Re: testing kit conformance as a condition of distribution

2004-06-30 Thread Mitchell Baker
At the risk of being off-topic with Brian, I have a similar question 
about the effect of another notice or clause.

We've been looking at code which has a traditional BSD license, with the 
following sentence added:

You acknowledge that this software is not designed or intended for use in
the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear facility.
I don't believe this has been officially submitted to OSI for review as 
part of a BSD license, though I see other OSI-approved licenses have 
this clause (Apple, Real, Reciprocal?).  I believe the rationale is that 
this is an acknowledgment, but a limitation on use in nuclear 
facilities, and so it's OK.

Would including this clause in a BSD-license be OK?
Brian Behlendorf wrote:
I know this list is supposed to be about reviewing proposed licenses 
rather than speculation, but hopefully you'll at least find this 
question more on-topic than most.

With respect to the language at the top of:
and for context:[EMAIL PROTECTED]msgNo=52 

The NOTICE Sun is asking us to post seems, to me, to effectively 
constitute an additional term of copyright.  Such a term would not 
seem to be OSD compliant.  Empirically I can argue this easily, as no 
open source license has been approved with such a conformance 
requirement on derivative works (AFAIK).  The Sun Internet Standards 
Source License comes close, but it also allows the release of 
non-conformant works so long as the full source code to non-conformant 
works is available.  What I need are solid sound-bite-y 
easy-to-explain but non-dogmatic arguments as to why such a 
conformance requirement is not compatible with the way Open Source 
works (putting aside compatibility with any particular licenses).

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Submitting a new license or using the current ones

2004-05-06 Thread Mitchell Baker
Actually, I think there are other reasons beyond the lawyer, and
understanding them would be helpful to any hope of progress.
Many people have an idea of how they want to run their business or project
and want a license that is geared to their plans.  Lacking a good
understanding of how hard a different license makes things, they wanta
license that meets their particular goals.
Ian Lance Taylor scripsit:

I don't understand why there are so many licenses, if the open-source
specification is so rigid.

I don't really understand it either.  I mean, I know how we got here
step by step, but looking at the situation now it doesn't make much

We have so many licenses because of the Not Invented Here principle: lawyers
don't want to adopt the work of other lawyers as is, because how could they
justify their fees then?
We really need only about two licenses: a reciprocal one and a non-reciprocal
one.  Perhaps we also need one that is reciprocal as to the code itself, but
not as to larger works in which the code is embedded.

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Re: Update for CUA Office Public License

2004-02-19 Thread Mitchell Baker
Hi Everyone

With regard to the MPL there is one new element that probably isn't
well known.nbsp; There is a section of the MPL that says who can modify the
MPL.nbsp; The 1.0 and 1.1 versions specify that entity as netscape (it had
to be someone).nbsp; But with the creation of the Mozilla Foundation that
entity has been changed to the Mozilla Foundation.nbsp; I plan to create a
Mozilla 1.2 version shortly to make just this change.nbsp; (One might
consider other changes of the license as well, but that's a long
discussion.)nbsp; And I assume that changing the entity from Netscape/AOL
to the Mozilla Foundation should be seen as a positive step.

John Cowan wrote:

Patranun Limudomporn scripsit:


PS. If you want to compare and know what difference between CPL and MPL,
just have a look at

Thank you for providing this diff.

What it amounts to is that your CPL *is* the MPL 1.1 with the name changed
and the pointers to Netscape changed to point to you.  While this
procedure is permitted under the MPL, I wish to strongly discourage
you from taking this step, for these reasons:
1) The MPL is well understood by many programmers, who will be able
to tell, simply by seeing that your software is licensed under the MPL,
exactly what they can and cannot do with it without having to read
and understand a new and complex license.
2) The MPL has become widely used outside the Mozilla project, just as
the GPL has become widely used outside Project GNU and the BSD license
has become widely used outside BSD.  Thus, using the MPL does not in
any way suggest that you are using Mozilla code or that there is some
connection between your group and the Mozilla project.
3) It's in everyone's best interest if there are fewer, rather than
more, open source licenses.  It has often been difficult to convince
corporate lawyers of this, hence the proliferation at;
nevertheless, standard licenses make for simplicity and uniformity,
which encourage the easy use and reuse of open-source software.

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Re: OSS-lics vs. liability and warranty

2003-10-15 Thread Mitchell Baker
The Mozilla Public License explicitly allows a distributor to do this.


bird birdie wrote:


With regard to the disclaimer clauses regarding
warranty and liability in many open source licenses I
have the following question. Does a distributor of OSS
need permission of the copyrightholders to provide
warranty and to accept liability?
I heard that some distributors of open source software
sometimes believe that they need permission of
copyrightholders for this. It is not clear to me what
the ratio behind this request for permission is,
because if distributors provide warranties or liabilty
-in my opinion- they are not overriding the terms of
open source licenses. The provided warranty and
accepted liabilty can be seen as additional services,
that are laid down in a seperate agreement and only
have legal force between the distributor and the
The GPL for example seems to explicitly allow a
distributor to provide warranty and to accept
liability with regard to the distributed GPL-software
(see articles 1, 2c, 11 and 12 of GPL).  The BSD
license does not allow it explicitly. However, because
the disclaimer clause only mentions COPYRIGHTHOLDERS
AND CONTRIBUTORS, one can deduce that no permission
is needed for a distributor to provide warranty and
accepting liability.
Is there any information available about this? And
what is your opinion regarding the above?


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Licensing Model: open downstream apps or proprietary license

2003-03-27 Thread Mitchell Baker
The Open Source Applications Foundation ( 
is planning the 0.1 release of Chandler (a personal information manager) 
shortly, hopefully by the end of April.  OSAF's plan of record for 
licensing is to follow the model used by MySQL:  recipients must either 
(a) make their entire application available under the GPL or other 
approved open source license, or (b) get a commercial license from 
OSAF.  I'm very interested in the thinking of this group about this 
model.  The plan is reasonably firm but not set in stone, so I'd 
appreciate hearing about potential pitfalls as well as benefits.


license-discuss archive is at

Re: Licensing Model: open downstream apps or proprietary license

2003-03-27 Thread Mitchell Baker
Lawrence E. Rosen wrote:

Mitchell Baker wrote:

The Open Source Applications Foundation 
is planning the 0.1 release of Chandler (a personal 
information manager) 
shortly, hopefully by the end of April.  OSAF's plan of record for 
licensing is to follow the model used by MySQL:  recipients 
must either 
(a) make their entire application available under the GPL or other 
approved open source license, or (b) get a commercial license from 
OSAF.  I'm very interested in the thinking of this group about this 
model.  The plan is reasonably firm but not set in stone, so I'd 
appreciate hearing about potential pitfalls as well as benefits.

I've always liked that model.  :-)  /Larry Rosen


Excellent.  That's good to know.


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Re: Licensing Model: open downstream apps or proprietary license

2003-03-27 Thread Mitchell Baker

The  goals are to be a broadly adopted, high-quality PIM on all 
platforms, and to ensure that Chandler is always available on an open 
source basis to those who want it.  We also hope to generate a piece of 
the funding that will be necessary to make Chandler development 
self-sufficient.  OSAF is a non-profit organization, so there is no 
return on investment goal.  But we do need a way to sustain ourselves.

Your point that a database is much more likely to be distributed as part 
of a larger application is very well taken.  The potential revenue for 
Chandler may be much smaller since it is intended as a useful 
application in and of itself.  On the other hand, we're not looking for 
big profits, only self-sufficiency.  I am acutely interested in any 
ideas for a different focus which you might have. 


Ian Lance Taylor wrote:

Mitchell Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


The Open Source Applications Foundation (
is planning the 0.1 release of Chandler (a personal information
manager) shortly, hopefully by the end of April.  OSAF's plan of
record for licensing is to follow the model used by MySQL:  recipients
must either (a) make their entire application available under the GPL
or other approved open source license, or (b) get a commercial license
from OSAF.  I'm very interested in the thinking of this group about
this model.  The plan is reasonably firm but not set in stone, so I'd
appreciate hearing about potential pitfalls as well as benefits.

I think the discussion might be more focused if you say what your
goals are.  Then we can compare the licensing plan to those goals.
If your goal is to be the dominant PIM on free software platforms,
then copying MySQL's licensing seems reasonable.
It's worth noting that MySQL is only mildly useful by itself, and is
normally part of a larger application.  I would have thought that a
PIM would be quite useful by itself, and would not normally be part of
a larger application.  So focusing on forcing people to release their
entire application may miss the point.  Or, more likely, I have missed
the point.


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Re: Optimal license for Java projects ...

2003-03-13 Thread Mitchell Baker
It's generally agreed that a BSD-type license does allow privitization 
of a fork, including useful modifications in that fork that the original 
authors might prefer to be able to use.  Project dymanics may minimize 
this, as happens in the Apache project.  But the liense does permit a 
private fork, and this may well have been the setting that concerns Gunther.

The Mozilla Public License was pretty much written to fit into the 
setting Gunther describes.  As to the interface question:  if the 
toaster makers copy parts of an MPL file into a new file, that new file 
is governed by the MPL.  That new file can call proprietary material, 
which remains proprietary, pretty much for the reasons Gunther 
describes.   The MPL's explicit statement that it doesn't apply to the 
combined work as a whole has been very helpful to commercial entities 
which wish to partipate.  (I'm not advocating that everyone +should+ 
care about the participation of commercial entities.)

The MPL has been used by the NetBeans project, so it may be familiar 
with some of your audience.


David Johnson wrote:

On Thursday 13 March 2003 09:32 am, Gunther Schadow wrote:


- The problem of the BSD license is that it allows commercial
  parties to take the source code away and contribute little, and
  take away the freedom of their customers to use improved versions
  of the free code

You've completely misunderstood the nature of the BSD license. First, 
commercial parties cannot take source code away any more than they 
could take water away from an ocean. It may look like they are, but if 
you check, the free source code is still there and the ocean isn't any 
smaller. Second, they can't take away their customer's freedom to use 
improved versions, because the free source code is still there and the 
ocean is still huge.

It seems to me that what you don't want is something much different. You 
don't want a commercial company being more successful than a 
noncommercial entity. You whole horrible scenario of MicroToast forcing 
burnt toast on their customers can easily occur anyway, regardless of 
license. All MicroToast has to do is to implement their own YML suite. 

As a reference, I point you to BSD licensed Kerberos. For a few days in 
history, every GPL advocate in the country was talking about how 
horrible it was that Kerberos wasn't under the GPL. If only it weren't 
under the BSD, they said. But then it turned out that Microsoft didn't 
use the BSD licensed code to begin with! They implemented their version 
from scratch! Even RMS had to back track a bit and rewrite an interview 
he gave(1).

The point is, your scenario has never occured. But the scenario of 
MicroToast implementing their own stuff from scratch has happened 
innumerable times. So licenses alone aren't going to save you.


So, what is the best open source license that Hans Hacker should
have used?

It seems to me that the best solution for Hans' paranoia is the LGPL. It 
gives most of the benefits of the BSD license in that it can be used to 
promote a standard YML implementation, but with just enough copyleft to 
eliminate his paranoia.


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Re: Open Source Licence for my cms?

2002-10-18 Thread Mitchell Baker
The isues you raise have been troublesome for many.  The Sun Public 
License is actually the Mozilla Public License with exactly the changes 
you have pointed out -- who can change the license, jurisdiction, etc. 
It seems to me that the next version of the MPL should allow different 
choices for new Original Code.  (That is, code not based on 
releases.)  So others could adopt the MPL for use with their project and 
make their own choices. I suspect there will be some issues when code 
with different choice of law and venue provisions are combined and end 
up in court, but I haven't done research on this lately.

But until this change is made, you would need to rename the license and 
change the parts you mention.  If you do so you, it might be nice to put 
a header or footer that says The [X] Public License is the Mozilla 
Public License v1.1, with the following changes.  Sun did this when 
they originally posted the Sun Public License, I' m not sure why they 
removed this notice.  The Jabber Open Source License is also a variant 
of the Mozilla Public License, with the preamble added and some other 

If you use the GPL, as was suggested, you will get a different scope of 
license (i.e., the strong copyleft) which you may or may not want.  You 
would probably have a different set of questions about future changes to 
the GPL, which wouldn't be in your control either.

Mitchell Baker

Goran Svensson wrote:

I am about to release a Content Management System written in Cold Fusion to the Open Source Community for free, the reason for that is partly because it is not possible to protect CF scripts, due to poor encryption, and I have also found lots of other compelling reasons to do so during my research in to free software. 

I have read many of the license in the OSI web and find it difficult to find a license that match my requirements. I am looking for a license where contributors have to make source code of modifications and scripts available to others and where I have the right to modify the terms in the License not Sun or Jabber etc and where International or the Licensors country's law is applicable or as in the Zope License nothing is written about it. I have found the one with a preamble useful when it come to understanding them. 

My problem is to find a license that are suitable for a mix of interpreted code (scripts) and source code. It´s also difficult for me to accept any jurisdiction than International or Swedish law.

For example the Sun Public License suits me well except for jurisdiction, source code and the rights to modify the terms in the License:

any litigation relating to this License shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts of the Northern District of California, with venue lying in Santa Clara County, California, with the losing party responsible for costs, including without limitation, court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses. 
6.2. Effect of New Versions.

No one other than Sun has the right to modify the terms applicable to Covered Code created under this License.


I think that Sun Public License or Jabber Open Source License have come closest to match my requirements right now, but not close enough. If you know of a license that will match my requirements please point me in the right directions and the right procedures for using it.

/Göran Svensson
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Re: Procedure for using an approved license

2002-10-18 Thread Mitchell Baker

On review, I think the Open Software License is more like the GPL in 
scope than it is the MPL.

Larry notes that the OSL applies to derivative works rather than files.  
This means that all the complexities of defining a derivative work are 
reflected in the license.  It's not that easy to know precisely what is 
and isn't a derivative work.  One would think it would be, but the case 
law is complex.  Last I researched this, the exact tests used to 
determine whether something is a derivative work varied by judicial 
circuit in this U.S.  Also, I'm not sure if a derivative work under U.S. 
law is exactly the same as under European law, or of the mechanisms by 
which international treaty deals with this, if at all.

Even more importantly, many entities do not want derivative works to be 
governed by the GPL, MPL or OSL.  Assume someone takes JavaScript and 
incorporates it into a product.  That product may well be a derivative 
work.  Yet the creator of that work may not want the entire work to be 
governed by the OSL, MPL or GPL.  In fact, there are a ton of projects 
and products that use JavaScript and I'm sure many of them have no 
intention of converting the entire project or product to open source.  
(Maybe we'd like them to, but the MPL is explicitly designed to allow 
authors to decide if and when their original work moves into the open 
source/free software world.)

So I suspect there are many developers who are content with the MPL but 
would not be with the OSL.

In general, the relative simplicity of the OSL is appealing.  But some 
of the additional topics in the MPL seem important to me.  For example, 
Sections 3.6 and 3.7 make it clear once the source availability 
requirements for MPL code have been meet, projects and companies are 
welcome to combine MPL code with other code, and to distribute that 
combined work under an End User License Agreement that differs from the 
MPL.   I'm not sure what the OSL envisions here, and it feels closer to 
the GPL model.  The explicit language in the MPL makes MPL code much 
easier for many projects to use.

The OSL is indeed reinforcing my view that the MPL should be revised 
again and simplified.  I don't see the OSL as taking its place.

Larry, can you explain the thinking behind the warranty in the OSL?

I'll be traveling with probably limited access for the next week, so may 
not be able to respond right away.


Mitchell Baker wrote:

I had never really thought of the Open Software License as a practical 
alternative for the MPL.  I'll certainly reread it carefully with that 
in mind.

The MPL's file based system was used so that people working with the 
code, particularly programmers, could automatically and accurately 
understand the scope of the license.  Programmers know a file when 
they see one.  They don't necessarily know a derivative work when they 
see one.  And neither do lawyers.  Last time I did serious research 
into this topic, the determination of derivative work and copyright 
infringement varied according to which part of the country (and which 
judicial Circuit) one referred to.  Sounds wild, but different Federal 
Circuits often use different tests.  So we opted for something firmly 
based in the programming world.


Lawrence E. Rosen wrote:


I agree with the problems you've noted with MPL 1.1. 
For most practical purposes, the Open Software License (OSL)
accomplishes most of what MPL 1.1 does -- without those problems you
mentioned.  The major difference is that MPL 1.1 applies on a
file-by-file basis and the OSL deals consistently with derivative
works, but I never understood the importance of a file-by-file license
anyway in most typical software. 
/Larry Rosen


-Original Message-
From: James E. Harrell, Jr. [mailto:jharrell;] 
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2002 7:52 PM
To: David Johnson; Dave Nelson; OpenSource Licensing Discussion Group
Subject: RE: Procedure for using an approved license

Open Source friends,

I've been looking at MPL 1.1 as well. One of the reasons I would 
replace the word Netscape with my own company name is #6.2:


6.2. Effect of New Versions.
Once Covered Code has been published under a particular 

version of the   

License, You may always continue to use it under the terms of that 
version. You may also choose to use such Covered Code under 

the terms   

of any subsequent version of the License published by 

Netscape. No one   

other than Netscape has the right to modify the terms applicable
to Covered Code created under this License.

The last sentence is a difficult one for me- why would I ever want
to be able to supplant this license with what they deem to be 
another better version? That version might say All covered code 
automatically becomes the sole property of Netscape corporation... 
Not suggesting that they would, but...

Further, if I take this license to legal review and finally do find

Re: Procedure for using an approved license

2002-10-07 Thread Mitchell Baker

First I'll respond to the question of renaming the license, then to some of the 
particular issues raised with the MPL.

Using the MPL unchanged is helpful for combining code from projects and avoiding 
complexity.  But if this is not acceptable, then Dave's technique is a good one.  
First, it lets people know of the only change quickly.  Second, the only change 
concerns a potential future event -- the possibility of a different future version.  
Until that possibility occurs, the code from the two projects is effectively licensed 
under the same terms.  So combining code from the two projects is simplified.  Not as 
simple as if both used the MPL of course, but still well within the realm of 

I can't speak as to OSI certification.

As to the particular issues raised with the MPL, I can give some 
background as to why the MPL is the way it is.  And James, if there are 
other things in which your lawyers are interested, please feel free to 
have them contact me.  I can explain the thinking when the MPL was 
written, as well as what we've learned since.  Also, I' m interested in 
learning what works well for people and what doesn't.

Section 6.1.  We felt some provision for changing the license was 
necessary.   We realized that the chance of the MPL being perfect in its 
first release (or really, any particular release) was small to nil.  
Perfection is the goal, but we we're not so arrogant as to think we've 
reached it J  Code evolves, a license might need to as well. 

The GPL has been undated several times.  New laws might be enacted which 
would suggest changes be made (UCITA perhaps being one).  A lawsuit 
could do the same thing.  Also, as time goes on, the community might 
find new needs arising, and some way to respond in the licenses will be 

Once we decided that some way of accommodating change was needed, the 
obvious question is:  who will make this decision.  I'd prefer to Netscape immensely, but is not a separate 
legal entity for historical reasons.  For practical purposes, the MPL is 
managed by staff, but that's hard to write into a legal 
document.  So we ended up with Netscape.  It is clearly understood that 
this right to change the license is one of stewardship.  And that 
changing the license without a consensus is dangerous, and changing the 
license to benefit Netscape is deadly.   

Section 11.  Venue and jurisdiction is an area where I don't think we 
have a good solution yet.  It seems to me that the next version of the 
MPL should allow different choices for new Original Code.  (That is, 
code not based on releases.)  So others could adopt the MPL 
for use with their project and make their own choices.  I think the MPL 
community would want this, though we haven't yet had extensive 
discussions.  I suspect there will be some issues when code with 
different choice of law and venue provisions are combined and end up in 
court, but I haven't done research on this lately.

Hope this is of interest.


James E. Harrell, Jr. wrote:

Open Source friends,

I've been looking at MPL 1.1 as well. One of the reasons I would
replace the word Netscape with my own company name is #6.2:


6.2. Effect of New Versions.
Once Covered Code has been published under a particular
version of the License, You may always continue to use it
under the terms of that version. You may also choose to
use such Covered Code under the terms of any subsequent
version of the License published by Netscape. No one other
than Netscape has the right to modify the terms applicable
to Covered Code created under this License.

The last sentence is a difficult one for me- why would I ever want
to be able to supplant this license with what they deem to be another
version? That version might say All covered code automatically becomes the
sole property of Netscape corporation... Not suggesting that they would,

Further, if I take this license to legal review and finally do find it to
be acceptable for my product, what happens when MPL 1.2 comes out? The legal
review is then pointless (or at least has to be re-done); but worse, if I
like the terms of MPL 1.2, now I have a product that is licensed under terms
that I don't find acceptable- and I have now way to keep you from using it
the terms of MPL 1.2.

Now, give that MPL 1.1 is probably one of the most suitable licenses for
commercial Open Source products... but there are some minor things that
not be acceptable for our lawyers... does that mean it's time to try another
one specifically geared to Open Source commercial products that solves the
templating problem (and maybe some others?)

-- OR --

Perhaps someone can really address the question that Dave asked- or maybe
really my re-phrase of the original question:

Is this *a* correct procedure? (I change the to a)
Given this procedure, is this license automatically 'OSI certified'?

Re: Procedure for using an approved license

2002-10-07 Thread Mitchell Baker

I had never really thought of the Open Software License as a practical 
alternative for the MPL.  I'll certainly reread it carefully with that 
in mind.

The MPL's file based system was used so that people working with the 
code, particularly programmers, could automatically and accurately 
understand the scope of the license.  Programmers know a file when they 
see one.  They don't necessarily know a derivative work when they see 
one.  And neither do lawyers.  Last time I did serious research into 
this topic, the determination of derivative work and copyright 
infringement varied according to which part of the country (and which 
judicial Circuit) one referred to.  Sounds wild, but different Federal 
Circuits often use different tests.  So we opted for something firmly 
based in the programming world.


Lawrence E. Rosen wrote:


I agree with the problems you've noted with MPL 1.1.  

For most practical purposes, the Open Software License (OSL)
accomplishes most of what MPL 1.1 does -- without those problems you
mentioned.  The major difference is that MPL 1.1 applies on a
file-by-file basis and the OSL deals consistently with derivative
works, but I never understood the importance of a file-by-file license
anyway in most typical software.  

/Larry Rosen


-Original Message-
From: James E. Harrell, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2002 7:52 PM
To: David Johnson; Dave Nelson; OpenSource Licensing Discussion Group
Subject: RE: Procedure for using an approved license

Open Source friends,

I've been looking at MPL 1.1 as well. One of the reasons I 
would replace the word Netscape with my own company name is #6.2:

6.2. Effect of New Versions.
Once Covered Code has been published under a particular 

version of the 

License, You may always continue to use it under the terms of that 
version. You may also choose to use such Covered Code under 

the terms 

of any subsequent version of the License published by 

Netscape. No one 

other than Netscape has the right to modify the terms applicable
to Covered Code created under this License.

The last sentence is a difficult one for me- why would I ever want
to be able to supplant this license with what they deem to be 
another better version? That version might say All covered 
code automatically becomes the sole property of Netscape 
corporation... Not suggesting that they would, but...

Further, if I take this license to legal review and finally 
do find it to be acceptable for my product, what happens when 
MPL 1.2 comes out? The legal review is then pointless (or at 
least has to be re-done); but worse, if I don't like the 
terms of MPL 1.2, now I have a product that is licensed under 
terms that I don't find acceptable- and I have now way to 
keep you from using it under the terms of MPL 1.2.

Now, give that MPL 1.1 is probably one of the most suitable 
licenses for commercial Open Source products... but there are 
some minor things that might not be acceptable for our 
lawyers... does that mean it's time to try another one 
specifically geared to Open Source commercial products that 
solves the templating problem (and maybe some others?)

-- OR --

Perhaps someone can really address the question that Dave 
asked- or maybe really my re-phrase of the original question:

Is this *a* correct procedure? (I change the to a)
Given this procedure, is this license automatically 'OSI certified'?

*NOTE* MPL 1.2 is solely used in conjecture for the purposes 
of this email!

Thanks for help understanding this too!

-Original Message-
From: David Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2002 10:03 PM
To: Dave Nelson; OpenSource Licensing Discussion Group
Subject: Re: Procedure for using an approved license

On Sunday 06 October 2002 02:10 pm, Dave Nelson wrote:

I wish to use the Mozilla 1.1 license, but don't know the exact 
procedures here.

I copied the Mozilla 1.1 license from your site, replace 


with my company, and 'Mozilla' with my product, and Netscape 
trademarks with mine. No other changes were made. Then 

added a line 

under the title

You did too much unnecessary work. The MPL is sufficiently 
templatized that you don't need to do all this.

You only need to change the words Mozilla and Netscape 

if you make 

a derivative license of the MPL. This does not seem to be 

your intent.

Far simpler: Just fill in EXHIBIT A with your name, 

software, etc., and 

you are done!

You *do* want to keep the name Mozilla Public License, 

because people 

already know what it is and what rights it confers. Changing 

the name 

will only cause confusion.

David Johnson
pgp public key on website
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Re: Partial OpenSource products/licenses?

2002-10-02 Thread Mitchell Baker

(esending, bounced the first time)

The Mozilla Public License ( 
was written in large part to allow this sort of combination. In the MPL
world, individual files governed by the MPL must always be open source. A
vendor is free to combine those files with other files, which may be proprietary,
or governed by another open source license. The combined executable may
be shipped under a license of the vendor's choice, provided that the recipient
is told where an how to get the MPL files.

Many companies do exactly this. For example, Netscape takes MPL code, combines
it with proprietary code (such as a Java Virtual Machine, AOL Instant Messanger),
and ships the combined result under a Netscape end user license agreement
for its Netscape 7 browser suite.

The limitation of the scope of the MPL to particular files rather than an
entire application can be found in Section 1.9 (definition of a Modification,
which must remain open source) and Section 3 (oblications regarding Modifications).
Section 3.7 explicitly states that you may combine MPL with other code not
govened by the MPL.

Hope this helps,
Mitchell Baker

James E. Harrell, Jr. wrote:

Open Source friends,

Pardon if you find this off-topic. I tried to retrieve the FAQ from the
list, but it doesn't exist, and can't seem to find a list charter. Can't
find a good list search either. Anyway, I've read many of the licenses and
some of the posts, but I don't see a good way to do what we're interested

My question to this group pertians to bridging the gap for commercial
applications and the world of Open Source. Quite simply, is there a license
(or would this group ever consider a license) that allows for a Partial
Source product- perhaps a 95% Open Source license?

Here's a little reasoning, comments flames and criticisms are welcome, while
constructive discussion is encouraged:


We have a product that we are considering publishing as open source. The
would be available for free download and use. Some features would be limited
though, and only available if you purchase a commercial license. Thus, a
of the code (containing a license key manager) would necessarily be
in order to prevent someone from easily removing the license checking.

We enjoy many of the benefits of open source software, and would like to
back. The major base of our software has some good stuff in it- that we're
more than
happy to publish and allowing anyone else to use/copy/redistribute, etc.
We would like to do so in a way that allows us to still produce commercial
products that are (paritally) closed source. After all, we have a payroll to
cover. ;)

Of the major companies that appear to be making money on open source
products, it
appears the primary method of doing so is via related services. However,
do not scale as well (commercially) as do products.

So I'm searching for the happy medium. Thoughts?

James Harrell, CEO
Copernicus Business Systems, LLC

license-discuss archive is at


license-discuss archive is at

Re: Partial OpenSource products/licenses?

2002-10-02 Thread Mitchell Baker

I believe the difference is that the MPL does not require two versions 
of the same code, one open and one closed.  

Our system is to allow one version of the open tree, to which everyone 
would contribute.  Copernicus would also keep a second tree, containing 
the closed source material.
Copernicus would participate with everyone in the open source project. 
 When Copernicus builds its commercial product, it would pull form the 
open source project, then add in closed source additions to build its 
commercial product.  Returning to the Netscape example, this is what 
Netscape does.  Netscape engineers participate in the source 
tree, and get the critical benefits of the open source project.   
Netscape pulls from that open source tree, then pulls from a separate 
closed source commercial tree to complete its product.  This means 
anyone can pull the same thing from mozilla as Netscape does.  (Any many 
do, forming the variety of Mozilla distributions.)   But no one else can 
pull from Netscape's commercial tree, because that remains proprietary 
to Netscape.

I use Netscape as an example because it is so well known, but numerous 
other companies do the same thing as well.


Lewis Collard wrote:

John Cowan:

That way lies great pain and suffering for everyone.

Instead, I recommend you use the Mozilla Public License, and have two versions
of your product.  ProductX Open is fully open source under the MPL, which
basically allows people to create closed-source derivatives as long as they
reveal actual patches to the source (as opposed to additions).  ProductX
Gold is a derivative of ProductX Open, but is closed-source.  By using
the Netscape modification to the MPL (see the NPL), you can have patches
submitted to ProductX Open made reusable in ProductX Gold as well.

Couldn't you use the GPL too for this purpose? If you are the copyright
holder for the entire code is there anything stopping you from releasing
modified versions under different licenses?

   -- Lewis

license-discuss archive is at

Re: OSD modification regarding what license can require of user

2002-03-13 Thread Mitchell Baker

Bruce Perens wrote:

 John Cowan:

 I don't understand how this breaches the spirit of the GPL any more than
 providing ASP-style access to the unmodified work does (i.e. not at 
 If you are free to make private mods to GPLed programs for your own
 use, why not for others' use?  This is just timesharing under a new 

 Well, I could answer that in two, conflicting ways. If distribution 
 irrelevant, the spirit of the GPL in that respect is obsolete, isn't it?

 On the other hand, Richard treats this as a privacy issue. I contend 
 that a
 publicly performed GPL work with a private implementation does indeed 
 the spirit of the GPL.

 Then, you get into the question of what is the entity in which 
 privacy applies?
 In the GPL, it is the entity within which there is no need to distribute.
 This has always been sort of vague to me, because it's not clear if a 
 and all of its employees are a single entity, or if distribution takes 
 between employees, or between employees and the corporation. Then, 
 bring in
 complications like consultants and companies working under contract 
 but not part
 of the same legal entity as the corporation.


As to the question of the scope of a corporate entity, the MPL uses a 
control standard often found in corporate documents, securities 
documents and statutes.  The language is the sort everyone hates -- 
clearly written by lawyers for laawyers.  I've included it below.  But 
it is in general use, is generally understood by lawyers and judges who 
may someday look at this, and so won't need to develop its own case law 
and understanding.  There is a couple of other standards in use for 
determinging control but the one in the MPL seemed the best, at least 
when I researched this last.


1.12. You'' (or Your) * means an individual or a legal entity 
exercising rights under, and complying with all of the terms of, this 
License or a future version of this License issued under Section 6.1. 
For legal entities, You'' includes any entity which controls, is 
controlled by, or is under common control with You. For purposes of this 
definition, control'' means (a) the power, direct or indirect, to cause 
the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or 
otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the 
outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such entity.

 license-discuss archive is at

license-discuss archive is at

Re: License Question

2001-06-20 Thread Mitchell Baker

The Mozilla Public License allows one to charge for executable versions of
products built using MPL code. The source version of MPL code must always
be available free of charge under the MPL. But one is allowed take that
source code, compile it and sell the executables. this may be hard since
others can do the same. But if you have the brand, or user base that will
pay for this, then one is free to do it.

And of course, one can combine MPL code with other code into a product and
charge for the combined product; a number of companies do this.


David Johnson wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]">On Wednesday 20 June 2001 08:59 am, Stephane Routelous wrote:
  Hello,I'm a newbie in License considerations.Does exists an OpenSource license which allow to be paid if the Sofware isused in a commercial application ?Thanks,

No there isn't. But it may be possible to use an Open Source license in conjunction with a closed license to achieve the same thing. It depends upon the nature of your software, and what you consider "commercial."Trolltech licenses its Qt library under a dual QPL/GPL license. The only way you can use it for your own software is to make your stuff open source. If you want to release closed source software using Qt, you must purchase the professional license for quite a few dollars.Commercial software is NOT the same thing as closed source. But 99% of it in the real world is. A scheme like Trolltech's may work for you if your software is used for the creation of other software.

Re: OpenLDAP license

2001-04-12 Thread Mitchell Baker
Yes, that was our thinking.  MPL source code must
be available under the MPL. Once that is done, binaries can be licensed


Derek Seabury wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Derek Seabury wrote:
  The MPL, for example, explicitly allows software executables to bedistributed under a license other than the MPL (MPL section 3.6). So it isperfectly possible to contemplate, say, a binary Mozilla distributionbeing distributed under a license prohibiting redistribution of thebinaries.This isn't true.  MPL 1.1 section 3.2 states:
  Ooops.  It is true...  Thought I read source.  So yes, you could prohibitpeople from distributing thebinaries but allow the code to go out.  And in turn, anyone who got the codecould compile it anddistribute the binaries freely... so it doesn't seem to be a 'very bad thing.'--[EMAIL PROTECTED](617)428-May 2 is Global Speech Day! Join the First-Of-Its-Kind Web Event aboutspeech recognition technology. Hear industry experts. Access the largestvolume of information ever assembled on speech -- its powerful businessbenefits, its future and more. Information and registration at! 2 is Global Speech Day! Join the First-Of-Its-Kind Web Event aboutspeech recognition technology. Hear industry experts. Access the largestvolume of information ever assembled on speech -- its powerful businessbenefits, its future and more. Information and registration at

Re: Modifying existing licenses in minor ways

2000-11-28 Thread Mitchell Baker

The MPL is due for a revision before long.  I'd like to make the revised 
version as neutral as possible for just this reason.



 on Tue, Nov 28, 2000 at 12:25:56PM -0800, Adam C. Engst ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Hey folks,
 A quick question. If you want to adopt an OSI-certified license to 
 avoid the proliferation of yet more open source licenses, how do you 
 deal with the fact that many of the open source licenses have 
 specific language that doesn't make sense if used by any product 
 other than what the license was generated to address?
 This is an issue I've brought up with several parties, including
 Mitchell Baker of Mozilla and Danise Cooper of Sun.  It's more of an
 issue with copyleft-style licenses (particularly Mozilla) than with
 BSD/MIT style, as the latter allows mingling of licenses.
 My most recent suggestion, reiterated again, is this:
   - Draft a standard Mozilla-style license.  Lets call it SMozPL.
 Nobody uses it.
   - What people *do* use is their own Derived Mozilla Public License, a
 DMozPL.  This specifically restricts modifications to, say:
 Section 6.1, "New Versions"
 substitutions for "Netscape Communications Corporation", "Netscape",
 Section 11, "Miscellaneous"
 Venue -- "California", "United States of America", "Northern
 District of California", "Santa Clara Count, California", etc.
 ...and any additional exhibits.
   - The common license provides that, for derived licenses limiting
 modifications to the specific substitutions specified, code is
 miscable between licenses.
 What this does is allow for use of common licensing terms while
 reserving to a particular organization the right to modify its terms
 (and break compliance) at a later date.
 Another option is to dual-license under some license, say MozPL, and the
 GNU GPL and/or LGPL.  In this case, two MozPL-style licenses could share
 code under the terms either of the "separate files" provisions of
 MozPL-style licenses or the GPL.  The latter would, however, have the
 effect of making downstream versions of the work essentially GPLd.
 For instance, in the Python license, item 1 starts "1. This LICENSE 
 AGREEMENT is between the Corporation for National Research 
 Initiatives" How could anyone else use that license without 
 changing it, since CNRI wouldn't be involved in other products?
 CNRI may not be particularly involved in Python at the present time
 either, but that's another story.
 Python has essentially a BSD-style license.  Provided no
 incompatibilities were introduced (e.g.:  specific exclusion of works
 covered under the Python license), a license replacing organizational
 references should be compatible.
 Similarly, the Apache license says "The end-user documentation 
 included with the redistribution, if any, must include the following 
 acknowledgment: "This product includes software developed by the 
 Apache Software Foundation ("" But that makes 
 no sense if another product were to use the Apache license.
 The new BSD license is more forgiving in this regard.
 IANAL, this is not legal advice.

Re: Free documentation licenses

2000-11-28 Thread Mitchell Baker

We're also trying to figure out a documentation license for the Mozilla 
Project.  One reason we've talked about using the same license for 
documentation and code is that it can be difficult to separate the two.  
For example, the Help documentation is included in electronic format as 
part of the source code.  It seems odd to treat this documentation under 
one license in this format and under another license if it's printed.  
And even odder to say that the help documentation in the code is not 
governed by the MPL, but by a different documenation license.

Has anyone sorted through this type of problem?

Apologies if this has been discussed and I missed the thread. 


John Cowan wrote:

 No, it is specific to documentation, so long as the documentation
 doesn't incorporate code from the project.
 My point was that it is convenient for documentation and software to
 be under the same license, so that the same set of persons can make
 revisions to both in synchrony.
 If the software were BSD and the doco GPL, then if I make a proprietary
 version of the software, then I have two unpalatable alternatives:
 write a manual for the proprietary version from scratch, or issue the
 manual for the proprietary version under the GPL.
 If the software were GPL and the doco BSD, then if anyone rewrote the
 doco for greater clarity or some such, then he would be able to make
 the improved version proprietary and prevent it from being distributed
 with current or future releases of the program.
 Software and its accompanying documentation are generally considered two
 seperate works.  There is no licensing compatibility requirement between
 the docs and the code.  Even where short samples of code could be used
 in the document, they could be incorporated under fair use 107
 exemptions or (possibly) by turning the document as a whole into a
 collective work.
 I agree; my argument speaks to expediency, not necessity.
  I don't believe there's anything in the GNU GPL, e.g.,
 which prohibits publishing of the source code within a book, so long as
 the source itself is clearly identified as GPLd.
 I can't see this.  A book which incorporates all of another textual work
 strikes me as a paradigm case of a derivative work.  IANAL, but such a book
 looks clearly derivative of the source code and as such would have to be
 published under the GPL.
 Your example is backwards:  newBSD/MIT software can be relicensed under
 GPL.  GPLd software cannot be relicensed, by third parties, under any
 other license (barring GPL versioning allowances), without specific
 authorization from the copyright holder(s).
 The term "relicense" should be avoided, as it leads to wifty thinking.
 No one but the copyright holder can "relicense" anything, in the
 sense of changing the license.
 You can create a *derivative* work containing BSD parts and GPL parts,
 and license the whole work under the GPL.  You cannot license the
 whole work under the BSD license.  You also cannot change the licenses
 of the parts.  In particular, I can extract a BSD-licensed component
 from a GPL-licensed work and use it in derivative works under the

Re: License for JavaScript applications

2000-05-19 Thread mitchell baker

Also,  the MPL define the source version as the "preferred form for making
modifications".  We used this definition precisely to pick up setting like you
describe.  So the MPL would work fine if you like the license.

When we wrote the MPL, we adopted this idea (of source as the preferred form for
making modifications) from  GPL practices.  So I assume the GPL works the same
way.  But I don't claim to have particular knowledge for the GPL, others are far
more knowledgable than I about the GPL.

Mitchell Baker

John Cowan wrote:


  However, every license I have looked at so far makes the assumption that
  the application has "binary" and "source" versions.

 I think that there is no problem under any open-source license, since
 in no case is binary distribution compelled; it is simply allowed provided
 source is distributed also.  So there is no problem with saying that in your
 case the binary and the source are the same thing.


 Schlingt dreifach einen Kreis um dies! || John Cowan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Schliesst euer Aug vor heiliger Schau,  ||
 Denn er genoss vom Honig-Tau,   ||
 Und trank die Milch vom Paradies.-- Coleridge (tr. Politzer)