Re: Page and line penalties

2006-04-07 Thread David Feuer
On 4/7/06, Joe Neeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't think TeX has to deal with this problem because each paragraph is
> self-contained. In LilyPond, every line affects every other line. (This is
> just an initial reaction. It might change after I read the TeXbook.)
> Therefore penalties in TeX cause less instability than penalties in LilyPond.
> Or at least they only cause local instability.

Paragraphs are self-contained, and TeX chooses doesn't format the
whole document before choosing page breaks (as I recall, it looks only
a little past optimal page length before choosing a page break).


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Page and line penalties

2006-04-07 Thread Joe Neeman
On Fri, 7 Apr 2006 20:00, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Joe Neeman wrote:
> > On Fri, 7 Apr 2006 16:31, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> >> TeX has exactly the same problem.
> >
> > Does TeX allow the user to arbitrarily assign penalties for inserting a
> > line break at the end of any word?
> Yes, I'm certain. See ch. 14 of the TeXbook (you can download that book,
> btw). In fact our use of the value 1 was taken from Knuth's example,
> who takes 1 to mean "infinity".
Thanks -- Werner has sent me a copy of that chapter. I will read it next week.

> > OK, so the solution will always have a certain level of instability. Just
> > to put some idea of scale on my previous example graphs, it's possible
> > that LilyPond will be tossing up between using 5 systems and using 10
> > systems. 5 systems provides much better spacing but 10 systems has less
> > penalties. The total badness is _slightly_ less for 5 systems so Lily
> > goes with that.
> I think this is perfectly reasonable, at least if you're trying to fill
> out pages. 5 systems=1 page, 10 systems=2 pages.

I wasn't thinking in terms of filling out pages. The point is that, 
independent of page breaks, you might have a situation where F(5 lines) < F(6 
lines) < F(7 lines) < F(8 lines) < F(9 lines) but F(10 lines) is between F(5) 
and F(6). Just because the line break penalties happen to add up strangely.

I don't think TeX has to deal with this problem because each paragraph is 
self-contained. In LilyPond, every line affects every other line. (This is 
just an initial reaction. It might change after I read the TeXbook.) 
Therefore penalties in TeX cause less instability than penalties in LilyPond. 
Or at least they only cause local instability.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Page and line penalties

2006-04-07 Thread Joe Neeman
On Sat, 8 Apr 2006 00:52, David Feuer wrote:
> On 4/7/06, Joe Neeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In constrained-breaking, I use the square of the force rather than its
> > absolute value -- I made the change for precisely this reason.
> The sum of absolute values will generally be more stable than the sum
> of squares, or so the stat books say.
When I said "stable" before, I meant that, starting from the minimum, the 
weighting function is monotonic in any parameter. Probably "stable" wasn't a 
good word to use.

In any case, I think convexity is important. Particularly since the 
constrained-breaker has to deal with worse spacing than the gourlay-breaker, 
I think it makes sense to put large penalties on things that are farther from 

lilypond-devel mailing list

Print out stencils?

2006-04-07 Thread David Feuer
Is there an option I can pass to LilyPond to get it to print out
representations of its stencils?  I see code for something like that,
but I don't see how to activate it.

David Feuer

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Page and line penalties

2006-04-07 Thread Werner LEMBERG

Here are three references regarding global page breaking.  Maybe you
can dig out those books and articles in your library -- unfortuately,
only the first one is available in the internet.  Most of them handle
a slightly different topic, namely how to place floats.



  Anne Brüggemann-Klein, Rolf Klein, Stefan Wohlfeil Pagination
  Reconsidered Technical Report 205, Department of Computer Science,
  FernUniversität Hagen, Germany, 1996.

  Michael F. Plass and Donald E. Knuth.  Choosing better line breaks.
  In J. Nievergelt, G. Coray, J.-D. Nicoud, and A. C. Shaw, editors,
  Document Preparation Systems: A Collection of Survey Articles, pages
  221–242.  Elsevier North-Holland, Inc., New York, NY, USA, 1982.
  ISBN 0-444-86493-8.  LCCN Z244 .D63 1982.  US$46.50

  Stefan Wohlfeil.  On the Pagination of Complex, Book-Like Documents.
  Shaker Verlag, Aachen and Maastricht, The Netherlands, 1998.  ISBN
  3-8265-3304-6.  224 pp.  DM 98.00.  URL

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Page and line penalties

2006-04-07 Thread David Feuer
On 4/7/06, Joe Neeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think they have to be. In the page-turning case, if G is much smaller than
> F, the penalties for a bad turn get ignored. Conversely, if G is too big, we
> sacrifice nice spacing. I hadn't actually thought of this before, but it
> looks like this might be a main cause of the instability. I don't see a way
> around it while keeping penalties, though.

Comparing LilyPond to TeX, LilyPond faces a somewhat different
challenge.  Most of the time, TeX deals with lines that have many
words in them.  It can move a word from one line to another without
changing things too much.  It can even hyphenate words to make the
change even smaller.  Its input is structured into paragraphs, which
give fairly frequent mandatory line breaks that are also good page
break points.  LilyPond doesn't have paragraphs to help it limit the
line breaking decisions, and it doesn't have nearly as much
flexibility for breaking lines.  Lines in LilyPond could be as short
as three or four measures, and breaking a measure lies somewhere
between extremely bad and unthinkable.  LilyPond will need to make
compromises.  I think one thing that could help would be to allow
users to give LilyPond an idea of how fast the music should be played
at different points.  The penalty for breaking between two notes
should probably depend on their real-life length in seconds.  A slower
piece will end up aesthetically better, while a faster one will bow
more to practical concerns.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Page and line penalties

2006-04-07 Thread David Feuer
On 4/7/06, Joe Neeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In constrained-breaking, I use the square of the force rather than its
> absolute value -- I made the change for precisely this reason.

The sum of absolute values will generally be more stable than the sum
of squares, or so the stat books say.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Page and line penalties

2006-04-07 Thread Joe Neeman
On Fri, 7 Apr 2006 22:59, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Joe Neeman wrote:
> > On Fri, 7 Apr 2006 20:02, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> >> ...we should rather
> >> introduce some convexity in the penalties, so one perfect plus two
> >> extremes is much worse than three so-so lines.
> >
> > In constrained-breaking, I use the square of the force rather than its
> > absolute value -- I made the change for precisely this reason.
> Hmm, doesn't that introduce scaling/dimension problems?
In what sense? Not within the constrained-breaker -- the demerits calculation 
is purely internal so the only possibility of a scaling problem is with 
externally introduced penalties.

There is the issue of scaling between the line and page breakers but that will 
exist anyway (and the page breaker also uses squares of forces).

> Or does 
> everything else also use square(force) as a dimension?
The page breaker does too. Is there anything else?

> It would be 
> better if we could figure out a scaling constant, and then introduce an
> arbitrary convex function, which may be set separately. I would guess
> that the scaling should depend on line-width and spacing-increment.
We are talking about the relative importance of page and line breaking, right? 
If so, which way would the effect work?
longer line-width => more important line spacing
or the other way around?

> FWIW, I used x^{1.1} for a similar problem with cross-staff knee beaming.

x^2 seemed natural to me because when I think of minimising something, I 
usually think of it in terms of least-squares. I suspect it wouldn't make a 
huge difference, though.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Page and line penalties

2006-04-07 Thread Joe Neeman
On Fri, 7 Apr 2006 19:55, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Joe Neeman wrote:
> > Suppose we add penalties. Let G(B) be the penalty function for a
> > partition into lines. G(B) has no nice structure at all. It will probably
> > be zero most of the time, with a few very large spikes. And we want to
> > minimize F(B) + G(B). Suppose the user makes a small change:
> I believe most of what you say; however, there are some questions:
> * IIRC, line breaking is not that stable as you suggest. It tends to
> have the same problem. Due to uniform density scoring, two consecutive
> line breaks may also have global effects.
You're right, it isn't very stable. But it certainly has the property that, if 
I take an optimal solution then a small change in the solution will produce a 
small change in the badness. For eg, if B is optimal and B' is B but with 
some breakpoint moved forward one bar and B'' is B but with the same 
breakpoint moved forward 2 bars, then F(B) < F(B') < F(B'').

> * Did you look at penalties for page-breaking at rests, or did you also
> put penalties for line-breaking?
I didn't put any penalties for line-breaking. My line-breaking arguments here 
are mostly speculation, but I have certainly observed instability in the 
page-breaking when demerits are involved.

> * Isn't it possible to devise a G(B) which has a more regular structure?
>What kind of G(B)'s did you try?  I can imagine it might be
> difficult, but have we thought about all the alternatives?
I don't think so -- G(B) is zero unless the user introduces a penalty (and 
then, currently, it will be either -10001 or 10001). For page breaks, G(B) 
will be zero if the rest is long enough. The point is that G(B) depends only 
on the music at one specific point (the line/page break/turn) while F depends 
on the stretching of an interval of music. If I add an extra bar to the line 
I'm currently breaking, F will move along a parabola while G will jump up and 
down unpredictably.

> The problem that you sketch is not caused by F(B) being nice and G(B)
> not, but rather because their magnitudes are very similar.
I think they have to be. In the page-turning case, if G is much smaller than 
F, the penalties for a bad turn get ignored. Conversely, if G is too big, we 
sacrifice nice spacing. I hadn't actually thought of this before, but it 
looks like this might be a main cause of the instability. I don't see a way 
around it while keeping penalties, though.

> For example, what if you adjust the penalty of a page-breaks by using
> the max distance to the next/previous rest? Then an isolated rest in a
> fully filled score will get a huge bonus, but for scores with more
> rests, the penalties will be small, relative to the spacing penalties.
I don't think an isolated rest needs much of a bonus. If available page turns 
are widely spaced, the line- and page-breaking force becomes much more 
significant than penalties because we will be unable to squeeze any more on 
that particular page.

> * is there any value in removing page-break penalties? Shouldn't we
> rather add a forbid/allow property, and otherwise just use normal
> penalties?  Then we use forbid/force for user tweaks, with automatic
> penalties (ie. restrict the domain of possible B). This doesn't change
> the shape of the graph, just the parts that we consider. Of course, this
>   may still cause jumps of the optimum, but they might be more predictable

I've been using page-break penalties to break my own scores for some time now 
and I would ask the opposite question -- is there any value in keeping them? 
The problem is that we end up with statements like "if this rest is 1/8 
longer, we would be willing to accept an extra force of 2.2". These numbers 
are really pretty arbitrary and they don't have much meaning. Typical use 
case (for me):
1) Break a score with the default values
2) Decide that the algorithm is skipping a perfectly good page turn because 
the penalty is too high
3) Tweak context settings so the penalty function is a bit smaller
4) Find that I didn't tweak it enough. Tweak more.
5) Now it's too permissive. I have bad turns all over the place.
6) ...

I would prefer just having a threshold -- allow breaks for rests longer than 
the threshold, forbid them for shorter rests.
1) Break a score with the default values
2) Decide that the algorithm is skipping a perfectly good page turn because 
the threshold is too high.
3) Manually add \allowBreak. This won't affect any of the other potential 
breakpoints and I don't have to guess parameters and recompile endlessly. 
Also, I know that the spacing will /only get better/ because the only thing 
that has changed is that LilyPond has an extra option in deciding turns.

So I don't think (any more) that page turn penalties are valuable. It would be 
nice if LilyPond could intelligently avoid bad page turns but adding 
penalties based on rest length just makes things fiddly and hard to override.

Now my current algorithm _

Re: Page and line penalties

2006-04-07 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys

Joe Neeman wrote:

On Fri, 7 Apr 2006 20:02, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

Juergen Reuter wrote:

Maybe I am totally wrong, but this discussion reminds me of an issue
that I raised on Nov 18, last year; see the thread starting here:

I am mentioning this thread just in case that you are looking for
interesting test examples.

This is really something different. To solve this, we should rather
introduce some convexity in the penalties, so one perfect plus two
extremes is much worse than three so-so lines.

In constrained-breaking, I use the square of the force rather than its 
absolute value -- I made the change for precisely this reason.

Hmm, doesn't that introduce scaling/dimension problems?  Or does 
everything else also use square(force) as a dimension?  It would be 
better if we could figure out a scaling constant, and then introduce an 
arbitrary convex function, which may be set separately. I would guess 
that the scaling should depend on line-width and spacing-increment.

FWIW, I used x^{1.1} for a similar problem with cross-staff knee beaming.


Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

LilyPond Software Design
 -- Code for Music Notation

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Page and line penalties

2006-04-07 Thread Joe Neeman
On Fri, 7 Apr 2006 20:02, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Juergen Reuter wrote:
> > Maybe I am totally wrong, but this discussion reminds me of an issue
> > that I raised on Nov 18, last year; see the thread starting here:
> >
> >
> >
> > I am mentioning this thread just in case that you are looking for
> > interesting test examples.
> This is really something different. To solve this, we should rather
> introduce some convexity in the penalties, so one perfect plus two
> extremes is much worse than three so-so lines.

In constrained-breaking, I use the square of the force rather than its 
absolute value -- I made the change for precisely this reason.

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Page and line penalties

2006-04-07 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys

Juergen Reuter wrote:
Maybe I am totally wrong, but this discussion reminds me of an issue 
that I raised on Nov 18, last year; see the thread starting here:

I am mentioning this thread just in case that you are looking for 
interesting test examples.

This is really something different. To solve this, we should rather 
introduce some convexity in the penalties, so one perfect plus two 
extremes is much worse than three so-so lines.


Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

LilyPond Software Design
 -- Code for Music Notation

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Page and line penalties

2006-04-07 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys

Joe Neeman wrote:

On Fri, 7 Apr 2006 16:31, Werner LEMBERG wrote:

TeX has exactly the same problem.
Does TeX allow the user to arbitrarily assign penalties for inserting a line 
break at the end of any word?

Yes, I'm certain. See ch. 14 of the TeXbook (you can download that book, 
btw). In fact our use of the value 1 was taken from Knuth's example, 
who takes 1 to mean "infinity".

OK, so the solution will always have a certain level of instability. Just to 
put some idea of scale on my previous example graphs, it's possible that 
LilyPond will be tossing up between using 5 systems and using 10 systems. 5 
systems provides much better spacing but 10 systems has less penalties. The 
total badness is _slightly_ less for 5 systems so Lily goes with that.

I think this is perfectly reasonable, at least if you're trying to fill 
out pages. 5 systems=1 page, 10 systems=2 pages.


Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

LilyPond Software Design
 -- Code for Music Notation

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Page and line penalties

2006-04-07 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys

Joe Neeman wrote:
Suppose we add penalties. Let G(B) be the penalty function for a partition 
into lines. G(B) has no nice structure at all. It will probably be zero most 
of the time, with a few very large spikes. And we want to minimize F(B) + 
G(B). Suppose the user makes a small change:

I believe most of what you say; however, there are some questions:

* IIRC, line breaking is not that stable as you suggest. It tends to 
have the same problem. Due to uniform density scoring, two consecutive 
line breaks may also have global effects.

* Did you look at penalties for page-breaking at rests, or did you also 
put penalties for line-breaking?

* Isn't it possible to devise a G(B) which has a more regular structure? 
  What kind of G(B)'s did you try?  I can imagine it might be 
difficult, but have we thought about all the alternatives?

The problem that you sketch is not caused by F(B) being nice and G(B) 
not, but rather because their magnitudes are very similar.

For example, what if you adjust the penalty of a page-breaks by using 
the max distance to the next/previous rest? Then an isolated rest in a 
fully filled score will get a huge bonus, but for scores with more 
rests, the penalties will be small, relative to the spacing penalties.

* is there any value in removing page-break penalties? Shouldn't we 
rather add a forbid/allow property, and otherwise just use normal 
penalties?  Then we use forbid/force for user tweaks, with automatic 
penalties (ie. restrict the domain of possible B). This doesn't change 
the shape of the graph, just the parts that we consider. Of course, this 
 may still cause jumps of the optimum, but they might be more predictable

LilyPond's algorithm BTW, indeed is very similar to TeX's for line breaking.

PS: This also solves the problem that the penalties are arbitrary values. 
Currently, Lilypond might conceivably ignore a user-forced \break if it 
causes the forces to work out too badly.

I agree that we have to stop using penalties as a kludge for force/forbid.


Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

LilyPond Software Design
 -- Code for Music Notation

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Page and line penalties

2006-04-07 Thread Juergen Reuter

On Fri, 7 Apr 2006, Joe Neeman wrote:

OK, so the solution will always have a certain level of instability. Just to
put some idea of scale on my previous example graphs, it's possible that
LilyPond will be tossing up between using 5 systems and using 10 systems. 5
systems provides much better spacing but 10 systems has less penalties. The
total badness is _slightly_ less for 5 systems so Lily goes with that.

Then the user inserts an extra bar and the number of systems doubles. I think
that instability shouldn't occur on this scale.

Now, I haven't been playing around with any line penalties, but I have done
experiments with page turn penalties and I have seen scores go from 5 to 8
pages with only small changes.

Maybe I am totally wrong, but this discussion reminds me of an issue that 
I raised on Nov 18, last year; see the thread starting here:

I am mentioning this thread just in case that you are looking for 
interesting test examples.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Sorting vectors

2006-04-07 Thread Jan Nieuwenhuizen
Joe Neeman writes:

> /* FIXME: the COMPARE functionality is broken?  */
> you are just using the wrong compare function.

Thanks for finding this.  IWBN if we could drop our own sorting
function and use STL.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter   |

lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Page and line penalties

2006-04-07 Thread Joe Neeman
On Fri, 7 Apr 2006 16:31, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> TeX has exactly the same problem.
Does TeX allow the user to arbitrarily assign penalties for inserting a line 
break at the end of any word?

> Interestingly, Knuth seems to have 
> accepted this.  Isn't it possible to provide default values for the
> badness, stretchable and shrinkable space, and other parameters which
> ensure a certain layout stableness?
I admit to not knowing a great deal about TeX's breaking algorithm. But the 
description on the wikipedia page on TeX suggests that it is very similar to 
what ours would be if we got rid of penaties. Lily already does nice things 
with stretchable/shrinkable space and badness calculations. I'm not proposing 
changing this.

> > [...] I think the unpredictability and instability of the result
> > make it not worthwhile trying to do this automatically.
> I disagree.  Dense typesetting (this is, not having much shrinkable
> horizontal space) will *always* cause large shifts of system and page
> breaks.
OK, so the solution will always have a certain level of instability. Just to 
put some idea of scale on my previous example graphs, it's possible that 
LilyPond will be tossing up between using 5 systems and using 10 systems. 5 
systems provides much better spacing but 10 systems has less penalties. The 
total badness is _slightly_ less for 5 systems so Lily goes with that.

Then the user inserts an extra bar and the number of systems doubles. I think 
that instability shouldn't occur on this scale.

Now, I haven't been playing around with any line penalties, but I have done 
experiments with page turn penalties and I have seen scores go from 5 to 8 
pages with only small changes.

I should also be clear that I'm not suggesting changing the _current_ 
algorithm to make it more stable. Currently we only use _huge_ positive and 
negative penalties that have a fairly predictable effect -- these would just 
be replaced (10001 -> FORBID, 0 -> ALLOW, -10001 -> FORCE) so current usage 
wouldn't change. I only want to restrict it so that the current usage of 
penalties will be the only usage.


lilypond-devel mailing list

Re: Page and line penalties

2006-04-07 Thread Werner LEMBERG

> My current working copy of lilypond does what you just said (using
> inverse rest durations for penalties).  I've done some testing and
> tweaking and I've come to the conclusion that penalties are a bad
> idea.  I think everything to do with page breaks, line breaks and
> page turns should be in terms of ALLOW, FORBID and FORCE.


> For example, if incrementing the number of breakpoints in B
> increases F(B) then adding 2 to the number of breakpoints in B will
> only increase F(B) more.  This is good because it means that the
> user can change things predictably.  If the user decides to forbid
> one particular breakpoint, they can be confident that the music
> won't suddenly blow up to twice the number of pages.

TeX has exactly the same problem.  Interestingly, Knuth seems to have
accepted this.  Isn't it possible to provide default values for the
badness, stretchable and shrinkable space, and other parameters which
ensure a certain layout stableness?

> It's very difficult to find a nice balance that will work for a
> large number of cases.  I've been playing around with different page
> turning penalties and the outputs can very so wildly that it's very
> hard to pick one.

But this problem is inevitable if you insert more than a system can
hold, isn't it?  You should probably discuss this problem on
comp.text.tex -- there you find most of the TeX gurus who have dealt
with TeX's breaking algorithm.

> [...] I think the unpredictability and instability of the result
> make it not worthwhile trying to do this automatically.

I disagree.  Dense typesetting (this is, not having much shrinkable
horizontal space) will *always* cause large shifts of system and page


lilypond-devel mailing list

Sorting vectors

2006-04-07 Thread Joe Neeman
flower/include/std-vector.hh contains the comment:

/* FIXME: the COMPARE functionality is broken?  */

and the version of vector_sort that makes use of the STL sort algorithm is 
commented out. But based on my reading of the SGI STL manual[1], you are just 
using the wrong compare function. You use a compare function like

int compare_int (const int &a, const int &b) {return sign (a - b);}

but it expects

bool compare_int (const int &a, const int &b) {return a < b;}

(which is what the STL function less does (if the class that you are 
comparing has a "<" operator))



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