Re: 'make all' fails

2005-08-11 Thread Jan Nieuwenhuizen
David Bobroff writes:

> As of CVS ChangeLog 1.3993 'make all' exits like this:

> error: can't find description for property #{}# (translation)

Thanks, fixed.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter   |

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: \RemoveEmptyStaffContext doesn't work anymore

2005-08-11 Thread Nicolas Sceaux
Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> In addition, isn't \RemoveEmpty supposed to remove R2 (rests) ? I
> didn't think it removed s2 ("spacer" rests).  Try changing your "s" to
> "R".

I think that using "\skip 1" iso "s1" is also OK.

lilypond-devel mailing list

2.6.3 crashes

2005-08-11 Thread Laura Conrad

I was getting this error when building from CVS, but I have now
installed the autopackage and am getting the same error.  

Attached is the log from running "lilypond".  This is
on a Debian Sid system.  Autopackage is installed as a user, but I've
gotten the same error running the cvs 2.6.3.  It seems to happen on
all the lilypond files I've tried.

Description: Binary data

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (501) 641-5011
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

I lost mail from Friday, August 5 to Sunday August 7, so if you sent
me anything then, you'll have to resend.
lilypond-devel mailing list

'make all' fails

2005-08-11 Thread David Bobroff
As of CVS ChangeLog 1.3993 'make all' exits like this:

Writing "lilypond-internals.texi"...
error: can't find description for property #{}# (translation)
make[2]: *** [out/lilypond-internals.texi] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/lilypond/Documentation/user'
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/lilypond/Documentation'
make: *** [all] Error 2
[EMAIL PROTECTED] lilypond]# 

Fedora Core 3

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: box-grob-stencil

2005-08-11 Thread Trevor Baca
On 8/11/05, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't know exactly why it gives a stack overflow, but here are some
> hints:
> - print-function is normally undefined from the System object,
>whereas NoteHead already has a print-function that typesets
>the note head, which you probably want to keep as well.
> - Take a look at the example called in the
>Tips and Tricks document.

Yes, the snippet in tips-and-tricks/ does exactly what I want.

For anyone too lazy to click over to t&t, code like this will box an
arbitrary grob -- so long as the layout object creating the grob
implements a print function:

  \override Stem  #'print-function = #(make-stencil-boxer 0.05 0.25 Stem::print)

Thanks, Mats.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: [non-doc patch request] Missing \medium

2005-08-11 Thread Mats Bengtsson

The documentation of the command reads:

"Set all font related properties (except the size) to get the default
normal text font, no matter what font was used earlier."

I hope that's clear enough.


Fairchild wrote:

Mats -

Is \normal-text the same as \medium or \normalsize, or something else?

 - Bruce

-Original Message-
From: Mats Bengtsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 3:15 AM

To: Graham Percival
Cc: Fairchild; lily-devel
Subject: Re: [non-doc patch request] Missing \medium

I added both \medium and \normal-text to CVS.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:

Graham Percival writes:

This looks like a useful markup command; may I commit?

Yes, please.

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: \RemoveEmptyStaffContext doesn't work anymore

2005-08-11 Thread Mats Bengtsson

See the documentation of the remove-first property at
It seems that the default has been changed from version 2.4 to 2.6
(actually in order to be consistent with what the documentation said
already for version 2.4).


Matevz Jekovec wrote:

I'm having trouble with making block

\layout {
\context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }

to work under lilypond-2.6.3. Under lilypond-2.4.5, it works fine. I'm
attaching the example.

Is it a bug or is it there any difference in usage of
\RemoveEmptyStaffContext between 2.4.5/2.6.3 versions I haven't spotted
in manual?

- Matevž

%  %
%   LilyPond output generated by   %
%   "noteedit" 2.8.0   %
%  %

\version "2.6.1"

\header {
title = "Stoji, stoji mi polje "
composer = "Marij Kogoj "
copyright = "(C) 2005, Public domain "

XenskiXzborAVoiceA = \relative c' {
	\clef G

\key d \major
	\time 2/4 
	\partial 4
	s4 | s2 |   % 3

s2 | s2 |   % 5
s2 | s2 |   % 7
s2 | s2 |   % 9
s2 | s2 |   % 11
s2 | s2 |   % 13
s2 | s2 |   % 15
	s2 | s4. 
	\repeat "volta" 2 {

fis8 ^\markup{\large\bold Mirno} | a4 fis |   % 19
d'8  ( cis ) b4 | b2 |   % 21
a4. a8 | e4 g |   % 23
b8  ( a ) g4 | a r8 d, |   % 25
fis4 e | g cis, |   % 27
d fis | a4. a8 |   % 29
fis4 a | g8  ( fis ) e4 |   % 31
		d r8 

XenskiXzborAVoiceB = \relative c' {
	s4 s2   % 3

s s   % 5
s s   % 7
s s   % 9
s s   % 11
s s   % 13
s s   % 15
s s4.   % 17
fis8 e4 d   % 19
d e e d8 cis   % 21
d4 e8 d cis4 b   % 23
e d d s8 d   % 25
b4 d cis a   % 27
a cis dis!4. dis8   % 29
dis!4 c! b8 d cis4   % 31

XenskiXzborA = \simultaneous {
\context Voice="XenskiXzborAVoiceA" \XenskiXzborAVoiceA
\context Voice="XenskiXzborAVoiceB" \XenskiXzborAVoiceB
XenskiXzborATextB = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "2."
		Na drev- cu 
		pa  _ mi zra- 
		slo  _ le- po 
		ja-  _ bol- ko; od 
		zu- naj je ru- 
		de-  _ če,  _ 
		zno- traj ze-  _ le- 
		no. }

XenskiXzborATextC = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "3."
		Tak lih je 
		mo-  _ ja dra- 
		ga,  _ dra- ga 
		mi-  _ lje- na; od 
		zu- naj je ru- 
		de-  _ ča,  _ 
		zno- traj ža-  _ lo- 
		stna. }

XenskiXzborATextD = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "4."
		Na sre- di 
		moj-  _ ga sr- 
		ca sto- ji- ta 
		mli-  _ na dva, nič 
		dru- ge- ga ne 
		de- la- ta, lju- 
		be- zen me-  _ lje- 
		ta. }

MoXkiXzborBVoiceA = \relative c {
	\clef bass

\key d \major
	\time 2/4 
	\partial 4
	fis4 | a fis |   % 3

d'8  ( cis ) b4 | b2 |   % 5
a | e4 g |   % 7
b8  ( a ) g4 | a4. d,8 |   % 9
fis4 e | g cis, |   % 11
d  ( fis ) | a2 |   % 13
fis4 a | g8  ( fis ) e4 |   % 15
	d2 ~ | d4 r8 
	\repeat "volta" 2 {

fis8 | g a b4 |   % 19
fis8 g g4 | g  ( a ) |   % 21
a a | a g |   % 23
g b | a r8 d, |   % 25
d4 b' | a g |   % 27
fis a | b fis |   % 29
c'! dis,! | e8 fis g4 |   % 31
		fis r8 

MoXkiXzborBVoiceB = \relative c {
	s4 s2   % 3

s s   % 5
s s   % 7
s s   % 9
s s   % 11
s s   % 13
s s   % 15
s s4.   % 17
fis8 d4 d   % 19
b cis8 d e2   % 21
fis4 g a e   % 23
cis8 d e4 fis s8 d   % 25
g,4 g a e'   % 27
d cis b4. b8   % 29
e4 g, g a   % 31

MoXkiXzborB = \simultaneous {
\context Voice="MoXkiXzborBVoiceA" \MoXkiXzborBVoiceA
\context Voice="MoXkiXzborBVoiceB" \MoXkiXzborBVoiceB
MoXkiXzborBTextA = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "1."
		Sto- ji, sto- 
		ji  _ mi po- 
		lje, po- lje 
		ši-  _ ro- ko, na 
		po- lju pa mi 
		zra-  _ slo 
		drev- ce ze-  _ le 
		no.  _ 
		 _  _  _  _ 
		 _  _  _  _  _ 
		 _  _  _  _ 
		 _  _  _  _ 
		 _  _  _  _ 
		 _  _  _  _ 
		 _  _  _  _  _ 
		 _ }

\score {
\relative <<
\context ChoirStaff = cXenskiXzborAA <<
\context Staff = cXenskiXzborAA <<
\context Voice = cXenskiXzborAVoiceA 
\context Voice = cXenskiXzborAVoiceB 

Re: box-grob-stencil

2005-08-11 Thread Mats Bengtsson

I don't know exactly why it gives a stack overflow, but here are some
- print-function is normally undefined from the System object,
  whereas NoteHead already has a print-function that typesets
  the note head, which you probably want to keep as well.
- Take a look at the example called in the
  Tips and Tricks document.


Trevor Baca wrote:

I'm confused as to why it is that ...

\score {
  \new Staff {
 \repeat unfold 64 {c'8}
  \layout {
 \context {
\override System #'print-function = #box-grob-stencil

... does exactly what you expect but ...

\score {
  \new Staff {
 \repeat unfold 64 {c'8}
  \layout {
 \context {
\override NoteHead #'print-function = #box-grob-stencil

... gives a stack overflow along the lines of ...

Preprocessing graphical objects... : In expression "Make
a box of exactly the extents of the grob.  The box precisely
encloses the contents.
: Stack overflow

Printing out the extents of grobs is a really cool idea, especially
when toying with the vertical alignment of contexts; is
box-grob-stencil supposed to work for grobs other than System?


lilypond-devel mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-devel mailing list