[Lightning-dev] [Proposal][Payment Route Reservation] PTLC/HTLC with Reusable Static Invoices

2023-05-09 Thread g0b1el via Lightning-dev

Proposal Summary

The following proposal is intended to adapt the existing PTLC protocol into 
Payment Route Reservation[1] flow. Modifying the original PTLC protocol 
slightly, we get support for reusable static invoices with atomic proof of 
payment and payer proofs, that don't require previous communications between 
sender and receiver. By doing so, we will also reduce the number of 
cryptographic calculations the sender needs to perform for each PTCL payment. 
Then a similar approach is also applied to HTLC, with the same benefits.

To best understand the proposal, let's first start by presenting the original 
PTLC protocol and then proceed to describe the iterative changes made to it.

PTLC protocol

Let's use Alice, Bob, Carol, and Dave example from this page: 

<- Z = z*G

  Alice  --->   Bob  --->  Carol  
--> Dave
||   |  
y0   y1  y2 
 Tab=Z+y0*G Tbc=Z+y0*G+y1*G

 * y0, y1, y2 - decorrelation secrets
 * z - proof of payment
 * tij - adaptor secret for the adaptor point between nodes i and j
 * Tij = tij*G adaptor lock point between nodes i and j
 * sig(m,Tij) := psig(i,m,Tij) + psig(j,m,Tij) + tij - is the complete Schnorr 
signature for the transaction between i and j.

A brief summary of the PTLC protocol:

1. The receiver, Dave, shares proof of payment point Z(=z*G) with the sender, 
Alice. This is typically done by publishing a QR code.
2. Alice generates random decorrelation secrets (y0, y1, y2). 
3. For each hop in the route, Alice calculates a tuple (Li,yi,Ri) using the 

 Ri <- Li + yi*G and Lj <- Ri.

 * Li -  left adaptor point 
 * Ri - right adaptor point
 * yi - decorrelation secret 

4. Alice generates a payment onion that includes the previously calculated lock 
information for each hop on the route. For Dave, Alice includes (y0+y1+y2) 
decorrelation secret sum(we ignore stuckless payment for now).
5. Forwarding nodes use the lock information to construct a partial 2-of-2 
MuSig2 signature.
6. When Dave signs the transaction with Carol, he reveals the adaptor secret 
`tcd` to Carol.   
7. Carol then calculates adaptor `tbc` secret using the formula `tbc = tcd - 
y2`, which allows her to sign the transaction with Bob.
8. Bob calculates the adaptor secret `tab` using the similar formula `tab = tbc 
- y1`.
9. Eventually, when Bob signs his transactions with Alice, Alice can calculate 
the proof of payment `z = tab - y0`.

Note that Alice does a lot of work here, especially in step 3, which requires a 
lot of elliptic curve additions and multiplications. This workload increases 
with the length of the route, resulting in more work for the sender. While this 
is not typically problematic, it can become an issue if the sender is a mobile 
wallet with limited computational resources.

PTLC with reusable static invoices

We gonna make two modifications to the vanilla PTLC flow:

1) To alleviate Alice of heavy elliptic curve calculations, we will let routing 
nodes calculate their decorations secrets and adaptor points independently. But 
in such a way that the sender (Alice) and routing nodes get to the same shared 
decorrelation secret. This can be easily done because sphinx onion routing 
already establishes one shared secret with each hop, from which we can 
calculate as much as new shared secrets as we want.
For instance, we can use this formula:

  yi = hmac("decorrelation secret", sharedSecret(i))

2) The second change we gonna make is how the tuple (Li,yi,Ri) is calculated 
for each hop. 
Currently is made using this formula:

  Ri <- Li + yi*G,  Lj <- Ri.

and we gonna change it into:

  Ri + yi*G <- Li and Lj <- Ri.

After applying this formula to the previous example, we get the following:

  Alice  --->   Bob  --->  Carol  > 
||   |  
 y1  y2 
 y3, z
   tab=(z+y1+y2+y3)tbc=(z+y2+y3)   tcd=(z+y3)

During the PTLC resolve phase, everything remains the same, with the exception 
that intermediate hops will now add their decorrelation secrets instead of 
subtracting them:

  tbc = tcd + y2
  tab = tbc + y1.

In addition, Alice calculates the proof of payment (z) slightly differently:

  z = tab - (y1 + y2 + y3)  // tab will get when bob signs the transactionAB, 
(y1, y2 

[Lightning-dev] Payment correlation attacks

2023-03-26 Thread g0b1el via Lightning-dev

Using payment correlation attacks adversary can try to link the sender and 
receiver of payment by observing traffic from the potential sender to the 
potential receiver. Such observations can be made by the adversary nodes if 
they are present on the payment path or if the adversary is able to monitor the 
network traffic of the potential sender and receiver. In some circumstances, 
the adversary can detect not only his presence on the payment path, but also if 
the monitored nodes are the sender and receiver.

   ___                           ___
  |   |  |    |                 |    |  |   |
--| S |->| A1 |--> . -->| A2 |->| R |--
  |___|  ||                 ||  |___|

S - potential sender
R - potential receiver
A1, A2 - adversary surveillance node

For big well-distributed networks, these forms of attacks are very costly and 
can be economically applied only on a small set of nodes. However, if a network 
is centralized, with the majority of traffic passing through a small number of 
big nodes, an adversary's job is much easier. An adversary can monitor traffic 
on those nodes, or in the case of a state-funded surveillance adversary, an 
adversary can acquire a court order to get complete access to big nodes routing 

The adversary job can be simplified if:
- A1 and A2 are the same nodes. The sender and receiver are connected through a 
single node, the adversary node.
- A2 and R are the same nodes. The receiver is some form of custodial wallet, 
directly controlled or in collusion with the adversary. The adversary is going 
to be aware of all income transactions. The only thing left is to find out who 
the sender is.
- S and A1 are the same nodes. If the sender is some form of custodial wallet, 
directly controlled or in collusion with the adversary, the sender has no 
privacy, so correlation attacks are unnecessary.
- S->A1 is an unpublished channel. An adversary can identify S as the sender 
for all payments originating from S and passing through A1.
- A2->R is an unpublished channel. An adversary can identify R as the receiver 
for all payments destined for R and passing through A2.

The most notable LN payment correlations in order of severity are:

 * Hash correlation
 * Amount correlation
 * CLTV correlation
 * Timing correlation

Hash correlation

Hash correlation is the most straightforward to detect for surveillance nodes. 
If adversary nodes A1 and A2 observe a payment with the same hash, they can 
confidently conclude that they are on the payment path. However, the adversary 
cannot yet determine with enough certainty whether S is the sender and R the 
receiver. Yet, when combined with other correlation attacks or network topology 
examination, the adversary can establish such a conclusion with enough 
Fortunately, payment hash correlation is soon expected to be fixed with point 
time lock contracts (PTLCs)[1]. Each payment hop will use a unique lock 
contract point, so there will be no information that can correlate different 

Amount correlation

Payment amount correlation is only slightly better than hash correlation in 
terms of privacy because the receiver amount on each hop is mixed with the fees 
of all the downstream nodes. Fees on LN are just a tiny fraction of the amount, 
so for the attacker fees are not an issue, especially in combination with 
timing correlation attacks.

Single-path payments are the most vulnerable to amount correlation attacks. 
Besides the fact that nodes A1 and A2 will see a payment with roughly the same 
amount, node A2 depending on the payment amount, can conclude that R is a 
receiver. For instance, if the receiver is a shop that sells some product for X 
satoshis, and if the attacker sees a payment of around X satoshis, he can be 
sure that this payment goes to that shop node.

Multi-path payments have better privacy because the amount is now split into 
multiple parts. The attacker can not easily find out what product the sender is 
buying. But there is still a potential correlation factor, depending on how we 
split the payment amount.
If we split the payment into equal parts, the attacker still can find out if a 
partial payment is multiple of the price of some of the shop products. Also, 
those sub-payment paths will be easily distinguishable by the amount, just like 
in the case of single-path payment.

So, what can be done to de-correlate sub-path payment amounts?

Rather than splitting the payment amount into equal parts, we split it into 
predefined values. For instance: 10k, 20k, 50k, 100k, 200k, 500k, 1000k, ... 
satoshis. Just like physical cash. By doing so, every individual payment is 
part of a much larger anonymity set consisting of all the payments at that 
moment. Using this approach, we can split a payment into as many paths as 
needed until we get to the exact number of satoshis. Splitting the payment 
amount into enough sub-paths to get 

Re: [Lightning-dev] [Proposal] Payment Route Reservation

2023-03-02 Thread g0b1el via Lightning-dev

There are two more improvements I missed in my first mail.

The first one is that all the nodes on the route get the same amount to 
reserve. So there is no need to put the amount inside the onion. This way node 
can fail reservation faster if there is no reservation balance left without 
opening the onion. Also, the onion gets smaller, and now it holds just the next 
hop information. This might simplify rendezvous routing(needs to explore this 

And the second improvement is that we don't need HTLC onion in the second step. 
Route hops already contain all the information to create HTLC. So all that's 
left to do is for the sender to sign the commitment and to revoke the state 
with a first node in the route. Thus increase in payment latency would be just 
one more call between the route nodes.

Best Regards,

> If ASCII graphics are not rendering correctly, you can read the proposal on 
> the mailing list archive, where for some reason are rendered correctly - 
> https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/lightning-dev/2023-February/003867.html
Lightning-dev mailing list

Re: [Lightning-dev] [Proposal] Payment Route Reservation

2023-02-26 Thread g0b1el via Lightning-dev

If ASCII graphics are not rendering correctly, you can read the proposal on the 
mailing list archive, where for some reason are rendered correctly - 


Lightning-dev mailing list

[Lightning-dev] [Proposal] Payment Route Reservation

2023-02-26 Thread g0b1el via Lightning-dev

Hi, lightning devs

It's my first mail, so first, I'd like to say a big thanks to everyone involved 
in the development of the lightning network.

I've just finished going through this mailing list, so I'm not sure if Payment 
Route Reservation is already proposed in some other place. If there is a 
similar proposal, please point me to the right place. 

I'll first list some potential improvements with this proposal:

1)  Higher reliability of payments
2)  Lower payment latency (on average)
3)  Lower fees
4)  Increase in privacy
5)  Trampoline payment improvements
6)  Significant reduction of gossip messages
7)  Healthier, more decentralized network
8)  Simplified routing algorithm
9)  LN Wallet UX improvements
10) Fast spam prevention
11) Channel liquidity probing prevention
12) Eliminates the need for splice-in (and partially splice-out)
13) Eliminates the need for rebalancing and fee update scripts 
14) Eliminates the need for global nodes' reputation

So what is a payment route reservation?

Payment Route Reservation 

The idea behind Payment Route Reservation is to split the payment into two 
steps. In the first step, we reserve the route, and in the second, we send a 
payment. In the reservation step, routing nodes will not sign a new commitment 
state. Instead, they will just reserve a specified amount of satoshis. Those 
satoshis might be used with the next payment step or not if the reservation is 
canceled. Each reservation has a timeout (let's say 1 min). After a timeout, 
the reservation is removed from the channel reservation set and considered 
canceled. Reservation can be canceled manually by any upstream node.

For example:

  add_reservation(payment_hash, amount) -->
 ┌───┐ ┌───┐ ┌───┐
 ───►│   ├►│   ├►│   ├►
   S │ A │ │ B │ │ C │  R
 ◄───┤   │◄┤   │◄┤   │◄
 └───┘ └───┘ └───┘
  <- reservation_success(fees_sum, cltv_delta_sum)

S is a sender, R is a receiver, and A, B, and C are routing nodes.

S wants to send `amount` satoshis with `payment hash`[1] to R. S first creates 
a reservation onion for A->B->C->R route and then sends the onion to the first 
node in the route, using `add_reservation` call. A unwraps the onion, and if he 
has enough unreserved balance in A->B channel, he will add a new reservation 
for the `amount` request to the channel reservation set and then forward the 
onion to B. Reservation in reservation set can be addressed by `payment hash`.
If A has an insufficient channel reservation balance, A will return 
'reservation_failed' to the upstream node(sender S). B and C will do the same. 
Assuming there is enough reservation balance in all channels to reserve a 
payment, reservation flow eventually reaches R. R unwraps the onion and checks 
if he knows the preimage. If he knows, R returns `reservation_success` to 
upstream node C.

At this point, we have successfully reserved the payment route for `amount` 
satoshis from S to R. But, our route nodes haven't included the fees(or 
cltv_delta) of downstream nodes. `reservation_success` returns to upstream 
route node tuple (fees_sum, cltv_delta_sum). In this case, R will return (0, 0) 
to C because he is the last node in the route[2]. C will try to extend his 
reservation by fees from the R. If reservation extension is successful, C sends 
`reservation_success` to B, with a tuple increased by his fees[3] and his cltv 
delta. If C can't extend the reservation, he will send to B 
`reservation_failure` and to R `cancel_reservation`[4]. A will do the same. 
Eventually, if everything is ok with nodes A and B, S will receive a tuple 
(fees_sum, cltv_delta_sum). Now S knows precisely how much fees and cltv_delta 
route expects, and he can now send the payment onion. If S doesn't like the 
fees or cltv_delta, he can try some other route.

Let's compare current payment forwarding to payment with reservation forwarding:

  +---+   +---+ +---+   
  |   |--(1) update_add_htlc >|   | |   
|--(1) add_reservation >|   |
  |   |   |   | |   
|<-(2) reservation_success--|   | reservation onion
  |   |   |   |   
  |   |--(2)--- commitment_signed --->|   | |   
|--(3)--- commitment_signed --->|   |
  |   A   |<-(3) revoke_and_ack --|   B   | |   A   
|<-(4) revoke_and_ack --|   B   |
  |   |   |   | |   |   
|   | HTLC onion
  |   |<-(4)--- commitment_signed |   | |   