Does anyone know how to get a console in netbeans that I can run mvn

On Apr 10, 8:12 am, David Pollak <>
> I think this thread points out something important about Lift... what
> matters most is what works for you.  There are plenty of people on this list
> that use one editor or another... use mapper or JPA... use lots of
> comet/ajax or use very little.  The only thing that's right is what works
> for you... and if you do something different than everyone, please share...
> I expect we'll learn something.
> Thanks,
> David
> On Apr 9, 2009 1:20 PM, "TylerWeir" <> wrote:
> It's not an editor/IDE war unless someone brings up Vim or Emacs,
> so...
> I've been using Vim+Scala+Ctags since I started.
> I'd recommend not getting hung-up on which editor is the "best"  just
> start coding.
> On Apr 9, 3:01 pm, "Charles F. Munat" <> wrote: > I was
> thinking that I'd start with...
> > > On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 2:38 AM, Alexander Kellett < > >
> <mailto:lypa...@gmail.c...
> > >     On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 5:58 AM, Charles F. Munat <
> > >     <>> wrote: > > >      > I'm writing a proposal
> for a presentation on mo...
> > > Beginning Scala
> > > Follow me:> > Git 
> > > some:
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