Re: [Lightning-dev] Improving Payment Latency by Fast Forwards

2021-05-23 Thread ZmnSCPxj via Lightning-dev
Good morning list,

I have decided to dabble in necromancy, thus, I revive this long-dead thread 
from two years ago.
Ph34R mE and my leet thread necromancy skillz.

A short while ago, LL and Steve Lee were discussing about ways to reduce the 
privkey onlineness requirement for Lightning.
And LL mentioned that this proposal could allow privkeys to be kept offline for 
a receiver.

* The receiver has to be online, still.
* Its privkeys can be kept offline.
  * The receiver can still receive even if its privkeys are offline (for 
example the privkeys are in a hardware signing module that is typically kept 
offline and is only put online at rare intervals).
* The sender has to be online and the sender privkeys have to be online.
* Forwarders and their privkeys have to be online.

Unfortunately, I think the proposal, as currently made, cannot support the 
above feature, as stated.

When an HTLC transaction is provided by the sender under a Fast Forward scheme, 
it provides a transaction that spends from "its" output in both versions of the 
latest Poon-Dryja commitment transaction.

However, this output, as provided in the Fast Forward scheme, requires *two* 

Here are the scripts mentioned in the previous post:

# Penalty transaction/Fast forward



# Penalty transaction/Fast forward


Now, the first branch is what is used in the Fast Forward scheme.
And we can see that in the first branch, two signatures are needed: one for 
local, and one for remote.

Thus, any HTLC-bearing transactions are signed by both the sender and receiver.
Fast Forwards works its low-latency magic by simply having the sender send the 
signature spending from the current channel state, outright, to the receiver, 
and until the channel is updated, the HTLC is "safe":

* The current channel state (represented by some commitment tx) cannot be 
replaced with an alternative, without the replacer risking funds loss 
(Poon-Dryja punishment mechanism).
* The spending tx that instantiates the HTLC is safe because the receiver will 
not willingly sign an alternate version.

***HOWEVER***, the HTLC is safe on the assumption that *the receiver can 
provide its signature* if the channel is dropped onchain.
And channels can be dropped onchain *at any time*.
If the receiver is unable to provide its signature before the `to_self_delay` 
finishes, then the sender can revoke ***all*** HTLCs it sent!

Thus, at least as initially stated, Fast Forwards cannot be used for this 
"receiver online, privkeys offline, can receive" feature.

***HOWEVER HOWEVER***, we should note that the caveats are something we can 
actually work with:

* The privkeys can only be offline for up to `to_self_delay` blocks.
  * We ***need*** privkeys to be periodically online more often than 
`to_self_delay` anyway, ***in case of theft attempts***.
So this is not an ***additional*** requirement at least.
* Watchtowers cannot guard against attempts to steal Fast Forwarded HTLCs --- 
they need to receive the signatures for the HTLC transactions as well, 
otherwise they can do nothing about it.
  * However, whenever the receiver sends to a watchtower it *does* need to send 
signatures anyway, so it still needs to get privkeys online for signing.
  * Since we need the privkeys to be made online a little more often than every 
`to_self_delay` blocks anyway, this is *not* an additional requirement!

***THUS***, we *can* provide a tweaked version of the above desired feature:

* The receiver has to be online, still.
* Its privkeys can be kept offline, ***BUT***, it has to be regularly brought 
online a little more often than `to_self_delay`.
  * The receiver can still receive even if its privkeys are offline (for 
example the privkeys are in a hardware signing module that is typically kept 
offline and is only put online at rare intervals).
* The sender has to be online and the sender privkeys have to be online.
* Forwarders and their privkeys have to be online.

The additional requirement --- that the receiver privkeys have to be regularly 
brought online --- is not actually an onerous one *since we need it for channel 

So this feature is indeed supported by Fast Forwards (with fairly minimal 
caveats!) and kudos to LL for thinking of it!

Against this, we should remind the drawbacks of Fast Forwards:

* Onchain space is much higher (in the unilateral close case only --- channel 
opens and mutual closes remain small) due to chaining of transactions instead 
of strict replacement.
* Fast Forwarded HTLCs need to have their signatures stored on replicated 
storage, and is O(n) (current Poon-Dryja requires O(1) storage for revocation 
keys but O(n) storage for HTLC 

Re: [Lightning-dev] Improving Payment Latency by Fast Forwards

2021-05-23 Thread ZmnSCPxj via Lightning-dev
Good morning list,

Note that there is a possible jamming attack here.

More specifically, when "failing" an incoming HTLC, the receiver of the HTLC 
sends its signature for a transaction spending the HTLC and spending it back to 
the sender revocable contract.
The funds cannot be reused until the channel state is updated to cut-through 
all the transactions (the HTLC transaction and the failure transaction).
(Well it *could* but that greatly amps the complexity of the whole thing --- 
no, just no.)

Thus I could jam a particular receiver by sending, via forwarding nodes, to 
that receiver, payments with a random hash, which with high probability have 
preimages that are unknown by the receiver.
The receiver can only fail those HTLCs, but "to fail an HTLC" under Fast 
Forwards makes the funds unusable, until the previous channel state can be 
revoked and replaced with a new one.
But updating the channel state requires privkeys to be online in order to 
create the signatures for the new channel state.

This creates a practical limit on how long you can keep privkeys offline; if 
you keep it offline too long, an attacker can jam all your incoming capacity 
for long periods of time.
This is not currently a problem without "receiver online, privkey offline", 
since without "privkey offline" case, the receiver can update the channel state 

However, if the receiver is willing to lose privacy, the protocol can be mildly 
modified so that the receiver tells the forwarding node to *first* ask the 
receiver about every HTLC hash before actually instantiating and sending the 
Only if the receiver agrees will the forwarder actually send the HTLC.

The forwarder is incentivized to go along with this, as otherwise, the receiver 
cannot actually fail any HTLCs --- it needs to provide a signature, and 
signatures require privkeys, and the receiver has those offline.
Thus, the forwarder would prefer to ask the receiver *before* it instantiates 
the HTLC, as otherwise the HTLC cannot be cancelled until the receiver gets its 
privkeys online, which can take a long time --- and if the HTLC times out in 
the meantime, that can only be enforced by dropping onchain, and Fast Forwards 
are *very* expensive in the unilateral close case.

Obviously this tells the forwarding node that the channel is used for receiving 
and that any payments over it terminate at the next hop, thus a privacy 
On the other hand, unpublished channels remain popular despite my best efforts, 
and this is the exact problem unpublished channels have, so  not a 
degradation in privacy in practice, since users of unpublished channels already 
have degraded privacy (axiom of terminus),

This also increases latency once again, as there is now 1.5 roundtrips 
(forwarder asks receiver if this forwarded HTLC is kosher, receiver responds, 
forwarder sends signature to HTLC transaction).
However, the increased latency only occurs at the endpoint; forwarders (which 
need to have privkeys online 100% of the time anyway, and can thus cut-through 
any number of failed HTLCs at any time) can skip the "is this HTLC kosher" 
message and just send the HTLC signatures immediately.
Thus, this may be an acceptable tradeoff.

Thus, one might consider this scheme to be usable for *either* Fast Forwards, 
*or* "receiver online, privkeys offline", but not usefully both (after all, a 
forwarder is both a receiver and a sender, and a sender needs its keys in order 
to send, so it cannot use the "privkeys offline" feature anyway).

It may be difficult to understand this, so maybe I will make a convenient 
presentation of some sort.

Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] Improving Payment Latency by Fast Forwards

2021-05-23 Thread Lloyd Fournier
Hey Z,

Thanks for your analysis. I agree with your conclusion. I think the most
practical approach is the "ask first" 3 round protocol.

Another option is to have `remote_penaltyclaimpubkey` owned by the node
instead of the hardware device.
This allows funds to accrue in the fast forward state which can be swept
into the commit tx at the merchants discretion.
If a fast forward state needs to be asserted on-chain it can then be done
automatically without the hardware device.
Of course, the funds in the FF state are more vulnerable than the main
channel balance during that time because their keys are not in a secure
device but this seems ok.
The obvious analogy is to having cash in the till (less secure) that you
send to your bank (more secureā„¢) at the end of the day or week.

> We ***need*** privkeys to be periodically online more often than
`to_self_delay` anyway, ***in case of theft attempts***.
>  So this is not an ***additional*** requirement at least.

This is a really important point. I guess you have to actually do this
periodically, only when there is an actual attempt at theft. Quite annoying
to UX to require this.


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