Re: [Lift] Re: How can one bind value-less attributes?

2009-12-02 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen
Alex Black writes:

 Is there a good/reasonable way to conditionally output
 checked=checked or output nothing?

If you output null for the attribute value, the attribute is not

scala bind(stuff, input type=checkbox stuff:s=/, 
res11: scala.xml.NodeSeq = input type=checkbox checked=checked/input

scala bind(stuff, input type=checkbox stuff:s=/, 
res12: scala.xml.NodeSeq = input type=checkbox /input



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[Lift] Re: Beef with LiftRules.explicitlyParsedSuffixes

2009-12-02 Thread Marius
I opened ticket and
assign it to myself.


 On Dec 1, 2:33 am, David Pollak wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Marius wrote:
  For a default behavior this is a reasonable approach. But from a
  framework perspective this is a little limiting.

  In order to be more extensible I think we should allow users to plug
  in their own splitting functions (say a LiftRules RulesSeq of
  functions) and essentially determine what is suffix and what is not
  based on potentially some more complex rules. But that's just me ...

 Okay, please open a ticket and make it happen.


  On Nov 27, 10:04 pm, Naftoli Gugenheim wrote:
   By the way Microsoft uses some really long suffixes, e.g., MS Access
  Developer Extension Deployment Wizard files, and Pocket PC emulator.

   -Original Message-
   From: David Pollak
   Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 10:34 AM
   Subject: Re: [Lift] Beef with LiftRules.explicitlyParsedSuffixes

   I'm not overly keen on the whitelist stuff.  Someone's going to get
  cranky about it.

   I'm open to either adding a whole lot more to the white list or saying
  that everything  n characters (e.g., 5) is a suffix unless it's on a


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 Lift, the simply functional web framework
 Beginning Scala
 Follow me:
 Surf the harmonics


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[Lift] Re: How to get the servlet context

2009-12-02 Thread Marius
Who recommended storing files inside exploded war? I certainly did
not. I explained several possible approaches that most definitely work
and were used in the past quite extensively and successfully.

Personally I'm not a big fan of storing files payload in RDBMS.


On Dec 1, 12:30 am, David Pollak
 Storing files inside the exploded WAR file is a tremendously bad idea.  I
 don't think we should be helping a user do something that is going to
 continue to cause him pain.

 If he needs to upload images, etc. and then subsequently present them to the
 user, it's two tables in the RDBMS and a single stateless dispatch.  All in
 all  40 lines of code and no pain.

 On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 2:08 PM, Marius wrote:
  Ahh so you want direct links to those files. Still you can do
  something else. Point your URI's from your page to a specific uri such
  as /myapp/serve/myimage.jpg. You intercept requests to

  myapp :: serve :: _ using a DispatchPF. The dispatch PF knows about
  your folder location (presumably from a config file) and reads
  myimage.jpg from that path on the file system. Hence you can read the
  File and send it to the client. I think you can use Lift's
  StreamResponse or you can build your own LiftResponse that returns a
  file using proper Content-Type.

  Another approach would be to use a reverse proxy server in front of
  your Lift application (this is a common production deployment model
  that server static content from frontend server not app servers), your
  Lift application could simply write files in the document-root folder
  hence would be seen by the proxy server and served to the client.

  I used in the past both options with no problem at all for use cases
  not so different than yours.


  On Nov 30, 11:36 pm, jhonig wrote:

   I tried to create a link from the webapp dir to another location with
   rw-access, but that was not allowed...  My conclusion was that you
   can't have symbolic links to locations outside the war.

   My problem is that there are three different locations that could all
   be interpreted as a root for looking up resources.  I've found
   suggesting one over the other, and none of them works.  I assume
   there are more variables involved that I don't even know of.


   On Nov 30, 10:27 pm, Marius wrote:

Ok I may be missing something essential from all this thread but why
not use a folder from the user's home directory? If your app runs say
under jetty OS user should heve read/write rights to write on the
home user file-system. Even if not (although I haven't encountered the
case) those rights can be granted by an admin. So why do you need
special container allocated locations to write files?


On Nov 30, 11:18 pm, jhonig wrote:

 Hi Tim, Jeppe, and others who have replied...

 I have spent a few more hours, but there are just too many variables
 and I haven't been able to figure them out.
 I logged the various locations (running under a standalone jetty, not
 mvn jetty:run, and got this:

   INFO - TEMP = /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8080_tent.
   INFO - REAL = /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8080_tent.
   INFO - URL = file:/tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8080_tent.

 I tried to access images, both from the HTML served to my browser and
 from Scala snippets.   I used the
 following paths:


 The latter path is what I see in my .war file...   I have no special
 filters.  I tried to add entries to my site map,
 but none of them worked.  About to give up.  Hope somebody will help

 Job H.

 On Nov 28, 3:14 pm, jhonig wrote:

  Dear Tim and Heiko,

  I tested a few things under mvn jetty:run...:

    getRealPath gives me ./src/main/webapp
    the temp attribute is set to ./target/work
    and the location is ./target/classes

  While the war contains classes/work which is again different...
  didn't manage to get jetty to serve contents from any other
  than the first one.

  Didn't try to run it on the standalone jetty, since I still don't
  to tell jetty to serve contents that is not under the webapp
  Probably have to do something with the site map which I don't fully

  Guess my main problem is that I don't have any experience in this
  field (jetty/lift) and thought it wouldn't be to difficult to port
  to lift and enhance it a little on the fly.


[Lift] Re: lift modules

2009-12-02 Thread stephanos
Thanks, I will look into it :-)

I'm just generally interested what additional modules there are - for
example the best I could find about it (documentation-wise) is this:
All I'm saying is there seem to be many great modules out there - they
should be somehow presented/documented.

On Nov 28, 6:01 pm, Timothy Perrett wrote:

 I wrote the paypal module... what do you want to know?

 Cheers, Tim

 On Nov 28, 4:49 pm, stephanos wrote:

  Hi folks,

  I'm new to lift and was wondering about all the variousmoduleslike
  lift-paypal etc. I found in the maven repository.
  Is there an overview/documentation of them somewhere - I couldn't find
  one yet.



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Re: [Lift] Re: lift modules

2009-12-02 Thread Timothy Perrett
Documentation is a wider issue right now, and one that needs to be addressed 
quite seriously as we move toward 2.0.

Right now, the best thing to do if you've looked at the code comments, looked 
in the archives and are still not sure of something then just post a question.

Cheers, Tim

On 2 Dec 2009, at 10:21, stephanos wrote:

 Thanks, I will look into it :-)
 I'm just generally interested what additional modules there are - for
 example the best I could find about it (documentation-wise) is this:
 All I'm saying is there seem to be many great modules out there - they
 should be somehow presented/documented.
 On Nov 28, 6:01 pm, Timothy Perrett wrote:
 I wrote the paypal module... what do you want to know?
 Cheers, Tim
 On Nov 28, 4:49 pm, stephanos wrote:
 Hi folks,
 I'm new to lift and was wondering about all the variousmoduleslike
 lift-paypal etc. I found in the maven repository.
 Is there an overview/documentation of them somewhere - I couldn't find
 one yet.
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[Lift] Multi-Database Transactions

2009-12-02 Thread deadfolk
Hi all,

I'm currently evaluating Lift for a new project I'll be working on
soon, and I'm looking for a little input regarding if/how I can manage
transactions across two databases.

It's going to be a bunch of web services over two MySQL databases.
I'll need to synchronize transactions across the two, but I won't be
using XA, as we've had some problems in this area.  I don't know if
it's us, drivers, JBoss, MySQL server itself or what, but we're
steering clear regardless, as the problems are nasty and difficult to

I'm not concerned about 2PC or anything of that sort.  If we have a
commit/rollback problem once in a blue moon, I'm not going to lose any
sleep over it.  What I've done in an existing Java/Spring project is
to write a class that contains a list of Spring's transaction managers
and just delegates begin/commit/rollback as appropriate.

I'll likely be using plain JDBC or JPA.  What would be my options in
Lift?  Can I get a list of connections and just use a filter (or
equivalent) to begin/commit/rollback on each within every request?
I've done some searching, but I've not found anything relating to the
use of multiple databases.

Any advice/pointers would be very much appreciated.



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Re: [Lift] Multi-Database Transactions

2009-12-02 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen
deadfolk writes:


 I'll likely be using plain JDBC or JPA.  What would be my options in
 Lift?  Can I get a list of connections and just use a filter (or
 equivalent) to begin/commit/rollback on each within every request?
 I've done some searching, but I've not found anything relating to the
 use of multiple databases.

 Any advice/pointers would be very much appreciated.

Lift already supports wrapping the request with code. e.g I have 


in Boot.scala which wraps a transaction around the request.

I haven't tried multiple databases, but it should be trivial (famous
last words :-) to extend this to also work in this scenario (when you
don't want XA transactions)

This is for Mapper, the Lift ORM, I assume JPA can be made to work in
similar ways...



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[Lift] How to fix the bug in firefox that application/xhtml+xml doesn't have the write() method ?

2009-12-02 Thread Neil.Lv
Hi all,

   How to fix the bug in firefox that application/xhtml+xml doesn't
have the write() method ?

   The document object created in Firefox when the mime type is
application/xhtml+xml does not have the write() method.

   I have a script that need to use the document.write method in the
lift page.

script charset=utf-8 language=JavaScript src=http://..php/

  I try that create a test.html ( /src/main/webapp/test.html ) and the
use the iframe to embed the test.html.

iframe frameborder=1 scrolling=yes style=height: 5px; width:
5px; src=test.html name=lift/iframe

   It works fine in the IE, but not in the Firefox.

   Does anybody know that how to resolve this problem in the lift ?



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Re: [Lift] How to fix the bug in firefox that application/xhtml+xml doesn't have the write() method ?

2009-12-02 Thread Timothy Perrett
Put this in your boot.scala

LiftRules.useXhtmlMimeType = false 

cheers, Tim

On 2 Dec 2009, at 12:42, Neil.Lv wrote:

 Hi all,
   How to fix the bug in firefox that application/xhtml+xml doesn't
 have the write() method ?
   The document object created in Firefox when the mime type is
 application/xhtml+xml does not have the write() method.
   I have a script that need to use the document.write method in the
 lift page.
 script charset=utf-8 language=JavaScript src=http://..php/
  I try that create a test.html ( /src/main/webapp/test.html ) and the
 use the iframe to embed the test.html.
 iframe frameborder=1 scrolling=yes style=height: 5px; width:
 5px; src=test.html name=lift/iframe
   It works fine in the IE, but not in the Firefox.
   Does anybody know that how to resolve this problem in the lift ?
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[Lift] Re: How to fix the bug in firefox that application/xhtml+xml doesn't have the write() method ?

2009-12-02 Thread Arthur
Hi Neil

document.write() isn't allowed for real xml files like xhtml+xml
where an xml parser checks for well-formedness of the xml. You should
be able to use things like appendChild().



On 2 Dez., 13:42, Neil.Lv wrote:
 Hi all,

    How to fix the bug in firefox that application/xhtml+xml doesn't
 have the write() method ?

    The document object created in Firefox when the mime type is
 application/xhtml+xml does not have the write() method.

    I have a script that need to use the document.write method in the
 lift page.

 script charset=utf-8 language=JavaScript src=http://..php/

   I try that create a test.html ( /src/main/webapp/test.html ) and the
 use the iframe to embed the test.html.

 iframe frameborder=1 scrolling=yes style=height: 5px; width:
 5px; src=test.html name=lift/iframe

    It works fine in the IE, but not in the Firefox.

    Does anybody know that how to resolve this problem in the lift ?



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[Lift] Re: How can one bind value-less attributes?

2009-12-02 Thread Alex Black
Thanks Jeppe, that works perfectly.

On Dec 2, 3:32 am, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen wrote:
 Alex Black writes:
  Is there a good/reasonable way to conditionally output
  checked=checked or output nothing?

 If you output null for the attribute value, the attribute is not

 scala bind(stuff, input type=checkbox stuff:s=/, 
 res11: scala.xml.NodeSeq = input type=checkbox checked=checked/input

 scala bind(stuff, input type=checkbox stuff:s=/, 
 res12: scala.xml.NodeSeq = input type=checkbox /input



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[Lift] Re: How to get the servlet context

2009-12-02 Thread jhonig


Thanks, I will have a look at it.  But I'll have to dive even deeper
into Lift, and don't know if it's worth it compared to using another
framework.  I'll try to make up my mind.


On Nov 30, 11:08 pm, Marius wrote:
 Ahh so you want direct links to those files. Still you can do
 something else. Point your URI's from your page to a specific uri such
 as /myapp/serve/myimage.jpg. You intercept requests to

 myapp :: serve :: _ using a DispatchPF. The dispatch PF knows about
 your folder location (presumably from a config file) and reads
 myimage.jpg from that path on the file system. Hence you can read the
 File and send it to the client. I think you can use Lift's
 StreamResponse or you can build your own LiftResponse that returns a
 file using proper Content-Type.

 Another approach would be to use a reverse proxy server in front of
 your Lift application (this is a common production deployment model
 that server static content from frontend server not app servers), your
 Lift application could simply write files in the document-root folder
 hence would be seen by the proxy server and served to the client.

 I used in the past both options with no problem at all for use cases
 not so different than yours.


 On Nov 30, 11:36 pm, jhonig wrote:


  I tried to create a link from the webapp dir to another location with
  rw-access, but that was not allowed...  My conclusion was that you
  can't have symbolic links to locations outside the war.

  My problem is that there are three different locations that could all
  be interpreted as a root for looking up resources.  I've found
  suggesting one over the other, and none of them works.  I assume
  there are more variables involved that I don't even know of.


  On Nov 30, 10:27 pm, Marius wrote:

   Ok I may be missing something essential from all this thread but why
   not use a folder from the user's home directory? If your app runs say
   under jetty OS user should heve read/write rights to write on the
   home user file-system. Even if not (although I haven't encountered the
   case) those rights can be granted by an admin. So why do you need
   special container allocated locations to write files?


   On Nov 30, 11:18 pm, jhonig wrote:

Hi Tim, Jeppe, and others who have replied...

I have spent a few more hours, but there are just too many variables
and I haven't been able to figure them out.
I logged the various locations (running under a standalone jetty, not
mvn jetty:run, and got this:

  INFO - TEMP = /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8080_tent.
  INFO - REAL = /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8080_tent.
  INFO - URL = file:/tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8080_tent.

I tried to access images, both from the HTML served to my browser and
from Scala snippets.   I used the
following paths:


The latter path is what I see in my .war file...   I have no special
filters.  I tried to add entries to my site map,
but none of them worked.  About to give up.  Hope somebody will help

Job H.

On Nov 28, 3:14 pm, jhonig wrote:

 Dear Tim and Heiko,

 I tested a few things under mvn jetty:run...:

   getRealPath gives me ./src/main/webapp
   the temp attribute is set to ./target/work
   and the location is ./target/classes

 While the war contains classes/work which is again different...   I
 didn't manage to get jetty to serve contents from any other directory
 than the first one.

 Didn't try to run it on the standalone jetty, since I still don't know
 to tell jetty to serve contents that is not under the webapp
 Probably have to do something with the site map which I don't fully

 Guess my main problem is that I don't have any experience in this
 field (jetty/lift) and thought it wouldn't be to difficult to port my
 to lift and enhance it a little on the fly.

 To be continued...

 Job Honig

 On Nov 28, 12:52 am, Timothy Perrett wrote:

  Here's a nugget of information for you that will help (as I do 
  something similar to what you want in one of my applications):

val protectionDomain: ProtectionDomain = 
val location: URL = protectionDomain.getCodeSource().getLocation()

  Print the value of location, and that will get you headed in the 
  right direction ;-) Moreover, if your using jetty, if there is a 
  work directory next to where the war 

[Lift] Re: How to get the servlet context

2009-12-02 Thread jhonig

 Storing files inside the exploded WAR file is a tremendously bad idea.  I
 don't think we should be helping a user do something that is going to
 continue to cause him pain.

 If he needs to upload images, etc. and then subsequently present them to the
 user, it's two tables in the RDBMS and a single stateless dispatch.  All in
 all  40 lines of code and no pain.

I don't need to upload images.  They are created by a snippet and
be served right away.  They will be cleaned up after some 10 minutes
or so.
It's all about scaling images to the browser size and discarding them
the user hasn't accessed them for a while.  So it's really all about
a SCRATCH directory from the app and serving content from that

I've never served images from a database and wonder if that is the
way to solve this problem, given the overhead of a db.  And I don't
it will be easy to make JAI (Advanced Imaging) write or read to/from
db, there's nothing whatsoever in the JAI documentation about that.

Best,  Job H.

 On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 2:08 PM, Marius wrote:
  Ahh so you want direct links to those files. Still you can do
  something else. Point your URI's from your page to a specific uri such
  as /myapp/serve/myimage.jpg. You intercept requests to

  myapp :: serve :: _ using a DispatchPF. The dispatch PF knows about
  your folder location (presumably from a config file) and reads
  myimage.jpg from that path on the file system. Hence you can read the
  File and send it to the client. I think you can use Lift's
  StreamResponse or you can build your own LiftResponse that returns a
  file using proper Content-Type.

  Another approach would be to use a reverse proxy server in front of
  your Lift application (this is a common production deployment model
  that server static content from frontend server not app servers), your
  Lift application could simply write files in the document-root folder
  hence would be seen by the proxy server and served to the client.

  I used in the past both options with no problem at all for use cases
  not so different than yours.


  On Nov 30, 11:36 pm, jhonig wrote:

   I tried to create a link from the webapp dir to another location with
   rw-access, but that was not allowed...  My conclusion was that you
   can't have symbolic links to locations outside the war.

   My problem is that there are three different locations that could all
   be interpreted as a root for looking up resources.  I've found
   suggesting one over the other, and none of them works.  I assume
   there are more variables involved that I don't even know of.


   On Nov 30, 10:27 pm, Marius wrote:

Ok I may be missing something essential from all this thread but why
not use a folder from the user's home directory? If your app runs say
under jetty OS user should heve read/write rights to write on the
home user file-system. Even if not (although I haven't encountered the
case) those rights can be granted by an admin. So why do you need
special container allocated locations to write files?


On Nov 30, 11:18 pm, jhonig wrote:

 Hi Tim, Jeppe, and others who have replied...

 I have spent a few more hours, but there are just too many variables
 and I haven't been able to figure them out.
 I logged the various locations (running under a standalone jetty, not
 mvn jetty:run, and got this:

   INFO - TEMP = /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8080_tent.
   INFO - REAL = /tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8080_tent.
   INFO - URL = file:/tmp/Jetty_0_0_0_0_8080_tent.

 I tried to access images, both from the HTML served to my browser and
 from Scala snippets.   I used the
 following paths:


 The latter path is what I see in my .war file...   I have no special
 filters.  I tried to add entries to my site map,
 but none of them worked.  About to give up.  Hope somebody will help

 Job H.

 On Nov 28, 3:14 pm, jhonig wrote:

  Dear Tim and Heiko,

  I tested a few things under mvn jetty:run...:

getRealPath gives me ./src/main/webapp
the temp attribute is set to ./target/work
and the location is ./target/classes

  While the war contains classes/work which is again different...
  didn't manage to get jetty to serve contents from any other
  than the first one.

  Didn't try to run it on the standalone jetty, since I still don't
  to tell jetty to serve contents that is not under the 

[Lift] Re: How to get the servlet context

2009-12-02 Thread jhonig

 I'm all for putting stuff in a well-know location in the filesystem... and
 defining that well known location in the props file.

OK, then this is what I want.   But you refer to THE props file.  Do
you mean
a Jetty props file, a general Lift props file, a user defined props

I tried to use a symbolic link from the WAR to an absolute fs
location, but that
was not allowed...

 Messing around with trying to figure out where the app server has exploded
 your WAR file (if it even has which is not AFAIK guaranteed) and putting
 files in there is a failure waiting to happen.

OK, I see.



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[Lift] Re: How to fix the bug in firefox that application/xhtml+xml doesn't have the write() method ?

2009-12-02 Thread Neil.Lv

  I set the XhtmlMimeType to false, and it can works now!

LiftRules.useXhtmlMimeType = false

  Thanks very much!


On Dec 2, 9:03 pm, Arthur wrote:
 Hi Neil

 document.write() isn't allowed for real xml files like xhtml+xml
 where an xml parser checks for well-formedness of the xml. You should
 be able to use things like appendChild().



 On 2 Dez., 13:42, Neil.Lv wrote:

  Hi all,

     How to fix the bug in firefox that application/xhtml+xml doesn't
  have the write() method ?

     The document object created in Firefox when the mime type is
  application/xhtml+xml does not have the write() method.

     I have a script that need to use the document.write method in the
  lift page.

  script charset=utf-8 language=JavaScript src=http://..php/

    I try that create a test.html ( /src/main/webapp/test.html ) and the
  use the iframe to embed the test.html.

  iframe frameborder=1 scrolling=yes style=height: 5px; width:
  5px; src=test.html name=lift/iframe

     It works fine in the IE, but not in the Firefox.

     Does anybody know that how to resolve this problem in the lift ?



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Re: [Lift] Re: How can one bind value-less attributes?

2009-12-02 Thread David Pollak
null... shudder. :-)

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 12:32 AM, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen je...@ingolfs.dkwrote:

 Alex Black writes:

  Is there a good/reasonable way to conditionally output
  checked=checked or output nothing?

 If you output null for the attribute value, the attribute is not

 scala bind(stuff, input type=checkbox stuff:s=/,
 res11: scala.xml.NodeSeq = input type=checkbox

 scala bind(stuff, input type=checkbox stuff:s=/,
 res12: scala.xml.NodeSeq = input type=checkbox /input



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Lift, the simply functional web framework
Beginning Scala
Follow me:
Surf the harmonics


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[Lift] How to use the ActorPing schedule ? in the lift .

2009-12-02 Thread Neil.Lv
Hi all,

   I want to query the records of the RMDBS every several minutes.

   Does use the ActorPing or something else to achieve this purpose ?

   Is there an example that about the ActorPing ?

   Thanks for any suggestion !



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Re: [Lift] Is it possible to use Schemifier without DB Access?

2009-12-02 Thread David Pollak
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 9:20 PM, Joern wrote:


 I just want to see the statements Schemifier.schemify() would use to
 create all my tables. Right now, it only creates statements, if there
 is no such table in the DB. How could I avoid having it look at the
 existing tables and just let Schemifier give me all the create

I don't think there's a way to do that.  You can set flags for
schemification that only log changes, but don't actually make them.  But
there's no way to tell Schemifier pretent there are no tables.  Sorry.



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Re: [Lift] How to use the ActorPing schedule ? in the lift .

2009-12-02 Thread Timothy Perrett

ActorPing is what you want, yes. Essentially, calling it says in X time span 
call Z method - if you need repeating behaviour, just put a call to actor ping 
at the end of the Z method to reschedule it.

That should be all you need. 

Cheers, Tim

On 2 Dec 2009, at 16:39, Neil.Lv wrote:

 Hi all,
   I want to query the records of the RMDBS every several minutes.
   Does use the ActorPing or something else to achieve this purpose ?
   Is there an example that about the ActorPing ?
   Thanks for any suggestion !
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Re: [Lift] Re: How can one bind value-less attributes?

2009-12-02 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen
David Pollak writes:

 null... shudder. :-)

Yeaah, somehow it doesn't look nice anymore :-) Your idea with an Option/Box
for attribute binding seems nice  clean


 On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 12:32 AM, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen je...@ingolfs.dkwrote:

 Alex Black writes:

  Is there a good/reasonable way to conditionally output
  checked=checked or output nothing?

 If you output null for the attribute value, the attribute is not

 scala bind(stuff, input type=checkbox stuff:s=/,
 res11: scala.xml.NodeSeq = input type=checkbox

 scala bind(stuff, input type=checkbox stuff:s=/,
 res12: scala.xml.NodeSeq = input type=checkbox /input



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Re: [Lift] A second rewrite phase

2009-12-02 Thread David Pollak
On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 2:23 AM, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen je...@ingolfs.dkwrote:

 David Pollak writes:

  Folks (especially Jeppe),
  I've added a second rewrite phase to Lift.  The second phase takes place
  within S scope, so you get SessionVars, etc.  The review board posting is

 Cool stuff.

It's checked into master

  Anyone who cares about what is accessible during this rewrite phase
  pull the dpp_issue_197 branch from GitHub and do a build to make sure
  suiting their needs.

 It solves at least one of my issues: I can now go to a CRUDify page such
 as http://localhost:8080/procurement/edit/173 and be redirected to the
 login in page if I'm not signed in.

 This didn't work before since I used the signed in user id during
 rewrite to locate the item to edit. Nice!

 The other issues I've worked around for now (mostly using sessionsvars
 during rewrite when no session exist), so can't easily comment atm

You might want to look into the RequestMemoize and SessionMemoize stuff I
added... they may help you (especially related to RDBMS access and pattern



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Re: [Lift] Re: How to get the servlet context

2009-12-02 Thread David Pollak
On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 5:27 AM, jhonig wrote:


  I'm all for putting stuff in a well-know location in the filesystem...
  defining that well known location in the props file.

 OK, then this is what I want.   But you refer to THE props file.  Do
 you mean
 a Jetty props file, a general Lift props file, a user defined props

Lift has a properties mechanism (see net.liftweb.util.Props).  You can
define properties based on user name, machine name, and runmode.  This
allows you to have different temporary directories depending on the
developer/machine/run mode.

 I tried to use a symbolic link from the WAR to an absolute fs
 location, but that
 was not allowed...

  Messing around with trying to figure out where the app server has
  your WAR file (if it even has which is not AFAIK guaranteed) and putting
  files in there is a failure waiting to happen.

 OK, I see.



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[Lift] Re: How to get the servlet context

2009-12-02 Thread jhonig

 Lift has a properties mechanism (see net.liftweb.util.Props).  You can
 define properties based on user name, machine name, and runmode.  This
 allows you to have different temporary directories depending on the
 developer/machine/run mode.

OK, I'll have a look.  For now I am trying to serve the images as
content.  In that context, I will post a new question.

Job H.


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[Lift] Jetty question

2009-12-02 Thread jhonig
Can anybody point me to the proper documentation for Jetty 7?

I found that
is outdated, the classes referred to do not exist anymore in Jetty 7.
Just replacing mortbay by eclipse in the class names didn't help...

Then Google gave me:, but many of the
of the documentation links require me to be a member of some
unspecified entity...  One would think though that this wiki is the
proper source for Jetty documentation...

Job H.


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Re: [Lift] Jetty question

2009-12-02 Thread Timothy Perrett
Lift is not yet compatible with Jetty 7 continuations... if you want to use 
comet, please use Jetty 6 for the moment. 

Cheers, Tim

On 2 Dec 2009, at 17:55, jhonig wrote:

 Can anybody point me to the proper documentation for Jetty 7?
 I found that
 is outdated, the classes referred to do not exist anymore in Jetty 7.
 Just replacing mortbay by eclipse in the class names didn't help...
 Then Google gave me:, but many of the
 of the documentation links require me to be a member of some
 unspecified entity...  One would think though that this wiki is the
 proper source for Jetty documentation...
 Job H.
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Re: [Lift] Jetty question

2009-12-02 Thread Alex Boisvert
Probably better asked on the Jetty mailing list... but... is the new site for Jetty 7+ documentation.
It's still sparse but they are moving/updating the documentation

Which page(s) asked you for registration?


On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 9:55 AM, jhonig wrote:

 Can anybody point me to the proper documentation for Jetty 7?

 I found that
 is outdated, the classes referred to do not exist anymore in Jetty 7.
 Just replacing mortbay by eclipse in the class names didn't help...

 Then Google gave me:, but many of the
 of the documentation links require me to be a member of some
 unspecified entity...  One would think though that this wiki is the
 proper source for Jetty documentation...

 Job H.


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[Lift] Filtering of script tags from ajax replies and executing the javascript

2009-12-02 Thread jon

It would be cool if when I did something like this:

SHtml.a(()= SetHtml(id, findAnyTemplate(List(foo)).open_!))

The script tags within the foo template were filtered out and the
the contained JavaScript were executed.

I created my own SetHtml to achieve that, but I'm wondering if this
would be interesting enough to add to Lift in a more comprehensive way
(so that it works for all JsCmds that render NodeSeqs)?

Here's what I got so far:

- Jon


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[Lift] Re: Image upload and serving example

2009-12-02 Thread Peter Robinett
Jon, that sounds very interesting and I'd love to see it. S3 support
in general would be a great module for Lift, in my opinion.


On Dec 2, 10:24 am, jon wrote:
 For those that are using s3, I created a MappedS3Image MappedField for
 automating the storage of image uploads to s3 with a unique identifier
 stored in the RDBMS.  If anyone's interested I could clean and share
 the code.

 usage like this: user.avatar.setFromUpload(fileParamHolderBox) or

 - Jon

 On Dec 2, 12:15 am, DMB wrote:

  You don't even need f.get in there as it turns out. f.get should
  just be file. Beautiful. Thanks for the tip.

  On Dec 1, 8:07 pm, David Pollak wrote:

   On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 8:03 PM, DMB wrote:
Ended up doing this:

   def show(xhtml: NodeSeq) : NodeSeq = {
       if(S.post_?) {
           val f : Option[FileParamHolder] = S.request match {
               case Empty = Empty
               case Full(req) =
                   req.uploadedFiles.find( == file_upload)

           if(f.isDefined) {
       return xhtml

   This is a place for a for comprehension:

   def show(xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
     for {
       request - S.request if S.post_?
       file - request.uploadedFiles.find( == file_upload)
     } acceptFile(f.get)



   Note that the code is shorter, reads better and has no branches in it.

And putting a bare upload field in the snippet, like you sugested. I
still wonder if the binding method is the best place for this, though.

On Dec 1, 10:14 am, David Pollak
 If you have the Req (request), you can do:

 val req: Req = ...
 val theFile: Option[FileParamHolder] = req.uploadedFiles.find( 

 On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 2:49 AM, DMB wrote:
  Just what I was looking for, thanks!

  By the way, is there a way to assign a name attribute to a file
  upload input field? The reason is I have a legacy piece of code that
  does HTTP uploads by simulating a form submit. This code requires 
  the form field name be known in advance, for obvious reasons.

  On Nov 30, 9:26 pm, David Pollak

   Lately there's been a bunch of chatter on the list about image 
   figuring out how to put the image files in the right place to 

   I've written a simple example of image uploading, storing the 
   RDBMS and then serving the image.  You can find the code at:

   The file upload snippet is very simple:

   class DoUpload {
     private def saveFile(fp: FileParamHolder): Unit = {
       fp.file match {
         case null =
         case x if x.length == 0 =
         case x =
           val blob = ImageBlob.create.image(x).saveMe
           S.notice(Thanks for the upload)

     def render(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq =
     bind(upload, in, file - SHtml.fileUpload(saveFile _))


   If the blob is uploaded, it's put in a row in ImageBlob and an
   is created to store the name and mime type.  There are two 
   that one doesn't have to pull the whole blob back when you're
   the upload date.

   Serving the image is similarly concise:

     def serveImage: LiftRules.DispatchPF = {
       case req @ Req(images :: _ :: Nil, _, GetRequest) if
   findFromRequest(req).isDefined =
         () = {
           val info = findFromRequest(req).open_! // open is valid 
   we just tested in the guard

           // Test for expiration
           req.testFor304(, Expires - 
   30.days)) or
           // load the blob and return it
  = InMemoryResponse(blob.image,
   List((Last-Modified, toInternetDate(,

    (Expires, toInternetDate(millis + 30.days)),

    (Content-Type,, Nil,  200))

   If the request matches /images/xxx where xxx is a name in the
   table, check to see if we can return a 304 (not modified).  If 
   the blob from the database and return it.

   I hope this helps folks who are looking to manage and serve 


Re: [Lift] Re: Filtering of script tags from ajax replies and executing the javascript

2009-12-02 Thread David Pollak
I think the feature has merits.  I can see it either as an alternative to
SetHtml (e.g., SetAndRun) or as a flag on SetHtml so existing code runs the
same way.

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 11:00 AM, Marius wrote:

 Personally I have reservations about this. If you want to include
 templates in this manner why use script tags in those templates ? ...
 Furthermore in some cases one may want Script tags preserved. And
 having multiple SetHtml is not something I'd like to see (but others
 could). Besides stripping nodes out is a pretty trivial task using
 pattern matching or Scala's RuleTransformer.

 Last but not least I would avoid using open_! in such contexts. Try
 using openOr for graceful degradation.


 On Dec 2, 8:40 pm, jon wrote:
  It would be cool if when I did something like this:
  SHtml.a(()= SetHtml(id, findAnyTemplate(List(foo)).open_!))
  The script tags within the foo template were filtered out and the
  the contained JavaScript were executed.
  I created my own SetHtml to achieve that, but I'm wondering if this
  would be interesting enough to add to Lift in a more comprehensive way
  (so that it works for all JsCmds that render NodeSeqs)?
  Here's what I got so far:
  - Jon


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[Lift] Re: Jetty question

2009-12-02 Thread jhonig
Hi Tim,

 Lift is not yet compatible with Jetty 7 continuations... if you want to use 
 comet, please use Jetty 6 for the moment.

I don't use comet.  But is this dependency mentioned anywhere in the
Lift docs?  Can't remember
having seen any such information!



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[Lift] Re: Jetty question

2009-12-02 Thread Marius
Lift doesn't necessarily require Jetty 6. Lift runs pretty much on any
JEE web container including jetty 7. But Lift comet support
automatically detects Jetty 6 continuations API and use it. If that is
missing Lift will gracefully fall back in using a locking based
mechanism for Comet. Of course this model does not scale very well.

The reason for that Jetty 7 continuations API is not in Lift yet is
because we were waiting for Servlet 3.0 Async support (similar in many
respects with Jetty 7 continuations). But servlet 3.0 is not there
yet ... still Jetty 7 contains some more or less experimental
implementation of Servlet 3.0 Async. I'm using at work jetty 7
continuations which is quite a nice API ... even nicer that servlet
3.0 spec :D


On Dec 2, 9:30 pm, jhonig wrote:
 Hi Tim,

  Lift is not yet compatible with Jetty 7 continuations... if you want to use 
  comet, please use Jetty 6 for the moment.

 I don't use comet.  But is this dependency mentioned anywhere in the
 Lift docs?  Can't remember
 having seen any such information!



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[Lift] Re: Jetty question

2009-12-02 Thread Timothy Perrett
Hey Marius,

Im not 100% sure that Servlet 3.0 will solve our problems... im
worried that the vendors will not standardise once again (they are
already diverging paths in early access servlet 3.0

To this end, I cant help but wonder if we will end up falling back on
something like Atmosphere to become container agnostic?

Cheers, Tim

PS: Sorry for the semi thread-hijacking!

On Dec 2, 8:15 pm, Marius wrote:
 Lift doesn't necessarily require Jetty 6. Lift runs pretty much on any
 JEE web container including jetty 7. But Lift comet support
 automatically detects Jetty 6 continuations API and use it. If that is
 missing Lift will gracefully fall back in using a locking based
 mechanism for Comet. Of course this model does not scale very well.

 The reason for that Jetty 7 continuations API is not in Lift yet is
 because we were waiting for Servlet 3.0 Async support (similar in many
 respects with Jetty 7 continuations). But servlet 3.0 is not there
 yet ... still Jetty 7 contains some more or less experimental
 implementation of Servlet 3.0 Async. I'm using at work jetty 7
 continuations which is quite a nice API ... even nicer that servlet
 3.0 spec :D


 On Dec 2, 9:30 pm, jhonig wrote:

  Hi Tim,

   Lift is not yet compatible with Jetty 7 continuations... if you want to 
   use comet, please use Jetty 6 for the moment.

  I don't use comet.  But is this dependency mentioned anywhere in the
  Lift docs?  Can't remember
  having seen any such information!



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Re: [Lift] Re: Jetty question

2009-12-02 Thread David Pollak
On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.euwrote:

 Hey Marius,

 Im not 100% sure that Servlet 3.0 will solve our problems... im
 worried that the vendors will not standardise once again (they are
 already diverging paths in early access servlet 3.0

 To this end, I cant help but wonder if we will end up falling back on
 something like Atmosphere to become container agnostic?

Ummm... why would we put in a layer (Atmosphere) when we can do it better
ourselves.  Lift was the first JVM framework to support long polling.  I am
loath to layer in another piece when we can deal with things as well or
better than Atmosphere.

 Cheers, Tim

 PS: Sorry for the semi thread-hijacking!

 On Dec 2, 8:15 pm, Marius wrote:
  Lift doesn't necessarily require Jetty 6. Lift runs pretty much on any
  JEE web container including jetty 7. But Lift comet support
  automatically detects Jetty 6 continuations API and use it. If that is
  missing Lift will gracefully fall back in using a locking based
  mechanism for Comet. Of course this model does not scale very well.
  The reason for that Jetty 7 continuations API is not in Lift yet is
  because we were waiting for Servlet 3.0 Async support (similar in many
  respects with Jetty 7 continuations). But servlet 3.0 is not there
  yet ... still Jetty 7 contains some more or less experimental
  implementation of Servlet 3.0 Async. I'm using at work jetty 7
  continuations which is quite a nice API ... even nicer that servlet
  3.0 spec :D
  On Dec 2, 9:30 pm, jhonig wrote:
   Hi Tim,
Lift is not yet compatible with Jetty 7 continuations... if you want
 to use comet, please use Jetty 6 for the moment.
   I don't use comet.  But is this dependency mentioned anywhere in the
   Lift docs?  Can't remember
   having seen any such information!


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Lift, the simply functional web framework
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Surf the harmonics


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Re: [Lift] Re: Oracle DB connection in 1.1-m7

2009-12-02 Thread Derek Chen-Becker
It should be in place now. Can you verify that it's working for you?

On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 6:49 PM, Derek Chen-Becker dchenbec...@gmail.comwrote:

 I'll check this in to master in the morning.

 On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 8:53 AM, Derek Chen-Becker 

 I should have a fix in 30 minutes or so.

 On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 9:56 AM, Mathias Sulser wrote:

 I think the MappedBoolean isn't properly done in the OracleDriver:

 scala User.findAll(By(User.superUser, false))
 java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column type
at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException
at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException
at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException
at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.setObjectCritical
at ora...

 And if you look at the generated DDL:

   SUPERUSER decimal(22),

 Any hints on how to solve this? Btw, it's a 10g data base

 On Nov 26, 4:14 pm, Mathias Sulser wrote:
  All right. Figuring out the proper JDBC string was all. Schemifyer
  seems to then pick the right driver and produce DDL for the specific
  Great stuff.
  On Nov 26, 3:17 pm, suls wrote:
   I see that there is a DriverType and OracleDriver in 1.1-m7 but again
   I don't know how to connect the dots.
   How would a DB.defineConnectionManager method call that uses an
   db look like?
   Thanks, suls


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[Lift] Re: Jetty question

2009-12-02 Thread Marius

On Dec 2, 10:26 pm, David Pollak
 On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Timothy Perrett 

  Hey Marius,

  Im not 100% sure that Servlet 3.0 will solve our problems... im
  worried that the vendors will not standardise once again (they are
  already diverging paths in early access servlet 3.0

  To this end, I cant help but wonder if we will end up falling back on
  something like Atmosphere to become container agnostic?

 Ummm... why would we put in a layer (Atmosphere) when we can do it better
 ourselves.  Lift was the first JVM framework to support long polling.  I am
 loath to layer in another piece when we can deal with things as well or
 better than Atmosphere.

I think I proposed an abstraction layer for Comet more than an year
ago but that was then. Do you think this would be helpful ?

  Cheers, Tim

  PS: Sorry for the semi thread-hijacking!

  On Dec 2, 8:15 pm, Marius wrote:
   Lift doesn't necessarily require Jetty 6. Lift runs pretty much on any
   JEE web container including jetty 7. But Lift comet support
   automatically detects Jetty 6 continuations API and use it. If that is
   missing Lift will gracefully fall back in using a locking based
   mechanism for Comet. Of course this model does not scale very well.

   The reason for that Jetty 7 continuations API is not in Lift yet is
   because we were waiting for Servlet 3.0 Async support (similar in many
   respects with Jetty 7 continuations). But servlet 3.0 is not there
   yet ... still Jetty 7 contains some more or less experimental
   implementation of Servlet 3.0 Async. I'm using at work jetty 7
   continuations which is quite a nice API ... even nicer that servlet
   3.0 spec :D


   On Dec 2, 9:30 pm, jhonig wrote:

Hi Tim,

 Lift is not yet compatible with Jetty 7 continuations... if you want
  to use comet, please use Jetty 6 for the moment.

I don't use comet.  But is this dependency mentioned anywhere in the
Lift docs?  Can't remember
having seen any such information!



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 Lift, the simply functional web framework
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[Lift] Re: Filtering of script tags from ajax replies and executing the javascript

2009-12-02 Thread jon
Comments below.

On Dec 2, 2:00 pm, Marius wrote:
 Personally I have reservations about this. If you want to include
 templates in this manner why use script tags in those templates ? ...

I have existing templates which load as static pages and want to
convert to ajaxy style page transitions without changing too many
things.  Also, I'm using something similar to the LazyLoad, which
harryh shared a few months ago, which looks like this:

div id=foo
script type=text/javascript
  //do something with foo

I get your point though, perhaps these are esoteric use cases.

 Furthermore in some cases one may want Script tags preserved. And
 having multiple SetHtml is not something I'd like to see (but others
 could). Besides stripping nodes out is a pretty trivial task using
 pattern matching or Scala's RuleTransformer.

I also explored creating a trait that can be mixed into JqSetHtml to
achieve the same goal:
But I think it's too brittle to be generally useful.

 Last but not least I would avoid using open_! in such contexts. Try
 using openOr for graceful degradation.

Under most circumstances I wouldn't use open_!, but for the case of
hard coded template paths, I want things to fail in as loud a way as
possible if I were to rename or fatfinger a path and that somehow made
it into production (I have a top level catch all for exceptions which
shoots out notifications and displays a nice error message).

I realize that it would be hard to quickly parse the error cause, so
I'm using something like this instead:

def findTemplate_!(path:List[String]) = findAnyTemplate(path) openOr
(throw new Exception(Template not found:  + path.mkString(/)))


 On Dec 2, 8:40 pm, jon wrote:


  It would be cool if when I did something like this:

  SHtml.a(()= SetHtml(id, findAnyTemplate(List(foo)).open_!))

  The script tags within the foo template were filtered out and the
  the contained JavaScript were executed.

  I created my own SetHtml to achieve that, but I'm wondering if this
  would be interesting enough to add to Lift in a more comprehensive way
  (so that it works for all JsCmds that render NodeSeqs)?

  Here's what I got so far:

  - Jon


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[Lift] Mapper - JObject bridge

2009-12-02 Thread David Pollak
Folks (HarryH -- this means you),

I've just checked in code on the dpp_issue_213 that does Mapper - JObject
bridging using the awesome lift-json library.

The methods on MetaMapper:
protected def encodeAsJSON_! (toEncode: A): JsonAST.JObject
protected def decodeFromJSON_!(json: JsonAST.JObject): A

Implement the bridge.  They are protected and have a _! in their name
because they are *dangerous* in that data can be exposed on the JSON object
that you might not want exposed and these methods should be used with
extreme caution.

An example of usage can be found in the MapperSpecs:

object SampleModel extends SampleModel with KeyedMetaMapper[Long,
SampleModel] {
  def encodeAsJson(in: SampleModel): JsonAST.JObject = encodeAsJSON_!(in)
  def buildFromJson(json: JsonAST.JObject): SampleModel =

class SampleModel extends KeyedMapper[Long, SampleModel] {
  def getSingleton = SampleModel // what's the meta server
  def primaryKeyField = id

  object id extends MappedLongIndex(this)
  object firstName extends MappedString(this, 32)
  object moose extends MappedNullableLong(this)
  object notNull extends MappedString(this, 32) {
override def dbNotNull_? = true

  def encodeAsJson(): JsonAST.JObject = SampleModel.encodeAsJson(this)

So, you can use this mechanism to serialize a Mapper object to JSON, shovel
the object into memcached and then pull it out, mutate a field and save the
object back to the database (although connection identifier is lost, so if
you are sharding your database, this will not work).

Please give it a try, give me feedback.  I'll put it on review board
tomorrow after any feedback and get it into Lift.



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[Lift] Re: Broken 1.1-M7 jpa archetypes

2009-12-02 Thread Todd
Not for single, though I should be able to manually merge.

On Nov 27, 5:49 am, Indrajit Raychaudhuri wrote:
 Fixed in snapshot repo :)

 The following command should give you a good project now.

 mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeRepository=
 repo-snapshots -DremoteRepositories=
 snapshots -DarchetypeGroupId=net.liftweb -DarchetypeArtifactId=lift-
 archetype-jpa-basic-DarchetypeVersion=1.1-SNAPSHOT -
 DgroupId=com.mypackage -DartifactId=myproject -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT

 Cheers, Indrajit

 On Nov 25, 3:23 am, David Pollak

  Yes.  This is a known issue.  

  On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 9:34 AM, Oscar Picasso 

   It seems that 1.1-M7 jpa archetypes other than lift-archetype-jpa-basicare
   broken, both in snapshots and releases repositories.

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[Lift] Re: Broken 1.1-M7 jpa archetypes

2009-12-02 Thread Todd
disregard, user error.

On Dec 2, 6:23 pm, Todd wrote:
 Not for single, though I should be able to manually merge.

 On Nov 27, 5:49 am, Indrajit Raychaudhuri wrote:

  Fixed in snapshot repo :)

  The following command should give you a good project now.

  mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeRepository=
  repo-snapshots -DremoteRepositories=
  snapshots -DarchetypeGroupId=net.liftweb -DarchetypeArtifactId=lift-
  archetype-jpa-basic-DarchetypeVersion=1.1-SNAPSHOT -
  DgroupId=com.mypackage -DartifactId=myproject -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT

  Cheers, Indrajit

  On Nov 25, 3:23 am, David Pollak

   Yes.  This is a known issue.  

   On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 9:34 AM, Oscar Picasso 

It seems that 1.1-M7 jpa archetypes other than 
broken, both in snapshots and releases repositories.

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[Lift] Re: Please welcome Jon Hoffman to the Lift committers

2009-12-02 Thread TylerWeir
Welcome Jon!

On Dec 2, 6:25 pm, David Pollak wrote:

 It may or may not be true that for Jon Hoffman that Martin Odersky praises
 [his] valuable contributions. [He] can read APIs in the
 dark. Jon's made a valuable
 contribution to Lift as part of the community.
 Now, he's a committer.

 Please join me in welcoming Jon.  I'm looking forward to his S3-related
 additions to Lift and any other goodies he wants to toss into Lift.

 Jon, welcome and I'm looking forward to the grandeur of your contributions!



 PS -- Derek please add Jon to the review board.

 PPS -- My wife loves the Udorse jobs page.

 Lift, the simply functional web framework
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Re: [Lift] Please welcome Jon Hoffman to the Lift committers

2009-12-02 Thread Atsuhiko Yamanaka
Welcome Jon!

On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 8:25 AM, David Pollak wrote:

 It may or may not be true that for Jon Hoffman that Martin Odersky praises
 [his] valuable contributions. [He] can read APIs in the dark. But Jon's
 made a valuable contribution to Lift as part of the community.  Now, he's a

 Please join me in welcoming Jon.  I'm looking forward to his S3-related
 additions to Lift and any other goodies he wants to toss into Lift.

 Jon, welcome and I'm looking forward to the grandeur of your contributions!

Atsuhiko Yamanaka
SENDAI, MIYAGI 980-0014 Japan.
Tel +81-22-723-2150
Skype callto://jcraft/
Twitter: @ymnk


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Re: [Lift] Please welcome Jon Hoffman to the Lift committers

2009-12-02 Thread Timothy Perrett
Welcome Jon!

Its new-committer-o-rama!! I need to get on top of the current team list to 
revise the site etc 

Cheers, Tim

On 2 Dec 2009, at 23:25, David Pollak wrote:

 It may or may not be true that for Jon Hoffman that Martin Odersky praises 
 [his] valuable contributions. [He] can read APIs in the dark. But Jon's made 
 a valuable contribution to Lift as part of the community.  Now, he's a 
 Please join me in welcoming Jon.  I'm looking forward to his S3-related 
 additions to Lift and any other goodies he wants to toss into Lift.
 Jon, welcome and I'm looking forward to the grandeur of your contributions!
 PS -- Derek please add Jon to the review board.
 PPS -- My wife loves the Udorse jobs page.
 Lift, the simply functional web framework
 Beginning Scala
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 Surf the harmonics
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Re: [Lift] Foreign Key constraints are not created by schemify

2009-12-02 Thread Derek Chen-Becker
It's been a long time since I looked at that particular code, so I may have
misspoke. Having said that, if it's currently disabled in the driver I'm not
sure why and I would want to review it before saying that it works properly
in all cases.


On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 1:11 PM, Julian Backes

 Hi Lift Community,

 this is a reply to my own question:
  I'm trying to get my first scala/lift app working and I have a
  problem: Schemifier.schemify(...) creates everything, i.e. tables,
  primary keys, indices but it does not create the foreign key

 After hours of compiling and testing, I stumbled across some messages
 here on the mailing lists which discussed the same problem (I have no
 idea why I haven't seen them before).

 In one message, Derek said
  At this time we don't support it, but feel free to file an issue.
  I'll have time at some point to work on it, and I think that it would
   be useful to generate.

 What does he mean by we don't support it? I've seen the code for
 generating foreign key constraints in Schemifier.scala
 I just needed to set supportsForeignKeys_? in the postgresql driver
 class to true and... it works now. The generated foreign key constraints
 are perfectly ok.

 Is there a reason that this code is not used?



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Re: [Lift] Foreign Key constraints are not created by schemify

2009-12-02 Thread Julian Backes
Hi Derek,

 It's been a long time since I looked at that particular code, so I may 
 have misspoke. Having said that, if it's currently disabled in the 
 driver I'm not sure why and I would want to review it before saying that 
 it works properly in all cases.
I think the problem here is that the user expects (like I did) foreign 
keys to be created if he uses mapper classes referencing other mapper 
classes. This behaviour should at least be mentioned somewhere in the 
documentation (btw, the documentation is in my opinion the biggest 
problems of Lift at the moment).
I think, using a relational database without foreign keys is somehow not 
very useful because you never really know whether you have referential 
It would be great if you looked at the code and enabled it. This would 
really be an improvement for the mapper stuff in Lift 1.1



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[Lift] Re: How to use the ActorPing schedule ? in the lift .

2009-12-02 Thread Neil.Lv

   Thanks very much, yeah, that what i want.

   Is there a wiki example tutorial ?


On Dec 3, 12:46 am, Timothy Perrett wrote:

 ActorPing is what you want, yes. Essentially, calling it says in X time span 
 call Z method - if you need repeating behaviour, just put a call to actor 
 ping at the end of the Z method to reschedule it.

 That should be all you need.

 Cheers, Tim

 On 2 Dec 2009, at 16:39, Neil.Lv wrote:

  Hi all,

I want to query the records of the RMDBS every several minutes.

Does use the ActorPing or something else to achieve this purpose ?

Is there an example that about the ActorPing ?

Thanks for any suggestion !



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[Lift] Can Lift be configured not to call request.getSession(true) in the servlet API?

2009-12-02 Thread Shawn C
Is there a way to configure Lift not to call request.getSession(true)
in the servlet api?  I do not want to use the servlet api session
tracking.  I plan on storing some of the state in an AES encrypted
cookie and the rest in hidden form fields.

Any assistance would be appreciated.




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[Lift] Can Lift be configured not to call request.getSession(true) in the servlet API?

2009-12-02 Thread Shawn C
Is there a way to configure Lift not to call request.getSession(true)
in the servlet api?  I do not want to use the servlet api session
tracking.  I plan on storing some of the state in an AES encrypted
cookie and the rest in hidden form fields.

Any assistance would be appreciated.




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Re: [Lift] Can Lift be configured not to call request.getSession(true) in the servlet API?

2009-12-02 Thread David Pollak
On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 5:39 PM, Shawn C wrote:

 Is there a way to configure Lift not to call request.getSession(true)
 in the servlet api?


  I do not want to use the servlet api session
 tracking.  I plan on storing some of the state in an AES encrypted
 cookie and the rest in hidden form fields.

This is a bad idea for a variety of reasons, mostly security related, but
also for the amount of data the is moved around and the amount of state
decoding that's necessary.

But if this is the design that you want, I don't think Lift is the right
framework for you.  You might be better off with Play or Wicket.



 Any assistance would be appreciated.




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[Lift] Re: Please welcome Jon Hoffman to the Lift committers

2009-12-02 Thread Marius
Sounds really cool. Welcome Jon!

On Dec 3, 1:25 am, David Pollak wrote:

 It may or may not be true that for Jon Hoffman that Martin Odersky praises
 [his] valuable contributions. [He] can read APIs in the
 dark. Jon's made a valuable
 contribution to Lift as part of the community.
 Now, he's a committer.

 Please join me in welcoming Jon.  I'm looking forward to his S3-related
 additions to Lift and any other goodies he wants to toss into Lift.

 Jon, welcome and I'm looking forward to the grandeur of your contributions!



 PS -- Derek please add Jon to the review board.

 PPS -- My wife loves the Udorse jobs page.

 Lift, the simply functional web framework
 Beginning Scala
 Follow me:
 Surf the harmonics


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[Lift] Re: Please welcome Jon Hoffman to the Lift committers

2009-12-02 Thread jon
Thanks for the warm welcome!   Lift's been super productive for me and
I'm happy to have the oppurtunity to give back.

On Dec 2, 6:56 pm, Timothy Perrett wrote:
 Welcome Jon!

 Its new-committer-o-rama!! I need to get on top of the current team list to 
 revise the site etc

 Cheers, Tim

 On 2 Dec 2009, at 23:25, David Pollak wrote:


  It may or may not be true that for Jon Hoffman that Martin Odersky praises 
  [his] valuable contributions. [He] can read APIs in the dark. But Jon's 
  made a valuable contribution to Lift as part of the community.  Now, he's a 

  Please join me in welcoming Jon.  I'm looking forward to his S3-related 
  additions to Lift and any other goodies he wants to toss into Lift.

  Jon, welcome and I'm looking forward to the grandeur of your contributions!



  PS -- Derek please add Jon to the review board.

  PPS -- My wife loves the Udorse jobs page.

  Lift, the simply functional web framework
  Beginning Scala
  Follow me:
  Surf the harmonics


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Re: [Lift] Please welcome Jon Hoffman to the Lift committers

2009-12-02 Thread Heiko Seeberger
Welcome, Jon!

2009/12/3 David Pollak


 It may or may not be true that for Jon Hoffman that Martin Odersky
 praises [his] valuable contributions. [He] can read APIs in the 
 dark. Jon's made a valuable contribution to 
 Lift as part of the community.
 Now, he's a committer.

 Please join me in welcoming Jon.  I'm looking forward to his S3-related
 additions to Lift and any other goodies he wants to toss into Lift.

 Jon, welcome and I'm looking forward to the grandeur of your contributions!



 PS -- Derek please add Jon to the review board.

 PPS -- My wife loves the Udorse jobs page.

 Lift, the simply functional web framework
 Beginning Scala
 Follow me:
 Surf the harmonics

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Heiko Seeberger

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Re: [Lift] Re: How to use the ActorPing schedule ? in the lift .

2009-12-02 Thread Timothy Perrett
Not yet - feel free to add one! There plenty of examples within lift  
itself though tho.

Cheers, Tim

Sent from my iPhone

On 3 Dec 2009, at 01:43, Neil.Lv wrote:

   Thanks very much, yeah, that what i want.

   Is there a wiki example tutorial ?


 On Dec 3, 12:46 am, Timothy Perrett wrote:

 ActorPing is what you want, yes. Essentially, calling it says in X  
 time span call Z method - if you need repeating behaviour, just  
 put a call to actor ping at the end of the Z method to reschedule it.

 That should be all you need.

 Cheers, Tim

 On 2 Dec 2009, at 16:39, Neil.Lv wrote:

 Hi all,

  I want to query the records of the RMDBS every several minutes.

  Does use the ActorPing or something else to achieve this purpose ?

  Is there an example that about the ActorPing ?

  Thanks for any suggestion !



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