I guess this one was intended for the list...

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Subject: Re: [Licq-main] invisible status
Date: Tuesday 20 July 2004 18:34
From: Botond Vasarhelyi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Thomas Reitelbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thomas Reitelbach wrote:
>On Tuesday 20 July 2004 17:50, Botond Vasarhelyi wrote:
>>Dear Thomas,
>>Sorry for the late answer. No, it is not greyed out, only separated by a
>>separator line in the bottom of the list.. selectable, but selecting it
>>nothing happened. Screenshot will be sent as soon as possible.
>This separator is there by design.
>After clicking on the "invisible" menu-item you should notice that your
>current status becomes surrounded by parentheses, this means you are now
>Doing it again makes you visible again and removes the parentheses.
>If you have an idea how to make the effect of beeing invisible more clearly
>shown, please don't hesitate to tell us :)

Then I'd like to apologize for crying over something that is not a
problem. I was too dumb to recognize this :) The way of showing
invisibility is correct, only my eyes were too weak to see the
difference by default :)

Thank you for your fast and kind help!



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