> As with the Java part of `pax`, it may be possible to extract
> annotations from PDFs with a C/C++ program.  But, it looks like
> `latex-pax` is adding the extracted annotations to the PDF using
> `pax.sty`.  The `pax.sty` is for LaTeX, and it looks like it is for
> pdfLaTeX only.  It would be quite difficult to get it to work with
> Texinfo on XeTeX/pdfTeX.

Oh, I don't mean that we should exactly follow the `pax` algorithm.  I
only mentioned it because it provides a solution.

Isn't it possible to add links with the `pdfmark` operator in the same
way as is already done for annotations by `extractpdfmark`?  In
Adobe's pdfmark reference manual (`5150.Pdfmark.pdf`) I see a section
2.1.2 called 'Links', which appears to be exactly what's needed.


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