CLWG: Common License Working Group

2000-04-03 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton

I was browsing the O'Reilly open-source page today and finally noticed the
link to the Common License Working Group.  The link is at

The information on the Common License Working Group is here:

I'm not sure how this relates to the OSI, except that the OSD is used as an
example of a metalicense and there are a number of other interesting
licenses offered as specimens.  Also, ESR seems to be participating at some
level.  Maybe this will be revitalized at this summer's open-source

-- Dennis

RE: Wired Article on the GPL - Signed Licenses?

2000-03-30 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton

Although we are getting far afield from the structure of open-source
licenses, there seem to be some procedural and technical steps someone could
take to ensure that a license is perpetuated, especially for
digitally-conveyed works and licenses to those works.

There are moves afoot to establish the legal acceptability of digital
signatures and their non-repudiation qualities.  I don't want to substitute
technology for common sense, but this does seem to promise a way to be clear
what (1) the licensed work is, and (2) the authenticity of the license (or
even notice).  It might even provide a mechanism for "affixing" a license to
a copy of the work even though the elements are physically separated.


It is interesting that employing digital signatures to establish the
authenticity of open-source distributions is already on the rise.

Here is what I noticed:

1.  If I provide a license statement in digital form, which is digitally
signed, a recipient can confirm whether the license has indeed been signed
according to an accompanying certificate, and whether the document is
unaltered.  That establishes signature and that the license is a true copy
of the signed material.  Then the "usual"  mechanisms come into play with
regard to determining whether (a) the signature is authentic and can be
trusted and is indeed non-repudiatable and (b) whether I have the right to
convey such a license, signed or not.  [That is, we are in the same place
that we are with conventional written instruments.]

2.  I can, as part of the signed license document, provide certificate
information that is usable to confirm signatures on the digital copies of
the covered works themselves.  These can be incorporated in the signed
material of (1), and be an intrinsic part of the signed material.  I see
some weaknesses in this step, but no more so than with the EULA I have in
front of me pertaining to a massive amount of software that I just installed
on my development computer.

3.  Various secure repository (certificate authority) mechanisms are used to
establish the provenance of a digital certificate of particular quality.
Along with this, there can be deposit mechanisms for licenses (just as there
is or at least was a way to record copyright assignments for registered
copyrights).  It would be valuable to have a repository where licenses could
be recorded/deposited so that someone researching the status of a copyright
and its assignments/licenses could find them.  I don't know that the U.S.
Copyright Office would be particularly happy to provide that, but who knows.
It would certainly depend on having registered the copyright, though.

4.  Digital signature techniques are being used to provide more confidence
in the authenticity and provenance of digital material, permitting trust
against substitution of altered or counterfeit works that may be dangerous
to users of the work.  They also provide a level of commitment by an
authentic signer that the work (including the license) is not repudiatable.
None of these provisions prevent someone from forging a work or making
fraudulent exclusive transfers.  It is just harder to do it without
incriminating oneself.  It also depends on due diligence on the part of
recipients of such materials.


I notice that the EULA I am looking at right now is not "signed" although I
have every reason to believe that it is authentic.  The box within which the
software was packed even had an affixed "certificate of authenticity," and I
guess I should retain that with my EULA, the CD-ROMS, the CD-ROM "key," and
the proof-of-purchase.  I purchased the software over the Internet.  I have
registered myself as the purchaser using the on-line mechanism provided as
part of the software installation process.

I suspect that's quite enough for me and the software vendor, either one, to
establish the likelihood that I have purchased their software and that I am
a party to the accompanying EULA, which I also recall "clicking-through" as
part of the software installation process. I can't imagine what either of us
might do that would have this be in dispute.  I will hold onto the materials

I also notice that there are a number of digital certificates included in
the software collection.  Although a number of them have expired (that is a
problem with these things), I have strong reason to believe that they are

-- Dennis

Dennis E. Hamilton
tel. +1-206-779-9430 (gsm)
fax. +1-425-793-0283

-Original Message-
From: W. Yip [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 04:43
Subject: Re: Wired Article on the GPL

[ ... ]

USC 17 205 E
(e) Priority Between Conflicting Transfer of Ownership and Nonexclusive
License. - A 

RE: Wired Article -- Nullifying a GPL?

2000-03-30 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton

I looked at what I could find on Wired, thanks to the Slashdot discussion
and its links.


One problem I notice is that we don't have a finding with regard to the
validity of the copyright by the original distributors of cphack.  Part of
the Mattel claim was that this work was the product of an infringement.

I gather that the parties have settled, but I don't know what has been
stipulated concerning the validity of the cphack copyright and therefore any
purported licensing of it.  The cited property transfer is prudently
noncommittal on that score.  I would say that leaves much of the "fiasco" in
place, depending on what the judge makes of all of this.

I have neither information nor further opinion about the actual case.


I do see an interesting question over what happens when any published work
is tainted by a problem over the ownership of the intellectual property
embodied therein.  I've never heard of anything that will insulate a
recipient of software from the consequences of that material not being the
property of the supplier/license-writer.  I've seen contracts that held a
purchaser harmless from any intellectual property issue, but they were
written by suppliers who could be reasonably counted on to perform, and the
monetary considerations were considerable (e.g., purchase of large mainframe
computer systems).  I don't notice anything about that in the 7-page
software EULA I happen to have in front of me.  I do notice that section 7
of the GPL (Version 2, June 1991) does have language which may be pertinent
and which may have bearing in the Mattel-cphack case too.

The outcomes tend to be limited to what is practical.  But willful
redistribution of a tainted work (e.g., copies of a believed-to-be-pirated
audio recording or electronic novel) is not smart behavior, any more than is
quickly reselling an automobile that you purchased with the strong suspicion
that it was stolen.  Or hastily spending that $20 bill you were given that
you are pretty sure is counterfeit.  So, "do you feel lucky, ...?"

I have no basis for determining or assuming that the GPL-ing of cphack has
been nullified or made void.  I do think we are seeing an area where
trustworthy sources become important.  In particular, the presence (or in
this case, simple mention) of the GPL in material, as for any license,
depends for its authority on the legitimacy of the claim of property right
on which the license is founded.

Of course, we will trust these things.  But I think it is important to
understand that it is all about trust relationships.  Sometimes, these don't
work out, and we are left with a challenge to behave responsibly and

-- Dennis

-Original Message-
From: Chip Salzenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Chip
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 10:16
To: W . Yip
Subject: Re: Wired Article on the GPL

According to W . Yip:
 On Wed, 29 Mar 2000 15:49:49 -0800, Chip Salzenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 By releasing under the GPL, the original authors surrendered their
 right to control GPL-compatible copying.  Having surrendered that
 right, the original authors are not able to transfer it.

 Mattel's lawyers would certainly disagree with you on this one. They
 probably would stand by their contract and claim that copyright has been
 assigned to them.

Oh, I won't argue that point.  Mattel certainly owns the copyright.

But I would consider it obvious that, once I have been granted me a
license to copy, neither the original copyright holder nor his assigns
have the authority to stop me.  In other words, the license adheres to
the code, not the author.

Frankly, I'm stunned that Mattel is even bringing this argument.
They (or the department in question) must be in a full-blown panic.
Chip Salzenberg  - a.k.a. -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"I wanted to play hopscotch with the impenetrable mystery of existence,
but he stepped in a wormhole and had to go in early."  // MST3K

RE: How To Break The GPL - Copyright versus Contract

2000-03-10 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton

Hmm, I am still not being clear.

1.  I agree with you completely about EULAs.   I think we agree that the
purpose of EULAs is to establish that a copy of a work is being licensed,
and not sold, and is being provided under different conditions than simple
trading in a copyrighted work.  Are you suggesting that the GPL is an EULA?
That never occurred to me.

2.  I was under the impression that use of the GPL involved affixing a
copyright notice naming the Free Software Foundation.  I must have dreamed
that somewhere.  It's not accurate.  However, if I affixed such a notice (as
some people seem to) and included the GPL, I would think I am making
assignment to the FSF under the proviso that the GPL be applicable.  That's
the case I had in mind.  Sorry to have introduced such a red herring.

3.  Is it necessary to discuss contracts and EULAs when dealing with a strict
granting of license to perform certain conditional acts on a copyrighted
work?  I mean for the current GPL, not some hypothetical different license.
This would seem to keep things under copyright law and the extensions of
that outside/into the U.S. by various treaty provisions.  (Does the
preemption of the States with regard to copyright still holds in anything
that has happened since the 1976 revision?)

-- Dennis

-Original Message-
From: Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2000 19:32
Cc: Open-Source License Discussion
Subject: RE: How To Break The GPL - Copyright versus Contract

 -Original Message-
 From: Dennis E. Hamilton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2000 6:45 PM
 Cc: Open-Source License Discussion
 Subject: RE: How To Break The GPL - Copyright versus Contract

 My apologies for not being clear.  That is all I meant by
 speaking of EULAs.
 They are for purposes other than what is (thought to be) dealt with solely
 by copyright.

The case that I posted, The Pro CD case, is a federal appeals court case
that is viewed by almost all lawyers practicing in this area of law as
clearly establishing a court's willingness to view EULAs AS ENFORCEABLE
energized the movement (UCITA) to declare ALL software licenses as
enforceable contracts under certain conditions (including clickwrap
licenses). Virginia is the first state to pass UCITA and many more are
currently considering the legislation (this is not to say that there are not
dissenting states. New Jersey is one and I believe Iowa is another).
Nonetheless, once a few states join Virginia, UCITA will become a valuable
tool for the Open Source movement as well as e-commerce in general. You
might say that to some extent copyright will be displaced and contracts will
become the real legal tool to enforce conditions on how one uses your
software after it is downloaded. Controversial? You bet! Implausible? Not

 However, my sense of the GPL is that the Free Software Foundation
 is relying
 only on Copyright for the GPL, and that there is nothing but a conditional
 (non-exclusive and royalty free) license of copyright conveyed in the GPL
 (apart from the "no warranty" aspects).  It is, after all, touted as the
 "copyleft" agreement.

You are correct. Of course, most software is sold this way today. Or, to be
more precise, software "is not sold, it is licensed." This distinction is
made to "protect" the interests of the copyright holder.

 I guess here it is a matter of asking the FSF whether they see
 themselves as
 having accomplished anything else, since when we employ the GPL
 we appear to
 be assigning copyright to the FSF.

Hmm... Not sure what you mean here. It sounds like you are pointing out one
of the arguments in the debates going on concerning the legal status of the
GPL's copyleft provision. If so, the FSF position would be that they own the
copyright interest and THEY are assigning YOU a non-excusive copyright
interest to make derivative works under the terms and conditions of the GPL.
This is a critical distinction because the GPL would have a dubious legal
status, if the argument were reversed or put in the terms you raised. (I
think there are instances that may fit your version of the facts.)

 How do you see state contract law(s) applying to the GPL?
See above. The GPL IS a contract. Calling it a license simply describes the
type of contract it is. some people get confused and believe licenses are
always required when copyright interests are at stake. This is not true.
Copyright and contracts are not necessarily intertwined. The software
industry loves licenses (in part, this may be due to the fact that bits are
easily copied). The publishing industry, by contrast, seems to prefer to do
business on a handshake, no license. The interesting thing is that both
industries produce income by selling copyright interests. (Unfortunat

RE: How To Break The GPL - Direct Functionality versus Copyrighted Expression

2000-03-05 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton

I am concerned that moving this discussion toward "direct functionality" is
completely leaving the domain of Copyright, at least as it has been dealt
with in the United States.  So long as the GPL is solely a license of some
or all of the exclusive rights that are possessed by an owner of a
copyright, we should confine ourselves to copyrightable subject matter.

My sense of this is that it is important to recognize that copyright applies
to *expressions* fixed in tangible forms.  (e.g., an actual source code,
this e-mail note as rendered by a computer, etc.)  Generally, the idea,
procedure, or "function" expressed in a work protected by copyright is not
protected by copyright.  It may be protected by other means, but not

In the U.S. copyright history there has also been a principle of utilitarian
necessity.  That is, if the ways of expressing a particular idea or concept
are severely limited, then a court is likely to rule that such expression is
not protected by copyright.  This seems to be so one cannot copyright
language and one cannot use copyright to obtain the power of a patent by
round-about means.  Note that this principle did *not* protect Borland in
the Lotus suit over replication of the Lotus 1-2-3 look-and-feel as a "skin"
for Quattro Pro.  At the same time, it is generally agreed (and tested in
courts a little) that APIs are not protected works from the standpoint of

Now, software presents some novel conditions around expression, mention,
usage, and performance.  We run into that in discussions of derivative
works.  It is important to remember that whatever the FSF claims about this
regarding the GPL, this has not, as far as I know, ever been upheld in a
court of law.

Yes, there is a cloud around this because of the lack of a definitive
precedent (as far as I know).  This means that users of GPL's works in
conjunction with non-GPL'd works are appropriately wary.  On the other hand,
relying on this to obtain constraints on the use of a work that may not be
ones right to restrict is not particularly useful either, since this
supposed exclusive right around usage or "co-operation" can vanish in the
twinkling of an eye.

So long as the GPL is solely a copyright license, it cannot assert an
exclusive right that the distributor of the work doesn't possess as a matter
of copyright.  (This is why there *are* EULAs and licenses for the *use* of
commercial software.  Copyright alone is insufficient to prevent
re-engineering and a host of other things that EULA-bound licensees agree
not to perform.)

I just want to suggest being mindful that we are talking about copyrighted
subject matter here and not other things.   When we are discussing a
thin-ice area (e.g., derivative works that don't involve alteration of the
original in any way but depend on the function expressed), it is not prudent
to head farther into the center of the lake for resolution.

-- Dennis

Dennis E. Hamilton
tel. +1-206-779-9430 (gsm)
fax. +1-425-793-0283

-Original Message-
From: Ken Arromdee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2000 23:12
Subject: Re: How To Break The GPL

On Sat, 4 Mar 2000, David Johnson wrote:
 But what does "direct functionality" mean in terms of licensing? I can see
 functionality being added to a GPL application in ways that both would and
 would not violate the GPL. If I wrote a new plugin for Gimp, it would add
 functionality, but would only have runtime linkage. But putting the exact
 code within the body of the Gimp source code cause it to come under the
 of the GPL.

According to RMS, plugins are *also* derivative works, so both your examples
would come under the GPL.  (Which produces the odd result that it is legal
to write a GPL plugin for Internet Explorer but not for Netscape 4, since
Internet Explorer comes under the system component exception.)

RE: BSD / GPL compatibility - Infection by Libraries

2000-02-16 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton

You've asked a key question.

Welcome to the world of behaving literature

1.1 Based on my readings of discussions on the question of infection by
binding, no one knows for sure.  It is all speculation about libraries,
linking, binding, run-time coordinated use, etc., etc.  There has been no
test in court.

So, what is one to do?

1.2 In the case of GPL (and specifically, what I understand to be the RMS
view of it), one can take a simple principled view that if everything is
GPL'd, then there is never an issue.  That is a perfectly straightforward
approach.  And it is sufficient for the world that RMS is creating to live
in, consistent with what I assess to be a key matter of personal integrity
for RMS.

1.3 There is another view that I favor.  I want to create software that is
widely used and shared.  I don't want users of that software to be concerned
that their dependence on my contribution may place them in a position where
copyright infringement could be claimed because of some weird technicality
around dependence (static or dynamic) of one software element on another.
That is how I have come to favor the MIT-style licenses that go no farther
about derivative works than the OSD requires.  I want people to know they
can safely use the software/code and I want them to feel welcome and valued
in contributing back, but not compelled to do so.  This way, I don't have to
worry about what a library or component (or even service) is and whether
there is an open-source condition on their work as a consequence.


2.1 By not constraining the form or license on derivative works, and placing
simple conditions on provenance and distinguishability (the artistics,
non-confusion stuff), even if a library use or a binding use is found to be
a case of derivation, there is no infringement because adopters already have
a license that permits what they have done.

2.2 If their work is found not to be a derivative, the license is moot.
Either way, the users and adopters are on pretty safe ground and can operate
with some confidence.

2.3 (The SDM license draft I am working on, a "simple" open-work license, is
specific about that whereas the MIT-styles are often more implicit about it
than I'm comfortable with.)

2.4 I looked at the LGPL and realized I simply did not want to go down that
road.  There is way too much technical specificity about how libraries are
tied to software that uses them, and I couldn't figure out a way to abstract
that to some easily specified and readily-applied principles.   For example,
I think using the compiler to do linking is also all right, and I don't want
to go into the hairsplitting that seems to come up here in any case.


For now, I am pretty comfortable with this approach.  I also like the
Open-Source Writers Group approach and how the MIT-like approach fits with
open publication licenses.

When I did that little analysis about the Angels, Borg, Inc., and Cavaliers
last night, I did make myself a little queasy over the appearance of
infringement when extending/maintaining my work makes changes that someone
else has also arrived at in a GPL's derivative.  (I am safer with regard to
the closed-source Borg case so long as I had no way to see their source.)

I am resolved, right now, to simply not fear something that hasn't actually
happened.  I am sure I can deal with if there is ever a concern or dispute
about something like that.  It's not as clear-cut as I would like, but I
still prefer that situation to having people avoid using my work, whether
commercially or otherwise because they are not clear on where they may be in
a grey area over determination of derivative works.  Since I do middleware,
this is not a trivial concern for me.

-- orcmid

Dennis E. Hamilton
tel. +1-206-779-9430 (gsm)
fax. +1-425-793-0283

-Original Message-
From: David Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 23:36
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Dennis E. Hamilton; Ian Grigg;
Subject: RE: BSD / GPL compatibility - Derived vs. Fair Use

On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:

 2.To focus on discussion of derivative works.  Making derivative works is
 right reserved to the original copyright holder, and so a license is
 required to make one.  And this is all provided for under copyright law.
 particular, there is no implied right to make a derivative work by someone
 who is not the copyright holder, so what a copyright license says about it
 is highly pertinent.

In terms of copyright law (and not in terms of programming usage), is an
application that links to a library considered derivative? I would say that
static linking is derivation and runtime linking is not. But I'm not sure
dynamic linking. RMS bring

RE: Derived vs. Fair Use

2000-02-16 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton

I don't think so.  I am not sure how you see it having any influence.

Here's my understanding of the GPL'd library case.

If I GPL a library, I am not distinguishing among arguable cases of
"derivative" is all, and I am specifying conditions on all exclusive rights
that I have for making a derivative that I can give you a non-exclusive
copyright license to also perform.  Fair use, by definition, is not
something that I have any say about as a copyright holder, whether I give
you a license or not.  I saw one article that suggested that is precisely
the point of the fair-use doctrine, and it applies only where there is an
over-riding public interest, such as permitting review and criticism not
being stifled by creators hiding behind protection of copyright.  (Taking
code extracts for a textbook could easily fail that test, by the way, and
commercial publishers have elaborate rights and permissions rituals to
safeguard each other in precisely these situations.)

If there is a fair-use doctrine (and that would be established in court or
in the legislature) applicable to uses of software libraries that would
otherwise appear to be infringing acts, electing to employ the GPL would
make no difference.

If, on the other hand, *you* want to make sure people are able to perform
certain acts that might be found to be creation of derivative works, and you
are willing to give a quit-claim for those cases without waiting for legal
clarification, you use something fashioned like the LGPL, with a narrow
escape condition, or something with a broad escape condition (e.g., no
back-license) such as the MIT or the adless-BSD.

The recipient of your openware might not actually need the protection of the
quit-claim and your license may offer to give away something you don't
actually possess, but it certainly clears the air, since your license
prevents you from doing anything about it.

As I keep exploring open-software licenses, fair use simply doesn't come up.
For one thing, it is not something *I* have any say in at all.  (And for me
to *claim* fair use of someone's copyrighted work is something that I do at
my peril and is not relevant to my crafting and using a license of a
copyright that is my exclusive possession.)

I think you and I have alignment.  I just find it useful to point out that
the right of fair use is not something you can assign, and that claiming it
is not relevant to the language of copyright licenses.

-- Dennis

-Original Message-
From: Scott Johnston [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2000 09:48
Subject: Re: Derived vs. Fair Use

From: "Dennis E. Hamilton" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In the context of these discussions, I suggest that it is valuable

1. To omit consideration of fair use.  Making a derivative work of software
doesn't qualify.  The conditions under which fair use might arise with
software are simply not useful for this discussion.

Fair use could apply to the discussion of whether it makes sense to GPL a
library, could it not?  Other than that, I agree.

Scott Johnston

RE: BSD / GPL compatibility - Derived vs. Fair Use

2000-02-15 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton

I want to clear up something that seems to be clouding this discussion.
Here is my personal assessment:  (IANAL, I just sound like one.)

1.  Fair use is an application of a copyrighted work that does not require
any permission or license to perform.  In the past, the U.S. Copyright Act
has given legal definition to fair use and stipulated what those usages are.
There is, in effect, a statutory automatic permission regardless of the
copyright status of a literary work.  (There are other parts of the
Copyright Act that establish mandatory licenses for certain acts, and also
charter payment mechanisms for those acts.)  Fair use is very limited and
does not include creation of derivative works.  In addition, the recent
tendency has been to limit fair use even more.  (For example, it can be a
copyright infringement to exhibit a copy of a protected work that you own
but have defaced in some way, even though it could still be found by a court
that freedom of speech takes precedence in a specific disputed case.)

2. The making of a derivative work is one of the subdividable rights that
come with copyright.  The copyright holder has the exclusive and complete
say in creation of derivative works.  Period.  If that weren't the case, it
would be meaningless to say anything about it in creating a free,
non-exclusive, royalty free copyright license such as the GPL.

3.  Although much software is licensed and not simply sold as publication of
a copyrighted work, the GPL and other open-source licenses are copyright
licenses.  Most software publishers are careful to place copyright notices
and also to assert their copyright.  The use of a "licensed not sold
stipulation" is above and beyond the protection of copyright and is, I
suppose, a matter of a contract between the purchaser of the license and the
software publisher.  (Which is why you have to declare you have read and
understood that you are entering into such an agreement on various
click-through arrangements.)  As far as I can tell, that simply doesn't
apply to the GPL (though people who deal in GPL'd distributions can
certainly engage in additional licenses -- e.g., for maintenance and support
and even warranty protection -- but those licenses can't alter or circumvent
the GPL of the copyrighted subject matter in any way).

In the context of these discussions, I suggest that it is valuable

1.  To omit consideration of fair use.  Making a derivative work of software
doesn't qualify.  The conditions under which fair use might arise with
software are simply not useful for this discussion.

2.  To focus on discussion of derivative works.  Making derivative works is a
right reserved to the original copyright holder, and so a license is indeed
required to make one.  And this is all provided for under copyright law.  In
particular, there is no implied right to make a derivative work by someone
who is not the copyright holder, so what a copyright license says about it
is highly pertinent.

3.  To ignore other kinds of licenses as relevant to open-source licensing.
OSD-satisfying licenses seem pretty clearly oriented to the licensing of
acts that are specifically protected by copyright.  Nothing else seems to be

-- Dennis

-Original Message-
From: Ian Grigg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 13:46
Subject: BSD / GPL compatibility

  OK, so does the same apply in reverse?  I guess it does, so
  I can take any part of a GPLed work and shove it into my code
  and distrubute it as BSD.

 No, this is not possible. While programs distributed under the GPL may use
 BSD (minux advertising clause) code the reverse does not apply. The GPL is
 viral in this situation.

I'm sorry if I didn't make myself clear, here's a rehash.

Derived works are a concept of law of copyright.  They are
fairly broad, and applicable to all published works.  AFAIK,
IANAL.  They are designed to protect the property rights of
the author, whilst giving access to portions for fair use.

If the feature of derived works applies to BSD covered code,
then it probably equally well applies to GPL code.  If, indeed,
copyright law is applicable and provides access and protections,
then it would normally apply equally to all publishers.  It's
not really a concept that a publisher can restrict the offering
when publishing.

Of course the big IF is whether copyright law has anything to
do with it.  I believe it doesn't, in which case the concept of
derived works do not apply to any licence-covered code.


RE: License Approval Process

2000-02-15 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton

I think I understand how this works.  Let me check it with your thinking:

A.  The Angels group produces a software work, X, distributing it under an
OSD-consistent copyright license that permits derivative works and does not
require that they be distributed under the same license or even be licensed
at all.  There is no back-licensing requirement in the license that
accompanies copies of X.

B.  Borg, Inc., makes a derived work Y:X as a closed-source commercial
product.  They distribute the commercial product.  Distribution of Y
satisfies any other conditions that might govern the use of X and the Angels
license is satisfied.

C.  The Cavaliers create Z:X as an open-source derivative and Z is
distributed under the GPL.  Again, all conditions of the Angels license on X
are satisfied.

AB. The Angels have nothing to say about Y.  Furthermore, absent a specific
separate agreement, the Angels have no right in Y different than anyone else
who legitimately possesses a copy of work Y.  In particular, they cannot do
anything with aspects of Y not in X that conflicts with the terms of any
copyright and licensing of Y.

AC. The Angels also have nothing to say about Z.  Furthermore, absent a
specific separate agreement, the Angels have no right in Z different than
anyone else who possesses a copy of work Z.  In particular, they cannot do
anything with aspects of Z not in X that conflicts with the GPL.

AA.  The Angels right to make their own derivative works of X is diminished
to the extent that the Angels do not have an automatic license to take
additions and modifications from the derivative works produced by others.
The Angels can certainly make new, original derivative works of X, under
cover of the original license form.  In doing so, there needs to be care to
avoid infringing the intellectual property rights of Borg, Inc. and the
Cavaliers.  Such care to avoid infringement is always warranted, but it
would now seem somewhat easier for there to be an appearance of infringement
considering that all are building derivatives of X.

(AD. When the Dogmatics make a derivative work U:X, and license it in a way
that is consistent with the Angel license, there is no such problem.  The
Angels and the Dogmatics can mutually derive from each others stuff and it
all works.)

Interesting, huh?

Let's have "M admits-derivative N" represent that license N is automatically
admissible on derivatives of works for which license M is automatically

Then  MIT admits-derivative GPL
MIT admits-derivative MIT
MIT admits-derivative closed
GPL admits-derivative x if-and-only-if x = GPL

where closed is an exit state [the chain is ended], and GPL is clearly a
steady state [the chain is trapped].  I suppose this illustrates what is
meant by the viral nature of GPL.  For me, it also illustrates the
cooperative nature of the MIT license and all of those, x, for which MIT
admits-derivative x is a symmetrical relationship.  Relation
admits-derivative is transitive; it is neither reflexive nor symmetrical.

-- Dennis

Dennis E. Hamilton
tel. +1-206-779-9430 (gsm)
fax. +1-425-793-0283

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of John Cowan
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 13:06
Subject: Re: License Approval Process

"Matthew C. Weigel" wrote:

 On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, John Cowan wrote:

  The "new BSD" and the equivalent MIT license are compatible with the
  GPL; the "old BSD" license with the advertising requirement is not.
  In general, a license is compatible with the GPL if it imposes the
  same, or fewer, restrictions than the GPL.

 Ummm... I don't think so.  For one, Nothing is commutatively compatible
 the GPL -- software can't be redistributed under different terms[1].
 if another license is as restrictive as the GPL, you probably can't
 it under different terms either, and thus you can't redistribute under the

Oh, you are talking about relicensing.  I was using "compatibility"
in the sense of distributing a derived work parts of which are under
two different licenses.  Thus, no derived work can be partly under the
GPL and partly under the MPL (or at least you can make such a thing,
but not distribute it): thus GPL and MPL are incompatible.  Not so
GPL and MIT/new BSD.


Schlingt dreifach einen Kreis vom dies! || John Cowan
Schliesst euer Aug vor heiliger Schau,  ||
Denn er genoss vom Honig-Tau,   ||
Und trank die Milch vom Paradies.-- Coleridge (tr. Politzer)