work.

And the character or essence of your class is no where visible!

  How do you like to construct a case of derived work by calling an API?
  Is that a transaltion of the library?
  Is that a new [deleted musical] arangement of that library (source
  Is that a dramatization of that librarty if you write code
  calling it?
  Is it a fictionalization?
 It's an adaptation of an existing class, and as such, it creates a derivative

As I said allready: an adaption changes the original wording.
Reformatting your code and placing comments into it, renaming some
methods, thats an adaption.
Taking your code and adding a method, thats an elaboration.

NOTE: your code
I have to copy and to rework your code!
Then I create derived work.

  So: how may a call to an API, which surely may be a heavy
  use, the whole
  work may be unthinkable without that API, but how may this be
  a derived
  work? No modifications, adaptions, elaboratons. annotations,
  transforming of the original work!
 Yes, by making changes to the class, you have made adaptation of this class.

I made no changes! Exactly that is teh point! I created an completle
independedn work, under copyright law. Technical it is necessary to
include your work for running the software. So during runtime the binary
in main memory is a derived work, the binary, not the derived class!

  In most programming languages you only use *one* keyword plus

Re: Is inherited class a derivative work?

2001-10-17 Thread Angelo Schneider

Hi all!

The FSF is incorrect.
However your extract and the talk with the FSF might have been
missleading, see below.

Ken Arromdee wrote:
 On Tue, 16 Oct 2001, Lawrence E. Rosen wrote:
  While the FSF *may* be correct, I would expect a more thorough analysis
  of the situation from them before I accept their conclusion.  In
  particular, how does inheritance differ in a substantive and legally
  significant way from traditional subroutine linkage which, as many of us
  believe, does *not* create a derivative work at least the context of
  dynamic linking?
 Well, the FSF believes that that does too, so I presume they don't see a

As I said in my previous post:
derived work is a legal term, its defined in law what deriveed work

In Germany dynamic linking is: derived work.
Its up to your lisence if you allow it.

Inheritance is NOT, NOWHERE, NEVER a derived work.
However incorporating the derived class plus the base class into a piece
of software makes that software a derived work, not the derived class.
(Because the base class is included)

Simple example:
a1 b2 c3 d4 -- That is my work.

Its protected under copyright (well its to primitive to be realy
protected, just lets asume it was).

You write:

That stands alone! No derivation.

You write:
A1 B2 C3 D4 -- that is a derived work (translation)
a1 b2 XX d4 -- that is a derived work
a1 b2 c3 d4 e5 -- that is a derived work
b2 c3 d4 e5 a1 -- that is a derived work

Its always a derived work for one simple reason: it containes literaly
the original work. Thats the definition of derived work. Thre are
further ways for derived work as one pointed put here: e.g. translation
into a different lanuage(or programming language), writing a sequel to a
nove also can be considered a derived work.

A class inheriting does not contain -- in the code written by the coder
creating the inherited class -- any portion of the base class, so it is
by definition of the law not a derived work.

Programs using a GPLed library are derived from that library because
they LINK with it. Not becasue the call routines from it. (In germany no
one would distinguish between dynamic and static linking, because the
result is a set of copies of copyrighted pieces in main memory of the
executed process, so all copied parts fall under copyright, because you
copy them into main memory)

Changing  a file of an library is a derived work of that file and hence
of the library itself. (Well, here are complicated exceptions thinkable
and only the file is derived work and not the changed library)

Adding a file to the library can be considered a drived work(same
complicated exception apply), so you would just make two libraries,
thats not a derived work as the original one is untouched.

Now you link both libraries to an executeable - derived work, of the
original library: because it is in the executeable, not because there
might be ANY relation of your library code to the original library code.

Finaly: calling routines in a library is NOT derived work.
Period. It is not important wat you THINK, its important what the law
Linking with that library is the only process creating a derived work!

So if you use a GPL library, make it a dynamic one, distribute it under
GPL as you are forced to do so by the license, and distribute your
program with an installation script that fetches the library from the
internet anywhere. Your program is then during the time it is
distributed NOT a derived work, but during run time it is :-)


P.S. no, I'm not a lwawer, but I work in that area for years. (Basicly:
I can not get why you all write code, write/read licenses, sell code,
gpl code and and and, and no one seems interested to look into the legal
framework his work is placed in. Its not even important if that legal
framework is everywhere the same, most do not understand the
international copyright treaties only have one goal: is your work
copyrighted under US law, in germany your right is honoured. Is my
work under german copyright law copyrighted, my rights are honoured in
the US. Even because both rights differ substantial. Just get a book
with copyright law, the german one has 143 Paragraphs, most of them are
3 or 4 lines. In total it might have 80 pages, where 20 are important
for you. I would think the US one is smaler.)

Putlitzstr. 24   Patterns/FrameWorks  Fon: +49 721 9812465
76137 Karlsruhe   C++/JAVAFax: +49 721 9812467
license-discuss archive is at

derivative work

2001-10-17 Thread Angelo Schneider


I tend to write lenghty maisl, sorry.

In short: bring the question if a piece is derived work or not down to
the source code.

You are deriving work if you take original source code and modify it.

You are making a derived work if you incorporate source code in any way,
compiling, loading and interpreting, linking, dynamic linking,
translating in a different language (if tehre is no paradigm change)
into one single piece of final work.

Becaus your final work 'containes' the original work.

Being in any way dependened on an original work
.   calling subroutines of that library
.   reffereing to classes in that library
.   deriving from classes in that library
legaly that all is *NOT* making a derived work.

This is not my stand point and I know most people somewhat working with
the GPL also have not that stand point.

But that does simply not matter. Its aquestion of law and not of stand
points, making a derived work means you copy (hence the term copyright)
parts or whole of some one else into your work.

So: look at the cases above, and then link with that library, this
constitutes a derived work. Reason: the source code of that library is
incorporated (after compiling and archiving in a library) into your
finla product(work).

Sidenote: dynamic linbking constitutes a copy of the work in main
memory, it copies also the libraries into main memory. They are linked
in main memory(that has no meaning, linking just means here and above:
put together) so they are a drived work in memory, due to the copying
and putting together.

Yes I know, RMS himslef does dynamic linking not consider being a
derived work, well, law sees it different.

Sidenode 2: You can use process boundaries, e.g. CORBA or similar
constructions (RPC) to overcome those restrictions. Calling a library
which is in its own proces from a different process does not construct a
derived work, as they are not put together. Why is that? Well,
derived work means all parts are put together into one thing. The new
one thing is then a derived work of the parts.

Hope that helps,


Putlitzstr. 24   Patterns/FrameWorks  Fon: +49 721 9812465
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license-discuss archive is at

Re: Is inherited class a derivative work?

2001-10-15 Thread Angelo Schneider

Hi all,

I'm not a lawer, but I'm somewhat experianced in copyright cases, did my
self one unfortunatly.

Forrest J. Cavalier III wrote:
  Von:  Forrest J. Cavalier III[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Gesendet: Montag, 15. Oktober 2001 13:43:42
  Betreff:  RE: Is inherited class a derivative work?
  Diese Nachricht wurde automatisch von einer Regel weitergeleitet.
 Michael Beck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Derived class is a derivative work, because it is based on, or extends,
  the original class. Using would be instantiating an object from it -
  stand-alone, or as a part of another class (composition). There would be no
  adaptation of the existing class.
  According to Copyright law, a derivative work is a work based upon one or more
  preexisting works. It includes any form on which a work may be recast,
  transformed, or adapted. (17 USC Sec. 101).
 I think the issues that were raised in this thread are not
 totally tested or settled in case law.

The term derived work is a well defined legal term.
I can only speak about the european situation here: derived work means
the original work is 'transformed' to make a new work. 

So if you take a novel and add pictures to it, you make a derived work.
If you write a sequell for that novel, you usualy do not make a derived
work. (In some cases there where judgements to the oposite because the
characters in the first part where so popular that the court came to the
opinion the sequell never would stand alone or even exist without the
firts one)

Plainest I can say: in a derived work you see the existence of the
original work.

In source code this means: portions of the original source code must be
In linked code this means: portions of the original binary code must be
present in the executeable(so dynamic linking is a case of derived

However, you are giving certain licenses, like GPL, for your source and
binary code out. So under those conditions there might be different

E.g: a class derived from a GPLed class does not fall per se under the
GPL. Its not derived work, it does not contain any lines of code
allready present in the base class.
The binary linked from it does! It contains fully, either dynamic linked
or static, the binary compiled from the base class.
However: only the matter that the base class is included in the binary
makes the binary a derived work, not the issue that there exists a
derived class!
Writing a wrapper and using delegation helps nothing: as long as the
original class is in the binary you have a derived work.

Regarding the reimplementation of an API: this is surely also a derived
work, however it might fall under fair use.

In germany a project like gnu class path would IMHO not stand in court,
hundreds of classes mimicing the same API of the origininal classes
without a own intellectual contribution of the developers(that would be
what a layer would say about it, its not my OPINION as I never looked at
it :-) )


Putlitzstr. 24   Patterns/FrameWorks  Fon: +49 721 9812465
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license-discuss archive is at

so waht? Re: WG: MSFT and GNU questions

2001-06-10 Thread Angelo Schneider

 And, while GPL isn't the *only* free software license, some 90% of
 software projects (based on independent counts by me of SourceForge
 aprojects and Debian packages) use the GPL and/or LGPL licenses.
 a very large majority.  A significant remainder are BSD/MIT or
 many of these being fully GPL compatible.  MozPL and variants round
 much of the remainder, on-off licenses and corporate licenses are
 relatively rare.  While a useage-weighted survey might suggest a
 significance of other licenses (BSD:  apache, bind; MIT:  X11; MozPL:
 Mozilla, Galeon, Skipstone...), there's no question that the GPL is
 significant both by the volume of usage and its own peculiar nature.
 That said...

So what?
The GPL and LGPL are arguable the oldest free or open licenses.
Slighly followed or even older, by MIT/BDS licenses.

Thats no wonder that there is more software published under that

Reading this mailing list people are also strong encauraged not to
invent new ones but to choose existing ones.

If you look, it seems to my eye that GPL is the easyst, I throw my code
to the public license, where the author of the code has minimum hazzle
to consider side effects etc.

Other licenses are more complicated, so if I would like to get rid of
the burdon of some code, but also like it to be available for the public
I publsih it under GPL. That one needs the less infrastructure from my

Just my thoughts so 


Putlitzstr. 24   Patterns/FrameWorks  Fon: +49 721 9812465
76137 Karlsruhe   C++/JAVAFax: +49 721 9812467

Re: copyrightable APIs? (was RE: namespace protection compatiblewit

2001-04-21 Thread Angelo Schneider

Hi all!

Rod Dixon wrote:
 Those are very good thoughts, if I may say so.
 On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Chloe Hoffman wrote:
  I am not sure I see how 102(b) should exclude APIs from copyrightable
  subject matter as an absolute matter. Surely some aspects of an API may
  fail because of various doctrines such as merger, scenes a faire, etc.
  (viz. sqrt()) but I am not sure I see how a full set of APIs should be
  excluded per se. I find it hard to distinguish an API from a "computer
  program" - if APIs fail under 102(b) then shouldn't computer programs in

An API is not THE program.
A POSIX compliant kernal (or his calling interface) all suport the same

The standard C library and the glibc have a lot of "functions" in

The command line options of the command "ls" or for simplicity a command
like "rm" are mre or less the same in the same UNIX family.

THAT is an API.

Of course one can write a replacement for glibc exposing the same API.
Of course one can write a kernal which has a calling interface which is
identical to that of POSIX.
Of course one can write a replacement for "ls" or "rm" which accept the
same command line options (and serve the same purpose).

An API is in my sence a LANGUAGE. Take it as an mathematical language if
you like, a language can not be copyrighted. 

The other posts I saw regarding this thread (about Adope, Psotscript and
PDF, and Sun/Microsoft JAVA) are in my opinion Trademark issues.

The same is true if you go and call a kernal POSIX compliant. I don't
know if POSIX is a trademark.

The only thing which is in general copyrightable, is CONTENT.
The only thing which is in general(exceptions exist e.g. in the US)
patent able is a PROCESS in conjunction whith the artifact which is
created by performing it. (Same process for different purpose is not
affected, same artifact created in a different way is not affected -
except that artifact is copyrighted)
The only thing wich can get trademarked are (artificial) names used in
public (business) affairs (where the names reffer to an artifact or an

Well, I'm not a lawyer and I simplificated it a bit. (Also I'm from
germany, a lot of stuff is different here than in the rest of the world,
outside europe)

However I work in copyright relevant areas for 10 years now  

Finaly: JAVA is a trademark, so if GNU CLASSPATH would call it self
JAVA, than there would be trouble.



  general fail also because they comprise an idea, process, method, etc.? I
  see both as expressions, not the idea themselves. I think the tougher
  issue is infringement/derivative works (leave alone implied/express
  licenses, estoppels, etc.). Just some thoughts
  From: Rod Dixon
  To: Angelo Schneider
  CC: ,
  Subject: Re: copyrightable APIs? (was RE: namespace protection
  compatible wit
  Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 14:12:13 -0400 (EDT)
  This is the issue I was hinting at. I do not believe that as a general
  matter that APIs should be copyrightable under U.S. copyright law since
  section 102(b) of the Copyright Act should exclude APIs from copyright
  subject matter. Having said that, I admit the issue seems unresolved
  both Microsoft and Sun Microsystems are two well known developers who
  claim copyright interests in APIs; Microsoft for Windows, and Sun for
  On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Angelo Schneider wrote:
In Europe APIs are not "copyright able".
No idea about the US.
However if you publich them in a book, the book of course is
However you can not prevent anyone to write a software against a
Same is true for data formats. (In Europe dataformats e.g. a flat
format for a word processor are not copyright able)
Forrest J Cavalier III wrote:

  Von: Forrest J Cavalier III[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Gesendet: Freitag, 20. April 2001 13:50:06
  Betreff: copyrightable APIs? (was RE: namespace protection
  compatible wit
  Diese Nachricht wurde automatisch von einer Regel weitergeleitet.
 How can you copyright an API? Isn't it simply a
 collection of facts?

 Perhaps you could copyright the formal parameter
 names, and certainly the documentation in a header

 But the facts of
 function name,
 return type(s)
 parameter type(s)
 are just facts. There is no creative expression involved.

 Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software Voice 570-992-8824 has over 30,000 links to
 source, libraries, functions, applications, and documentation.
Putlitzstr. 24 Pat

Re: copyrightable APIs? (was RE: namespace protection compatible wit

2001-04-20 Thread Angelo Schneider


You can look it up in a standard law book I guess.

I have that not at hand and not the time acctually to do it, I'm in a
copyright case in court on monday  still preparing my stand.


Chloe Hoffman wrote:
 Not to sound harsh but..Do you have any support for these
 categorical statements? Please cite some European case law, statutes,
 legal texts, etc. Inquiring minds want to know.
 From: Angelo Schneider
 Subject: Re: copyrightable APIs? (was RE: namespace protection
 compatible wit
 Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 18:42:49 +0100
 In Europe APIs are not "copyright able".
 No idea about the US.
 However if you publich them in a book, the book of course is
 However you can not prevent anyone to write a software against a
 Same is true for data formats. (In Europe dataformats e.g. a flat
 format for a word processor are not copyright able)
 Forrest J Cavalier III wrote:
Von: Forrest J Cavalier III[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Freitag, 20. April 2001 13:50:06
Betreff: copyrightable APIs? (was RE: namespace protection
 compatible wit
Diese Nachricht wurde automatisch von einer Regel
   How can you copyright an API? Isn't it simply a
   collection of facts?
   Perhaps you could copyright the formal parameter
   names, and certainly the documentation in a header
   But the facts of
   function name,
   return type(s)
   parameter type(s)
   are just facts. There is no creative expression involved.
   Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software Voice 570-992-8824 has over 30,000 links to
   source, libraries, functions, applications, and documentation.
 Putlitzstr. 24 Patterns/FrameWorks Fon: +49 721 9812465
 76137 Karlsruhe C++/JAVA Fax: +49 721 9812467
 Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at


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Re: Subscription/Service Fees

2001-03-28 Thread Angelo Schneider

 If you really want registration fees from all users, then why not just keep
 your software closed source?

Because "Open Source" and "Free Software" are ideologies. And a lot I
know think, its right to incluse the source code. But its not right to
get no fees from those who use the software (esecialy if those drive
their business with it).

So the man likely looks for a broad distribution, and all who likes it
and benefit from it should pay a fee. Everybody should have access to
the source code.

I think this mailing list would run much better if people here would try
to understand that ther is still demand to ordinyry sell software. Not
everynody is in the habit of living from Consulting contracts etc.

Also its a bit pathetic to say: "Yeah, he gives you also the source, but
that is not Open Source. He should make it closed sorce again or true
open source". That doesn't serve anybody.

Angelo Schneider

Putlitzstr. 24   Patterns/FrameWorks  Fon: +49 721 9812465
76137 Karlsruhe   C++/JAVAFax: +49 721 9812467

[Fwd: Germany]

2001-01-27 Thread Angelo Schneider

 Microsoft is the cause of the Mellissa Virus and similar Viruses (I
 In germany currently a several Billion Dollar/EURO case is prepared
 against Microsoft. Because the lack of security of the Office/Outlook
 software and the so caused loss in time/money for the affected
 institutions of those viruses.
 AND sure we have more than one leg to stand on. The same is true in the
 united states. Of course you have implied warranties. Or do you think
 you can say: "Here is software, I have written it. Pay me some dollars
 and you may use it. But I OWN it, still. Nope, I'm not liable if it
 hurts your computer :-)"
 Sure you are liable. However the GNU license says: you may use it on
 your own risk. And as you do not pay, its like: you may swim here on
 your own risk, its my coast and my land and the water is at my cost but
 if you swim there, its on your own risk.
 This are two different issues.

 SamBC wrote:
   Gesendet: Freitag, 26. Januar 2001 19:49:28
   An:   John Cowan
   Betreff:  Re: Germany
   Diese Nachricht wurde automatisch von einer Regel weitergeleitet.
  - Original Message -
  From: "John Cowan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 6:28 PM
  Subject: Re: Germany
   SamBC wrote:
It is a problem in many nations, UK being the easiest example, where
there are several 'implied warranties' that cannot be denied,
merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and damages
   All this, however, is not merely a problem for the GPL or OSS software
   in general.  All software is essentially sold without warranty
   protection of any sort, insofar as the jurisdiction permits.
  Which most don't!
   If you expect that Microsoft Word (to choose an example at random) has
   to have any more function than an old leaky boot, you don't have a leg
   to stand on.
  If MSWord, through 'poor workmanship', causes corruption/loss of data
  which has financial value in any way, you do have a leg to stand on in
  the UK, due to the coupling of implied warranty (fitness for purpose)
  and difficulty of disclaiming liability in the UK
via PROMINENT NOTICES that CANNOT BE MISSED (excuse caps, easiest
  way to
enforce point).
   Exactly while almost all software licenses SCREAM their disclaimers.
  But these are shrink-wrap EULA's, to bring up a general problem. Money
  is already spent, and the shop doesn't have to refund you if you refuse
  to agree to the license, because the product is still fit for the
  purpose for which they sold it, your tough titty if you refuse to use
It is
taken that software is the same as any other product, covered by
warranties. However, one of the assumptions the GPL works under (and
not a very safe one) is that people will read the disclaimer, and be
sensible, or believe it to be true.
   In addition, recovering the purchase price is rather pointless.
  I was making a general point
A defending lawyer would make a good
case that the failure of the software was at best a semi-deliberate
ploy, as they new that it was not full-scale commercial stuff.
   Probably won't work, because the commercial stuff is just the same.
  One legal statement that may work is to state the intended purpose of
  the product, and state it as something pathetic, so people can't sue
  when it is used for another purpose and make a mess.
  The end result, at least in the UK, is that disclaiming liability is not
  a legal step, but it can help cover you at least partially, as you have
  warned the person. Sorry I wasn't so succinct before.
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Putlitzstr. 24   Patterns/FrameWorks  Fon: +49 721 9812465
76137 Karlsruhe   C++/JAVAFax: +49 721 9812467

Re: The Toll Roads of Open Source

2001-01-23 Thread Angelo Schneider

Now you are very polemic:

forebear from referring to software under that licence as "open source",
or it will have a serious public-relations problem.
For it is _very_ obvious that, in fact, you do not intend to produce
open-source software, and never did.  Good luck to you.

The term O-P-E-N S-O-U-R-C-E was long n use before the OSI made a
public, and now widly accepted definition of it.

And the former common sence of US, yes there are MANY O-P-E-N
S-O-U-R-C-E developers who still have a common sence on what this is and
this does not meet the definition of the term the OSI brought up simply
because not everyone who believes he does open source is reading and
understanding the definition of the OSI.

You are right that does not deliver "open
source" in the sence as the OSI defines it but they deliever open-source
as this is not a defined term.
And you are mybe right that they do not want to make "open source"
however they have a different understanding and they like truely to make

Manfred: if you distribute a piece of software to a customer A and you
deliever it to a different customer B and both get it under different
conditions for furhter use, even if both can choose the way they get it
and how to use/redistribute it, then it is not open source according to

Lets amke it simple: commercial users should pay, regardless how they
use your software right?
Non commercial users should get it for free if they likre.
Both get the source code if they like.

This is not open source(OSI). Period. Thats what all those writing here
try to explain you. You "discriminate" (not in the german sense, in the
latin sense) between both customers, EXACTLY this is not allowed under
OSI/open source.

However I agree with you that your way is the only RIGHT way in making
software successfull especialy if you consider the shift from a
producing industrie to a knowledge/information industrie.

You need to invent a new term for your kind of source-included software

Well, my company also works on a similar license. Contributors get a
fair share of the revenues. EVERYBODY get the source code, non
commercial organisations may get the software free of charge, commercial
organisations have to pay. Everybody is encouraged to redistribute:
however if the final user is a commercial one we like to get license
fees and if he is not a commercial one we waive the fees.
If anybody redistributes for a fee we like to get a fair share of those

Manfred: again, no one here likes to piss you, but the point is somebody
defined boiling water is the water which is at 100 degree centigrade on
sea level.
Your water is only 80 degree centigrade, so you miss that definition.
So either you heat it up or you leave it at 80 degrees but then you can
not call it open source.


Rick Moen wrote:
  Gesendet: Dienstag, 23. Januar 2001 08:51:04
  Betreff:  Re: The Toll Roads of Open Source
  Diese Nachricht wurde automatisch von einer Regel weitergeleitet.
 begin Manfred Schmid quotation:
  We see that emotions have gone high.
 I see that you _continue_ declining to address the subject at hand.
 Which is evaluating whether specific licences are OSD-compliant or not.
 Instead, you digress onto business models, alleged deficiencies in the
 OSD, and a whole circus of diversions.
  We take the freedom to make a final statement concerning our requests.
 [90-line manifesto snipped]
 Farewell!  I sincerely hope that your employer has the good sense to
 forebear from referring to software under that licence as "open source",
 or it will have a serious public-relations problem.
 For it is _very_ obvious that, in fact, you do not intend to produce
 open-source software, and never did.  Good luck to you.
 Cheers,  "It ain't so much the things we don't know that get us
 Rick Moenin trouble.  It's the things we know that ain't so."
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Artemus Ward (1834-67), U.S. journalist


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Re: IPL as a burden

2001-01-23 Thread Angelo Schneider

Manfred Schmid wrote:
Hi all!

 "When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price.
 Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the
 freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this
 service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
 want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
 free programs; and that you know you can do these things."
 GNU reads
 "`Free software'' is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the
 concept, you should think of ``free speech'', not ``free beer.''
 ``Free software'' refers to the users' freedom to run, copy, distribute,
 study, change and improve the software."
 To me, a lot of the discussion gets down to the "free beer" question.
 May I ask the Board for an official statement: Is the charging of
 license fees (or execution fees) definitely a no-go to qualify it as
 OSI-compliant Open Source?
 Up to now, I did not find any such statement on

Nope, taking fees is no problem either for open source nor for GPL.
The problem is: you can not take fees from customer A and waive thme
from customer B.
You can not say: customer A may redistribute/modify sources and pay a
fee to you and customer B may NOT modify it.


If your license does not meet that criteria it is not OSI/open source.


Putlitzstr. 24   Patterns/FrameWorks  Fon: +49 721 9812465
76137 Karlsruhe   C++/JAVAFax: +49 721 9812467

Re: IPL as a burden

2001-01-17 Thread Angelo Schneider

Gregor Hoffleit [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Citates from the GPL:
 Well, the GPL says this:
 "Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
 covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of running the
 Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program is covered only
 if its contents constitute a work based on the Program (independent of
 having been made by running the Program). Whether that is true depends on
 what the Program does."

Gregor Hoffleit [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I.e. the GPL doesn't restrict the act of running the program, and if
 somebody else redistributes the program, he can't impose any restrictions
 on running the program either.

I dissagree, with the conclusion. The GPL lets it open wether there is
or might be a restriction on the act of running the program.

Probably this is not intended by the GPL, but in the citate above, its
clearly stated: "the license does not restrict runnning of a program",
this means it does not SAY anything about the running of the program.
You can not draw the conclusion that it does allow everything and
requires all changes to allow everything. In fact this would be
impossible. E.G. you add a peace of source code written in SPARC
assembler, this implies the restriction that the sourcecode only runs on
SPARC compatible runtime environments.
Also you could invent restrictions like: this code may never run on a
nuclear war head controller.
The GPL does nothing to prefent this.

Putlitzstr. 24   Patterns/FrameWorks  Fon: +49 721 9812465
76137 Karlsruhe   C++/JAVAFax: +49 721 9812467

Re: Plan 9 license

2000-09-03 Thread Angelo Schneider

Well, It seems that I beg for misunderstanding?
So I simply delete and skip that part :-)

 Nonsense.  The U.S. has been changing its copyright laws since 1976
 to come into *conformity* with the rest of the world, specifically
 including the EU.

In the EU it is not possible to transfer a copyright.



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Putlitzstr. 24   Patterns/FrameWorks  Fon: +49 721 9812465
76137 Karlsruhe   C++/JAVAFax: +49 721 9812467

Re: Plan 9 license

2000-09-03 Thread Angelo Schneider

I'm not a native english speaker,
first fault.
I learned british english in scholl,
second fault.

 On Sun, 3 Sep 2000, Angelo Schneider wrote:
  To copy without the authorization of the creator, denies the freedom
  of the creator.
 This is incoherent on any known definition of "freedom".  
freedom means to be free to do and to let do what you want.
I do not know of any other definition.


  It is moral wrong to make unauthorized copies as it it s moral wrong
  to denie the physical freedom of one.
 You're entitled to devise your own moral code, of course.
Sure, do you agree or not, would be more interesting to me.

  Free Software is a nice idea, but not the solution. It simply
  floddes the market with so much software that stealing is no longer
  a reasonable action of one who likes to use the software.
 Solution to what?  

To the problems RMS wans to address with the FSF.

 Anyway, free software cannot be stolen except by
 breaching the license.

I'm not talking about "stealing" free software.
I'm talking about stealing any intellectual property from
an inventor/autor/creator against his will AND without

This is regardless wether I breach the FSF license or if
I copy a CD from a friend.

  If you invent the one and only intergalactic starship drive, you
  will make your knowledge free.
  One will build that ship with that drive.
 Why only "one"?  If you make the information publicly and freely

In britisch english one means "some one", "some body" and does not
mean 1 person but any person.

 available, *many* can build ships with that drive.  This is called
 "competition" and is generally thought to be a Good Thing for the
 public, if not for would-be monopolists.

I was not talking about that, strange that you draw this from my 
simple example ;-)

  You should better think about a world in which the inventor/creator
  or how ever you call him gets a fair revenue, instead about a world
  in which a "customer" gets a free(in beer) access to inventions.
 So we do.  See .

Well, 50% of the arguments on that paper are wrong or very narrow 

Most propritary software organizations are on CMM level 1. 
The same is true for open source software and free software.
In terms of effort put into the software and return of investment
most OS and FS software performs very bad. Much more bad then
most a standard priprietary software house.
(there are exceptions: namely Apache and ANTLR)

Most of the business models mentioned there would not work if
OS or FS would not allready exist.

They only can work because millions of developer monthes are 
allready DONE. Most of them unpayd.

So the real winners are the compayies which say: "Well, I'm
smart, I know linux. Lets go and do some consulting."
(substitute linux with your favorite OS/FS work) And all this
companies do not pay anything back to anybody. Neither
the public nor the creator. (Besides paying sales tax)

Of course the real winners are companies which now can sell
hardware for linux boxes. Those have a benfit in OS development.
(again substitute 'linux box' for any OS/FS work which can be
a base for a product on top of it) 

  The point with most free software promotors is that they only see
  the US and their strange copyright law and patent law.
  The rest of the world is very different.
 Nonsense.  The U.S. has been changing its copyright laws since 1976

I commented on that but I do again.

 to come into *conformity* with the rest of the world, specifically
 including the EU.

In the EU it is impossible to transfer a copyright.


And it even goes farer, now we are close to a change which 
makes contracts which want the creator to surrender his rights

 "[O]n the whole I'd rather make love than shoot guns [...]"
 --Eric Raymond


P.S. if one would read what I write it would be more fun to discuss ...

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Putlitzstr. 24   Patterns/FrameWorks  Fon: +49 721 9812465
76137 Karlsruhe   C++/JAVAFax: +49 721 9812467

Re: Plan 9 license

2000-09-01 Thread Angelo Schneider

Richard Stallman wrote:
  Von:  Richard Stallman[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Gesendet: Freitag, 1. September 2000 14:59:11
  Betreff:  Re: Plan 9 license
  Diese Nachricht wurde automatisch von einer Regel weitergeleitet.
 I am ashamed of Eric Raymond for using the term "piracy" to describe
 unauthorized copying.  That word is a propaganda term, designed to
 imply that unauthorized copying is the moral equivalent of attacking a

Yes, I agree with RMS here. We should not call it piracy but
slavery. Unauthorized copying of intellectual capital/property
means denying the freedom of the IP holder.

Just like slavery denied the freedom of man.


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Putlitzstr. 24   Patterns/FrameWorks  Fon: +49 721 9812465
76137 Karlsruhe   C++/JAVAFax: +49 721 9812467

Re: Copyrighting facts (was: Re: Can you alter the MIT license?)

1999-11-17 Thread Angelo Schneider

Hi Seth,

very good explanaition!


Seth David Schoen wrote:
 Bruce Perens writes:
  From: Justin Wells [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   How far can you go with this notion that you cannot copyright a fact? Can you
   copyright the arrangement of chess men on a chess board?
  The arrangement of chess pieces is not the same sort of concrete fact as
  "Woodhaven Rd. runs between these two points".
 The strange paradox of copyright is that facts which result from creative
 intellectual effort are nonetheless facts.
 For example, the last character of the main text of Douglas Hofstadter's
 _Godel, Escher, Bach_ is an "r".  The second character of (l'havdil)
 Microsoft Word 97 is a "Z".  These are objective facts.  In the same vein,
 I could look up the six hundred twenty-sixth note of Andrew Lloyd Webber's
 _Requiem_ (assuming a standard ordering of the instrumental voices within
 a work and the notes within an instrumental line).  The identity of that
 note would also be an objective fact.
 These particular facts are not copyrightable (because of fair use), but
 the co-ordinated public mention of a sufficiently large number of them
 would still be a copyright violation.
 The first character of _Neuromancer_ is a "T".
 The second character of _Neuromancer_ is an "h".
 The third character of _Neuromancer_ is an "e".
 The fourth character of _Neuromancer_ is a space.
 The fifth character of _Neuromancer_ is an "s".
 The sixth character of _Neuromancer_ is a "k".
 If I continued this sequence for a little while longer, I would be guilty
 of a copyright violation.
 How is that sequence of objective facts essentially different from the
 following sequence of objective facts?
 The elevation, in feet, of Alameda, California, is 30.
 The elevation, in feet, of Berkeley, California, is 150.
 The elevation, in feet, of Cupertino, California, is 236.
 The elevation, in feet, of Daly City, California, is 300.
 The elevation, in feet, of Emeryville, California, is 15.
 The elevation, in feet, of Fremont, California, is 53.
 Presumably, the information contained in one is the result of organized
 human creative effort, where the other is not.  (It _is_ the result of
 human effort, in the form of the USGS GNIS.)
 So, can I copyright the following?
 1aef 9a8e 707e 8274 391d 6de4 3c76 da65
 bd62 d2bc 4635 c915 141b 3a33 2fc2 7baa
 7be7 7f3d 0cb5 f460 5adb d52d 1231 274e
 2f02 a75e 7cc8 faa5 f2fe ad36 110b ba02
 fe23 17eb e15f 484a 776d 6a3a 08a1 686f
 a329 9593 58a0 54b4 6f48 75ea bc61 bd3e
 90a2 6d76 03f5 a7ab b45e 3d4b 8b6a 8480
 964b 614a 0c38 68c2 718b 53ce a39d 89f9
 7109 66ed 6000 591e 6006 5e26 9b4b 7143
 950a 2272 531d a0cd ccc9 9797 3670 7828

If you are the author. You have the copyright on that.
You could claim this as art!

How would you proofe that its art?
Well if someone copies it you have the context
in which he copied it. If he tried to sell this great art,
than it is, even if noone else recognizes it that way.

Furthr more:
Your code above is yust a code.
That means how you code your informatin or art is not important for
the fact that it is copyrighted.

Even if I crypt an excerpt of Bach I would violate propably some
rights. Ok, better: I encrypt a song of Sting (he still lives),
noone would understnd the coding. But it was his work, so I violate 
his rights.

 Do you need to know what it is first to say whether I can copyright it?

No, it must be (not even intellectual) work, done by a human or
initiated by
a human. However some works are to trivial (see the/YOUR law for those 

 I don't think it's possible to consider the copyright system reasonable,
 logical, intuitive, or founded on readily comprehensible rules.  Certainly
 the idea that "you can't copyright facts" won't help someone who desires
 to report the fact that the text of Microsoft Word is... (well, that
 person is not myself).
 Seth David Schoen [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | And do not say, I will study when I| have leisure; for perhaps you will   (CAF)| not have leisure.  -- Pirke Avot 2:5

Best Regards, 

Angelo Schneider   OOAD/UML   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Putlitzstr. 24 Patterns/FrameWorks   Fon: +49 721 9812465
76137 Karlsruhe C++/JAVA Fax: +49 721 9812467

Re: Can you alter the MIT license? (2)

1999-11-17 Thread Angelo Schneider

Hi Bruce,
Hi all,

Bruce Perens wrote:
 From: "Scott Johnston" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  A better example is Bruce Perens GPL'ing of the
  public domain TIGER map database last year from the US Census Bureau.
 I am skating on thin ice on that one because it's a collection of facts
 and not in itself copyrightable under current law. Thus you should not use

The facts it self are not copyrightable. But someone collected that
facts and 
placed them on "paper". 

This paper is copyrighted by the author.

It does not matter if the paper is in fact a CD or a database.

 it as an example. I can hold a copyright on certain aspects of the data,
 such as its representation, but I can't copyright the fact that a street
 runs between two coordinates.

Hint to derivation, or derived work:

Transforming some sheets of paper with facts on it into
a database is also a derived work, like transforming some source code
into some other source code.


Angelo Schneider   OOAD/UML   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Putlitzstr. 24 Patterns/FrameWorks   Fon: +49 721 9812465
76137 Karlsruhe C++/JAVA Fax: +49 721 9812467

Re: Can you alter the MIT license? (1)

1999-11-17 Thread Angelo Schneider

Hi Bruce!
Hi all!

Problem in this thread is that most people seem not to realize that
copyright is only a smal part out of a set of rights which belong
to a more comprehencive right.

see below!

Best Regards,

Bruce Perens wrote:
 From: Jules Bean [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Even public domain isn't your copyright [um.. unless you wrote it, of
 You're a bit confused about public domain. Please read this entire message

Sorry Bruce, you are wrong.
The former author, your replay applies to, is (more) right.

 Placing a work in the public domain is not the same as granting broad
 rights to that work. If you place on your work the notice "I place
 this work in the public domain", you abandon your copyright rights

Nope, you cant abondon your "copyrights".
The mother of those rights which are often called "copyright" is a right
which is called (translated from german) "creators rights".

The creator of a given subject has "rights of an author".

This is called (translated from german) a natural law. Or a divine
law. This can't be removed, given up or even transfered.

 entirely. You literally no longer have a copyright on that work at
 all. That is different than saying "Copyright 1999 Bruce Perens, Do
 anything you want as long as you preserve my copyright notice." For example,
 someone can create a derived work of public-domain material and copyright it,

To some extend, yes.

 and can place any license terms they wish on it, and need not attribute the
 work to you!

Yes, the original stuff is still available as the original stuff.
But this would not be true for a picture for e.g.

Propably some one could clarify the term "public domain". Especialy
in contrast to copyright. I do not believe that a work which is put
into pd dos not have a copyright. I'm of the impression that the author
of a pd work grants everybody to copy and to ditribute his work.

Thats something different.

 Claiming for a business advantage, to be the author of a public-domain work
 may be fraud. That's criminal law, however, not copyright law. Copyright
 law does not require you to put proper author attribution on public-domain
  Copyrights can be explicitly assigned to others, bought and sold as
  commodities.  But they can't be given up entirely...

Thats right! Better if you reference "creators rights" here, than it's
true: they can't be given up. They belong to you like your DNS,
a lawyer once telled me it sticks to you like your name, even if you
change your name, your old schoole mates will know you.
Like that you will always be known as "the creator" of the specific work
(at least to some god). This action of creation can never be reversed
or made undone. And this action grants you some rights, one of this
is the right to copy and distribute (the so called copyright).

 OK, you dared me.
 I abandon my copyright rights on this message and place it in the
 public domain. Bruce Perens, 15-November-1999.
 It's entirely my right to do that.

Yes it's your right to do that, but this action would be void if 
you would mean "creators rights"!
If you see "the copyright" as a part of the creators/authors rights
about his crafted work, you can public give up to enforce that right.

Or you can public grant that right to the community (-public domain).

  'Public domain', literally, applies to something upon which there is no
  copyright at all.  This would be something which has no attributable

There does nothing exist build by man which has no copyright (except the
exceptions in the law, but this is not a principal difference) and
bears some originality.

  author, or more likely a long-dead author (copyright thus expired).
 Or the copyright owner has intentionaly placed the work in the public domain.
  In particular, the GPL says that you must make available the source of the
  whole work.  Now this is an additional restriction on top the the MIT one,
  but it's not in conflict with the MIT one - it doesn't ask you to do
  anything you aren't allowed to do.
  Current popular interpretation is that you can't, if your software is
  'BSD-with-advertising-clause'.  If you don't have the adv-clause, or
  you're happy to give it up, then you can GPL parts of your software, and
  include other peoples GPL'ed software.  But you must satisfy the terms of
  the GPL (which you are not likely to find a problem).
 Note also that you can issue _any_number_of_licenses_ on software as long
 as you own its copyright. Want to put the same work under GPL, BSD, X11,
 Artistic, MPL, and so on? Do all at once. Producers of derived works and users
 get to pick a license, they can't mix and match terms from more than one.



Copyright vs. GPL vs. API

1999-11-13 Thread Angelo Schneider

Hi all,

I just picked up some terms used in several other threads:

Q: Can an API be copylefted, copyrighted?
A: Simply: No! 
   Well, propably that is more complicated:
   An API is in its essence a specification which can be written on
   paper without using actual a real programming language:
   To perform a operation to get result blub-blab you need to
   call a function called "do-blub-blab".
   That functions accepts three parameters. The first one is
   of Type XXX and named yyy, that means 

   To be more explicit: APIs, data formats, exchange formats etc.
   and several further stuff are in most european copyright laws
   explicit excluded from specific protection. 
   Thus no limitation in its usage/licesing etc. are possible.

   In my opinion a JAVA interface class cant be protected ny copyright 
   and licensing terms.

   Everybody is free to rewrite the same JAVA interface class with the
   same signature and the same methods.

   You could only controll distribution of the original source code,
   but you cant hinder anyone to rework them.

Copyright and licesing.
The Copyright existing in western countries (don't know about eastern
and african countries) gives you the right to controll what to do
or what to let to be done with your work iff several conditions are
true for that work (intelectual level exceeds normality, 
not done as in dayly work, etc.).

Well, in Europe we do not call it copyright, because the right to
copy is just some very smal part of a form of right I would translate
as "the creators rights" into english.

But in the essence those laws make it possible for us authors to
attach licenses for usage, distribution, derivation etc. to work.

However you can't force someone to release a program/code under GPL
he conforms/uses an API which was defined in/by code under the GPL.

Just some ideas/comments to some unprecisse statements I found in
several different threads/postings.


Angelo Schneider   OOAD/UML   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Putlitzstr. 24 Patterns/FrameWorks   Fon: +49 721 9812465
76137 Karlsruhe C++/JAVA Fax: +49 721 9812467

Re: YAOSL - Yet Another Open Source License v1.03

1999-11-12 Thread Angelo Schneider

Alex Nicolaou wrote:
  This is similar to the above. What if a nation (France for example) ruled that
  something was unenforcable (the 90 days for another example). This would mean
  that no one in the nation of France is able to use the software at all.
  I think a better solution would be to change this into a severability clause
 This is my intention also. I don't know what you mean by a severability
 clause. Can you point me at another license that contains one or suggest
 I beleive that the usual case for these types of laws has to do with
 preserving competitive advantage for people writing software within the
 country. For example, it was rumored that non-localized software would
 be illegal in France at some point in the near future: so if you wished

Can't be done. This would be against european laws.

 to sell in france you'd have to translate your software to french.
 Clearly this type of law tilts the table substantially in favour of
 protecting the internal software development industry: they already need

They have not protectin in mind!
They have their language in mind, they don't want it poluted by
like the german language is ...

 to localize their software to reach the huge english speaking market,

No they don't need to do that. France only writes software for france.
That's the braindead assumption of them :-)

 but they'll have less trouble simultaneously releasing a version in
 France that will hold a near-monopoly and make it easier for the french
 software company to survive and maintain its position. It isn't clear to
 me why my license should take steps to allow my software to be used in
 countries where the laws are oriented at restricting my ability to

The U.S. does exactly and only that ...
Why should europe (or some country in particular) not do the same
in return?

 compete for market share.



Angelo Schneider   OOAD/UML   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Putlitzstr. 24 Patterns/FrameWorks   Fon: +49 721 9812465
76137 Karlsruhe C++/JAVA Fax: +49 721 9812467

Re: [openip] Re: GNU License for Hardware

1999-10-25 Thread Angelo Schneider


now we come to a point, please read below.


Arandir wrote:
 On Thu, 21 Oct 1999, Angelo Schneider wrote:
   If people have to pay per copy, then the program is not free software,
   and it is also not open source software.
  I do not get that.
  a) One uses my software to gain profit:
he has to share his profit with me
  b) One uses my source to derive work:
he has to chare his work with mine
 This is exactly one of the mistake Troll Tech made with their first license. 

Question (but see below also):
Why was/is that a mistake?

 first glance, it seemed quite sensible to me: Free for Free Software,
 proprietary for proprietary software. What it does however is deny that Free
 Software can be commercial software. If all Free Software remains "freeware
 with source", then it will never cross the boundaries from hobby programs to

Can you explain that? 
What are the reasons, are there any evidents/examples for that? 
What would be the difference if it would be free from the start off?
Why should it not work to SELL commercial licenses and to grant
FREE licenses for the GNU project or open source projects e.g

I do not get what kind of boundary you mean and in which way it can't

 professional programs (professionals get paid).

Counterexample: JACOB a free/commercial JAVA-COM Bridge.

In Fact I do even not see any change in QT, only the Linux Version is 
"FREE" the other versions are still proprietary.

But I do not like to bind my license to the OS.

Best Regards,

Angelo Schneider   OOAD/UML   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Putlitzstr. 24 Patterns/FrameWorks   Fon: +49 721 9812465
76137 Karlsruhe C++/JAVA Fax: +49 721 9812467

Re: [openip] Re: GNU License for Hardware

1999-10-24 Thread Angelo Schneider


I commented below.

Bernard Lang wrote:
 Cf. your ptoposal below ...
 why not ... seems fair ... except it does not work
 - how do you hendle sharing revenues between contributors ?

By granting them shares.

 - how do you share responsibility for the software you are now selling ?

By allocating "authorities".

 - it introcuces viscosity in the sytems,... more things to bother with
and most people do not want to bother ...

I thought that is what "commnity licenses" are about.

 read the litterature on libre development... your scheme is just to
 complex ... and too constraining ...
 But since you object to free (gratis) contributions, I suggest you be
 consistent and buy solaris or SCO.
 On Thu, Oct 21, 1999 at 10:15:40PM +0100, Angelo Schneider wrote:
   If people have to pay per copy, then the program is not free software,
   and it is also not open source software.
  I do not get that.
  a) One uses my software to gain profit:
he has to share his profit with me
  b) One uses my source to derive work:
he has to chare his work with mine
  Both can get the source of my software for free, and can distribute
  it under the same terms they recieved it.
  So GPL is not applicable.
  But why is that not "open source" or "community source"?
  Because it is not for free?
  So far you failed to express what free realy means ... (in your view).
  For me it will never be an option to work and to give my work away for
  nothing. (I did it often enough and allways got ripped off)
  If you use my source, you have to contribute to it (so that I'm FREE
  to use that contribution AS I LIKE!) As you may use you contribution
  If you use my software and earn money with that use, you have to
  money to my work.
  Quite easy.
  Each  NON PROFIT organization may use my software without fee and may
  my source without fee as long as it contributes its modifications to
  Each profit organization has to chare it's profit with me, on a per
  on a per site or whatever base.
  Both kinds of organizations have full access to the source, so whats the
  Both kinds of organizations should give me the right to re-use their
  Free means for me: you can get the source without additional charge.
  You can even give away that source, it depend wat the new recipient
  does with it.
  Angelo Schneider   OOAD/UML   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Putlitzstr. 24 Patterns/FrameWorks   Fon: +49 721 9812465
  76137 Karlsruhe C++/JAVA Fax: +49 721 9812467
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ,_  /\o\o/Tel  +33 1 3963 5644  ^  Fax  +33 1 3963 5469
 INRIA / B.P. 105 / 78153 Le Chesnay CEDEX / France
  Je n'exprime que mon opinion - I express only my opinion

Angelo Schneider   OOAD/UML   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Putlitzstr. 24 Patterns/FrameWorks   Fon: +49 721 9812465
76137 Karlsruhe C++/JAVA Fax: +49 721 9812467

Re: GNU License for Hardware

1999-10-22 Thread Angelo Schneider

Richard Stallman wrote:
 Sorry, Richard, thats wrong. The war is called seccesion war.
 I though you where an american and you knew that, are you not?
 I am an American, and I have read extensively about the Civil War.  It
 was caused by the dispute over slavery, not by economic factors.
 Slavery was the reason for secession, and disgust for slavery
 motivated the Union troops.  It wasn't for nothing that they sang
 about John Brown while marching to war.

AS far as I know, but that my be wrong:
The seperation came first,
then came the war,
and while the war seemd to get expensive and would last longer than
the north expected, Lincoln finaly mobilized the masses because of

 For a long time, Southerners have made a great effort to deny this.
 You may have read their propaganda.  Or you may have seen something

Nope. I did not read something about that.
Specific events in history are normaly tought/examined by the pupils for
3 to 6 month, so also the civil/seperation war in the US.

We considered everything which we thought could have an influence.

 influenced indirectly by the Marxist idea that history is determined
 mainly by economics.  It is useful to look for economic factors in
 history, but they are not the only ones.

I'm shure that history is mainly determined by economics.
Even if the economics behind it are often not obvious.
Further I'm shure that the victory writes the history.

W II was started from the german side merly because of economic reasons.
Fachism was only needed to GUIDE the people.


Angelo Schneider   OOAD/UML   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Putlitzstr. 24 Patterns/FrameWorks   Fon: +49 721 9812465
76137 Karlsruhe C++/JAVA Fax: +49 721 9812467

Re: [openip] Re: GNU License for Hardware

1999-10-22 Thread Angelo Schneider

 If people have to pay per copy, then the program is not free software,
 and it is also not open source software.

I do not get that.

a) One uses my software to gain profit:
he has to share his profit with me

b) One uses my source to derive work:
he has to chare his work with mine

Both can get the source of my software for free, and can distribute 
it under the same terms they recieved it.

So GPL is not applicable.

But why is that not "open source" or "community source"?

Because it is not for free?

So far you failed to express what free realy means ... (in your view).

For me it will never be an option to work and to give my work away for 
nothing. (I did it often enough and allways got ripped off)

If you use my source, you have to contribute to it (so that I'm FREE
to use that contribution AS I LIKE!) As you may use you contribution

If you use my software and earn money with that use, you have to
money to my work.

Quite easy.

Each  NON PROFIT organization may use my software without fee and may
my source without fee as long as it contributes its modifications to

Each profit organization has to chare it's profit with me, on a per
on a per site or whatever base.

Both kinds of organizations have full access to the source, so whats the 

Both kinds of organizations should give me the right to re-use their 

Free means for me: you can get the source without additional charge.
You can even give away that source, it depend wat the new recipient 
does with it.


Angelo Schneider   OOAD/UML   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Putlitzstr. 24 Patterns/FrameWorks   Fon: +49 721 9812465
76137 Karlsruhe C++/JAVA Fax: +49 721 9812467

Re: [openip] Re: GNU License for Hardware

1999-10-17 Thread Angelo Schneider

Justin Wells wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 15, 1999 at 09:33:11PM -0700, David Johnson wrote:
  On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Bruce Perens wrote:
   It makes sense that the end-user in general would prefer a "do anything
   you want" license.  The important point is that the _author_ often
   doesn't prefer this license ...
  If Open Source is going to be used extensively by commercial
  concerns, then the needs of the consumer must be taken into
 No, it doesn't seem to matter. Linux has made significant inroads into
 commercial concerns, and it does not have a "do anything you want" license.
 I think developers care a lot more about software licenses than the average
 consumer. Consumers only care about quality, reliability, and price.

This is because you rarely use the kernel code and build up a
system on top of it.
You simply use the kernal as is and provide additional software.
BUT: my point was and is: some hundred people contributed to the
kernel and some thousend people make their living and get welthy by
shrinkwrapping it.

If you, as a kernel contributor, like that: ok.


Angelo Schneider   OOAD/UML   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Putlitzstr. 24 Patterns/FrameWorks   Fon: +49 721 9812465
76137 Karlsruhe C++/JAVA Fax: +49 721 9812467

Re: [openip] Re: GNU License for Hardware

1999-10-17 Thread Angelo Schneider
y succeed partly.  If you live cheaply, as I did and still do,
 you ought to be able to make a living by working half-time or less

As a Programmer not, as a Consultant yes.

 as a programmer.  Even if that job involves making proprietary software,
 you could still write free software the other half of your time.
 Doing good for society with half of your work is better than doing
 no good at all.

You forgott one thing: some percentage of the guys on theese lists are 
europeans: a great majority of us did their civilian service for 15/18
or 24

Paying/contributing to society is something everybody does in our world


Angelo Schneider   OOAD/UML   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Putlitzstr. 24 Patterns/FrameWorks   Fon: +49 721 9812465
76137 Karlsruhe C++/JAVA Fax: +49 721 9812467

Re: GNU License for Hardware

1999-10-17 Thread Angelo Schneider

Richard Stallman wrote:

 which is rare in the OSS movement.  In my experience, people who
 firmly reject non-free software do so at least partly based on the
 moral disapproval which is the basis of the Free Software movement.

That is a strange experiance. Why should anybody have moral reasons
not to use free software?

   For example the US Civil war was not fought
 over abolishing slavery, it was fought over whether states had the
 right to leave the Union.
 That was the superficial issue, but really it was fought about

Sorry, Richard, thats wrong. The war is called seccesion war. 
The reasons are very economical. E.G. the rich industrialized north
fought against the poor agricultural south. Why? The south seperated.
Thwy would had have the possibility to increase prices on food and
etc. to get a fairer exchange for the ibdustrial products they recieved.

Nobody in the north was interested in slavery (excepted some
brave men who gave shelter and possibility to escape).

Nobody in the north was interested in the war either.

But Lincoln was very good in public relations, he convinced people
to fight for the slaves because he knew nobody would fight against the
seperation very long.

Well, to explain all the reasons, the political and economic
would need about 30 pages ...

I though you where an american and you knew that, are you not?


Angelo Schneider   OOAD/UML   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Putlitzstr. 24 Patterns/FrameWorks   Fon: +49 721 9812465
76137 Karlsruhe C++/JAVA Fax: +49 721 9812467

FAQ for abbreviations? Or what are: HtN, LODR,

1999-09-22 Thread Angelo Schneider

Hi everybody,

Sorry for a silly question :-9
But usual/common terms can be looked up in the dict,
most "scientific" terms are latin or greek, so its not a problem
at all.

But your abbreviations are a bit wierd to me, is there a FAQ anywhere
or is sombody so kind to point the most common one used in this list out
to me?

Best Regards,

Angelo Schneider   OOAD/UML   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Putlitzstr. 24 Patterns/FrameWorks   Fon: +49 721 9812465
76137 Karlsruhe C++/JAVA Fax: +49 721 9812467

Re: Can Java code EVER be GPLd, at all?

1999-01-16 Thread Angelo Schneider
nnect the components? That makes the components essential
 to the container's operation ... the same argument applies to Java beans
 and their containers.
 So, you see, simply talking about programs that are essential to other
 program's function is not really a very clear position for the FSF to
 have. This lack of clarity makes it difficult to use the FSF's code in
 production environments where the players are deeply concerned about
 legal liability, and simultaneously rely on commercial code.

I think the final definition to essential is:
a) the client program does nothing (usefull?) without the used server
b) the server component can't be replaced
c) client and server run in the same address space (same process)

The problem with JAVA and CORBA/DCOM is finaly that you can circumvent
static linking etc. by wrapping GNU stuff into RMI/CORBA/DCOM wrappers.
The derived work is than clearly the server side RMI/CORBA/DCOM
module which is linked to the GNU stuff.

So you have to apply the appropriated license to that derived work.
However, IMHO, a cleint is a independet work. Having the seperation via
a protocol done, you can replace either side without notice for the
other side.



P.S. however you could restrict usage of your stuff to static linking
and/or forbit usage in a distributed environment.
Angelo Schneider   OOAD/UML   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Putlitzstr. 24 Patterns/FrameWorks   Fon: +49 721 9812465
76137 Karlsruhe C++/JAVA Fax: +49 721 9812467