RE: Simple Public License, v0.20

2000-04-26 Thread Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M.

Well, these points all point to the problem areas of using the word
"depend." John's point seems to point out another troublesome matter that
the GPL language avoided. In fact, there are a number of reasons why a
special exception for an OS is quite appropriate.


Rod Dixon
Visiting Assistant Professor of Law
Rutgers University School of Law

General Counsel
FreeBuyers Net, LLC

 -Original Message-
 From: Seth David Schoen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Seth David
 Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 1:37 AM
 Subject: Re: Simple Public License, v0.20

 John Cowan writes:

  Justin Wells scripsit:
Your improvement must not cause our software to depend on
software unless that additional software is distributed to
 the public under
a license which allows everyone to use and distribute it
 free of charge;
  I don't remember if I raised this point before, but this seems to say
  that a patch allowing the software to run on Windows or VMS is
  since the patch makes the software "depend" on a non-free
 operating system.
  This is clearly discrimination against a class of users and as such
  forbidden by the OSD.

 It's interesting to compare what the GPL does about this:

   ... However, as a
   special exception, the source code distributed need not
   include anything that is normally distributed (in either
   source or binary form) with the major components (compiler,
   kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the
   executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the

 I think this gives OS vendors the ability to make proprietary
 extensions to GPLed programs!

 Seth David Schoen [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | And do not say, I will
 study when I
 Temp.  | have leisure; for
 perhaps you will
 down:   (CAF)  | not have leisure.  --
 Pirke Avot 2:5

Re: Simple Public License, v0.20

2000-04-26 Thread Justin Wells

On Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 09:10:08PM -0400, Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M. wrote:

 This version is much improved over the last. I think you will end up with
 something very useful. I will offer suggestions on some of the problem
 areas, but I like how you are developing your license.

Thank you.

 I will focus my comments on section 3 since that is new, but sections 1 and
 2 need to be reviewed carefully because some of the language is unclear. For
 example, you use the word "improve" when you may mean "modify," and you use
 the word "copy" when you should use "distribute." I would also re-think
 using "free of charge." "Use Freely" is the FSF concept you might mean;
 recall, the cost of the software is not directly pertinent to the open
 source mission.

OK, I have switched to "modify" instead of "improve". I switched to copy 
from distribute in "provided that you copy all of it", and I added distribute
in addition to copy in "and we may copy, display, perform". 

 As for section 3, you use "combined work" when I think you mean "collective

I'll go look up collective work and see if it is what I mean.

 The term "bona fide application" has no  meaning or copyright significance.
 You need to define this term or abandone it since it could cause substantial

OK. I'll have to think up a definition for that.

 The first paragraph of section 3 is a little confusing. I am not sure what
 the goal is so I cannot suggest how to make it clearer. I would add that you
 may want to be careful with attempting to set restrictions on "combined"
 works if the other work is, itself, subject to copyright protection. Your
 restrictions may not be enforceable.

I'll give you my real life situation to help explain section three.

My software is called WebMacro, and it is a "template engine" for use in 
Java servlets. The Apache Software Foundation has a servlet building 
framework called Turbine, which can make use of WebMacro. They want to 
use Turbine and WebMacro to create a bug tracking system called Scarab. 

WebMacro will be under the SPL, Turbine is under the Apache license, and 
the big question on everyones mind is what conditions will apply to Scarab.

It is important to the Apache group that their backers, such as IBM, be 
able to repackage anything they do in a commercial product--possibly 
taking it closed source. Though they would prefer an Apache/BSD style 
license, they have indicated that they would be willing to work with 
material that was under a license like the MPL, since it doesn't infect
their own code.

I want changes to *my* code to be published. I could use the MPL, except
that I also want a license which promotes the creation of more open source
software, and the MPL doesn't do that. I also think the MPL is too lenient
in the kinds of changes that it requries publication of--it might be right
for Netscape, but I want to go a bit further. 

I'm trying to strike a balance:

  1- WebMacro will always be covered by my license, and all of these 
 "combined" works are really uses of WebMacro as an unmodified library.

  2- To use WebMacro as a library, a project must offer something of 
 real value to the open source community, and projects like
 Scarab and Turbine clearly do. This is the motivation for
 requiring that the other code be open source and form a bona
 fide application (which I know needs a better definition).

  3- Once a project is using WebMacro, though, it should be able to 
 continue using it even if someone takes the project closed source.
 So IBM could modify Scarab and Turbine (modifying only the parts
 under the other license, and doing that under the terms of that 
 other license) and still be allowed to use those modified versions
 with WebMacro, even though they may now be closed source.

  4- People should also be able to fix bugs in WebMacro as well. So they
 need to be able to make lawful modifications to WebMacro under my
 license (ie: publishing source), creating a new version of
 WebMacro, and then combine that new version as an "unmodified"
 library in their application. It is unmodified in the sense
 that it has not changed since the source code was published.

  5- WebMacro should be redistributable and usable within a project like
 Scarab in the same manner as Scarab's own license would allow, 
 except for the restriction on modifications to my source itself.

Effectively, once you use WebMacro in an open source project with enough
substance to be a "bona fide" application, I drop all of my demands 
except for the requirement that you publish changes to my own source,
and that you credit me.

This is all pretty complicated, I know, but I think that it's worth the 
effort. I like having a license that pushes the development of free 
software, such as the GPL, but it seems wrong to me that in some cases
that very same license prevents open source projects from collaborating. 

Having said 

Re: Simple Public License, v0.20

2000-04-26 Thread Justin Wells

Hi Rod, 

On Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 09:10:08PM -0400, Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M. wrote:

 I would also re-think using "free of charge." "Use Freely" is
 the FSF concept you might mean; recall, the cost of the software
 is not directly pertinent to the open source mission.

I dropped one use of "free of charge" in my license, but a few remain. I 
think in those cases I really mean "free of charge"--for example, where 
the license insists that modifications be made available to the public 
under an open source license "free of charge", that is there to prevent
someone from saying that the open source version is available for 
$100,000 to anyone who wants it. 

However, I dropped it from my grant of rights, and now simply say
you may use(...) our software, rather than "use(...) our software
free of charge". It didn't seem to add anything there.

 As for section 3, you use "combined work" when I think you mean "collective

 The term "bona fide application" has no  meaning or copyright significance.
 You need to define this term or abandone it since it could cause substantial

OK, these are related and I've tried to define them now. I now use the term 
"collective work" as part of the definition of "combined work".

Here are my definitions from section 5: 

 A "combined work" is a collective work where the parts are linked, used, 
 and distributed together as an application, but remain distinct and are
 separately licensed. A "bona fide application" has substantial functionality
 beyond that of other works it is combined with.

And here is the revised section 3, where these definitions are used:


 You may combine an unmodified copy of our software as a whole, or a compiled
 version of it, with your own separate source materials to create a combined
 work which you may use, display, and perform. You may distribute your
 combined work to anyone provided your separate source materials form a bona
 fide application which you distribute to the public, free of charge, and
 including all source code, under any open source license approved by the
 Open Source Initiative ( or under this agreement.

 You may permit third party recipients to use, display, perform, copy, and
 distribute your combined work as a whole, without modification, in any
 manner also permitted for your separate source materials.

 You may permit third party recipients to modify your separate source material
 under your license (possibly without disclosing source code) and modify our
 software under section (2). The modified parts may then be recombined to form
 a new version of the combined work which may be used under the same terms as
 the original. Thus your combined work may be treated as if it were covered by
 your license, except that modifications to our software itself must occur
 under section (2) of this agreement.

The full text of the license can be found here, for reference:

Hopefully it is getting clearer now, and thanks yet again for your help! 


RE: Simple Public License, v0.20

2000-04-26 Thread Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M.

Yes, you changes sound fine. After your explanation of what you were
attempting to do, I think you have done a good job with it.

Rod Dixon
Visiting Assistant Professor of Law
Rutgers University School of Law

General Counsel
FreeBuyers Net, LLC

 -Original Message-
 From: Justin Wells [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 4:32 PM
 To: Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M.
 Subject: Re: Simple Public License, v0.20

 Hi Rod,

 On Tue, Apr 25, 2000 at 09:10:08PM -0400, Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M. wrote:

  I would also re-think using "free of charge." "Use Freely" is
  the FSF concept you might mean; recall, the cost of the software
  is not directly pertinent to the open source mission.

 I dropped one use of "free of charge" in my license, but a few remain. I
 think in those cases I really mean "free of charge"--for example, where
 the license insists that modifications be made available to the public
 under an open source license "free of charge", that is there to prevent
 someone from saying that the open source version is available for
 $100,000 to anyone who wants it.

 However, I dropped it from my grant of rights, and now simply say
 you may use(...) our software, rather than "use(...) our software
 free of charge". It didn't seem to add anything there.

  As for section 3, you use "combined work" when I think you mean

  The term "bona fide application" has no  meaning or copyright
  You need to define this term or abandone it since it could
 cause substantial

 OK, these are related and I've tried to define them now. I now
 use the term
 "collective work" as part of the definition of "combined work".

 Here are my definitions from section 5:

  A "combined work" is a collective work where the parts are
 linked, used,
  and distributed together as an application, but remain distinct and are
  separately licensed. A "bona fide application" has substantial
  beyond that of other works it is combined with.

 And here is the revised section 3, where these definitions are used:

  You may combine an unmodified copy of our software as a whole,
 or a compiled
  version of it, with your own separate source materials to
 create a combined
  work which you may use, display, and perform. You may distribute your
  combined work to anyone provided your separate source materials
 form a bona
  fide application which you distribute to the public, free of charge, and
  including all source code, under any open source license approved by the
  Open Source Initiative ( or under this agreement.
  You may permit third party recipients to use, display, perform,
 copy, and
  distribute your combined work as a whole, without modification, in any
  manner also permitted for your separate source materials.
  You may permit third party recipients to modify your separate
 source material
  under your license (possibly without disclosing source code)
 and modify our
  software under section (2). The modified parts may then be
 recombined to form
  a new version of the combined work which may be used under the
 same terms as
  the original. Thus your combined work may be treated as if it
 were covered by
  your license, except that modifications to our software itself
 must occur
  under section (2) of this agreement.

 The full text of the license can be found here, for reference:

 Hopefully it is getting clearer now, and thanks yet again for your help!


Simple Public License, v0.20

2000-04-25 Thread Justin Wells

I have a revised version of the SPL, which incorporates some of
the comments Rod made on the last version. I've also been talking
to several people who wish to use my software in conjunction with
software under the Apache/BSD license, and so I have added a section
which I believe allows them to do that.

I am especially interested to hear people's comments on section (3), 
which allows use of the SPL with other open source licenses. It's new
material, and so it's the most likely to have problems.

I have dropped the language about consultants from the SPL, since
Rod thinks that this would not be feasible. Instead I will do as
he suggested and offer a separate license for consulting use.

Also, I've dropped the "beneficial owner" clause. I still want to
include some language like that, but it's going to be difficult to
get right. It occurs to me that I could do the beneficial owner
statement as a separate release later, independent of whatever license
my software is released under. So I will work on that as a separate 
document, not directly related to the license itself.

I'm hoping that the SPL will become a generally useful license, and I'm 
very glad to have your comments, as well as those of everyone else on 
the list. Everyone's comments have been extremely useful. 

I've attached the annotated version of the license below. Text, HTML, 
postscript, and PDF versions are available here:

Thanks again!


 - - -

Simple Public License 
 Version 0.20

 "Our software" refers to the copyrighted work licensed under this
 agreement. "We", "us", and "our" refer to the copyright owners. "You"
 and "your" refer to each licensee. You are granted the non-exclusive rights 
 set forth in this agreement provided you agree to and comply with all of 
 its conditions. You indicate your acceptance of these terms by any use of 
 our software.

Any member of the public can be "you". "We" include all of the copyright
holders. "Our software" has been placed under this license, probably in 
a statement attached to the software itself.

This is how you wind up coming to accept this agreement: you don't get to
use the software unless you do.

 You may use, display, and perform our software free of charge. You may 
 copy and distribute our software on its own, or as part of an aggregate 
 collection, provided that you copy all of it.

Basic rights of use. I specifically mention aggregate collections so that
they aren't treated as derived works.


 You may improve our software provided that prior to any public or third 
 party use you distribute the improved version to the public, including all 
 source code, free of charge, through an electronic medium customarily used 
 for software exchange. An improvement is an alteration to the source code, 
 structure, sequence, or organization of our software, including alterations 
 performed by linking or patching.

 You grant the following irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide rights to 
 your improved version: any recipient may use it under this agreement, 
 and we may copy, display, perform, adapt, and sublicense it.

This is the basic copyleft. Note that it is weakened by section 3.

The phrase "prior to any public or third party use" is intended to capture
modified versions of the software that are not distributed, but are put up
on a public application server. I want modifications to those as well.

The phrase "electronic medium" is intended to include email, websites,
public CVS archives, ftp sites, and so forth.

 Your improvement must not cause our software to depend on additional 
 software unless that additional software is distributed to the public under 
 a license which allows everyone to use and distribute it free of charge; 
 also, under any patent claim licensable by you which would be infringed by 
 use of your improvement, you grant to each recipient a worldwide 
 non-exclusive royalty-free patent license to use, sell, import, and 
 transfer the improvement as part of our software or adaptations of it.

You can't fool the world into relying on your modifications, and then 
pull the rug out from under everyone and announce your patent and/or
charge a lot of money for the software you've created dependencies on.

 You may include or otherwise combine an unmodified copy of our software
 as a whole, plus a compiled version of it, with your own separate source 
 materials to create a combined work. You may distribute your combined 
 work to anyone provided your separate source materials form a bona fide  
 application which you distribute to the public, free of charge and including 
 all source code, under any open source license approved by the Open Source 
 Initiative ( or under this agreement.

You can combine our software with other 

Re: Simple Public License, v0.20

2000-04-25 Thread John Cowan

Justin Wells scripsit:

  Your improvement must not cause our software to depend on additional 
  software unless that additional software is distributed to the public under 
  a license which allows everyone to use and distribute it free of charge; 

I don't remember if I raised this point before, but this seems to say
that a patch allowing the software to run on Windows or VMS is impermissible,
since the patch makes the software "depend" on a non-free operating system.
This is clearly discrimination against a class of users and as such
forbidden by the OSD.

   I am a member of a civilization. --David Brin

Re: Simple Public License, v0.20

2000-04-25 Thread Seth David Schoen

John Cowan writes:

 Justin Wells scripsit:
   Your improvement must not cause our software to depend on additional 
   software unless that additional software is distributed to the public under 
   a license which allows everyone to use and distribute it free of charge; 
 I don't remember if I raised this point before, but this seems to say
 that a patch allowing the software to run on Windows or VMS is impermissible,
 since the patch makes the software "depend" on a non-free operating system.
 This is clearly discrimination against a class of users and as such
 forbidden by the OSD.

It's interesting to compare what the GPL does about this:

... However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not
include anything that is normally distributed (in either
source or binary form) with the major components (compiler,
kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the
executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the

I think this gives OS vendors the ability to make proprietary
extensions to GPLed programs!

Seth David Schoen [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | And do not say, I will study when I
Temp.  | have leisure; for perhaps you will
down:   (CAF)  | not have leisure.  -- Pirke Avot 2:5