Re: Dynamic and Static Linking

2000-04-02 Thread Ian Lance Taylor

   From: W.Yip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2000 22:11:15 +0100

   1) What is dynamic linking? Is it the 'ln' command in Linux for symbolic

It has nothing to do with the `ln' command.

Linking in this sense is the process of combining object files and
libraries into an executable.  It is done by the `ld' command, which
is typically invoked by the compiler `cc' (or `gcc') when building a
program.  See the relevant man pages.

Dynamic linking is the use of shared libraries, also called dynamic
objects.  On a typical Unix system, shared libraries have extensions
of .so, possibly followed by a version number.  They can often be
found in /lib or /usr/lib.  Windows also uses shared libraries; they
are called DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries).

A single shared library can be used (in fact, shared) among many
different programs.  A shared library can be changed without relinking
the program; the program will automatically use the newer version.

   2) What is static linking? Is that a link to libraries on your hard disk?

Static linking is linking a program without using a shared library.

   3) Can you give me some examples of dynamic linking (un)covered by the GPL?
   Is BeOS a case in example?

The GPL was written before widespread use of shared libraries.  Thus,
it is not clear whether dynamic linking is covered by the GPL or not.

In a modern Unix or Windows system, the basic system libraries are
shared libraries.  Since these can be reasonably considered a part of
the operating system, it is likely that the system exception of the
GPL applies to them (paragraph 3).

The interesting cases come when somebody modifies a GPL program to use
a nonstandard shared library.  Are they required to distribute the
sources to that shared library, or is it acceptable to merely supply a
binary form of that shared library?

Shared libraries are merely one point in a continuum of GPL
considerations, which also includes using CORBA or some similar
protocol to make remote procedure calls to other code which may only
be available in binary form, or, indeed, may be run on a controlled
machine accessible over the Internet and not otherwise be available in
any form at all.

My take on these sorts of GPL issues is that there is no answer.
Because we are talking about an continuum with infinite gradations,
there is no clear way to draw the line anywhere.  Because we are
talking about a matter of law, not science or technology, the only way
to draw a line is to make an arbitrary decision.

Speaking about the U.S., I believe the legislature is unlikely to make
any such decision unless they are pushed to by large companies or
powerful special interest groups; however, I don't know of any large
companies or special interest groups who really care about GPL arcana.
Therefore, if any decision is made, it will come from the court
system, but court cases take a notoriously long time to complete and
can easily wind up being vague and difficult to apply outside of very
specific circumstances.  Moreover, by the time they decide on one
aspect of this issue, it is likely to be obsolete and irrelevant.

So, just do what you think is right, and don't worry about it.  If you
are trying to hack the GPL to make a proprietary fork of somebody
else's work, then you are behaving wrongly.  Don't do it.


Re: Dynamic and Static Linking

2000-04-02 Thread Justin Wells

On Sun, Apr 02, 2000 at 10:11:15PM +0100, W . Yip wrote:

> 1) What is dynamic linking? Is it the 'ln' command in Linux for symbolic
> linking?
> 2) What is static linking? Is that a link to libraries on your hard disk?

Ian's answer was a good one, but I want to add some more points, and explain
it in a lower level of detail so you can think about the implications. I 
would like more people to be thinking about this :-)

First yet another review, but at a bit lower level. When you write a program
that looks like this:

 #include "sqrt.h"
 x = sqrt(y);

and then you compile it, you are using a sqrt() function defined by some 
other library somewhere and asking that it be included into your program. 
Whether you have "dynamic" or "static" linking depends on exactly when 
this sqrt() function gets combined with you program (and how).

The simplest form is "static linking" which means that when you build your
program, the compiler copies the binary text of the sqrt() function right
into your program. If you distribute your program, you will therefore be
distributing the text of this sqrt() function. Thus with static linking,
you clearly have created a derivative work of the sqrt() function.

The more modern way is "dynamic linking" which means that when you build
your program, the compiler DOES NOT copy the text of sqrt() into it, it 
simply records a note that your program wants to use a sqrt() function and
will require one at runtime. Now when you distribute your program you are
not distributing the text of the sqrt() function--only a "reference" to it (a 
description of it so that it can be properly located later, and a list of 
the places in your program where it should be linked in).

With dynamic linking, when your program is finally run by an end user 
the operating system (in particular the "link loader") will examine your
program and notice that it expects to be provided with a sqrt() function.
The operating system will find one, and "fix up" your program so that 
the notation saying a sqrt is wanted is actually transformed into a 
direct pointer to the text of the sqrt() program (usually by replacing
the reference with a valid pointer to the function). In order to save 
memory, if two different programs dynamically link to the sqrt() function,
only one copy of sqrt() will be loaded into memory and both programs will
share that copy of it.

This is how things are in the C programming world. The reason why I wanted
to add more to this message is to point out that it gets worse than this,
from a legal confusion point of view, because of languages like Java, and
technologies like CORBA. 

The big advantage of dynamic linking is that if there is a bug in the 
sqrt() function and someone fixes it, your program automatically starts
using the fixed version, because it isn't combined until runtime. With 
static linking the old buggy version was actually copied into your 
program's binary image.

In Java and CORBA not only do you not copy the sqrt() function into your
program at "compile time", you don't even necessarily do it at load time:
the operating system (or Java interpreter) can load and unload different 
versions of the sqrt() function during execution. 

In the dynamic link case you don't actually know WHOSE sqrt() function 
you are going to use either. At runtime, you might use the one that you
have on your computer--or you might use a totally different one one 
someone elses's computer that happens to be fully compatible with the
one you compiled against (it has the same "function signature", meaning
that it declares the same name, same return type, and same arguments).

Worse still, the function you wind up using may not even be on the
same computer as where the program is executing--it may be provided
over some network-function-call protocol like Java's RMI or CORBA
or DCOM. The program using it has effectively no information about
the sqrt() function, except that one exists and will supposedly
behave as expected.

So the problem for the GPL and other copyright licenses is whether or 
not a dynamically linked program is a derivative work of the sqrt() 
function, who made the derivative (the program author, or the person 
who caused it to link), and what the implications are if there are 
different choices for the sqrt() function (different vendors, etc.)

> 3) Can you give me some examples of dynamic linking (un)covered by the GPL?
> Is BeOS a case in example?

As Ian said, DLL's on windows, and .so files on Unix are dynamically linked
libraries. Also, *all* Java programs are dynamically linked.


Re: Dynamic and Static Linking

2000-04-02 Thread David Johnson

On Sun, 02 Apr 2000, W. Yip wrote:

> 1) What is dynamic linking? Is it the 'ln' command in Linux for symbolic
> linking?

Programmatically, linking is the use of functions and routines resident
in libraries, those ubiquitous *.so files. Instead of rewriting the
basic i/o routines that every program needs, they typically use those
already available in the libraries. Examples include readline, which as
routines to read and process input from the command line, and Qt, which
has routines to implement various graphical widgets.

> 2) What is static linking? Is that a link to libraries on your hard disk?

When a program statically links to a library, the actual routines of
the library are incorporated into the program. With dynamic linking,
only references to the routines are included. The advantage to static
linking is that the user doesn't have to hunt down libraries that the
program needs, they are already included. The advantage of dynamic
linking is that user memory is saved by not having redundant code.

> 3) Can you give me some examples of dynamic linking (un)covered by the GPL?
> Is BeOS a case in example?

I don't know about BeOS.

The LGPL specifically allows static and dynamic linking with no
restrictions. However, the GPL is pretty much silent on the matter.

There have arisen two predominant views of linking with regards to the
GPL. Both sides agree that the GPL places restrictions on applications
that statically links to GPL code. This is because actual GPL binary
code is distributed with the application.

One side sees dynamic linking as being similarly restricted. Arguments
cover the inclusion of header files whether or not the linking is
static or dynamic. Another is that any code that links to any other
code is automatically derivative. Finally, there is the argument that
the source to all "modules" has to be included with the distribution,
and anything that is linked to is a module.

The other side disagrees. They say that dynamic linking only uses
references and not actual code. Also, the derivation that results from
linking is programmatical, and has nothing at all to do with copyright.
Finally, they point to the fact that dynamic linking neither copies,
modifies or distributes any of the libraries code.

It is my opinion that neither side with reconcile with the other. It is
one reason why Debian doesn't distribute KDE. 

David Johnson...

Re: Dynamic and Static Linking

2000-04-03 Thread John Cowan

David Johnson wrote:

> One side sees dynamic linking as being similarly restricted. Arguments
> cover the inclusion of header files whether or not the linking is
> static or dynamic.

Whatever arguments there may be for the "restricted dynamic linking"
position (including the moral issue, which I think is substantial),
this one won't fly.  Header files almost certainly don't have the
necessary originality to be themselves copyrightable: there is a form/content


Schlingt dreifach einen Kreis um dies! || John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Schliesst euer Aug vor heiliger Schau,  ||
Denn er genoss vom Honig-Tau,   ||
Und trank die Milch vom Paradies.-- Coleridge (tr. Politzer)

RE: Dynamic and Static Linking

2000-04-03 Thread Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M.

Well stated! I agree.

Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M.

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of John Cowan
> Sent: Monday, April 03, 2000 11:09 AM
> Subject: Re: Dynamic and Static Linking
> David Johnson wrote:
> > One side sees dynamic linking as being similarly restricted. Arguments
> > cover the inclusion of header files whether or not the linking is
> > static or dynamic.
> Whatever arguments there may be for the "restricted dynamic linking"
> position (including the moral issue, which I think is substantial),
> this one won't fly.  Header files almost certainly don't have the
> necessary originality to be themselves copyrightable: there is a 
> form/content
> merger.
> -- 
> Schlingt dreifach einen Kreis um dies! || John Cowan 
> Schliesst euer Aug vor heiliger Schau,  ||
> Denn er genoss vom Honig-Tau,   ||
> Und trank die Milch vom Paradies.-- Coleridge (tr. Politzer)

Re: Dynamic and Static Linking

2000-04-03 Thread David Johnson

On Mon, 03 Apr 2000, John Cowan wrote:

> Whatever arguments there may be for the "restricted dynamic linking"
> position (including the moral issue, which I think is substantial),
> this one won't fly.  Header files almost certainly don't have the
> necessary originality to be themselves copyrightable: there is a form/content
> merger.

I would normally agree, but consider a liberal use of inline functions,
macros, etc. This is the rebut that I've normally heard. Personally, I
would discount macros as "metacode", but inlines are problematic.

I'm also curious about what you consider to be the "moral issue". I
would consider it wrong to use code in a way the author does not want
you to use it. But I have no other indication of what the author wants
beyond the text of the GPL. And since it is unclear at best whether the
GPL allows dynamic linking, I am left to my own guesswork.

David Johnson...

Re: Dynamic and Static Linking

2000-04-03 Thread David Starner

On Mon, Apr 03, 2000 at 08:53:00PM -0700, David Johnson wrote:
> I'm also curious about what you consider to be the "moral issue". I
> would consider it wrong to use code in a way the author does not want
> you to use it. But I have no other indication of what the author wants
> beyond the text of the GPL.

But that's not true in many cases. For instance, anything RMS wrote. And
even in the cases which it is true, (something I wrote, say) you can often
ask the author. Otherwise, if the author really wanted you to dynamically link 
and really thought about the license (written, spirit, and understood by the 
community), he either would have used LGPL or explicitly said you could (like 
Linus did), IMHO. 

David Starner - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Only a nerd would worry about wrong parentheses with
square brackets. But that's what mathematicians are.
   -- Dr. Burchard, math professor at OSU

Re: Dynamic and Static Linking

2000-04-03 Thread David Johnson

On Mon, 03 Apr 2000, David Starner wrote:

> But that's not true in many cases. For instance, anything RMS wrote. And
> even in the cases which it is true, (something I wrote, say) you can often
> ask the author. Otherwise, if the author really wanted you to dynamically link 
> and really thought about the license (written, spirit, and understood by the 
> community), he either would have used LGPL or explicitly said you could (like 
> Linus did), IMHO. 

In the case of RMS's own software, I know precisely what he wants. But
it is not clear with most other authors. The point is, either I take
the license at its face value, or I throw it out *completely*. After
all, if a developer wanted to allow me to dynamically link, he could do
one of several things: 1) use the LGPL which specifically grants it, or
2) use the GPL which does not specifically restrict it.

David Johnson...

Re: Dynamic and Static Linking

2000-04-04 Thread Martin Konold

> > would consider it wrong to use code in a way the author does not want
> > you to use it. But I have no other indication of what the author wants
> > beyond the text of the GPL.

"wrong to use code in a way the author does not want you to use it"

Would you claim the very same for some Microsoft owned ActiveX component?

-- martin

// Martin Konold, Stauffenbergstr. 107, 72074 Tuebingen, Germany  //   
KDE:  The most advanced GUI for a reliable OS.

Re: Dynamic and Static Linking

2000-04-04 Thread John Cowan

David Johnson wrote:
> I would normally agree, but consider a liberal use of inline functions,
> macros, etc. This is the rebut that I've normally heard. Personally, I
> would discount macros as "metacode", but inlines are problematic.

I agree with this: C++ header files with inline functions are
probably copyrightable.  (I'm a C troglodyte.)
> I'm also curious about what you consider to be the "moral issue". I
> would consider it wrong to use code in a way the author does not want
> you to use it. But I have no other indication of what the author wants
> beyond the text of the GPL. And since it is unclear at best whether the
> GPL allows dynamic linking, I am left to my own guesswork.

I think that someone licensing code under the GPL intends the spirit
of the GPL, which is surely to prevent the use of GPLed parts
in unfree programs.  The words of the GPL are just the means by which
this purpose is achieved.


Schlingt dreifach einen Kreis um dies! || John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Schliesst euer Aug vor heiliger Schau,  ||
Denn er genoss vom Honig-Tau,   ||
Und trank die Milch vom Paradies.-- Coleridge (tr. Politzer)

Re: Dynamic and Static Linking

2000-04-04 Thread John Cowan

David Johnson wrote:

> The point is, either I take
> the license at its face value, or I throw it out *completely*.

What, and put all our local lawyers (and law students) out of business?
Shame.  :-)


Schlingt dreifach einen Kreis um dies! || John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Schliesst euer Aug vor heiliger Schau,  ||
Denn er genoss vom Honig-Tau,   ||
Und trank die Milch vom Paradies.-- Coleridge (tr. Politzer)

Re: Dynamic and Static Linking

2000-04-04 Thread Martin Konold

On Tue, 4 Apr 2000, John Cowan wrote:

> I think that someone licensing code under the GPL intends the spirit
> of the GPL, which is surely to prevent the use of GPLed parts
> in unfree programs.  The words of the GPL are just the means by which
> this purpose is achieved.

IIRC the GPL does not govern use but distribution. IMHO linking/use in a
distributed component way is still an unresolved GPL problem.

-- martin

// Martin Konold, Stauffenbergstr. 107, 72074 Tuebingen, Germany  //   
KDE:  The most advanced GUI for a reliable OS.

Re: Dynamic and Static Linking

2000-04-04 Thread John Cowan

Martin Konold wrote:
> Would you claim the very same for some Microsoft owned ActiveX component?

The issue is entirely different, involving civil disobedience, not
moral obligation.


Schlingt dreifach einen Kreis um dies! || John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Schliesst euer Aug vor heiliger Schau,  ||
Denn er genoss vom Honig-Tau,   ||
Und trank die Milch vom Paradies.-- Coleridge (tr. Politzer)

Re: Dynamic and Static Linking

2000-04-04 Thread David Johnson

On Tue, 04 Apr 2000, Martin Konold wrote:

> "wrong to use code in a way the author does not want you to use it"
> Would you claim the very same for some Microsoft owned ActiveX component?

Yes. If they have an ActiveX component that they had undue
restrictions on, I wouldn't use it. AFAIK, Microsoft puts all of it's
"wishes" in it's licenses. If I did stumble across a MS site that said,
"here is our EULA, but by the way, we wish you wouldn't use this
component for X, Y or Z, even though we allow you to" then I would
respect their wishes.

David Johnson...

Re: Dynamic and Static Linking

2000-04-04 Thread Martin Konold

On Tue, 4 Apr 2000, David Johnson wrote:

> On Tue, 04 Apr 2000, Martin Konold wrote:
> > "wrong to use code in a way the author does not want you to use it"
> > 
> > Would you claim the very same for some Microsoft owned ActiveX component?
> Yes. If they have an ActiveX component that they had undue
> restrictions on, I wouldn't use it. AFAIK, Microsoft puts all of it's
> "wishes" in it's licenses. If I did stumble across a MS site that said,
> "here is our EULA, but by the way, we wish you wouldn't use this
> component for X, Y or Z, even though we allow you to" then I would
> respect their wishes.

Ok, imagine a simple case: MS asks you to not use any of their components
in order to figure out how their file formats are working. Are you (maybe
you are a GPL Office Suite developer) accepting this?! 

Another example: A lot of MS programmers hate if they are bothered by
insecurity news. Are you claiming that "because these authors do not want
you to use their work" in order to figure out the weaknesses of their
implementations you are not going to use their programs/components?

-- martin

// Martin Konold, Stauffenbergstr. 107, 72074 Tuebingen, Germany  //   
KDE:  The most advanced GUI for a reliable OS.

Re: Dynamic and Static Linking

2000-04-05 Thread David Johnson

On Tue, 04 Apr 2000, Martin Konold wrote:

> Ok, imagine a simple case: MS asks you to not use any of their components
> in order to figure out how their file formats are working. Are you (maybe
> you are a GPL Office Suite developer) accepting this?! 

Now you're asking me to choose between the lesser of two evils! If I
have the moral right to infringe upon their wishes and follow the
license and the law, then it is also my moral right to infringe upon
the wishes of GPL developers and read the strict letter of their
license. But if I am not allowed to do something with GPLd code because
of the author's wishes, then neither am I allowed to reverse engineer a
component that MS doesn't want me to.

> Another example: A lot of MS programmers hate if they are bothered by
> insecurity news. Are you claiming that "because these authors do not want
> you to use their work" in order to figure out the weaknesses of their
> implementations you are not going to use their programs/components?

Everything in moderation! Please!

I remember it was a year ago when some indignant Debian developer said
I was pretty low and scummy for saying that the GPL allowed
dynamic linking. "What about what I want!" he said unselfishly and
in the interest of community software. I've thought about his rude
statement since then and have come to the conclusion that respecting
an author's wishes is good rule of thumb, but not an absolute principle
of behavior.

David Johnson...

Re: Dynamic and Static Linking

2000-04-05 Thread Martin Konold

On Tue, 4 Apr 2000, David Johnson wrote:

> statement since then and have come to the conclusion that respecting
> an author's wishes is good rule of thumb, but not an absolute principle
> of behavior.

100% agreed. Thread closed ;-)

-- martin

// Martin Konold, Stauffenbergstr. 107, 72074 Tuebingen, Germany  //   
KDE:  The most advanced GUI for a reliable OS.

Re: Dynamic and Static Linking

2000-04-05 Thread David Johnson

On Tue, 04 Apr 2000, Martin Konold wrote:
> Ok, imagine a simple case: MS asks you to not use any of their components
> in order to figure out how their file formats are working. Are you (maybe
> you are a GPL Office Suite developer) accepting this?! 

It was late last night when I replied to this, and I realized later
what bothered me about Martin's examples.

One should strive to respect the author's wishes with regards to their
OWN software. It's their property. But their wishes have little
influence upon MY property, namely my copy of their software.

In respect to the GPL, the right to dynamically link to a library could
very well be one of the rights of copyright held by the author. Then
again, it might not be. I'm not so sure. If it does belong to the
author, then their wishes are very relevant. Since I really don't know
if it isn't, I will give the benefit of the doubt to the author.

But in the case of MS and their components, I already have the right to
reverse engineer by own copies of software. Their wish for me not to do
so is irrelevant.

David Johnson...

Re: Dynamic and Static Linking

2000-04-05 Thread Bruce Perens

From: David Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> In respect to the GPL, the right to dynamically link to a library could
> very well be one of the rights of copyright held by the author. Then
> again, it might not be. I'm not so sure.

The only court case I know of concerning dynamic linking so far has been
Nintendo vs.  Golob, and it was not conclusive on this issue.

Stallman's position on this last time I asked him is that dynamic linking
of non-GPL objects to GPL objects is a device being used to _deliberately_
_circumvent_ the license terms, and thus a court would still hold it as
infringement in the same way as if it was static linking.  I assume he
has advice on this from the Columbia law professor who helps him out with
the GPL. But until you get a court case, you won't see a ruling on it.

