[Lift] Re: Documentation Site

2009-12-21 Thread johncch
Well, this is an apt discussion at this point in time I feel. One of
the weakness of the Lift Project is really the sparse documentation,
as well as the rapid cycle of development obsoleting virtually many of
the slightly older code out there.

I don't mind contributing my time improving the documentation. Perhaps
one of the reasons why people don't contribute back is that the wiki
is not very prominent, for one reason or another. It's just rarely
referenced anywhere else most of the time. Would appreciate a more
concentrated effort on this.

I haven't actually seen the lift 1.1 scala docs. For example,
points to a blank page - that's for Lift common. I mostly rely on the
IDE(idea) to open up declarations via maven.. not exactly the best
method since the source code is more often than not not commented.

The lift framework is pretty massive, I think that's the reason why
it's difficult to write comprehensive documentation for it. I'm just
wondering what is a good way to go about doing that? A list of how-tos
plus in depth discussion about each part of the framework i.e. base,
or common, or? Perhaps there can be one page for every logical object
in Lift.


On Dec 21, 6:12 am, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
 I really don't think thats the issue - Lift is not closed to committing... 
 if that were the case, David would never have recruited us onto the team ;-)

 95% of all OSS projects i've ever come across have the same policy when it 
 comes to wikis etc... they are organic, community driven beasts. For 
 instance, I was no aware that you had written any articles... but that is 
 great. You say you want them fleshed out? In what way / what information do 
 you need.

 Writing documentation is actually a great way to understand something because 
 it means you have to fully grok it in order to teach others - we need to 
 solve the documentation issue for sure, and any contribution you or others 
 have is very much welcome.

 Cheers, Tim

 On 20 Dec 2009, at 21:43, Randinn wrote:

  To give the benefit of doubt to people who use Lift knowing that is
  closed to commiting they may think the same about the documentation. I
  have added a bit but I've more thrown up a few pages and figured
  someone with more knowledge would flesh them out.

  On Dec 20, 8:47 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
  1.0 is the last official release that was not a milestone or snapshot
  - thus, they are the primary api docs right now until we release 2.0
  (that is, what was being called 1.1 is being renamed to 2.0). API docs
  are a process issue, and handled as part of our build process - they
  will always live both on scala-tools and liftweb.net where applicable.
  They wont ever sit anywhere else (officially).

  Yes, the wiki is a little out dated. I forget the number of times i've
  tried to spear head a wiki effort... the bottom line is that other
  people need to start writing content - there are a fair number of
  competent lift users in the community who simply are not giving
  anything back by way of articles or wiki cleaning - thus our docs get
  out dated fast because the team prefer to write code than
  documentation. We even tried to appointed a wiki gardener but he
  appears to have just disappeared into the ether... Id be open to
  hearing suggestions on how one could keep the wiki more up to date?
  Short of users actually contributing back, there is a limit on what
  the team can do at anyone time. We are getting there, but its not
  going to be an overnight process.

  Blogs - a fundamental corner stone of the internet and your right,
  they are a great information repository. Perhaps we could syndicate
  some blogs onto liftweb.net during the rewrite (yes, im going to
  rewrite it at last!)... certainly open for that.

  Cheers, Tim

  PS: Sorry that was a bit of a rant, but this is a frustrating issue
  that i've been pushing for over a year ;-)

  On Dec 19, 1:16 pm, Hannes hannes.flo...@gmx.li wrote:

  Definitely! I would like one location for everything, but I believe that
  the current situation is not like that.

  - there two API docs 1.0 and 1.1, the latter is hard to find
  - there's liftweb.net (a little bit out-dated)
  - there's the Wiki
  - there's David's Blog (that has some unique information)

  What did I forget?


  Why not improve the existing wiki on github?

  Or fork the book and make improvements that way?

  I'm not opposed to additional resources, but why create another place
  where docs may or not be out of date?

  I think that Lift is still at the point where one location of docs is

  My opinion.

  On Dec 19, 6:37 am, Hannes hannes.flo...@gmx.li wrote:

  Hi Lifters,

  I'm thinking about setting up a site that takes together all available
  information about Lift (Links, News, ...).

  I would like to know, if this 

[Lift] Re: [scala-internals] RC4 candidate for the first 2.8.0 beta

2009-12-21 Thread martin odersky
On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 12:39 PM, martin odersky martin.oder...@epfl.ch wrote:
 Thanks for letting us know. This looks like something stirred up by
 the change in erasure. We'll investigate Monday what it is.


  -- Martin

I could reproduce the fault and think I found the underlying problem:
There was a problem with the erasure of self types  and it looks like
this problem was unmasked by my previous, unrelated change to erasure.
I'll think about a fix now.


 -- Martin


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Re: [Lift] Validation errors shown on CRUDify models?

2009-12-21 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen
tommycli tommy...@ucla.edu writes:

 Are validation errors shown on CRUDify create/edit pages?

 I have validators set up like this:

   object subdomain extends MappedString(this,64) {
 override def validations = List(valUnique(Subdomain taken.)_,
Subdomains must only contain 
 letters, numbers, and
  )_) ::: super.validations
 override def displayName = Subdomain
 override def dbIndexed_? = true

 And on an invalid entry, the form will just silently fail - that is,
 when submitted, it will just give back the exact same form state - no
 error messages, no changes in the filled-out entries. This confuses me.

How should the messages be displayed? AFAIK, per field message display
is not supported atm. You can display all errors (incl field errors) by
including the 

lift:Msgs showAll=true/

snippet. Note the showAll attribute which is now needed to show field
level errors.



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[Lift] Re: [Lift Announce] **Important** Announcing the Lift 2.0 branch

2009-12-21 Thread Heiko Seeberger

Great to see the next refactoring round!

I got the branch and there are a lot of oddities, e.g.:

   - All the POMs I looked at are still 1.1, not 2.0
   - framework/pom.xml references module lift-archetypes and lift-examples
   - The parent POM is empty

Maybe you did not update the branch on GitHub with your latest changes?


2009/12/20 Indrajit Raychaudhuri indraj...@gmail.com

 Okay Folks,

 Lift 2.0 branch has shaped up enough for everybody to play with.
 Checkout the branch irc_wip_lift20 and get going! Just be aware that
 it's still undergoing updated and changes incrementally and there are
 few rough edges.

 Key changes:

 1. The project tree has been restructured according to the proposal
 sent out earlier [1]. To summarize, we now have three top level
 projects (framework, archetypes and examples) each with independent
 build life-cycle. There are other additional infra projects that are
 less to do with the actual code.

 A quick summary of the top-level projects:

 1. Framework:
 The whole of Lift Framework that matter most to most. The usual
 modules (viz., lift-base, lift-persistence and lift-modules) have got
 nested within. Therefore, from now on, building Lift framework would
 mean just that. Doing a git pull or git clone as usual, changing
 to framework directory and running mvn install.

 2. Archetypes:
 The standard distributed archetypes. The archetypes help you get quick
 started with a Lift based project. If you are not into building maven
 archetypes, you can stay clear of this. But a quick probe is welcome.

 3. Examples:
 All the Lift examples are grouped into this project. If you are
 generally interested in learning different techniques from examples
 you don't have to build the whole of Lift anymore. Well that was still
 the case earlier, but now it's even more obvious. And it's true the
 other way round too, if you have to build Lift framework from source,
 you don't have to build the examples along with it. Another point: the
 examples won't be deployed on scala-tools maven repo anymore. Those
 war files up there serve no good purpose.

 Everything now gets neatly tucked into their respective homes :)

 Additional points that you should be aware of:

 A. Availability on scala-tools repository:
 - Components of framework would be available
 - Components of archetypes would be available
 - Components of examples would *not* be available

 B. Availability on scala-tools Maven site:
 Site generated from framework would be the main content of scala-tools
 Maven site. Depending on how things go, we might even have a home of
 it's own at http://dev.liftweb.net. (Separate proposal coming up)

 C. Lift Parent Project Model:
 The top level pom.xml has moved to it's own home at resources/project-
 model. This would stay as a 'flyweight' project (as in boxing, not
 GoF) on it's own that would strictly control the common behavior,
 plugin dependencies, versions etc. for all the top level projects
 (framework, archetypes, examples). This would be deployed on scala-
 tools repository.

 D. Lift Site Skin (WIP):
 I haven't started working on this yet. But the intent is to create a
 project site that is of some real value and serves as placeholder for
 mostly 'auto-generated' docs. See #B above.

 E. Still pending:
 a. Migration to Scala 2.8 branch. Intend to have stable master created
 first with everything working as usual without being caught into Scala
 release cycle. Hopefully, this branch and '280_port' would merge soon!
 b. Higher quality site generation (See #B above, proposal coming up)
 c. Site skin (See #D above)
 d. Hudson integration and better release management. So that certain
 steps in Committer release process [2] become automatic (waiting for
 merge to master and hudson maintenance)
 e. Having a nice README.md at the top level
 f. General spit and polish

 F: To be decided:
 a. Future of lift-core. (Separate mail coming)
 b. Relevance of OtherLicensedWorks.txt (repo distribution of javamail
 is now under CDDL and license automatically reflects in dependency
 c. Need for remove-trailings.sh (can be replaced by git pre-commit

 [2] http://wiki.github.com/dpp/liftweb/committer-release-process

 Feedbacks most welcome!

 Cheers, Indrajit

Heiko Seeberger

My job: weiglewilczek.com
My blog: heikoseeberger.name
Follow me: twitter.com/hseeberger
OSGi on Scala: scalamodules.org
Lift, the simply functional web framework: liftweb.net


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Lift group.
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[Lift] Re: Documentation Site

2009-12-21 Thread Randinn
Well for the current information the places to go are
http://scala-tools.org/mvnsites-snapshots/liftweb/index.html and
http://wiki.github.com/dpp/liftweb if that will help you.

On Dec 21, 7:47 pm, johncch john...@gmail.com wrote:
 Well, this is an apt discussion at this point in time I feel. One of
 the weakness of the Lift Project is really the sparse documentation,
 as well as the rapid cycle of development obsoleting virtually many of
 the slightly older code out there.

 I don't mind contributing my time improving the documentation. Perhaps
 one of the reasons why people don't contribute back is that the wiki
 is not very prominent, for one reason or another. It's just rarely
 referenced anywhere else most of the time. Would appreciate a more
 concentrated effort on this.

 I haven't actually seen the lift 1.1 scala docs. For 
 points to a blank page - that's for Lift common. I mostly rely on the
 IDE(idea) to open up declarations via maven.. not exactly the best
 method since the source code is more often than not not commented.

 The lift framework is pretty massive, I think that's the reason why
 it's difficult to write comprehensive documentation for it. I'm just
 wondering what is a good way to go about doing that? A list of how-tos
 plus in depth discussion about each part of the framework i.e. base,
 or common, or? Perhaps there can be one page for every logical object
 in Lift.


 On Dec 21, 6:12 am, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:

  I really don't think thats the issue - Lift is not closed to 
  committing... if that were the case, David would never have recruited us 
  onto the team ;-)

  95% of all OSS projects i've ever come across have the same policy when it 
  comes to wikis etc... they are organic, community driven beasts. For 
  instance, I was no aware that you had written any articles... but that is 
  great. You say you want them fleshed out? In what way / what information do 
  you need.

  Writing documentation is actually a great way to understand something 
  because it means you have to fully grok it in order to teach others - we 
  need to solve the documentation issue for sure, and any contribution you or 
  others have is very much welcome.

  Cheers, Tim

  On 20 Dec 2009, at 21:43, Randinn wrote:

   To give the benefit of doubt to people who use Lift knowing that is
   closed to commiting they may think the same about the documentation. I
   have added a bit but I've more thrown up a few pages and figured
   someone with more knowledge would flesh them out.

   On Dec 20, 8:47 pm, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu wrote:
   1.0 is the last official release that was not a milestone or snapshot
   - thus, they are the primary api docs right now until we release 2.0
   (that is, what was being called 1.1 is being renamed to 2.0). API docs
   are a process issue, and handled as part of our build process - they
   will always live both on scala-tools and liftweb.net where applicable.
   They wont ever sit anywhere else (officially).

   Yes, the wiki is a little out dated. I forget the number of times i've
   tried to spear head a wiki effort... the bottom line is that other
   people need to start writing content - there are a fair number of
   competent lift users in the community who simply are not giving
   anything back by way of articles or wiki cleaning - thus our docs get
   out dated fast because the team prefer to write code than
   documentation. We even tried to appointed a wiki gardener but he
   appears to have just disappeared into the ether... Id be open to
   hearing suggestions on how one could keep the wiki more up to date?
   Short of users actually contributing back, there is a limit on what
   the team can do at anyone time. We are getting there, but its not
   going to be an overnight process.

   Blogs - a fundamental corner stone of the internet and your right,
   they are a great information repository. Perhaps we could syndicate
   some blogs onto liftweb.net during the rewrite (yes, im going to
   rewrite it at last!)... certainly open for that.

   Cheers, Tim

   PS: Sorry that was a bit of a rant, but this is a frustrating issue
   that i've been pushing for over a year ;-)

   On Dec 19, 1:16 pm, Hannes hannes.flo...@gmx.li wrote:

   Definitely! I would like one location for everything, but I believe that
   the current situation is not like that.

   - there two API docs 1.0 and 1.1, the latter is hard to find
   - there's liftweb.net (a little bit out-dated)
   - there's the Wiki
   - there's David's Blog (that has some unique information)

   What did I forget?


   Why not improve the existing wiki on github?

   Or fork the book and make improvements that way?

   I'm not opposed to additional resources, but why create another place
   where docs may or not be out of date?

   I think that Lift is still at the 

[Lift] Re: About the performance

2009-12-21 Thread DMB
Spoken like a true zealot. The difference between us is that I've used
both Java and .NET in a professional capacity, and you obviously have
not. If you did, you wouldn't have any questions about the performance
and stability of CLR.

 it's also much more primitive than modern JVMs

I'd say it's a bit simpler than modern JVMs, and if anything, that's
an advantage. It's a lot easier to walk if you don't shoot yourself in
both feet to begin with like Sun did. And they need dynamic runtime
for the same exact reason why Sun is adding dynamic extensions in Java
7 - so that dynamic languages would get a bit faster. As a heavy user
of Groovy and an occasional user of IronPython, I'm glad they're
putting in the effort.

Regarding the benchmarks, just for the heck of it, I've grabbed the C#
and Java variants of Manderlbrot benchmark from Language Shootout site
(http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/u32q/csharp.php), compiled them
both for Java (using JDK 1.6.0_17) and .NET (using v3.5 of C#
compiler) and ran them on my Windows 7 box (4GB RAM, 3-core Phenom II
@ 2.8GHz). With identical parameters, .NET version takes 14 seconds,
and Java version takes 16 seconds (yes, I did use the server runtime
in Java's case). I can post the exact command lines and source code,
or you can grab the source code and verify yourself.

Likewise, the Fannkuch benchmark took 22 seconds on CLR vs 24 seconds
on Server JRE, and there's a version of this benchmark optimized for
CLR (using unsafe code, stack allocation and pointer math) that
completes in 15 (!) seconds.

Try it yourself if you have access to a Windows machine, those
microbenchmarks are not that hard to run. So much for CLR being
nowhere near JVM. If you want a larger, more realistic benchmark,
compare Lucene.NET to Lucene. It runs substantially faster, despite
being pretty much a straight, class-for-class port of Java code.

On Dec 14, 10:05 am, Marcin Mielżyński l...@gazeta.pl wrote:
 On 2009-12-14 02:26, DMB wrote: That's a common misconception among Java 
 folks. Leaving aside the
  relative merits of the various web frameworks, .NET runtime is about
  10% faster on Windows in steady state than Sun Server JRE, and it uses

 Back it up by a decent benchmark, otherwise tell me where would .NET end
 up here:http://www.stefankrause.net/wp/?p=6

 It's a common misconception among .NET folks that they think what they
 think. half as much RAM to boot. Mono is slower than JRE (aside from app
  start-up times, which are faster), but its memory consumption profile
  is similar to that of Microsoft runtime. It helps when the runtime is

 Because .NET is not dynamic enough, it doesnt have runtime profiling
 etc, why did they need DLR then ? (And how much memory does it use ? :)

  actually designed in a way that doesn't make methods virtual by

 I cant see the point. Can .NET devirtualize virtual methods ? (JVMs can
 completely devirtualize abstract method callsites too and inline them
 without guards if there's single implementer)

  default, has reified generics, bytecode that's optimized for JIT, and

 Generics yest, it's a plus, but .NET jit is NOWHERE near modern JVMs.

  easy to use infrastructure to write your own compilers (which enables,
  e.g. precompiled ASPX pages and regexes).

 Offline compilation kills peak performance. .NET is not really an option in 
 the open source world (for a variety
  of well known reasons), but make no mistake -- it is a technically
  superior runtime in most aspects that matter. I'm hoping LLVM will
  close the gap on the Linux/UNIX side.

  I think today's Sun JRE does a good job given what it has to work
  with, but it's crippled from the start by some unfortunate design
  choices, and I don't see much improvement anywhere on the horizon,
  aside from the dynamic extensions and OSGI in Java 7. Which is why
  people are looking at e.g. Scala. Once the developer tries closures
  and functional programming on sequences, it's kinda hard to go back to

 Yes, .NET learned bunch of things from Java and many mistakes has been
 fixed, but it's also much more primitive than modern JVMs, also, it's
 specification isn't that demanding.
 It's also light years behind in terms of optimization tricks, stability
 and portability.



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Re: [Lift] Re: [Lift Announce] **Important** Announcing the Lift 2.0 branch

2009-12-21 Thread Indrajit Raychaudhuri

That looks like the initial check-in I did on the branch. There has been 
quite a few commits since.

I double checked to ensure the git push. Seems fine. Looks like the 
little bird agrees too :) [http://twitter.com/liftweb/status/6862128603]

Cheers, Indrajit

On 21/12/09 3:41 PM, Heiko Seeberger wrote:

 Great to see the next refactoring round!

 I got the branch and there are a lot of oddities, e.g.:

 * All the POMs I looked at are still 1.1, not 2.0
 * framework/pom.xml references module lift-archetypes and lift-examples
 * The parent POM is empty

 Maybe you did not update the branch on GitHub with your latest changes?


 2009/12/20 Indrajit Raychaudhuri indraj...@gmail.com

 Okay Folks,

 Lift 2.0 branch has shaped up enough for everybody to play with.
 Checkout the branch irc_wip_lift20 and get going! Just be aware that
 it's still undergoing updated and changes incrementally and there are
 few rough edges.

 Key changes:

 1. The project tree has been restructured according to the proposal
 sent out earlier [1]. To summarize, we now have three top level
 projects (framework, archetypes and examples) each with independent
 build life-cycle. There are other additional infra projects that are
 less to do with the actual code.

 A quick summary of the top-level projects:

 1. Framework:
 The whole of Lift Framework that matter most to most. The usual
 modules (viz., lift-base, lift-persistence and lift-modules) have got
 nested within. Therefore, from now on, building Lift framework would
 mean just that. Doing a git pull or git clone as usual, changing
 to framework directory and running mvn install.

 2. Archetypes:
 The standard distributed archetypes. The archetypes help you get quick
 started with a Lift based project. If you are not into building maven
 archetypes, you can stay clear of this. But a quick probe is welcome.

 3. Examples:
 All the Lift examples are grouped into this project. If you are
 generally interested in learning different techniques from examples
 you don't have to build the whole of Lift anymore. Well that was still
 the case earlier, but now it's even more obvious. And it's true the
 other way round too, if you have to build Lift framework from source,
 you don't have to build the examples along with it. Another point: the
 examples won't be deployed on scala-tools maven repo anymore. Those
 war files up there serve no good purpose.

 Everything now gets neatly tucked into their respective homes :)

 Additional points that you should be aware of:

 A. Availability on scala-tools repository:
 - Components of framework would be available
 - Components of archetypes would be available
 - Components of examples would *not* be available

 B. Availability on scala-tools Maven site:
 Site generated from framework would be the main content of scala-tools
 Maven site. Depending on how things go, we might even have a home of
 it's own at http://dev.liftweb.net. (Separate proposal coming up)

 C. Lift Parent Project Model:
 The top level pom.xml has moved to it's own home at resources/project-
 model. This would stay as a 'flyweight' project (as in boxing, not
 GoF) on it's own that would strictly control the common behavior,
 plugin dependencies, versions etc. for all the top level projects
 (framework, archetypes, examples). This would be deployed on scala-
 tools repository.

 D. Lift Site Skin (WIP):
 I haven't started working on this yet. But the intent is to create a
 project site that is of some real value and serves as placeholder for
 mostly 'auto-generated' docs. See #B above.

 E. Still pending:
 a. Migration to Scala 2.8 branch. Intend to have stable master created
 first with everything working as usual without being caught into Scala
 release cycle. Hopefully, this branch and '280_port' would merge soon!
 b. Higher quality site generation (See #B above, proposal coming up)
 c. Site skin (See #D above)
 d. Hudson integration and better release management. So that certain
 steps in Committer release process [2] become automatic (waiting for
 merge to master and hudson maintenance)
 e. Having a nice README.md at the top level
 f. General spit and polish

 F: To be decided:
 a. Future of lift-core. (Separate mail coming)
 b. Relevance of OtherLicensedWorks.txt (repo distribution of javamail
 is now under CDDL and license automatically reflects in dependency
 c. Need for remove-trailings.sh (can be replaced by git pre-commit

 [2] http://wiki.github.com/dpp/liftweb/committer-release-process

 Feedbacks most welcome!


[Lift] Re: **Important** Announcing the Lift 2.0 branch

2009-12-21 Thread chungonn
Hi Indrajit,

I am new to both Scala and Lift. I have spent some time exploring
Scala and only a little on Lift 1.0. I plan to do some real work with
Lift soon, would you recommend that I focus on Lift 2.0 branch?

Is there any guesstimate Lift 2.0 release schedule?


On Dec 21, 3:34 am, Indrajit Raychaudhuri indraj...@gmail.com wrote:
 Okay Folks,

 Lift 2.0 branch has shaped up enough for everybody to play with.
 Checkout the branch irc_wip_lift20 and get going! Just be aware that
 it's still undergoing updated and changes incrementally and there are
 few rough edges.

 Key changes:

 1. The project tree has been restructured according to the proposal
 sent out earlier [1]. To summarize, we now have three top level
 projects (framework, archetypes and examples) each with independent
 build life-cycle. There are other additional infra projects that are
 less to do with the actual code.

 A quick summary of the top-level projects:

 1. Framework:
 The whole of Lift Framework that matter most to most. The usual
 modules (viz., lift-base, lift-persistence and lift-modules) have got
 nested within. Therefore, from now on, building Lift framework would
 mean just that. Doing a git pull or git clone as usual, changing
 to framework directory and running mvn install.

 2. Archetypes:
 The standard distributed archetypes. The archetypes help you get quick
 started with a Lift based project. If you are not into building maven
 archetypes, you can stay clear of this. But a quick probe is welcome.

 3. Examples:
 All the Lift examples are grouped into this project. If you are
 generally interested in learning different techniques from examples
 you don't have to build the whole of Lift anymore. Well that was still
 the case earlier, but now it's even more obvious. And it's true the
 other way round too, if you have to build Lift framework from source,
 you don't have to build the examples along with it. Another point: the
 examples won't be deployed on scala-tools maven repo anymore. Those
 war files up there serve no good purpose.

 Everything now gets neatly tucked into their respective homes :)

 Additional points that you should be aware of:

 A. Availability on scala-tools repository:
 - Components of framework would be available
 - Components of archetypes would be available
 - Components of examples would *not* be available

 B. Availability on scala-tools Maven site:
 Site generated from framework would be the main content of scala-tools
 Maven site. Depending on how things go, we might even have a home of
 it's own athttp://dev.liftweb.net. (Separate proposal coming up)

 C. Lift Parent Project Model:
 The top level pom.xml has moved to it's own home at resources/project-
 model. This would stay as a 'flyweight' project (as in boxing, not
 GoF) on it's own that would strictly control the common behavior,
 plugin dependencies, versions etc. for all the top level projects
 (framework, archetypes, examples). This would be deployed on scala-
 tools repository.

 D. Lift Site Skin (WIP):
 I haven't started working on this yet. But the intent is to create a
 project site that is of some real value and serves as placeholder for
 mostly 'auto-generated' docs. See #B above.

 E. Still pending:
 a. Migration to Scala 2.8 branch. Intend to have stable master created
 first with everything working as usual without being caught into Scala
 release cycle. Hopefully, this branch and '280_port' would merge soon!
 b. Higher quality site generation (See #B above, proposal coming up)
 c. Site skin (See #D above)
 d. Hudson integration and better release management. So that certain
 steps in Committer release process [2] become automatic (waiting for
 merge to master and hudson maintenance)
 e. Having a nice README.md at the top level
 f. General spit and polish

 F: To be decided:
 a. Future of lift-core. (Separate mail coming)
 b. Relevance of OtherLicensedWorks.txt (repo distribution of javamail
 is now under CDDL and license automatically reflects in dependency
 c. Need for remove-trailings.sh (can be replaced by git pre-commit


 Feedbacks most welcome!

 Cheers, Indrajit


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Lift group.
To post to this group, send email to lift...@googlegroups.com.
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For more options, visit this group at 

Re: [Lift] Re: **Important** Announcing the Lift 2.0 branch

2009-12-21 Thread Indrajit Raychaudhuri
Hi Chungonn,

At the moment the Lift 2.0 branch is updated and synchronized with the 
master. So yes, feel free to check that out and play with it by all 
means. However, be aware that I am making lot of commits on that branch 
(mostly cosmetic and build related). So keep a watch and keep doing 
frequent git pulls [1].

Lift 2.0 would be on Scala 2.8 so it has a dependency on the release 
schedule of Scala 2.8. But we are hoping for an early 2010 release.

[1] Watch http://twitter.com/liftweb to keep track :)

Cheers, Indrajit

On 21/12/09 3:53 PM, chungonn wrote:
 Hi Indrajit,

 I am new to both Scala and Lift. I have spent some time exploring
 Scala and only a little on Lift 1.0. I plan to do some real work with
 Lift soon, would you recommend that I focus on Lift 2.0 branch?

 Is there any guesstimate Lift 2.0 release schedule?


 On Dec 21, 3:34 am, Indrajit Raychaudhuriindraj...@gmail.com  wrote:
 Okay Folks,

 Lift 2.0 branch has shaped up enough for everybody to play with.
 Checkout the branch irc_wip_lift20 and get going! Just be aware that
 it's still undergoing updated and changes incrementally and there are
 few rough edges.

 Key changes:

 1. The project tree has been restructured according to the proposal
 sent out earlier [1]. To summarize, we now have three top level
 projects (framework, archetypes and examples) each with independent
 build life-cycle. There are other additional infra projects that are
 less to do with the actual code.

 A quick summary of the top-level projects:

 1. Framework:
 The whole of Lift Framework that matter most to most. The usual
 modules (viz., lift-base, lift-persistence and lift-modules) have got
 nested within. Therefore, from now on, building Lift framework would
 mean just that. Doing a git pull or git clone as usual, changing
 to framework directory and running mvn install.

 2. Archetypes:
 The standard distributed archetypes. The archetypes help you get quick
 started with a Lift based project. If you are not into building maven
 archetypes, you can stay clear of this. But a quick probe is welcome.

 3. Examples:
 All the Lift examples are grouped into this project. If you are
 generally interested in learning different techniques from examples
 you don't have to build the whole of Lift anymore. Well that was still
 the case earlier, but now it's even more obvious. And it's true the
 other way round too, if you have to build Lift framework from source,
 you don't have to build the examples along with it. Another point: the
 examples won't be deployed on scala-tools maven repo anymore. Those
 war files up there serve no good purpose.

 Everything now gets neatly tucked into their respective homes :)

 Additional points that you should be aware of:

 A. Availability on scala-tools repository:
 - Components of framework would be available
 - Components of archetypes would be available
 - Components of examples would *not* be available

 B. Availability on scala-tools Maven site:
 Site generated from framework would be the main content of scala-tools
 Maven site. Depending on how things go, we might even have a home of
 it's own athttp://dev.liftweb.net. (Separate proposal coming up)

 C. Lift Parent Project Model:
 The top level pom.xml has moved to it's own home at resources/project-
 model. This would stay as a 'flyweight' project (as in boxing, not
 GoF) on it's own that would strictly control the common behavior,
 plugin dependencies, versions etc. for all the top level projects
 (framework, archetypes, examples). This would be deployed on scala-
 tools repository.

 D. Lift Site Skin (WIP):
 I haven't started working on this yet. But the intent is to create a
 project site that is of some real value and serves as placeholder for
 mostly 'auto-generated' docs. See #B above.

 E. Still pending:
 a. Migration to Scala 2.8 branch. Intend to have stable master created
 first with everything working as usual without being caught into Scala
 release cycle. Hopefully, this branch and '280_port' would merge soon!
 b. Higher quality site generation (See #B above, proposal coming up)
 c. Site skin (See #D above)
 d. Hudson integration and better release management. So that certain
 steps in Committer release process [2] become automatic (waiting for
 merge to master and hudson maintenance)
 e. Having a nice README.md at the top level
 f. General spit and polish

 F: To be decided:
 a. Future of lift-core. (Separate mail coming)
 b. Relevance of OtherLicensedWorks.txt (repo distribution of javamail
 is now under CDDL and license automatically reflects in dependency
 c. Need for remove-trailings.sh (can be replaced by git pre-commit


 Feedbacks most welcome!

 Cheers, Indrajit


 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 Lift group.
 To post to this 

Re: [Lift] Re: **Important** Announcing the Lift 2.0 branch

2009-12-21 Thread Cheong Chung Onn
Hi Indrajit,

Thanks for the speedy response.


Indrajit Raychaudhuri wrote, On 12/21/09 7:59 PM:
 Hi Chungonn,

 At the moment the Lift 2.0 branch is updated and synchronized with the 
 master. So yes, feel free to check that out and play with it by all 
 means. However, be aware that I am making lot of commits on that branch 
 (mostly cosmetic and build related). So keep a watch and keep doing 
 frequent git pulls [1].

 Lift 2.0 would be on Scala 2.8 so it has a dependency on the release 
 schedule of Scala 2.8. But we are hoping for an early 2010 release.

 [1] Watch http://twitter.com/liftweb to keep track :)

 Cheers, Indrajit

 On 21/12/09 3:53 PM, chungonn wrote:
 Hi Indrajit,

 I am new to both Scala and Lift. I have spent some time exploring
 Scala and only a little on Lift 1.0. I plan to do some real work with
 Lift soon, would you recommend that I focus on Lift 2.0 branch?

 Is there any guesstimate Lift 2.0 release schedule?


 On Dec 21, 3:34 am, Indrajit Raychaudhuriindraj...@gmail.com  wrote:
 Okay Folks,

 Lift 2.0 branch has shaped up enough for everybody to play with.
 Checkout the branch irc_wip_lift20 and get going! Just be aware that
 it's still undergoing updated and changes incrementally and there are
 few rough edges.

 Key changes:

 1. The project tree has been restructured according to the proposal
 sent out earlier [1]. To summarize, we now have three top level
 projects (framework, archetypes and examples) each with independent
 build life-cycle. There are other additional infra projects that are
 less to do with the actual code.

 A quick summary of the top-level projects:

 1. Framework:
 The whole of Lift Framework that matter most to most. The usual
 modules (viz., lift-base, lift-persistence and lift-modules) have got
 nested within. Therefore, from now on, building Lift framework would
 mean just that. Doing a git pull or git clone as usual, changing
 to framework directory and running mvn install.

 2. Archetypes:
 The standard distributed archetypes. The archetypes help you get quick
 started with a Lift based project. If you are not into building maven
 archetypes, you can stay clear of this. But a quick probe is welcome.

 3. Examples:
 All the Lift examples are grouped into this project. If you are
 generally interested in learning different techniques from examples
 you don't have to build the whole of Lift anymore. Well that was still
 the case earlier, but now it's even more obvious. And it's true the
 other way round too, if you have to build Lift framework from source,
 you don't have to build the examples along with it. Another point: the
 examples won't be deployed on scala-tools maven repo anymore. Those
 war files up there serve no good purpose.

 Everything now gets neatly tucked into their respective homes :)

 Additional points that you should be aware of:

 A. Availability on scala-tools repository:
 - Components of framework would be available
 - Components of archetypes would be available
 - Components of examples would *not* be available

 B. Availability on scala-tools Maven site:
 Site generated from framework would be the main content of scala-tools
 Maven site. Depending on how things go, we might even have a home of
 it's own athttp://dev.liftweb.net. (Separate proposal coming up)

 C. Lift Parent Project Model:
 The top level pom.xml has moved to it's own home at resources/project-
 model. This would stay as a 'flyweight' project (as in boxing, not
 GoF) on it's own that would strictly control the common behavior,
 plugin dependencies, versions etc. for all the top level projects
 (framework, archetypes, examples). This would be deployed on scala-
 tools repository.

 D. Lift Site Skin (WIP):
 I haven't started working on this yet. But the intent is to create a
 project site that is of some real value and serves as placeholder for
 mostly 'auto-generated' docs. See #B above.

 E. Still pending:
 a. Migration to Scala 2.8 branch. Intend to have stable master created
 first with everything working as usual without being caught into Scala
 release cycle. Hopefully, this branch and '280_port' would merge soon!
 b. Higher quality site generation (See #B above, proposal coming up)
 c. Site skin (See #D above)
 d. Hudson integration and better release management. So that certain
 steps in Committer release process [2] become automatic (waiting for
 merge to master and hudson maintenance)
 e. Having a nice README.md at the top level
 f. General spit and polish

 F: To be decided:
 a. Future of lift-core. (Separate mail coming)
 b. Relevance of OtherLicensedWorks.txt (repo distribution of javamail
 is now under CDDL and license automatically reflects in dependency
 c. Need for remove-trailings.sh (can be replaced by git pre-commit


 Feedbacks most 

[Lift] Re: Nexus/Hudson maitenance on scala-tools.org

2009-12-21 Thread Josh Suereth
The hudson upgrade has been completed, however the nexus upgrade ran into
some issues.  We've reverted to the previous version of nexus.  There will
be a continuing maintenance window (for nexus only) from 8pm - 11pm EST
today (December 21st).

Thanks for your patience!
- Josh Suereth

On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 3:38 PM, Josh Suereth joshua.suer...@gmail.comwrote:


 Nexus/Hudson will be temporarily disabled Saturday/Sunday  from 8-11pm
 EST.   These services are being upgraded.   I'll post an email 15 minutes
 before the actual shutdown and immediately after things are back up and
 working.  You should be able to make use of artifacts on the
 scala-tools.org server, however nightly builds and posting releases will
 be disabled.  If anyone has a specific release/test they need performed
 during this period please send me an email and I can accomodate you.

 Thanks for your cooperation!

 - Josh Suereth


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Lift group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Status of DB backend for record?

2009-12-21 Thread Jeppe Nejsum Madsen

What's the status of the DB backend for Record? I'm asking because, I'm
about to start adding temporal object support to mapper but would hate
to repeat this exercise soon if mapper is going to be superseded by
record ;-)

Alternatively, can somebody in the know enlighten me how mapper fits (if
at all) into the big picture when Record is eventually in place?



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Lift group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Sitemap - rendering title attributes for the links

2009-12-21 Thread Alex Black
Can someone point me in the right direction to get tooltips (title
attributes) rendered in my sitemap?

I'd like to add text to each link, so they get rendered like this:

lia href=link title=what will happen when you click on this
linksome page/a/li


- Alex


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Lift group.
To post to this group, send email to lift...@googlegroups.com.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: [maven-and-scala] Re: Nexus/Hudson maitenance on scala-tools.org

2009-12-21 Thread Indrajit Raychaudhuri
Neato! Thank you very much for the upgrade and the update on that!

Should we expect a java5 environment as well, or are you deferring this 
for now?

Cheers, Indrajit

On 21/12/09 7:44 PM, Josh Suereth wrote:
 The hudson upgrade has been completed, however the nexus upgrade ran
 into some issues.  We've reverted to the previous version of nexus.
 There will be a continuing maintenance window (for nexus only) from 8pm
 - 11pm EST today (December 21st).

 Thanks for your patience!
 - Josh Suereth

 On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 3:38 PM, Josh Suereth joshua.suer...@gmail.com
 mailto:joshua.suer...@gmail.com wrote:


 Nexus/Hudson will be temporarily disabled Saturday/Sunday  from
 8-11pm  EST.   These services are being upgraded.   I'll post an
 email 15 minutes before the actual shutdown and immediately after
 things are back up and working.  You should be able to make use of
 artifacts on the scala-tools.org http://scala-tools.org server,
 however nightly builds and posting releases will be disabled.  If
 anyone has a specific release/test they need performed during this
 period please send me an email and I can accomodate you.

 Thanks for your cooperation!

 - Josh Suereth


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Lift group.
To post to this group, send email to lift...@googlegroups.com.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Lift] Re: Confused about validation

2009-12-21 Thread greekscala
Nice to see that there is discussion about this.
I do not have much web framework background
but the Wicket Validators are really nice.

with best regards

On 18 Dez., 10:13, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen je...@ingolfs.dk wrote:
 Naftoli Gugenheim naftoli...@gmail.com writes:
  What would such an abstraction do?
  What code would you like to write (including templates) and what should it 

 I had some input here:




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For more options, visit this group at 

Re: [Lift] Status of DB backend for record?

2009-12-21 Thread David Pollak
I think it's safe to say Mapper will live into the indefinite future, so
please make your changes on Mapper.

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 6:30 AM, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen je...@ingolfs.dkwrote:


 What's the status of the DB backend for Record? I'm asking because, I'm
 about to start adding temporal object support to mapper but would hate
 to repeat this exercise soon if mapper is going to be superseded by
 record ;-)

 Alternatively, can somebody in the know enlighten me how mapper fits (if
 at all) into the big picture when Record is eventually in place?



 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 Lift group.
 To post to this group, send email to lift...@googlegroups.com.
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at

Lift, the simply functional web framework http://liftweb.net
Beginning Scala http://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
Follow me: http://twitter.com/dpp
Surf the harmonics


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Lift group.
To post to this group, send email to lift...@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

Re: [Lift] Re: [maven-and-scala] Re: Nexus/Hudson maitenance on scala-tools.org

2009-12-21 Thread Josh Suereth
Deferred for now.  I was trying to figure out how to set up build nodes
which would handle building against various platforms (e.g. windows, mac,
ubuntu, fedora, etc.).   This is where we could better customize what's
installed on our build farm.  Might take a different approach short term,
but this is where we'd like to take it long term.

- Josh

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 9:38 AM, Indrajit Raychaudhuri

 Neato! Thank you very much for the upgrade and the update on that!

 Should we expect a java5 environment as well, or are you deferring this
 for now?

 Cheers, Indrajit

 On 21/12/09 7:44 PM, Josh Suereth wrote:
  The hudson upgrade has been completed, however the nexus upgrade ran
  into some issues.  We've reverted to the previous version of nexus.
  There will be a continuing maintenance window (for nexus only) from 8pm
  - 11pm EST today (December 21st).
  Thanks for your patience!
  - Josh Suereth
  On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 3:38 PM, Josh Suereth joshua.suer...@gmail.com
  mailto:joshua.suer...@gmail.com wrote:
  Nexus/Hudson will be temporarily disabled Saturday/Sunday  from
  8-11pm  EST.   These services are being upgraded.   I'll post an
  email 15 minutes before the actual shutdown and immediately after
  things are back up and working.  You should be able to make use of
  artifacts on the scala-tools.org http://scala-tools.org server,
  however nightly builds and posting releases will be disabled.  If
  anyone has a specific release/test they need performed during this
  period please send me an email and I can accomodate you.
  Thanks for your cooperation!
  - Josh Suereth


 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 Lift group.
 To post to this group, send email to lift...@googlegroups.com.
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Lift group.
To post to this group, send email to lift...@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

Re: [Lift] Re: **Important** Announcing the Lift 2.0 branch

2009-12-21 Thread David Pollak
On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 10:37 PM, Xuefeng Wu ben...@gmail.com wrote:

 That's great that Lift2.0 is on Scala 2.8

Lift is not on Scala 2.8 at this time.  There is an experimental branch
that we're using to track master which compiles a subset of Lift against
Scala 2.8.  At some point in the future, the master version of Lift will run
on Scala 2.8.  That may mean that the release version of Lift 2.0 come
shortly after the release version of Scala 2.8.  That may mean that after
Scala 2.8 is released, we will do a release of Lift 2.0.x built against
Scala 2.8.  However, anything built against Scala 2.8 is going to be source
code incompatible with anything built with Scala 2.7.x.

We do not have the resources to maintain two parallel branches of Lift that
run against Scala 2.7.x and 2.8.  There are source code incompabilities
between the two versions and without an #ifdef mechanism in Scala, it's just
not feasible to support both versions of the language.

We will listen to the community (with a special ear toward the production
sites using Lift) as to when the best time to make Scala 2.8 the version of
Scala supported by Lift master.

 On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 1:17 PM, Indrajit Raychaudhuri 
 indraj...@gmail.com wrote:

 Eventually, yes, Lift 2.0 would be on Scala 2.8. But that's not the only
 difference between Lift 1.0 and Lift 2.0.

 To follow the context, you might want to take a look at this thread:


 Cheers, Indrajit

 On 21/12/09 8:22 AM, Xuefeng Wu wrote:
  I mean that lift1.1 and lift2.0 may have the same futures,
  But lift1.1 is for Scala2.7 and lift2.0 is for Scala2.8.
  With Scala2.8 stable , the lift1.1 could not be enhanced.
  It's better than Lift2.0-Scala2.7 and Lift2.0-Scala2.8.
  And there're better explain why Lift2.0 and Lift1.1 if people ask what's
  the different between Lift2.0 and Lift1.1?
  On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 9:31 AM, Randinn rand...@gmail.com
  mailto:rand...@gmail.com wrote:
  Why not with 2.8 just going to beta 2.0 my estimation is that 2.0
  be finished before
  On Dec 21, 12:03 pm, Xuefeng Wu ben...@gmail.com
  mailto:ben...@gmail.com wrote:
Why not release Lift2.0 with Scala2.8?
On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 3:34 AM, Indrajit Raychaudhuri
indraj...@gmail.com mailto:indraj...@gmail.comwrote:
 Okay Folks,
 Lift 2.0 branch has shaped up enough for everybody to play
 Checkout the branch irc_wip_lift20 and get going! Just be aware
 it's still undergoing updated and changes incrementally and
  there are
 few rough edges.
 Key changes:
 1. The project tree has been restructured according to the
 sent out earlier [1]. To summarize, we now have three top level
 projects (framework, archetypes and examples) each with
 build life-cycle. There are other additional infra projects
  that are
 less to do with the actual code.
 A quick summary of the top-level projects:
 1. Framework:
 The whole of Lift Framework that matter most to most. The usual
 modules (viz., lift-base, lift-persistence and lift-modules)
  have got
 nested within. Therefore, from now on, building Lift framework
 mean just that. Doing a git pull or git clone as usual,
 to framework directory and running mvn install.
 2. Archetypes:
 The standard distributed archetypes. The archetypes help you
  get quick
 started with a Lift based project. If you are not into building
 archetypes, you can stay clear of this. But a quick probe is
 3. Examples:
 All the Lift examples are grouped into this project. If you are
 generally interested in learning different techniques from
 you don't have to build the whole of Lift anymore. Well that
  was still
 the case earlier, but now it's even more obvious. And it's true
 other way round too, if you have to build Lift framework from
 you don't have to build the examples along with it. Another
  point: the
 examples won't be deployed on scala-tools maven repo anymore.
 war files up there serve no good purpose.
 Everything now gets neatly tucked into their respective homes
 Additional points that you should be aware of:
 A. Availability on scala-tools repository:
 - Components of framework would be available
 - Components of archetypes would be available
 - Components of examples would *not* be available
 B. Availability on scala-tools Maven site:
 Site generated from 

Re: [Lift] The future of lift-core

2009-12-21 Thread David Pollak
On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 11:39 AM, Indrajit Raychaudhuri indraj...@gmail.com


 lift-core is a 'meta' project that can be added as a dependency to a
 Lift project to pull in all the Lift modules. This serves as a singular
 configuration point in a Lift based application.

 However, since lift-core downloads all the Lift modules (irrespective of
 whether the project needs it), adding this as the dependency slow  down
 things for a standard project that doesn't need some additional modules.

 In a sense, we have moved quite a bit from the initial purpose of having
 single dependency on this 'meta' project in a Lift application.

 Further, the name is a misnomer now!

 The question, therefore is:
 Should we consider deprecating this? If not, we need to document when it
 should be preferred and when not. If yes, what should be the time frame
 for making the move?

 With Lift 2.0 coming up,

Lift 2.0 is not coming up it's merely a rename of Lift 1.1 based on the
naming rules that Heiko proposed and the Lift community adopted.  The fact
that the next release of Lift is going to be called 2.0 rather than 1.1 does
not change the scope of the release.

With that being said, deprecating lift-core is fine by me as long as there
is an easy to understand deprecation message with clear instructions as to
how to replace lift-core with whatever is necessary.

 now might be a good time to make a decision.

 Cheers, Indrajit

 NB: An open question to anybody in the Lift: Who among you are actually
 using lift-core in you project and what is the level of impact you
 foresee in case you have to move on to have an alternative approach.


 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 Lift group.
 To post to this group, send email to lift...@googlegroups.com.
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at

Lift, the simply functional web framework http://liftweb.net
Beginning Scala http://www.apress.com/book/view/1430219890
Follow me: http://twitter.com/dpp
Surf the harmonics


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Lift group.
To post to this group, send email to lift...@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

Re: [Lift] Directory structure

2009-12-21 Thread David Pollak
On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 12:48 PM, Alex Boisvert alex.boisv...@gmail.comwrote:

 I don't think it's worth a lot of effort.   If it's been tried and doesn't
 work nicely, I'm fine with sticking with the current structure.


I dislike the current lift-xxx structure, but we've got higher priorities.

 At some point, though, you have to decide who's boss, you or the build
 system ;)

 (I love taking jabs at Maven, sorry)

Come on, you gotta open a can of whup-butt on Maven, Mr. Buildr-man. ;-)


 On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 12:42 PM, Indrajit Raychaudhuri 
 indraj...@gmail.com wrote:


 Yes, it's possible to have artifactId ≠ directoryName for Maven
 projects. But last time I did this Maven chose to be very cruel with me
 (site generation, relative path resolutions etc. broke).

 Also see the point and convergence to decision here:

 In this case, I would usually type out cd liftcore blindly and the
 right thing would happen automatically thanks to shopt -s cdspell in
 my .bashrc config. But I digress.

 However, I won't mind re-opening this discussion on 'lift-' prefix if
 you want me to.

 Cheers, Indrajit

 On 21/12/09 1:29 AM, Alex Boisvert wrote:
  While we're discussing lift-core in a separate thread, I wanted to bring
  up a minor annoyance
  All module directories in the repository start with lift-,
  boisv...@smudge:~/git/liftweb$ tree -L 2 | grep lift
  |-- lift-archetypes
  |   |-- lift-archetype-basic
  |   |-- lift-archetype-blank
  |   |-- lift-archetype-jpa-basic
  |   |-- lift-archetype-jpa-blank
  |   |-- lift-archetype-jpa-blank-single
  |-- lift-base
  |   |-- lift-actor
  |   |-- lift-common
  |   |-- lift-json
  |   |-- lift-util
  |   |-- lift-webkit
  |-- lift-core
  |-- lift-examples
  |   |-- hellolift
  |-- lift-misc
  |   |-- lift-installer
  |-- lift-modules
  |   |-- lift-amqp
  |   |-- lift-facebook
  |   |-- lift-jta
  |   |-- lift-machine
  |   |-- lift-oauth
  |   |-- lift-openid
  |   |-- lift-osgi
  |   |-- lift-paypal
  |   |-- lift-testkit
  |   |-- lift-textile
  |   |-- lift-widgets
  |   |-- lift-wizard
  |   |-- lift-xmpp
  |-- lift-persistence
  |   |-- lift-jpa
  |   |-- lift-mapper
  |   |-- lift-record
  This naming isn't very practical when navigating the directory structure
  since it meddles with completion.
  e.g.  cd TAB (beep!) lift- TAB (beep!) c TAB (finally completes
  Does Maven support simpler names?  Could we have something like this?
  |-- base
  |   |-- actor
  |   |-- common
  |   |-- json
  |   |-- util
  |   |-- webkit
  |-- modules
  |   |-- amqp
  |   |-- ...
  |   |-- ...
  (I'm not suggesting change the names of the modules;  just the names of
  the directories)
  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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Re: [Lift] PayPal X

2009-12-21 Thread David Pollak
On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 2:42 PM, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.euwrote:


 Is their any appetite for adding support for the new Paypal X


 Basically it allows you to seamlessly integrate the billing cycle
 without transferring to paypal I personally dont have a burning
 need, but im thinking it would be a cool extension to the paypal

I'd love to see you write this Tim. ;-)

 Cheers, Tim


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Re: [Lift] Re: CMS or wiki built with Lift?

2009-12-21 Thread David Pollak
On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 1:43 PM, jlist9 jli...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks! No checkins for hoisted yet. I'll check out Democritus.

I started working on Hoisted for my local elementary school and got
un-sidetracked with paying work.  Sorry.

 On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 12:44 PM, Randinn rand...@gmail.com wrote:
  Well, as far as CMS Glenn is working on one here
  and David is starting one here http://github.com/dpp/hoisted
  On Dec 21, 7:24 am, jlist9 jli...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi, I haven't found anything when I searched but I'd like to double
 check here -
  is there an open source CMS (content management system) or wiki system
  built with Lift? I need to update a simple site and I'm hoping that I
 can learn
  Lift by examples.
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Re: [Lift] Validation errors shown on CRUDify models?

2009-12-21 Thread David Pollak
On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 1:53 AM, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen je...@ingolfs.dkwrote:

 tommycli tommy...@ucla.edu writes:

  Are validation errors shown on CRUDify create/edit pages?
  I have validators set up like this:
object subdomain extends MappedString(this,64) {
  override def validations = List(valUnique(Subdomain taken.)_,
 Subdomains must only contain
 letters, numbers, and
   )_) ::: super.validations
  override def displayName = Subdomain
  override def dbIndexed_? = true
  And on an invalid entry, the form will just silently fail - that is,
  when submitted, it will just give back the exact same form state - no
  error messages, no changes in the filled-out entries. This confuses me.

 How should the messages be displayed? AFAIK, per field message display
 is not supported atm.

Yeah... I need to fix that.  http://github.com/dpp/liftweb/issues#issue/254

 You can display all errors (incl field errors) by
 including the

 lift:Msgs showAll=true/

 snippet. Note the showAll attribute which is now needed to show field
 level errors.



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[Lift] Re: Paranamer? Missing com.thoughtworks.paranamer:paranamer:jar:2.0

2009-12-21 Thread Dave Briccetti
Thanks for confirming that it is indeed there. The problem was my
thoughtworks directory in my local repository was owned by root, for
some reason. Problem solved.


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[Lift] Re: Catch file upload exceptions?

2009-12-21 Thread Marius
Have you tried using in boot LiftRules.exceptionHandler.prepend
(...)  ?


On Dec 21, 11:43 pm, tiro tim.romb...@googlemail.com wrote:

 just wondering if anybody knows of a handy way to properly handle the
 exceptions that are thrown when a user uploads a file that exceeds the
 size limit (or who knows what else can happen)?

 The stack trace that I see in such a case is as follows -- and apart
 from trying S.addAround I don't see a any place where one could insert
 some exception handling:

 Message: org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadBase
 $SizeLimitExceededException: the request was rejected because its size
 (7385713) exceeds the configured maximum (6291456)


[Lift] Externalizing log4j configuration

2009-12-21 Thread Mark Feeney
Hi, all.

I'm building a web app in Lift 1.0 and deploying to Jetty 6.1.22.  I'm
trying to figure out the best way (or any way) to externalize the
log4j configuration.

My ideal deployment would look like this:

/well/known/location/myapp-log4j.xml   (i.e. not in the .war)

If /well/known/location doesn't exist, a sane log4j.xml (possibly from
within the .war) should be used.

Anyone have advice on how to achieve this?  I took a look at
http://wiki.liftweb.net/index.php/HowTo_configure_logging, and the
default.log4j.xml thing works, but I want config outside the .war.
Is overrding LogBoot.defaultProps in Boot.scala -- as mentioned in the
linked article -- the answer? (e.g. have it try to return the contents
of /well/known/location/myapp-log4j.xml)




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[Lift] Re: Skittr example in bad shape

2009-12-21 Thread Vesa

I noticed logged in user still can't see messages by other users they
follow. There were couple of messages still missing parameters. Patch
shows the parts that need to be modified to get it working again.

- Vesa

diff --git a/lift-examples/skittr/src/main/scala/com/skittr/actor/
UserActor.scala b/lift-examples/skittr/src/main/scala/com/skittr/actor/
index cb51f45..a057192 100644
--- a/lift-examples/skittr/src/main/scala/com/skittr/actor/
+++ b/lift-examples/skittr/src/main/scala/com/skittr/actor/
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class UserActor extends LiftActor {

   // tell all our friends that we follow them
 case ConfigFollowers =
-  friends.flatMap(f = UserList.find(f).toList).foreach(_ !
+  friends.flatMap(f = UserList.find(f).toList).foreach(_ !
   // if the autogen property is set, then have each of the
   // randomly generate a message
   if (User.shouldAutogen_? || System.getProperty(autogen) !=
null) autoGen
@@ -110,11 +110,12 @@ class UserActor extends LiftActor {

   // if we add a friend,
 case AddFriend(name) =
   friends = (name :: friends).sort(_  _)
   // find the user
 ua =
-ua ! AddFollower // tell him we're a follower
+ua ! AddFollower(this) // tell him we're a follower
 (ua !? GetUserIdAndName) match { // get the user info
   case UserIdInfo(id, _,_, _) = Friend.create.owner
(userId).friend(id).save // and persist a friend connection in the DB
   case _ =
@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ class UserActor extends LiftActor {
   // find the user
 ua =
-ua ! RemoveFollower // tell them we're no longer following
+ua ! RemoveFollower(this) // tell them we're no longer
 (ua !? GetUserIdAndName) match { // delete from database
   case UserIdInfo(id, _,_,_) = Friend.findAll(By
(Friend.owner, userId), By(Friend.friend, id)).foreach(_.delete_!)
   case _ =

On 17 joulu, 16:35, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com
 On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 4:35 AM, Vesa brut...@gmail.com wrote:

  I was trying to run the skittr example from the lift-examples and it
  doesn't seem to work. It's demonstrating usage of comet but it doesn't
  get that far as the comet actor never receives any messages due to a
  bug. Also the indentation is a mix of spaces and tabs of different
  width and looks quite messed up. How should I deliver a fix when I'm

 There's a single simple bug.  When we moved from Scala Actors to Lift
 Actors, we moved from a case object AddTimelineViewer to case class
 AddTimelineViewer(who: SimpleActor[Any])  Unfortunately, the compiler didn't
 flag the actor ! AddTimelineViewer line as a bug... it converted the line to
 actor ! (who = AddTimelineViewer.apply) and passed a function as a
 message.  I've fixed the code locally (WatchUser.scala lines 49-52 become):

   override def localSetup {
     userActor = name.flatMap(name = UserList.find(name))
     userActor.foreach{ua = ua ! AddTimelineViewer(this) ;  messages = (ua
 !? GetTimeline) match {case Timeline(m) = m; case _ = Nil}}

 I'll get a patch onto review board by end of day today.

  - Vesa


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[Lift] Re: Catch file upload exceptions?

2009-12-21 Thread Timothy Perrett
I'm not sure that is what the OP is after - it would work, but that's
not what he is asking IMHO

I'll take a look tomorrow and see what could be done

cheers, Tim

On Dec 21, 9:52 pm, Marius marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:
 Have you tried using in boot LiftRules.exceptionHandler.prepend
 (...)  ?


 On Dec 21, 11:43 pm, tiro tim.romb...@googlemail.com wrote:


  just wondering if anybody knows of a handy way to properly handle the
  exceptions that are thrown when a user uploads a file that exceeds the
  size limit (or who knows what else can happen)?

  The stack trace that I see in such a case is as follows -- and apart
  from trying S.addAround I don't see a any place where one could insert
  some exception handling:

  Message: org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadBase
  $SizeLimitExceededException: the request was rejected because its size
 (7385713) exceeds the configured maximum(6291456)


[Lift] Re: PayPal X

2009-12-21 Thread Timothy Perrett
Cool - I'll have a play overthe hols.

It's a SOAP api so I'd need to depend on CXF or JAXWS... Do you forsee
any license conflicts before I start work?

Cheers, Tim

On Dec 21, 6:58 pm, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com
 On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 2:42 PM, Timothy Perrett 


  Is their any appetite for adding support for the new Paypal X


  Basically it allows you to seamlessly integrate the billing cycle
  without transferring to paypal I personally dont have a burning
  need, but im thinking it would be a cool extension to the paypal

 I'd love to see you write this Tim. ;-)

  Cheers, Tim


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Re: [Lift] Re: PayPal X

2009-12-21 Thread David Pollak
On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 4:28 PM, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.euwrote:

 Cool - I'll have a play overthe hols.

 It's a SOAP api so I'd need to depend on CXF or JAXWS... Do you forsee
 any license conflicts before I start work?

As long as those libraries are Apache 2 or MIT/BSD licenses, all is good.

 Cheers, Tim

 On Dec 21, 6:58 pm, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com
  On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 2:42 PM, Timothy Perrett 
   Is their any appetite for adding support for the new Paypal X
   Basically it allows you to seamlessly integrate the billing cycle
   without transferring to paypal I personally dont have a burning
   need, but im thinking it would be a cool extension to the paypal
  I'd love to see you write this Tim. ;-)
   Cheers, Tim
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Re: [Lift] Sitemap - rendering title attributes for the links

2009-12-21 Thread Xuefeng Wu
You could add MetaData 'title' by Elem 's method '%'
a href=linksome page/a % (title - what will happen when you click
on this

or use { }
a href=link title={myLinkTitle}some page/a

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 10:38 PM, Alex Black a...@alexblack.ca wrote:

 Can someone point me in the right direction to get tooltips (title
 attributes) rendered in my sitemap?

 I'd like to add text to each link, so they get rendered like this:

 lia href=link title=what will happen when you click on this
 linksome page/a/li


 - Alex


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Re: [Lift] Re: PayPal X

2009-12-21 Thread Ross Mellgren
Looks like JAX-WS reference implementation is dual licensed CDDL or GPLv2.


On Dec 21, 2009, at 7:32 PM, David Pollak wrote:

 On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 4:28 PM, Timothy Perrett timo...@getintheloop.eu 
 Cool - I'll have a play overthe hols.
 It's a SOAP api so I'd need to depend on CXF or JAXWS... Do you forsee
 any license conflicts before I start work?
 As long as those libraries are Apache 2 or MIT/BSD licenses, all is good.
 Cheers, Tim
 On Dec 21, 6:58 pm, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com
  On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 2:42 PM, Timothy Perrett 
   Is their any appetite for adding support for the new Paypal X
   Basically it allows you to seamlessly integrate the billing cycle
   without transferring to paypal I personally dont have a burning
   need, but im thinking it would be a cool extension to the paypal
  I'd love to see you write this Tim. ;-)
   Cheers, Tim
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[Lift] 280_port and yuicompressor problem

2009-12-21 Thread Alan M
I just recently started tinkering around with 2.8.. actually a recent
upgrade of Netbeans kind of necessitated it.. (the only Scala plugin
for Netbeans 6.8 requires Scala 2.8.xxx, ughh).

So most of my code is close anyway, except for anything that depends
on specs.  But I had to get the 280_port of lift to compile locally
for my web services.  When I try it fails very near the end with:
[INFO] [yuicompressor:compress {execution: default}]


[INFO] null

[INFO] Trace
at com.yahoo.platform.yui.compressor.JavaScriptCompressor.parse
at com.yahoo.platform.yui.compressor.JavaScriptCompressor.init
at net.sf.alchim.mojo.yuicompressor.YuiCompressorMojo.processFile

I'm using maven 2.2.1 and Java on Ubuntu.

Any ideas?



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Re: [Lift] Re: Catch file upload exceptions?

2009-12-21 Thread Xuefeng Wu
It's good way to handle exception.

And I think it's better that it could pop dialog to tell users what's wrong.


On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 5:52 AM, Marius marius.dan...@gmail.com wrote:

 Have you tried using in boot LiftRules.exceptionHandler.prepend
 (...)  ?


 On Dec 21, 11:43 pm, tiro tim.romb...@googlemail.com wrote:
  just wondering if anybody knows of a handy way to properly handle the
  exceptions that are thrown when a user uploads a file that exceeds the
  size limit (or who knows what else can happen)?
  The stack trace that I see in such a case is as follows -- and apart
  from trying S.addAround I don't see a any place where one could insert
  some exception handling:
  Message: org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadBase
  $SizeLimitExceededException: the request was rejected because its size
  (7385713) exceeds the configured maximum (6291456)

[Lift] Re: Nexus/Hudson maitenance on scala-tools.org

2009-12-21 Thread Josh Suereth
The scala-tools.org maintenance/upgrade has been completed.  Any further
service interruptions should be reported to ad...@scala-tools.org

- Josh

On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 3:38 PM, Josh Suereth joshua.suer...@gmail.comwrote:


 Nexus/Hudson will be temporarily disabled Saturday/Sunday  from 8-11pm
 EST.   These services are being upgraded.   I'll post an email 15 minutes
 before the actual shutdown and immediately after things are back up and
 working.  You should be able to make use of artifacts on the
 scala-tools.org server, however nightly builds and posting releases will
 be disabled.  If anyone has a specific release/test they need performed
 during this period please send me an email and I can accomodate you.

 Thanks for your cooperation!

 - Josh Suereth


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Re: [Lift] 280_port and yuicompressor problem

2009-12-21 Thread Xuefeng Wu
If you google [yuicompressor:compress {execution: default}] would find so
many information about this.
It's not caused by scala2.8 or lift.

On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 9:10 AM, Alan M alan.morten...@gmail.com wrote:

 I just recently started tinkering around with 2.8.. actually a recent
 upgrade of Netbeans kind of necessitated it.. (the only Scala plugin
 for Netbeans 6.8 requires Scala 2.8.xxx, ughh).

 So most of my code is close anyway, except for anything that depends
 on specs.  But I had to get the 280_port of lift to compile locally
 for my web services.  When I try it fails very near the end with:
 [INFO] [yuicompressor:compress {execution: default}]
 [INFO] null
 [INFO] Trace
at com.yahoo.platform.yui.compressor.JavaScriptCompressor.parse
at com.yahoo.platform.yui.compressor.JavaScriptCompressor.init
at net.sf.alchim.mojo.yuicompressor.YuiCompressorMojo.processFile

 I'm using maven 2.2.1 and Java on Ubuntu.

 Any ideas?



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[Lift] Re: Sitemap - rendering title attributes for the links

2009-12-21 Thread Alex Black
Hi Xuefeng,

I'm using the default Lift Sitemap, so I don't think I can use either
of your suggestions, or, I don't see how to use them.  The sitemap
renders the links for me... I have seen how to set the class of the
elements that it renders, but not how to add other attributes such as

- Alex

 You could add MetaData 'title' by Elem 's method '%'
 a href=linksome page/a % (title - what will happen when you click
 on this

 or use { }
 a href=link title={myLinkTitle}some page/a

 On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 10:38 PM, Alex Black a...@alexblack.ca wrote:
  Can someone point me in the right direction to get tooltips (title
  attributes) rendered in my sitemap?

  I'd like to add text to each link, so they get rendered like this:

  lia href=link title=what will happen when you click on this
  linksome page/a/li


  - Alex


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Re: [Lift] Re: Scala to JavaScript DSL ...

2009-12-21 Thread Naftoli Gugenheim

2009/12/19 Marius marius.dan...@gmail.com

 If I may a few notes:

 Syntactically it doesn't seem to me that there are much differences
 between this and the initial proposal. Probably the most noticeable
 diffs are in algebraic expressions like

 Var(y) := (2:Expr) * x * 2

 which probably looks more appealing than

 Var(y) := 2 __* x __* 2

First, I should confess that I didn't look at your source code before I
wrote my approach, although I saw it now. That said, I agree that there is
plenty in common between the two approaches, and also a couple of
differences. Feel free to use whatever blend you like!

 The other thing is that you don't end JS statements with ;  ... I
 don't think this is a good JS practice. I added `;` function to allow
 user to specify this terminator when needed.

It would be trivial to have my implementation add semicolons in the
generated code without requiring any change in the DSL's usage.

I'm also not at all in favor of function names starting with capital

Please rename them to whatever you like!

 I was also running into a Scala compiler crash when using constructs
 like: case class Fnc(name: String)(params: String*)(body : = String)
 {} :D

Then possibly functions are better suited than case classes for providing
the names of the DSL syntax. If that means you prefer lowercase names please
change them!

I'm not sure why in things like: def Function()(argNames: String*)
 (body: PartialFunction[List[JSIdent], Unit]): JSAnonFunc you used
 PartialFunctions ... you are callin gthe PF without checking if the
 function is defined for its parameter which could lead to MachError.

What would it help to intercept such a situation--to provide a more
descriptive error message? It's an error either way.
In any case, I realized after I wrote it (as I mentioned) that the signature
could be changed to
def Function(numParams: Int)(body: PartialFunction[List[JSIdent], Unit])
that is, there is no reason to specify names for the parameters. Since the
PF format binds scala identifiers to represent the arguments, names could be
autogenerated. Similarly,
val x = Var(x)
could be changed to
val x = Var()
and x would represent a JS var whose name is autogenerated.
I could be totally wrong but it seems to me that the ability to have Scala
identifiers and not just implicitly converted symbols provides more
scalability. For instance you could have utility functions in Scala that
help build the javascript but don't need the implicits in scope.

 I see you took a different approach of building JS code in a more
 imperative manner where generated code is kept in the ThreadGlobal
 state. My initial approach and actually my design intent was to use
 functional composition to write the code which tremendously simplifies
 the library code.

Could you elaborate? What makes your code more functional?

With your approach,
 JsIf('param1  30) {
   Var ('home) :=  (234: Js) + 3 / 3 `;`
   println(Hi there)
   Var ('someArray) := JsArray(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) `;`
   'myFunc(1, 2, do it, 'home) `;`
   $(#myID)  'attr(value, 123) `;`
 } ~
would not work, because JsIf's second parameter list takes a =Js, that is,
it only uses on the expression returned. In the above example, the
Var('home) ... line goes into a black hole.
In my case you have much more flexibility because the entire code block does
not have to be one long expression. All DSL invocations are captured.
This is also the reason my approach does not require using semicolons.
Also, it would be advantageous if the result of executing the DSL was the
regular Lift JavaScript AST. This would avoid code duplication in terms of
the algorithm that generates the output javascript text (which if it does
not already could have shared features like whitespace compression or pretty
printing), while at the same time allowing the generated AST to be processed
by code that can also work with plain Lift JavaScript AST objects. I'm not
clear how that would work with your approach, but with mine it's trivial.

I should mention that much of the inspiration for this builder approach came
from the SWT DSL, by Rodant.

 I made some adjustments to my initial approach and something like:

val js = JsFunc('myFunc, 'param1, 'param2) {
  JsIf('param1  30) {
 Var ('home) :=  (234: Js) + 3 / 3 `;`
 Var ('someArray) := JsArray(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) `;`
'myFunc(1, 2, do it, 'home) `;`
$(#myID)  'attr(value, 123) `;`
  } ~
  JsForEach(Var('i) in 'someArray) {
'console  'log(Hi there  + 'i) `;`
  } ~
  JsAnonFunc('arg1, 'arg2) {
   'alert(Anonymous function  + 'arg1 + 'arg2)
  }(1, 2) `;`


 function myFunc( param1, param2 ) {
 if (param1  30) {
 var home = 234 + 3 / 3;
 var someArray = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ];
 myFunc(1, 2, do it, home);
 $(#myID).attr(value, 123);
 for (var i in someArray) {
 console.log(Hi there 'i);
 function ( 

Re: [Lift] Re: Sitemap - rendering title attributes for the links

2009-12-21 Thread Xuefeng Wu
Sorry I misunderstand you.

And I do not know how to too.

Maybe you should use
lispan title=about this sitelift:Menu.item name=about//span/li
instead of lift:Menu.builder /

On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 11:29 AM, Alex Black a...@alexblack.ca wrote:

 Hi Xuefeng,

 I'm using the default Lift Sitemap, so I don't think I can use either
 of your suggestions, or, I don't see how to use them.  The sitemap
 renders the links for me... I have seen how to set the class of the
 elements that it renders, but not how to add other attributes such as

 - Alex

  You could add MetaData 'title' by Elem 's method '%'
  a href=linksome page/a % (title - what will happen when you
  on this
  or use { }
  a href=link title={myLinkTitle}some page/a
  On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 10:38 PM, Alex Black a...@alexblack.ca wrote:
   Can someone point me in the right direction to get tooltips (title
   attributes) rendered in my sitemap?
   I'd like to add text to each link, so they get rendered like this:
   lia href=link title=what will happen when you click on this
   linksome page/a/li
   - Alex
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[Lift] Re: Validation errors shown on CRUDify models?

2009-12-21 Thread tommycli
Thanks guys.

On Dec 21, 11:59 am, David Pollak feeder.of.the.be...@gmail.com
 On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 1:53 AM, Jeppe Nejsum Madsen je...@ingolfs.dkwrote:

  tommycli tommy...@ucla.edu writes:

   Are validation errors shown on CRUDify create/edit pages?

   I have validators set up like this:

     object subdomain extends MappedString(this,64) {
       override def validations = List(valUnique(Subdomain taken.)_,

                                              Subdomains must only contain
  letters, numbers, and
                                            )_) ::: super.validations
       override def displayName = Subdomain
       override def dbIndexed_? = true

   And on an invalid entry, the form will just silently fail - that is,
   when submitted, it will just give back the exact same form state - no
   error messages, no changes in the filled-out entries. This confuses me.

  How should the messages be displayed? AFAIK, per field message display
  is not supported atm.

 Yeah... I need to fix that.  http://github.com/dpp/liftweb/issues#issue/254

  You can display all errors (incl field errors) by
  including the

  lift:Msgs showAll=true/

  snippet. Note the showAll attribute which is now needed to show field
  level errors.



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[Lift] About the Chat demo of the Lift?

2009-12-21 Thread Neil.Lv
Hi all

   I have a silly question about the Chat demo.

   How could i create a Chat room in this demo ?

   Maybe i can define a variable or some other method to achieve the
purpose !

   Now all the people are in the same Chat room ( global ) in the
example, so i want to create more than one
Chat rooms that every one can contain 100 people.

   Thanks for any suggestion!



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Re: [Lift] About the Chat demo of the Lift?

2009-12-21 Thread Margaret
see this



On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 2:31 PM, Neil.Lv anim...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all

   I have a silly question about the Chat demo.

   How could i create a Chat room in this demo ?

   Maybe i can define a variable or some other method to achieve the
 purpose !

   Now all the people are in the same Chat room ( global ) in the
 example, so i want to create more than one
 Chat rooms that every one can contain 100 people.

   Thanks for any suggestion!



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[Lift] How could i send a HTTP get or post request in the Snippet or Views in the Lift?

2009-12-21 Thread Neil.Lv
Hi all,

   How could i send a HTTP get or post request in the Snippet or Views
in the Lift?

   For example, the weather API .

I want to send an HTTP get request or post request to another
website that it supplies some
APIs, then in the lift we can receive the return data such as XML
data, so we can use these XML or Json data
in the Snippet or the Views.

Thanks for any help!



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[Lift] Re: About the Chat demo of the Lift?

2009-12-21 Thread Neil.Lv

  OK, and Where is the code about the Creating more Chat Rooms?

   Thanks very much!


On Dec 22, 2:34 pm, Margaret mawei...@gmail.com wrote:
 see this



 On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 2:31 PM, Neil.Lv anim...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi all

I have a silly question about the Chat demo.

How could i create a Chat room in this demo ?

Maybe i can define a variable or some other method to achieve the
  purpose !

Now all the people are in the same Chat room ( global ) in the
  example, so i want to create more than one
  Chat rooms that every one can contain 100 people.

Thanks for any suggestion!



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Re: [Lift] Re: About the Chat demo of the Lift?

2009-12-21 Thread Margaret
maybe need create more comet actor or add room entity to filter
request and response.


On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 3:05 PM, Neil.Lv anim...@gmail.com wrote:

  OK, and Where is the code about the Creating more Chat Rooms?

   Thanks very much!


 On Dec 22, 2:34 pm, Margaret mawei...@gmail.com wrote:
 see this



 On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 2:31 PM, Neil.Lv anim...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi all

    I have a silly question about the Chat demo.

    How could i create a Chat room in this demo ?

    Maybe i can define a variable or some other method to achieve the
  purpose !

    Now all the people are in the same Chat room ( global ) in the
  example, so i want to create more than one
  Chat rooms that every one can contain 100 people.

    Thanks for any suggestion!



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[Lift] Re: How could i send a HTTP get or post request in the Snippet or Views in the Lift?

2009-12-21 Thread Marius
Well from your Snippet method you can just use HttpURLConnection, or
Apache Commons Client to make remote requests to other services. Of
course typically you won't do this directly from the snippet method
but from a Service layer of your application. One you get the response
(say it's an XML) you parse it using Scala XML class and the extract
relevant information using pattern matching or by some other means.
From here you just construct the NodeSeq that the Snippet/View needs
to return.

As a side note ...
If those requests are taking a long time, you can wrap your snippet in
lift:lazy-load ... and it will be loaded asynchronously. There is
another attribute (lift:parallel=true)that you could specify to a
snippet that it will be run asynchronously allowing other snippets to
process and the result will be merged into the HTTP response right
before sending the response to the client. Note that you need to set


On Dec 22, 8:39 am, Neil.Lv anim...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

    How could i send a HTTP get or post request in the Snippet or Views
 in the Lift?

    For example, the weather API .

     I want to send an HTTP get request or post request to another
 website that it supplies some
 APIs, then in the lift we can receive the return data such as XML
 data, so we can use these XML or Json data
 in the Snippet or the Views.

     Thanks for any help!



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