Re: [Lightning-dev] Miniscript on LN (was: eltoo implementation in Bitcoin functional test framework)

2019-09-06 Thread David A. Harding
On Thu, Sep 05, 2019 at 11:29:35AM +, ZmnSCPxj via Lightning-dev wrote:
> Good morning list,
> I do not see much point in using miniscript for Lightning unless we
> decide to support transporting arbitrary contracts, as here:
> Otherwise, it would be far easier implementation-wise, to just have
> carefully-coded SCRIPT to transport HTLCs.

Something that has been impressed upon me is that using miniscript to
create optimized Bitcoin scripts is perhaps not its primary use.
Miniscript also makes it easy for any miniscript-aware wallet to figure
out how to create a valid witness for the miniscript (if the wallet has the
necessary private keys, hash pre-images, and a function to satisfy any

For example, right now Pieter Wuille is working on incorporating
miniscript into Bitcoin Core.  If there was then a miniscript for the
current LN scripts and someone imported their keys and invoice
pre-images[1] into their Bitcoin Core wallet, then Bitcoin Core could
sign for their LN update and settlement transactions.  E.g., the
C-Lightning "HSM" module could become a thin wrapper around Bitcoin
Core's wallet (or any other miniscript-aware wallet).

Later, other wallets such as hardware wallets and exchange HSMs may add
support for libminiscript, making it easy for LN nodes to delegate
signing to outside devices without anyone having to change the code of
those hard-to-change devices.

Even later than that, y'all may change the LN script either slightly or
dramatically  If both the old script and the new script are miniscript
based, then maybe none of the wallets that already supported miniscript
will need to update their signing code---libminiscript will tell them
what data they need to provide for the witness and, as long as they have
functions capable of retrieving or generating that data, they'll
automatically know how to create a witness for the new miniscript.

Finally, someday consensus changes like taproot and
SIGHASH_NOINPUT/ANYPREVOUT may be activated.  If libminiscript is
updated for that change, getting wallets to support those changes may be
as easy as updating their bundled libminiscript version.

In summary, miniscript does help you produce machine-optimized scripts
and analyze them (and that's a pretty nifty feature by itself), but
miniscript's true potential may come from allowing any wallet to sign for
any miniscript-compatible script, freeing developers from having to
write lots of sensitive signing code or heavily coordinating changes
across different software (as is common in LN).


[1] I don't think this is currently possible, but adding support for it
using output script descriptors might not be difficult.
Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] [bitcoin-dev] Reconciling the off-chain and on-chain models with eltoo

2019-09-06 Thread ZmnSCPxj via Lightning-dev
Good morning Christian,

This is effectively transaction cut-through.
I mention this in passing here:

> I observe that one may consider any offchain system a specialization of an 
> offchain transaction cut-through system.
> Thus, one may model changes to the offchain system state as the creation of 
> some transactions, followed by a cut-through of those transactions into the 
> new state.

Basically, we can send a transaction that spends a subset of the current state 
txos to the participants in the update mechanism.
Then the participants can agree that it is a valid spend of the specified state 
txos, and agree to sign a new state with the spent txos deleted and the new 
txos of the transaction inserted.
Disagreement at this point is essentially a "if your tx is so valid why do you 
not try it on the base blockchain layer huh?" challenge and is basically an 
invitation to close it unilaterally and enforce the contract on the blockchain.

The "difficulty" in Poon-Dryja is not very onerous in my opinion; see the 
sketch here:

Of note is that any contract with a relative locktime requirement would not 
make sense to maintain offchain.
If one wishes to select a relative locktime relative to the current moment, one 
can quite easily compute an absolute timelock.

Another note, is that contracts with timelocks need to be enforced onchain on 
or before the timelock.
Under Decker-Russell-Osuntokun the onchain enforcement needs to be triggered 
early according to the CSV security parameter; this is not an issue under 
Poon-Dryja (as the CSV is in a later transaction).
Under Decker-Russell-Osuntokun due to the use of `SIGHASH_NOINPUT` and the 
non-stable txids involved, any transaction you wish to transport in the 
offchain update mechanism needs to also be signed under `SIGHASH_NOINPUT`, but 
again this is not onerous.
In any case it is "only" a matter of tradeoffs one is willing to work under 
anyway, and Decker-Russell-Osuntokun is very cool and uses `nLockTime` and 
`OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY` in a very clever way.

Lightning-dev mailing list

[Lightning-dev] Reconciling the off-chain and on-chain models with eltoo

2019-09-06 Thread Christian Decker
With the recently published proof-of-concept of eltoo on signet by
Richard, I thought it might a good time to share some thoughts on ho I
think we can build this system. I think there are a few properties of
eltoo that allow us to build a nicely layered protocol stack, which
improves flexibility and simplifies the reasoning about their relative

Since I don't like huge e-mails myself and I'm about to write one,
here's a quick TL;DR:

> Using the clean separation of protocol layers provided by eltoo we can
> reconcile many on-chain and off-chain concepts, and simplify the
> reasoning to build more complex functionality beyond simple
> HTLCs. Bitcoin transactions are a natural fit to represent proposed
> off-chain state-changes while they are being negotiated.

### Clean separation of protocol layers

One of te big advantages of eltoo over other off-chain update mechanisms
is that it provides strong guarantees regarding the state that will
eventually end up confirmed on-chain. If parties in an eltoo off-chain
contract agree on an update, we can be certain (within eltoo's security
assumptions) that this is the state that will eventually confirm
on-chain, if no newer states are agreed.

In particular it means that we are guaranteed no earlier state can leak
onto the chain, keeping anything we build on top of the update layer
unencumbered since it doesn't have to deal with this case.

This is in stark contrast to the penalty update mechanism, where
old/revoked states can leak on-chain, resulting in anything built on top
of the penalty mechanism having to deal with that eventuality. For
example if we look at HTLCs as specified [1] we see that it needs an
additional revokation path for the case the commitment transaction that
created this HTLC output is confirmed:

# To remote node with revocation key
# To local node via HTLC-success transaction.
# To remote node after timeout.

The update mechanism bleeding into the other layers is rather cumbersome
if you ask me, and complicates the reasoning about security. Having to
thread the penalty through outputs created by the off-chain contract may
also not work if we deal with more than 2 parties, since penalties
always steal all the funds, regardless of whether the output belonged to
the cheater or not (see asymmetry vs symmetry argument from the paper

With the clean separation we get from eltoo we can concentrate on
building the output scripts we'd like to have without having to thread
penalties through them. This reduces the complexity and our on-chain

The update layer now exposes only two very simple operations:
`add_output` and `remove_output` (this should sound very familiar :-p).

### Ownership and atomic update model

Now that we have a solid update layer, which ensures that agreed upon
states will eventually be reflected on-chain, we can turn our attention
to the next layer up: the negotiation layer. Each output in our
agreed-upon state needs to be assigned one or more owners. The owners
are the participants that need to sign off on removal of an output and
the creation of new outputs which redistribute the funds contained in
the removed outputs to newly created outputs.

In addition we need to ensure that multiple `remove_output` and
`add_output` are guaranteed to be applied atomically. By creating a
datastructure that lists a number of operations that are to either be
applied to the current state or discarded, we can have arbitrary complex
changes of ownership, and the newly created outputs can have arbitrary

If all of this sounds familiar that's because this is exactly the UTXO
model and the transaction structure we have in Bitcoin. We
collaboratively manage funds bound to some outputs (UTXO) and can change
their ownership and allocation over time (transactions).

This means that a subset of the participants in an off-chain contract
can negotiate among themselves how to redistribute funds, join and split
them in an arbitrary fashion, without the rest of the contract being
involved. The end result is a valid Bitcoin transaction that spends some
outputs of the current state, and is signed by the owners. The
transaction can then be presented to the entire group, and applied to
the state. Applying the transaction flattens multiple transactions built
on top of the current state into a new state (similar to transaction
cut-through in mimblewimble).

Using transactions as a means to represent off-chain negotiations, and
then applying them to the off-chain state via cut-through has a number
of advantages over similar schemes:

- Even if we failed to update the off-chain state, the transactions
  building on top of it are